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Milkshakes are only $4?


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Was just on the Legend last month and ,yes, the milkshakes are only $4. I got one for my son the first day (yes, I had Cheers) but it was sooo thick and indulgent he could barely drink half of it. It's a pretty large size and a lot of ice cream. My suggestion is for your kids if they want one, to share it (not all 4 of them but I don't think you need more than 2 shakes for the 4 of them). I am sure the barista would split it for you or even just ask her for a separate cup and you can divide it. [emoji846]

Good point! I would take this option.

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Are milkshakes that important to your kids that they each need one everyday? Even with all the free ice cream and milk????��



This!!! My DS doesn't even know there are milkshakes on board. He is perfectly happy with the free ice cream, cookies, cake, and chocolate milk. I don't care if it's "legal" or not to get your kids milkshakes with your Cheers package, I just don't see the need. But then again, I personally don't have the need to purchase Cheers. To each their own!

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My friends next door got into an altercation on the first night and got their Cheers package taken away but was refunded all but the first day of Cheers. They were also blacklisted for the remainder of the cruise, so no bartender would serve them alcohol. Tragic [emoji33]


I'm surprised they gave refunds. I am surprised they didn't confine the person who go into the altercation to his or her cabin. I always thought if you hit someone or got violent they kept you in your room the rest of the cruise but the lady who hit her husband/bf was out of the lido deck every day the rest of the cruise drinking booze her family bought her :rolleyes: I hope the guy got out of that relationship after the cruise, no one deserves to be hit by someone, male or female!

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We have the Cheers package and kids (16 and 21) have the Bubbles. Darn right I'll be getting a premium coffee beverage or milkshake each day for my daughter if she wants since I don't drink either. My wife will do that same for our 21 year old.


No need for any replies - just telling the OP what we are doing. Not interested if anyone agrees or disagrees.

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Oh jeez, get the CHEERS package and buy the milkshake and give it to the kids. Who cares if it's sharing. They've already bought the package so Carnival has already made their money. Regardless of where it's the parent drinking an alcoholic drinks or the kids drinking a milkshake, it still goes towards their 15 a day. So if the parent s choose to use the CHEERS to purchase 6 milkshakes a day, that's 6 less alcoholic drinks the parents will drink. Carnival is still winning as milkshakes cost less than an alcoholic drinks. You aren't teaching your kids to break rules unless after each milkshake purchase, you tell them don't tell anyone bc we just bought this using our CHEERS and we aren't suppose to be sharing!? Lmao Come on, you're fine.




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Oh jeez, get the CHEERS package and buy the milkshake and give it to the kids. Who cares if it's sharing. They've already bought the package so Carnival has already made their money. Regardless of where it's the parent drinking an alcoholic drinks or the kids drinking a milkshake, it still goes towards their 15 a day. So if the parent s choose to use the CHEERS to purchase 6 milkshakes a day, that's 6 less alcoholic drinks the parents will drink. Carnival is still winning as milkshakes cost less than an alcoholic drinks. You aren't teaching your kids to break rules unless after each milkshake purchase, you tell them don't tell anyone bc we just bought this using our CHEERS and we aren't suppose to be sharing!? Lmao Come on, you're fine.




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That's not true. Milkshakes don't count towards your 15 alcoholic drinks.

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Oh jeez, get the CHEERS package and buy the milkshake and give it to the kids. Who cares if it's sharing. They've already bought the package so Carnival has already made their money. Regardless of where it's the parent drinking an alcoholic drinks or the kids drinking a milkshake, it still goes towards their 15 a day. So if the parent s choose to use the CHEERS to purchase 6 milkshakes a day, that's 6 less alcoholic drinks the parents will drink. Carnival is still winning as milkshakes cost less than an alcoholic drinks. You aren't teaching your kids to break rules unless after each milkshake purchase, you tell them don't tell anyone bc we just bought this using our CHEERS and we aren't suppose to be sharing!? Lmao Come on, you're fine.




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Where did you read Milkshakes count towards Cheers? BTW they don't, unless you get a spiked one then they count.

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We have the Cheers package and kids (16 and 21) have the Bubbles. Darn right I'll be getting a premium coffee beverage or milkshake each day for my daughter if she wants since I don't drink either. My wife will do that same for our 21 year old.


No need for any replies - just telling the OP what we are doing. Not interested if anyone agrees or disagrees.

This is the best reply on this thread. 😂😂


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We have the Cheers package and kids (16 and 21) have the Bubbles. Darn right I'll be getting a premium coffee beverage or milkshake each day for my daughter if she wants since I don't drink either. My wife will do that same for our 21 year old.


No need for any replies - just telling the OP what we are doing. Not interested if anyone agrees or disagrees.




There's no reason to get the cheers if you don't drink. Since the 21 year old wasn't forced to purchase cheers I'm assuming it's a situation where you have two rooms. Call and re-arrange the booking so your wife and the 16 year old are in one room and you and the 21 year old are in the other. Then get your keys fixed when you board.


Then your wife can purchase cheers without you and maybe you'll feel a bit less cheated by carnival and can use the $50+ a day you are saving to purchase drinks for the person drinking them. Only thing worse than spending $50 a day for a program you don't want is to pay it and get it cut off without a refund for sharing.



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There's no reason to get the cheers if you don't drink.


I should've phrased a sentence clearer. When I said "I don't drink either", I meant I don't drink either premium coffees or milkshakes.


We certainly got the Cheers package to drink BOOZE. :cool:

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We have the Cheers package and kids (16 and 21) have the Bubbles. Darn right I'll be getting a premium coffee beverage or milkshake each day for my daughter if she wants since I don't drink either. My wife will do that same for our 21 year old.


No need for any replies - just telling the OP what we are doing. Not interested if anyone agrees or disagrees.




Is your 21 yo in a separate cabin? This is why we won't get cheers, our newly 21 yo (July 2) had to have it to since he is in our cabin.



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Is your 21 yo in a separate cabin? This is why we won't get cheers, our newly 21 yo (July 2) had to have it to since he is in our cabin.


Yes he is in a cabin with his sister, so he is not required to have it. Certainly wouldn't even allow a 21 year old to have it either. lol

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I think someone said it best with icecream and milk are free....make all shakes u want with no worry. With that said I if I purchased cheers, and I don't bc I don't drink enough to warrant it, and I decide I want a shake, but they a too large for me to consume alone ppl are saying allowing someone else to finish what I can't is stealing? I don't know that's correct. Using that premise every time I go out to eat with my husband and I don't finish my meal that I paid for and I allow him to eat the rest of it instead of it being wasted we're stealing from said restaurant. What?? No way..

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I think someone said it best with icecream and milk are free....make all shakes u want with no worry. With that said I if I purchased cheers, and I don't bc I don't drink enough to warrant it, and I decide I want a shake, but they a too large for me to consume alone ppl are saying allowing someone else to finish what I can't is stealing? I don't know that's correct. Using that premise every time I go out to eat with my husband and I don't finish my meal that I paid for and I allow him to eat the rest of it instead of it being wasted we're stealing from said restaurant. What?? No way..


The difference is intent. If you're getting a milkshake to give to your kid instead of buying them one is different than if you got a milkshake because you want one but can't finish it and hand it off to your kid instead of throwing it away.


To use your meal analogy - if you purchased dinner in the steakhouse where appetizers and desserts are unlimited for you (but only 1 entrée), it wouldn't be "right" for you to order 2 appetizers and 2 desserts and hand 1 of each off to your dining companion who is not paying to eat in the steakhouse. If you've both paid to eat at the steakhouse, it really doesn't matter who eats what because you've both paid for the pleasure.

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The difference is intent. If you're getting a milkshake to give to your kid instead of buying them one is different than if you got a milkshake because you want one but can't finish it and hand it off to your kid instead of throwing it away.


To use your meal analogy - if you purchased dinner in the steakhouse where appetizers and desserts are unlimited for you (but only 1 entrée), it wouldn't be "right" for you to order 2 appetizers and 2 desserts and hand 1 of each off to your dining companion who is not paying to eat in the steakhouse. If you've both paid to eat at the steakhouse, it really doesn't matter who eats what because you've both paid for the pleasure.


I agree on intent. I thought I implied I want a shake or part of one. Or say I want half of 2nd dessert. Surely u aren't saying if u can't eat or drink it all don't order it. My hubby likes to go to a Barbque place with all u can eat ribs. I never eat all of the first plate so I take it home. Often my son eats my leftovers once home. That doesn't seem wrong to me. I didn't get extra just for him...I didn't eat all of the intial meal. That sounds similar to what the OP said..she wants a shake and isn't drinking it all so giving rest to kids. This isn't stealing.

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We are going on our first cruise. DH and I plan to get the Cheers package. Our for kids, ages 12,10,5 and 4, don't drink soda and would only drink the OJ from the bottomless bubbles package. It doesn't seem worth getting for them.


The milkshakes are part of Cheers but we can't share. DH and I could each get one a day and let the kids taste it, but we wouldn't keep going back so that we have six of them in one day. Is that acceptable? Or we can buy them a shake a day for what we would have spent on bottomless bubbles!

Are there only 5 flavors?




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Just go with what you said above. Like you said, the shakes are only $4 each. No need to over think it. If the shakes are too big then let the kids share. You know your children better than anyone else.

Have a great cruise!

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. My hubby likes to go to a Barbque place with all u can eat ribs. I never eat all of the first plate so I take it home. Often my son eats my leftovers once home. That doesn't seem wrong to me. I didn't get extra just for him...I didn't eat all of the intial meal. That sounds similar to what the OP said..she wants a shake and isn't drinking it all so giving rest to kids. This isn't stealing.


Not really...


The Barbeque place has a rule that there is no sharing in the establishment so you took it out of the establishment and then you don't have the rule anymore.


for this to be the same you would have to buy the shake and then hold it for 7 days and take if off the ship (there is no sharing on the ship) and when you get home, if your kids still want it... then its not against any rules.


As long as you are in the barbeque place you cant share. as long as you are on the ship, you cant share...


that is more similar and that would not be stealing.

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Not really...


The Barbeque place has a rule that there is no sharing in the establishment so you took it out of the establishment and then you don't have the rule anymore.


for this to be the same you would have to buy the shake and then hold it for 7 days and take if off the ship (there is no sharing on the ship) and when you get home, if your kids still want it... then its not against any rules.


As long as you are in the barbeque place you cant share. as long as you are on the ship, you cant share...


that is more similar and that would not be stealing.

Question can I take the ribs out into their parking lot and give them to my kid in the car still on their property or no stealing? :')

Pretty sure Carnival's intent behind not sharing is that you are not getting extra things for someone else. The OP wasn't suggesting that was ok. So riddle me this does Carnival's Cheers program state that all unused portions must be returned to Carnival? Unless it does I think if you go to get a drink under the program on the intent that you are going to have some of it and do then it doesn't matter what you do with the rest of the portion.

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Never having bought Cheers, I'm late to the party and don't have a dog in the fight.


But -- didn't you know a BUT was coming -- if sharing with adults who drink only a couple of alcoholic drinks a day has been a problem in the past, with the enhanced Cheers package now including non-alcoholic drinks, who in management had the blindfolds on that didn't see sharing with children coming?


Here's the first prediction on CC for a new revamping of Cheers in the near future.


If you like the newly enhanced Cheers offering, buy it quickly and hope you will be grandfathered when non-alcoholic drinks are again excluded. Good luck with that grandfathering thing.


Jeez, if your cabin mate, or your children, or your new best friend you met ten minutes ago, wants a drink is it all that unreasonable simply to buy it?


And yes, I have always given bites off my plate to any family member who wanted to taste something. And I have never yet failed to buy them their own serving if they wanted it.


Applying common sense and skirting the rules seems to have become a fine line.

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