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Something that annoys me!


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At least at Port Everglades, there is NO WAY to avoid them and surpass them. They make you wait in that lin e regardless, before boarding, whether you like it or not. You are not required to take a photo, but you still have to wait in the line. After every Princess cruise.

Interesting, we've gone out of FLL at least six times and never waited in the line. We just keep on walking and dodge around them.:evilsmile:

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Yeah I have seen people go around who don't want boarding pics and I guess we have had great photographers as none of them have ever grabbed or touched us. We like the port pics for my memory book and one time while doing the pic one of the crew lost balance and grabbed onto my arm and was very apologetic...so maybe we have just had great crew and never had a hostile one. We travel with friends who don't want their pic and while they will step up or out to be in front of them once told no, or a shake of the head or wave of their hand and they step away and start to ask the next folks. They are just doing their job so I feel bad when people are gruff or mean to them when as stated here a simple no thanks smile, a shake of the head or wave of the hand is good. But those that blow through them like a bowling ball ( I have seen this) or blatantly walk in front of the pics I think is just rude. They are doing their job and for those that want the pic why ruin their pic and waste several peoples time by walking right through and active picture taking scene. Believe me I have seen this and the person was quite rude about it. These are the same folks that rush you to get off or on...hey guess what we are all going to the same place! If I see someone trying to take a pic professional or personal I will either wait or walk behind the person with the camera if possible. I mean it doesn't really take that long...most times I even offer to take the photo so the one taking the photo can get in on the memory as well.

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We used to get annoyed with all the photographers on NCL but they must have been given the message that NO means NO. They no longer push, a No or a "go away wave", and they move on.

I am hoping that the same is the case on Princess. If it isn't I will be getting in touch with the Hotel Manager. I suggest that anyone does the same or talks to the Maitre d' immediately.

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Actually, besides the dinning room photographers, i really dislike when the photographers on embarkation day are at the terminal, right before the gangway to get onboard). At least at Port Everglades, there is NO WAY to avoid them and surpass them. They make you wait in that lin e regardless, before boarding, weather you like it or not. You are not required to take a photo, but you still have to wait in the line. After every Princess cruise, I always make a remark about this inconvenience on every Princess survey for years. I fully understand that lots of people like the photos, and this is a great way start documenting your vacation. However, for my self at least, living in Fort Lauderdale, I'm constantly cruising and always onbaord. I just wish there were 2 separate lines. One for those passengers who would like the embarkation photo taken, and a line for those who would like to politely surpass. I actually tried skipping around, and the photographers were not happy with me, and even argued with me, that I could not skip the line, just so I can board. Grant you, I only did that once, but I was shocked with the attitude of the photographer, as I politely and graciously explained, I have no interest in taking a a picture, and would just like to board. It just seems unnecessary to wait in a lengthy line.




I always manage to just move around them and onto the ship. A simple shake of the head everywhere else works also.



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Personally I believe that the photographers should not be allowed to take pictures in any dinning room or SR. Its not the most appropriate nor is it the most flattering place be taking pictures. Its one of my biggest pet peeves, which is why I always tell them no thank you when they make their way over to me. I too, LOVE and ADORE Princess! Just wish that was one thing they would do away with IMHO.


It is annoying, but in the big scope of things it is not (imho) that big a deal. Just say no and continue eating.

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I always manage to just move around them and onto the ship. A simple shake of the head everywhere else works also.



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Oh I do walk past and politely tell them no before embarking on the ship. However, there is a line you have to stand in regardless. You can't really surpass the line. I don't like to be rude and skip 20+ people, as sometimes people think you are cutting them, even though I don't want a the picture I've even tried going under the rope on the opposite site of the photographer, right by the gangway, but port security does not allow it. It's all okay. It is, what it is. I would just since, there are double lines on either side, that one line be for those who would like a picture, and the side for those who like like to skip the photo and just board.

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Oh I do walk past and politely tell them no before embarking on the ship. However, there is a line you have to stand in regardless. You can't really surpass the line. I don't like to be rude and skip 20+ people, as sometimes people think you are cutting them, even though I don't want a the picture I've even tried going under the rope on the opposite site of the photographer, right by the gangway, but port security does not allow it. It's all okay. It is, what it is. I would just since, there are double lines on either side, that one line be for those who would like a picture, and the side for those who like like to skip the photo and just board.


I just say:- "I don't want a photo, may I go through please!" It is surprising how many others join us when we do.

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First and foremost, I love Princess! It's our favourite brand Never had a bad cruise in 15 years.

However there is one thing that is a nuisance, not sure if anyone else agrees!

We rarely eat in the MDR anymore, but we do go to the CG. Without fail, anytime we are there, while we are gorging ourselves with food (as we eat light during the day on the nights we plan to go there) a ship photographer appears and wants to start snapping pictures!

Not sure if this has been discussed before, but this is my rant of the day. And we rarely complain. Being on a ship rocks!

Happy cruising!

Yes, the photographers are annoying, aren't they! We just politely decline(as we've done enough cruises)We may have a pic taken outside the restaurant, but only when we're in the mood. As we generally do 14 day trips, either by doing B2B trips or on Celebrity Eclipse 14 day Caribbean trips, we will usually purchase 2 photos of us. Most likely on formal night, or at a port stop we like. It's amazing how costly these things are getting, too.

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I love the photo opportunities....but yes, not all the time.


We do family cruising with my parents who are 80 and 85. As these are precious times, I always do the embarkation photo as that is the only one my parents are willing to take. The dining room is a definite polite "no" unless my parents are in a good mood and then we will request them to come back later.


I like to do the silly port photos depending on where and what the costumed characters will look like and yes, sometimes I will buy them.


I do not like the photographers at pool side or specialty restaurants (unless it is near the entrance just not at my table as their timing is usually just when I have a mouthful).


I do agree that there should be a separate line for the embarkation photo as well as the port photos so that others who don't want it can go right by.


One time our tour was late in getting off the ship and we needed to just skip by the port photo - was kinda hard as they stop people right in line to take photos and then when you say no and breeze by, they give you a look like "wow - how rude" but really you are just trying not to be the last one on your bus for the tour.

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I don't have a huge amount of cruising experience, but I certainly haven't had any of the outrageous things described here happen to me. For the most part, I don't have a problem just not breaking stride and walking past the photographers when they're set up somewhere. And I don't begrudge the people who want it (and who provide the cruise line with a stream of income by purchasing photos) the opportunity to have their pictures taken.


But that's the key term: opportunity. When it goes beyond photo opportunities and becomes photo intrusions, I find that problematic. Granted, I've yet to have such an intrusion that didn't end promptly after a quick "no, thanks," but in my dream world there'd be some way to indicate interest or lack thereof in advance, so it becomes an opportunity not an intrusion.

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I don't have a huge amount of cruising experience, but I certainly haven't had any of the outrageous things described here happen to me. For the most part, I don't have a problem just not breaking stride and walking past the photographers when they're set up somewhere. And I don't begrudge the people who want it (and who provide the cruise line with a stream of income by purchasing photos) the opportunity to have their pictures taken.


But that's the key term: opportunity. When it goes beyond photo opportunities and becomes photo intrusions, I find that problematic. Granted, I've yet to have such an intrusion that didn't end promptly after a quick "no, thanks," but in my dream world there'd be some way to indicate interest or lack thereof in advance, so it becomes an opportunity not an intrusion.


Well with the new medallion coming perhaps in the new personalizer set up one could check want photos or no photos so that when you approach the photographers they can read your medallion and they will know you already dont want photos and therefore will just smile and not bother you.

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Well with the new medallion coming perhaps in the new personalizer set up one could check want photos or no photos so that when you approach the photographers they can read your medallion and they will know you already dont want photos and therefore will just smile and not bother you.



Perhaps a small electrical charge to stimulate them?

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Maybe, and I'm not saying I'm right, it helps break up the line for boarding because it sometimes gets backed up at the "put in your cruise card" spot. Last time we boarded mine wouldn't work. They are like "well". And I'm like "well". I said, I can stand here all day long and block the one of two lines. Maybe one of the three of you just standing here watching me not be able to get through can figure out a way to solve the cruise card not working issue. Then I stood there. You need to go back to the check in and get it redone. I looked at them for a moment and said, not only will I not go back there you better figure it out. My family is on the BVE experience and I'm not enjoying it with them because they boarded 15 minutes ago and I'm still standing here. NOW, if you really want me to go back to check in I will. Which one of you is going to carry me as I'm disabled and can't walk that far. Huh! Oh wait, why don't you board, go to the Purser's Desk and they can fix it. :D Okay! Mental Midgets.

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I travel solo and prefer not to have my picture taken.


I do a lot the "talk to the hand" gesture and walk by at the gangway and politely say "no thanks" in the dining room.


One trip I told them I'm traveling incognito and didn't want my public to know I was there, when they tried to press me to take a picture.

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Perhaps a small electrical charge to stimulate them?


LOL you so funny. Hey supposedly all staff are to have that ipad thing so the photographers will either have one or perhaps a sidekick/assistant and be like they opted out and then when we pass by they can be like they are suckers and always do the photos get em...haha:D I use the photos as part of xmas cards.

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With over 100 cruises, the last thing we need are more pictures to show how we have aged over the decades. For the price of the pictures, I'll buy them if they can reverse the age lines, etc.



Giving a new meaning to "Come Back New."

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We've learned to employ the simple "no thank you", and when presented without malice, it is usually respected.


My funniest response to the end of gangway port photo, was to have my camera ready, then to take a picture of only them. Needless to say, they didn't appreciate it, but respected us the next time we said "No, thank you."

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We haven't had our photo taken in the DR in over 15 years by simply waving them away.

I've really gotten to irritate them when they want to take photo's leaving the ship by going ahead of the wife & then shooting with my own camera standing next to the photographer. They always give me that look. :mad:

Even better is have a photo taken on the pier from another ship like Carnival or HAL since they usually have a different setup. Last trip one of the assistants from Carnival went out of her way to let me know that it wasn't proper to use their people for pictures.....until I told her we weren't on her ship. :') :D:D

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At embarkation and ports we just walk around them. Anywhere else we say "No, thanks" anytime a camera gets near us.

It's so much better than it was 4 or 5 years ago. In the past the photographers were so aggressive, and they would try to insist on taking pictures--which we always refused anyway.

If you don't stop and show any interest they normally let you by without a problem.

Since they are franchisees I wonder how much money the cruise lines make from them.

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Well with the new medallion coming perhaps in the new personalizer set up one could check want photos or no photos so that when you approach the photographers they can read your medallion and they will know you already dont want photos and therefore will just smile and not bother you.

I suspect this is doable. It is the perfect solution, because people who don't want to be bothered don't even have to bother waving them away. And it helps the Princess revenue steam, because photogs can concentrate their time and efforts on those who actually want their photos taken.



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First and foremost, I love Princess! It's our favourite brand Never had a bad cruise in 15 years.

However there is one thing that is a nuisance, not sure if anyone else agrees!

We rarely eat in the MDR anymore, but we do go to the CG. Without fail, anytime we are there, while we are gorging ourselves with food (as we eat light during the day on the nights we plan to go there) a ship photographer appears and wants to start snapping pictures! I could

Not sure if this has been discussed before, but this is my rant of the day. And we rarely complain. Being on a ship rocks!

Happy cruising!

A couple of years ago we were on the Emerald formal night. We were seating on a table for two,and the photographer wanted to take a nice picture of the people next to us. He moved so far back that he knocke my full red wine glass on my lap. The poor guy was so worried that I could not get mad. They offered to have my dress dry cleaned, but I had to ask for the glass of wine to be replaced!

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Yes, it bugs me too. I really dislike strolling singer, mariachi bands, etc. stopping by tables to sing. What my husband and I do when we see one coming (applies to ship's photographers as well) is get into a very heated verbal argument. Not loud, but intense and they always stroll on by. They don't want to get in the middle of that. We always have a chuckle after that. But, we also find a simple "no thank you" works too.


I love (not) the way they market it as a 'Once in a lifetime chance' to have your photo taken with......really? Who do they think they are kidding with people doing 2/3/4 cruises a year!

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I love (not) the way they market it as a 'Once in a lifetime chance' to have your photo taken with......really? Who do they think they are kidding with people doing 2/3/4 cruises a year!


Well for some this may be their only cruise. Not everyone can afford to do 2/3/4 cruises a year. We are blessed we can do our 1 a year, but there are some that cant do that so for them this may be their "once in a lifetime chance".

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