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Hey Celebrity!!!! Ever hear that "Honesty is the BEST policy"? Apparently NOT!


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So Celebrity decided to cancel another excursion on us. This time it was the Chef's Market Discoveries in Cozumel, and while I understand that Celebrity has the right to cancel and/or modify an excursion at their pleasure, the least they could do is be upfront and honest about why they are cancelling it, not just spout an obviously BS excuse. This is the reply I got from them:

Unfortunately, Chef's Market Discoveries - MayanFlavors and Private Dinner CZZ0 has been cancelled for the rest of the year dueto damage caused by the hurricane. Cancellations are not meant to disappointour guests, but rather avoid service failures.

Now maybe I was asleep or just maybe there was another hurricane that didn't make the 6pm news but as far as I know only Tropical Storm Franklin actually crossed over Cozumel and the Yucatan peninsula back in early August. Hurricanes Harvey, Jose, Irma, Lee and Maria were nowhere near Mexico and hurricane Katia which did make landfall in Mexico as a Cat 1 was well north of Cozumel.


Thankfully I hear that the experience on board is a billion times better. I'm sure we'll have a great cruise regardless, but I just needed to vent.

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Not sure how you deduced that X was not being honest:


"Franklin made landfall a second time in Mexico as the first hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic season before weakening to a tropical storm.


According to the latest forecast from Accuweather, the storm made landfall early Thursday morning as a Category 1 hurricane near Lechuguillas in Veracruz. Although it has since weakened to a tropical storm and is expected to weaken rapidly as it moves inland, the storm is still expected to produce flooding and mudslides that could pose a significant risk to lives and property through Thursday. Additionally, costal areas near where the storm made landfall could continue to experience tree and property damage, and the power could be out for some time in certain areas. On the Yucatan Peninsula, where the storm initially made landfall, the weather has improved and cleanup operations are underway. The system is also expected to bring rain to the Bahamas and parts of Florida Thursday."


It sounds like there was lots of rain in Cozumel without a 'direct hit', which would cause an issue with farming and crops down the road, in turn possibly, quite possibly cause an issue with the excursion, as originally planned.


Unless you "apparently" have additional information about this, you did not disclose, it is quite possible that this hurricane Franklin, which was a category 1, did cause a great deal of crop damage from 180 miles away. Not only in Cozumel but other agricultural areas on the Caribbean coast.



Please provide any additional info you may have concerning this situation for anyone to evaluate the honesty or independent research on either side, thank you.


bon voyage

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Please provide any additional info you may have concerning this situation for anyone to evaluate the honesty or independent research on either side, thank you.


bon voyage


TLDR; to quickly quote CNN:

Tropical Storm Franklin made landfall on the eastern coast of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula late Monday, according to the National Hurricane Center. Franklin moved inland with maximum sustained winds of about 60 mph.

There was a chance that Franklin could turn into a hurricane once it crossed over the Peninsula at which point it would be even further away from Cozumel and continuing to travel away from the island.


From the LA Times:

Many cruise ships shifting itineraries to Cozumel, Mexico, and the western Caribbean, post-Irma.

Why on earth would cruise lines be heading to a port that had been hit by a hurricane?


I honestly have to ask, are you some kind of paid cruise line troll, or do you just get your jollies by being a contrarian?

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How do you know that the farms and sources Celebrity uses for this excursion and dinner were not adversely affected by a storm?

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I would have thought that if there had been that level of devastation in Mexico it would have made the 6pm news at least once?


So I'm to guess that both the local market we were going to explore and the restaurant that was going to provide lunch were shuttered. As for the dinner, Celebrity makes it absolutely 100% clear that the food they are going to prepare will not be purchased in Cozumel, that it would only be inspired by the local produce and would be acquired from their normal approved vendors.


Sorry, but I'm not buying it.

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I would have thought that if there had been that level of devastation in Mexico it would have made the 6pm news at least once?


So I'm to guess that both the local market we were going to explore and the restaurant that was going to provide lunch were shuttered. As for the dinner, Celebrity makes it absolutely 100% clear that the food they are going to prepare will not be purchased in Cozumel, that it would only be inspired by the local produce and would be acquired from their normal approved vendors.


Sorry, but I'm not buying it.


You accuse Celebrity of being dishonest, though they would have no reason or motive to be. Then you accuse a poster that tried to provide a logical reason for the cancellation of being a "paid cruise line troll". This begs the question, why did you bother to post? No response you could possibly receive on this message board would alleviate your concern. Further, it appears any response not agreeing with your far-fetched assessment that Celebrity first offered, then cancelled, the excursion as a plot to lessen your enjoyment of your vacation; will cause you to lash out at the person offering it.



Denver, CO

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TLDR; to quickly quote CNN:

Why on earth would cruise lines be heading to a port that had been hit by a hurricane?


I honestly have to ask, are you some kind of paid cruise line troll, or do you just get your jollies by being a contrarian?


Okay, you asked and I will respond.


I Am not a troll, yet someone who looks at the issues and have to question the veracity with which is posited.


Per the issue at hand, Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula are not farming meccas, as such with the amount of rain they may have gotten would not, quite possibly, permit such an excursion to take place due to the fact that they need to grow food for their region and not particularly for those of us who have plenty aboard.


I do apologize if some do not get this, as when we can go to the grocery store in any season and get almost any type of fruit or vegetable flown in from far flung areas of the world at any price our grocers will charge, if we want it.



If one believes that local farmers should grow food for visiting tourists passing through for a day or two and when they have a larger more important population to feed, then a troll I be and support such cancellations.


Rather you believe it or not, weather plays a great role in agriculture. Too much rain and most crops will turn, not enough rain crops will turn, too much heat crops will turn... etc. just a few ramifications of weather on food and as such may have played a role in the cancellation and most likely has nothing to do with X being "honest".



I only ask for support for the original post, if it can be done. If not, then just say 'I believe this is the case.'



bon voyage

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I would have thought that if there had been that level of devastation in Mexico it would have made the 6pm news at least once?


So I'm to guess that both the local market we were going to explore and the restaurant that was going to provide lunch were shuttered. As for the dinner, Celebrity makes it absolutely 100% clear that the food they are going to prepare will not be purchased in Cozumel, that it would only be inspired by the local produce and would be acquired from their normal approved vendors.


Sorry, but I'm not buying it.




bon voyage

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Okay, you asked and I will respond.


I Am not a troll, yet someone who looks at the issues and have to question the veracity with which is posited.


Per the issue at hand, Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula are not farming meccas, as such with the amount of rain they may have gotten would not, quite possibly, permit such an excursion to take place due to the fact that they need to grow food for their region and not particularly for those of us who have plenty aboard.


I do apologize if some do not get this, as when we can go to the grocery store in any season and get almost any type of fruit or vegetable flown in from far flung areas of the world at any price our grocers will charge, if we want it.



If one believes that local farmers should grow food for visiting tourists passing through for a day or two and when they have a larger more important population to feed, then a troll I be and support such cancellations.


Rather you believe it or not, weather plays a great role in agriculture. Too much rain and most crops will turn, not enough rain crops will turn, too much heat crops will turn... etc. just a few ramifications of weather on food and as such may have played a role in the cancellation and most likely has nothing to do with X being "honest".



I only ask for support for the original post, if it can be done. If not, then just say 'I believe this is the case.'



bon voyage


I like this post!

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You accuse Celebrity of being dishonest, though they would have no reason or motive to be. Then you accuse a poster that tried to provide a logical reason for the cancellation of being a "paid cruise line troll". This begs the question, why did you bother to post? No response you could possibly receive on this message board would alleviate your concern. Further, it appears any response not agreeing with your far-fetched assessment that Celebrity first offered, then cancelled, the excursion as a plot to lessen your enjoyment of your vacation; will cause you to lash out at the person offering it.



Denver, CO


o - The bottom line, for me at least, posters only need to present either empirical or rational support for tabloid headlines or posts.


It matters not to me if the support is solid or not, just provide information so others can somewhat, make an informed decision as to its' validity or not.


The fact that there are valid reasons due to the storms to cancel seems not to register. Although I believe there could be more to this than we know.


The fact that the OP indicated they were told that these excursions were cancelled for the balance of year, says something more and not just one specific sailing, lest we forget. To accuse X of being nefarious about the reason for cancelling begs more info to make that statement, outright and un-qualified.


I think we deserve more info, if asked of the OP or others who believe this as well.



Thank you and bon voyage

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You accuse Celebrity of being dishonest, though they would have no reason or motive to be. Then you accuse a poster that tried to provide a logical reason for the cancellation of being a "paid cruise line troll". This begs the question, why did you bother to post? No response you could possibly receive on this message board would alleviate your concern. Further, it appears any response not agreeing with your far-fetched assessment that Celebrity first offered, then cancelled, the excursion as a plot to lessen your enjoyment of your vacation; will cause you to lash out at the person offering it.



Denver, CO


Perhaps you're right, after all I did sign off my initial post as "I just needed to vent".


None of us will ever have the information to truly know why the decision was made. As far fetched as my position may be, it is no more far fetched than those who are posting that that the hurricane wiped out crops in Mexico. If that was the case, it would have made the 6pm news just like the earthquakes did.


The biggest part of this excursion is the private dinner and behind the scene tour, not the walking tour of a local market & lunch. Celebrity could have easily modified it to just that and still charged $200 USD, and those of us that are into culinary arts would still have thought it was worth the price. I firmly believe they didn't have enough interest and decided to cancel.


At the end of the day, I have no doubt that we'll have a wonderful cruise regardless of which excursion gets cancelled or which port (if any gets changed) because after all I'll be with my soulmate. Everything else is just minutia, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't vent about it.

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We've had Chef's Market Discovery tours cancelled twice and I understand your disappointment. Celebrity offers both a wine dinner and a Chef's Table that are both excellent choices for foodies (both are usually dependent on a sufficient number of guests). Or check another port where the Market Discovery might be offered.

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Would you care for some wine to go with your whine?


Obviously you have chosen to disbelieve the reason given for the cancellation by the cruiseline. And you've allowed that to fester to the point you feel justified in insulting posters who have tried to point out possible reasons for Celebrity's action. Hope that makes you feel better.


My question to you- what difference does it make? Whether it was because of conditions at the market, organizational problems on the ship, transport problems, or the chef doesn't want to get out of bed that early, the excursion is still cancelled. Get over it, for heaven's sake. Book something else. Your first post was a rant. That's fair enough. Your follow up posts have just been nasty.

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There do seem to be quite a few post about people flipping out over cancelled tours. On most occasions Celebrity isn't going to cancel a tour. The tour operator cancels the tour. Celebrity has no reason, they know it will upset some people so they will do everything they can to ensure a tour happens. There's a multitude of reasons that particular tour could have been cancelled. Maybe the chef had family in St Maarten, an illness, a kitchen fire, road construction etc etc. In most cases they will go out of there way to make sure you tour happens. On our last cruise we wanted to do the Secret River tour in Cozumel but it was sold out. We were bummed but the excursion desk offered to call the tour operator and see if they could handle another van load of us. The next day we got a call and they managed to get us in. And on the flip side we have had tours cancelled because they did not get the minimum amount of people signed up. You have to learn to roll with the punches on a cruise.

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Celebrity cancelled the excursion. Whoopee, big deal. What difference does it make as to why? How much money did you lose as a result? Put on your big boy pants and get over it.




I can't imagine the reaction from this op if something important in life didn't work out. Scary.


Agree totally with the suggestion that the op book with private companies. Most anything you book on board can be done on your own.

Edited by eandj
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Sign up for the chef's table through the Murano. We have done both and the dinner and tour are basically the same for a similar cost. We have been very fortunate to have had great dinner companions.



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I'll have to check it out when we get on board. Thanks for the tip.

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Would you care for some wine to go with your whine?


Obviously you have chosen to disbelieve the reason given for the cancellation by the cruiseline. And you've allowed that to fester to the point you feel justified in insulting posters who have tried to point out possible reasons for Celebrity's action. Hope that makes you feel better.


My question to you- what difference does it make? Whether it was because of conditions at the market, organizational problems on the ship, transport problems, or the chef doesn't want to get out of bed that early, the excursion is still cancelled. Get over it, for heaven's sake. Book something else. Your first post was a rant. That's fair enough. Your follow up posts have just been nasty.


Wow, so you've never had a reason to vent? What a charmed life you must live. /s

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Celebrity cancelled the excursion. Whoopee, big deal. What difference does it make as to why? How much money did you lose as a result? Put on your big boy pants and get over it.


Rich I almost feel like a flesh wound coming around.... :evilsmile:


bon voyage

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