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Live, Terry/Spirit: Lisbon, NWSpain, Bordeaux/Brittany; Pix’s!


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Terry, if I had gotten to Cancale in my TA prior to yours, there would not have been any oysters left!! I do love them, especially with a squirt of lemon. Thanks for the photos. I did get to Saint Malo and enjoyed it very much, especially the walk around the fortifications.


Yes, our New York State friend is good, BUT, there is no way you could have consumed that many oysters at Cancale!!?? It is a large, LARGE location that produces a massive number of these wonderful treats.


Appreciate this cute follow-up and your kind comments. Glad you also loved walking the walls of the historic fortification at Saint-Malo.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved so many different parts of the Caribbean in 2015!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples for historic San Juan, etc., at:



While visiting Combourg in Brittany after completing our cruise, we dined at a hotel/restaurant across from the large and dramatic medieval fortress where the famous French writer Chateaubriand spent his youth. When dining here, what did I order? Yes, I went from their version of the famed beef treat of Chateaubriand. Yes, you can also see the other items that went with this enjoyable dinner, including wine and dessert.:

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Here are some additional views from visiting in and around the historic Bordeaux area of SW France.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 69,563 views.



From Bordeaux, here are three additional views of their main, historic downtown areas, the architecture, etc. Very classy town!!:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)







From the nearby Bordeaux wine areas, here are some additional views from our experiences there. In the second picture, it shows how the soil here is mostly gravel and sand. Seems like bad growing conditions, but that type of "soil" actually works best to produce the best grapes. The final picture shows smiles from testing the wine at this location. It is hard work doing these tasting, but somebody must volunteer for these efforts.:






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Lovely dinner!!


Ah, not just "lovely" but tasting very, very good. Loved the idea of having Chateaubriand for dinner at a historic location right across the road from the fortress where his family lived. It was a nice, fun connection with a famous French historic figure.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 34,119 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.


While exploring Brittany, here are a couple of other views/samples. First, is in one of the many cute and interesting stores there. Second, is an advertising sign promote beverages with the French wording that I cannot read. BUT, I got their point.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)





Here is another angle/view from the high walls of the medieval city of Dinan. At one time, Dinan was one of Brittany's most wealthy and powerful cities:


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  • 2 weeks later...

From the Sunday Times Travel Section for this London/UK newspaper, they have this headline: The big weekend: Lisbon, Portugalwith these highlights: In one of Europe’s cheapest cities, our writer gorges on custard tarts and feels the force of fado. Lisbon is not subtle with its charms. From the first tram ride up that cobbled hill, you will be seduced by glittering river views, some of the most majestic architecture in Europe and, er, washing lines crammed with colourful undies. Drink with arty locals at hip new bars, sway to fado, the city’s signature sound, and load your suitcase with retro souvenirs. As city breaks go, they don’t get much prettier, and it’s outstandingly good value, too.


There are many pictures, ideas, tips, suggestions, etc., for excellent potentials to see and do during a weekend in Lisbon. This detailed profile bring back many wonderful memories, etc., from June 2017 time there in this charming, historic city.


Full Times story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean adventure that started in Barbados, here is the link for that live/blog. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.):


Now at 52,730 views for these postings.

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Do not know if this "news" will cause more or less future cruise travel business/interest for Lisbon, but here it is! From the London/UK Guardian and other newspaper in the past day, they have this headline: Madonna moves to Lisbonwith these highlights: Madonna has reportedly moved to Lisbon. The Portuguese weekly Visão reported: 'Madonna is no longer a tourist, she now lives in Lisbon.' The singer has been staying in a Lisbon hotel after buying a house in the resort of Sintra, 17 miles northeast of the Portuguese capital. The 19th-century building was put up for sale for €7.5m and could take about six months to renovate. Her son, David Banda, who Madonna adopted from Malawi in 2006, has joined the Benfica training centre.


As a recent visitor and new fan of Lisbon and Portugal, I especially enjoyed this one item noted in the article: "The city has enjoyed a cultural renaissance in recent years and is regarded by many as hip, cheap and innovative." YES, YES, agree that Lisbon and Portugal are on the rising trend and becoming more popular. More below in my live/blog as to what we saw and why we liked this area during our first visit there.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. See more at:


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Terry, an easy one. Fraîche has a few definitions but "cool beverages, for sale here" seems to fit best.


Appreciate this helpful translation from J.P. That was somewhat my very rough guess as to its meaning being somewhat along that line. BUT, now we know for sure!! Great follow-up by J.P.


From the major NewsCorp newspapers in Australia in the past week, they have this headline: Lisbon, Portugal: What to do in 24 hours with these highlights: While not as well known on the tourist route as its glamorous counterparts, Lisbon is one of western Europe’s sunniest and prettiest cities and home to great sites of history. However, unlike Paris, you don’t need a full week to get a sense of what is the heart of this city. All you need is a day, two, to experience fascinating museums, beautiful churches, tasty food and sites that were just made for Instagram. Located on the Iberian Coast, Lisbon experiences Mediterranean weather, soaking its colourful light.


This helpful media profile offers lots of visuals, ideas, tips, etc., to consider. It brought back nice memories from our great time in Lisbon.

Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 38,371 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.


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From today's Wall Street Journal, they have this part of a headline: Time Is Ripe for Bordeaux with these highlights: “Southwestern France have emerged from the cellar of the recession, thanks to its culinary and cultural offerings and a high-speed train to Paris”.


This profile is much about real estate and home buying in this region, but there are also many visuals and details to consider if planning to visiting Bordeaux. In June, we super loved our first visit there and this story brings back nice memories from being there.


Also detailed in this report is about: "the launch of a new high-speed train in July, which has cut travel times for the 360-mile journey to Paris to just over two hours." This story detailed about how much has changed about Bordeaux during the past decade. Then, there its famed history. This includes: "Bordeaux’s global fame stems from its wine industry, which dates back to the third century. It has around 287,000 acres of vineyards and produces almost a million bottles a year, ranging from table wines to some of the finest labels in the world: Châteaux Margaux, Lafite-Rothschild, Latour, Haut Brion and Mouton-Rothschild."


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. See more at:



Here is a sampling of the many visuals that are a part of this Wall Street Journal profile on Bordeaux. First is the Place de la Bourse, a popular square in Bordeaux built between 1730 and 1775 and located near the Garonne River. Second is the ‘Miroir d’eau’ (water . mirror), a reflecting pool on the docks in the center of Bordeaux. Third is the crowds in front of the city’s Opera National de Bordeaux and Grand-Theatre. Fourth is a view of the city’s Cathedrale Saint-Andre de Bordeaux, consecrated in 1096. Fifth is Place du Parlement, a square in the heart of central Bordeaux. Finally is one of the modern trams cutting across Bordeaux’s ancient cobbles.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)












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  • 3 months later...

From the Travel Section of the London/UK Times this morning, they have this headline: top writers on their holidays in 2017 with one of these highlights being about Lisbon: I’m not surprised Madonna has moved to Lisbon. I adored it the first time I went: its historic neighbourhoods, traditional cafes and miradouros, where an extraordinary view appears unexpectedly round a cobbled corner. I loved the little decorative kiosks where the necking of ginjinha — cherry hooch — at 10am is not only not frowned on, but positively encouraged. Going back this year, the love intensified into passion, mostly because the restaurants are more exciting than ever.


Full story at:



THANKS! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!!Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. See more at:


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From the Travel Section of the London/UK Independent in October 2017, they had this headline: “Bilbao City Guide” with these highlights: With the Guggenheim in Bilbao turning 20 this October, now's the perfect time to spend 48 hours in this beautiful Basque city. Two decades ago, Bilbao was off the travel radar. The Basque port city – known as the 'Liverpool of Spain' – was in post-industrial decline, grubby and flagging. But then arrived salvation in the form of ravishing, rippling steel: Frank Gehry’s groundbreaking Guggenheim Museum opened here in October 1997 and the city was back on the map. Over the past 20 years, the halo effect of this architectural masterstroke has seen Bilbao bloom."


Yes, this article mentions the: "sniffing Puppy, Jeff Koons’ giant topiary dog, which sits outside the gleaming Guggenheim". Plus many other ideas and details related to this interested city that we enjoy in June.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting, dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 36,297 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you for the link Terry. Good reading.


On another CC board related to Portugal, I got this nice follow-up from a "neighbor" in North Carolina. It was related to my posting from the Travel Section of the London/UK Times in December with these highlights on Lisbon: I’m not surprised Madonna has moved to Lisbon. I adored it the first time I went: its historic neighbourhoods, traditional cafes and miradouros, where an extraordinary view appears unexpectedly round a cobbled corner. I loved the little decorative kiosks where the necking of ginjinha — cherry hooch — at 10am is not only not frowned on, but positively encouraged.


London Times story at:



From the CNN cable news in late December, they had this headline: best places to visit in 2018with these highlights regarding Lisbon: “It's no secret that the capital of Portugal offers Mediterranean skies, Atlantic surf and hilly, cobbled streets with panoramic views of red roofs and houses in shades of yellow, pink and blue. But in 2018 this famously relaxed and convivial city has more to celebrate than usual.


Lots of details and ideas are offered in this profile. They also noted: "A new daily Delta Airlines daily flight from Atlanta starting May 24 will bring US visitors. And then there's the Portuguese capital's rise as a European tech hub, helped by cheaper rents than London and a thriving cultural scene. Oh, and did we mention the food? Portugal now has 28 Michelin stars, of which six are in Lisbon. The city's pastéis de nata, or custard tarts, never stop being a draw. The most celebrated, and with the longest lines, is Pasteis de Belem on the Belem seafront, but great versions can be found all around the city. Don't miss: The resort town of Sintra, a short day trip away. It's a pastel-colored wonderland of hilltop fairytale palaces and European Romantic architecture."


Yes, we loved Lisbon and all that we saw and enjoyed in Portugal. These stories bring back nice memories. All true!! Lisbon is "guilty" as charged!!


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 192,879 views for this posting.

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  • 2 months later...

To update, we are now back from our first river boat and for sampling Southeast Asia. It was for the Mekong River!! Plus, plus!!


Well-pleased with these countries, especially Cambodia, plus the ship, staff, food, tours, etc. On my live/blog, connected below, there are dozens of pictures and many details to document these fun adventures and travels. Happy on the live/blog to answer any and all questions, share more info/background, etc.


Now, we shift our focus and attention to mid November, 2018, for our Athens to Dubai, 20-day cruise with Oceania, including our first visits to the Holy Lands, Egypt, Middle East, etc. Many options to consider and logistics to research. Keep hearing great things from other travelers about Oceania, the staff, their food, etc. Look forward to comparing Silversea versus Oceania, who has what plus and minus factors, etc.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


SE Asia/Mekong River, Etc.! Just completed a Jan. 21-Feb. 20, 2018, first adventure through Southeast Asia with stops in Hong Kong and Bangkok, before traveling all over Vietnam and Cambodia. This includes seven days sailing on the Mekong River. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! See more at:



Here are just a few visuals samples from what we saw and did with Avalon while sailing along the Mekong River in Vietnam and Cambodia. Many, many more photos and details on the full live/blog.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger/better!)







We saw many temples, palaces, markets and samples of daily life/work, including at this below spectacular Royal structure in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.:





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  • 1 month later...

From the New York Times Travel Section tomorrow morning, they will have this headline: 36 Hours in Lisbon with these highlights: In the Portuguese capital, a weekend’s worth of seafood feasts, chic rooftop bars, undulating streets and landmarks, both Old World and futuristic.


Lots of details, ideas, suggestions, etc., are contained in this profile of this historic city that we super loved last June. They also summarized with these comments on Lisbon:"Today the Portuguese capital is better known for its red-hot culinary scene and fine cultural institutions, including a new world-class museum on the waterfront. The faded Old Europe charm remains, but with a stream of exciting openings and fresh inspiration drawn from across the Atlantic, Lisbon seems primed for a new golden era."


This profile bring back wonderful memories from our time last year in Lisbon and for enjoying Portugal.


Full story at:

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/19/travel/36-hours-in-lisbon.html?action=click&contentCollection=travel& region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&cont entPlacement=5&pgtype=sectionfront


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting, dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 38,245 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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Below are four of the pictures featured in this New York Times profile. Lots more pictures, plus an interactive map, are included with this article in this major newspaper.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 200,215 views for this posting.


From the New York Times profile on Lisbon, below are four of their visuals featured. Yes, this brings back many nice memories.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger/better!)








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  • 2 months later...

From the London/UK Guardian yesterday, they have this headline: Locals’ guide to Bordeaux: 10 top tips with these highlights: “Bordeaux is booming, with a high-speed train connection from Paris taking barely two hours, and visitors drawn here by a vibrant restaurant scene, some of the world’s most famous wines and the towering futuristic Cité du Vin. But this revitalised city has a lot more than food and wine, with an exciting alternative arts and music scene to discover.


Brings back nice memories from being in Bordeaux one year ago. Here are more highlights from this profile: "The two most authentic parts of Bordeaux are Les Capucins food market and Saint Michel flea market, with Au Bistrot sitting right between the two. This has been a popular neighbourhood eaterie for over a century, and the chef cooks at an open kitchen, creating old-fashioned dishes like boeuf braisé."


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean adventure that started in Barbados, here is the link for that live/blog. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.):


Now at 57,063 views for these postings.

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From the Sidney Morning Herald and other Fairfax newspapers of Australia in mid June, they had this headline: Which Portuguese City Is Best? with these highlights: Portugal’s two biggest cities have a rivalry to match Sydney versus Melbourne with passionate locals who glow with pride about their hometown. Is it better in the north? Or do they have it all in the south? Here’s your form guide.


Personally from visiting both, we found lots to LOVE in Porto and Lisbon. Both wonderful. Here are more story highlights: "PORTO: Grittier, cloudier, and teeming with street art, Portugal’s second-largest city has long been overlooked but now it’s nipping at the heels of its more-famous southern sister as travellers discover its affordable, down-to-earth charms. Known as the holy grail for port wine aficionados, Porto might have roots as a sailing port but its modern-day vibe is an unpretentious blend of history, tile-cloaked beauty."


However, there is more to consider: "LISBON: In comparison to Porto, Lisbon is a spring chicken. The city was completely rebuilt in a wide-boulevard, grid style after being flattened by the mother of all earthquakes in 1755. The historic Alfama district, which managed to escape serious damage in the quake, is experiencing the curse of its own historic beauty. Residents are being squeezed out as Airbnb moves in and throngs of tour groups pound its cobblestone streets. Lisbon’s status as one of Europe’s sunniest capitals may just seal the deal. Many fall for the city’s magical afternoon glow as light bounces off the pastel-facades, and sunsets paint the sky candy floss pink."


Lots of added details, visuals, options, etc., to consider in this profile/article. Brings back lots of nice memories from being in both cities last June.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 227,646 views.


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From the Sidney Morning Herald and other Fairfax newspapers of Australia in mid June, they had this headline: Which Portuguese City Is Best? with these highlights: Portugal’s two biggest cities have a rivalry to match Sydney versus Melbourne with passionate locals who glow with pride about their hometown. Is it better in the north? Or do they have it all in the south? Here’s your form guide.




Personally from visiting both, we found lots to LOVE in Porto and Lisbon. Both wonderful. Here are more story highlights: "PORTO: Grittier, cloudier, and teeming with street art, Portugal’s second-largest city has long been overlooked but now it’s nipping at the heels of its more-famous southern sister as travellers discover its affordable, down-to-earth charms. Known as the holy grail for port wine aficionados, Porto might have roots as a sailing port but its modern-day vibe is an unpretentious blend of history, tile-cloaked beauty."




However, there is more to consider: "LISBON: In comparison to Porto, Lisbon is a spring chicken. The city was completely rebuilt in a wide-boulevard, grid style after being flattened by the mother of all earthquakes in 1755. The historic Alfama district, which managed to escape serious damage in the quake, is experiencing the curse of its own historic beauty. Residents are being squeezed out as Airbnb moves in and throngs of tour groups pound its cobblestone streets. Lisbon’s status as one of Europe’s sunniest capitals may just seal the deal. Many fall for the city’s magical afternoon glow as light bounces off the pastel-facades, and sunsets paint the sky candy floss pink."




Lots of added details, visuals, options, etc., to consider in this profile/article. Brings back lots of nice memories from being in both cities last June.




Full story at:






THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio




For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 227,646 views.






Hi Terry, I thought Sidney was in Montana?



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Thank you for all the posts! We board the Spirit in Copenhagen in a little over a week and we really enjoyed reading about your experience. It's our first Silversea Cruise and we were getting a little nervous after reading some less than favorable reviews elsewhere. Thank you!

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Thank you for all the posts! We board the Spirit in Copenhagen in a little over a week and we really enjoyed reading about your experience. It's our first Silversea Cruise and we were getting a little nervous after reading some less than favorable reviews elsewhere. Thank you!


Good luck with your upcoming Silver Spirit cruise. Copenhagen is one of our super, top, best-loved cities. Such great architecture, character, style, people, history, etc., is there!!


On cruise "service", yes, a certain amount of "slips" can happen, even with top lines, including Silversea, Crystal, etc. Not all staff members are equally skilled, experienced, etc. Occasionally a much bigger "screw-up" happens due to mismanagement. Hopefully, that is the exception, not the usual. Our friends just got off of the Spirit only three weeks ago and they had a great experience. Hopefully that will be your type of sailing good fortune. Let us know how thing work for you folks.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! Those visuals start on the second page, post #26. Now at 21,514 views. See more at:


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Hi Terry, I thought Sidney was in Montana?


Cute follow-up from Silver Spectre. Did not know there was a Sidney in Montana. But, Australia spells their Sydney is a slightly different manner. Montana's Sidney, per Wikipedia, is 10 miles from the North Dakota border. Its population was 5,191 in the 2010 census. It lies along the Yellowstone River, but I doubt that the Montana town has such a large, spectacular harbor and/or amazing bridge spanning that scenic location. Plus, maybe four million more people in the Sydney metro area.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 73,721 views.


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My father has spelled his name Sydney for most of his 86 years - it even says Sydney in his passport.


I had occasion maybe 10 years ago to need a copy of his birth certificate which I got from the relevant authority in Belfast and on which his name is spelled Sidney. This was a certified copy and we assumed an error had been made. Not at all - once we unearthed his original from a box in the attic we see he really was given the name Sidney, not Sydney. It's not many people who go through life spelling their own name wrongly.


It still doesn't explain the wrong spelling in his passport, though.

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Great itinerary! One minor "fact" challenge. La Coruña (or A Coruña in Gallego) is actually the second largest city in Galicia. Vigo is a bit larger and is Europe's #1 fishing port. However, La Coruña is home to Europe's richest human!


These boards encourage us to “write a review”! Here goes, again, in live, blogging style. Later, you can see links to our previous cruise blogs and posts. Two live/blogs are at around 220,000 views while another is over 181,000 views. It seems that the visuals make a big, interesting difference, sharing the beauty and drama from these wonderful regions of the world.


Tell us what you like, any questions, suggestions, etc. Don't be shy!! Love the interactive nature of live blogs, getting feed-back and comments as we travel. But, this cruise is very port intense. With no sea-days during this cruise, be patient that I am not able to have time to post fully all photos and details on the days when events happen. But, I will catch up as we travel.


We arrived in Lisbon/Portugal on Saturday, June 10, starting five days to explore in and around this very cosmopolitan, historic, charming and scenic town. More details and visuals soon on Lisbon and our other Portugal spectacular sights and fun experiences.


We arrived in Spain at La Coruña, the largest city in Spain's Galicia region. It is among the Spain's busiest ports. This somewhat remote Galicia area is in the northwest corner of the Iberian Peninsula. The name "Galicia" is Celtic in origin, as the Celts occupied here around the 6th-century BC and erected fortifications. La Coruña was an important port under the Romans. They were followed by an invasion of Visigoths and later in 730 by the Moors. Today we traveled Santiego de Compostela, a key and dramatic religious site that was a world attraction dating back to the 9th Century.


Our sailing out of Lisbon was wonderful, passing under their Golden-Gate-style bridge. So much to share for the details as to why we loved Lisbon so super much. Great city, people, culture, history, etc.



Our first port stop on June 15 was Porto for this historic home of famed port wines and being Portugal’s second largest city. Today has been La Coruna with much history in this major Spanish port with cultural background going back to the Celtics, Romans and Moors. Tomorrow will be Bilbao with Frank Gehry’s dramatic Guggenheim museum and historic medieval streets; then St Jean De Luz, for accessing San Sebastian with its top-rated food, elegant Belle Époque architecture; Bordeaux for sampling top-rate wine chateaus, its famed architecture/history; La Rochelle with more Bordeaux options including where Cognac and other specialities are produced; Belle-ile, the largest island off Brittany’s coast with Breton coastlines of cliffs, creeks and beaches; Saint Malo with Brittany and Normandy options including Mont St. Michel and WWII D-Day beach/cemetery; St Peter Port/Guernsey, an island with cobblestone streets, blooming florals and scenic harbor; and finally Rouen after sailing up the Seine River as the site of Joan of Arc’s final moments and with its famed Gothic Cathedral of Notre-Dame immortalized by Claude Monet’s paintings. Plus, three more days in Brittany after our cruise.


Our past cruising?: We have done eight cruises. First was June 2006 on 204-passenger Seabourn Spirit, Athens to Istanbul, enjoying these Greek-Turkish areas. Late July 2008 on the 940-passenger Crystal Symphony, Dover/UK to Stockholm, for the Baltics and Russia. July 2010 on the 296-passenger Silversea Silver Cloud from Copenhagen for Norway’s dramatic coast, above the Arctic Circle. June, 2011 was from Barcelona for Italy and Croatian Coast on this same 2850-passenger Celebrity Solstice enjoyed for two weeks from Sydney to Auckland in early 2014. In 2015, we escaped the cold winter with 26-days doing a return to the Silver Cloud going up the Amazon River and visiting ten different Caribbean Islands. Early 2016 was South Africa, including ten days on the Silver Cloud. In March earlier this year, we did 15 days on the 2200-passenger Island Princess through the Panama Canal from Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco. All five lines are different and generally very good, etc. What’s best? The honest answer is . . . “It depends!!!”. Ports, schedules, timing, food, entertainment and prices vary much. Personally, the biggest plus with smaller ships is being able to better connect with fellow passengers and the staff.


Our early 2018 plan? Southeast Asia!! For our first visit to this part of the world, we will start with four days in Hong Kong, then to Bangkok. We start in Vietnam with Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon, then spend seven days sailing up the famed Mekong River, seeing Cambodia and arriving in Angkor Wat. We fly to Hanoi, sail Ha Long Bay, fly to historic Hue and finish at Danang for the in-depth exploring of Vietnam.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio.


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 32,204 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.


In doing our sail-away from Lisbon, here is the view in getting ready to go under their famed bridge that was designed by the same people who did the Golden Gate structure in San Francisco.:

(Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger!)



Here is some welcoming ship action. First is having pasta specially prepared and served on the back deck for our first lunch upon boarding. Second is getting a drink prepared.:





Here are three quick visual samples from visiting Porto, our first cruise ship stop on June 15. Loved doing a small-craft sailing along their historic town areas near where Port wines are stored and sold. Plus, seeing the famed tile designs inside their rail station, etc. There are also more pictures to prove why Porto was so super special yesterday with its architecture, iron balconies, etc.:






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My father has spelled his name Sydney for most of his 86 years - it even says Sydney in his passport. I had occasion maybe 10 years ago to need a copy of his birth certificate which I got from the relevant authority in Belfast and on which his name is spelled Sidney. This was a certified copy and we assumed an error had been made. Not at all - once we unearthed his original from a box in the attic we see he really was given the name Sidney, not Sydney. It's not many people who go through life spelling their own name wrongly. It still doesn't explain the wrong spelling in his passport, though.


Appreciate this fascinating history and family background from our UK friend. Currently, things get more challenged and difficult legally if the names and spellings do not match on your passports, air tickets, etc. AND, getting those types of errors corrected can be difficult!! Wonderful, interesting sharing.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


SE Asia/Mekong River, Etc.! Just completed a Jan. 21-Feb. 20, 2018, first adventure through Southeast Asia with stops in Hong Kong and Bangkok, before traveling all over Vietnam and Cambodia. This includes seven days sailing on the Mekong River. Now at 27,927 views. Lots of fun, interesting pictures!! See more at:


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Great itinerary! One minor "fact" challenge. La Coruña (or A Coruña in Gallego) is actually the second largest city in Galicia. Vigo is a bit larger and is Europe's #1 fishing port. However, La Coruña is home to Europe's richest human!


Agree, it was a super great itinerary!! Excellent update and follow-up from this California traveler. YES, per Wikipedia, they note: "Vigo is the most populous municipality of Galicia, and the 14th in Spain." And, "municipality had a population of 292,817 in 2016. The city has a population of 198,537 in 2016." Wikipedia says: "municipality of A Coruña has 244,810 inhabitants." Close, maybe, but Vigo is the winner!!


Correct also as Amancio Ortega Gaona, age 82, is a super rich Spanish billionaire businessman. Our guide there told us about this founder of Zara clothing and accessories shops. Per Wikipedia: "As of March 2018, Ortega had a net worth of $68.4 billion, making him the second-wealthiest person in Europe after Bernard Arnault, and the sixth-wealthiest in the world. Ortega is also the wealthiest retailer in the world." Big money??!! Clearly, he can afford his own private cruise ship. Not worrying about whether to go with Silversea, Seabourn, Crystal or Regent. He can afford the Owner's Suite!!


From the Boston Globe Travel Section earlier this month, they have this headline: Why Porto is now a part of me with these highlights: The only thing I knew about Portugal before a recent trip was Vasco da Gama, the 15th-century explorer who found the first ocean link from Europe to Asia, via India. Oh, and that bottle of Port wine. After spending a week in Portugal, I am the worst of converts: I’m in love with the centuries-old tile work, the steep alleyways, the sardines that adorn restaurant tables and the best egg custard you will ever put in your mouth, and the fact that the euro goes farther here than in Portugal’s better-known neighbors.


Brings back wonderfully nice memories from a year ago from doing our first visit in Portugal. Great history, food, people, etc., there.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting, dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 40,212 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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