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Government Shutdown


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We also came back from a cruise a few years ago and, yes, US Customs were told not to "man" many desks. It was chaos. Hope this ends very soon for all those concerned.


That's when the previous administration "weaponized" the shut down. They even closed the WWII Memorial from WWII vets who flew in to visit. It was totally unnecessary but vindictive.

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Lots of misinformation here about the mechanics of a shutdown. The appropriation process is in the Constitution. There are laws that prevent operations for occurring until Congress appropriates the money. We could change the Constitution and we could change the law, but no one has in all these years. Any other Congress would be up-in-arms at the usurpation of one of their fundamental Constitutional powers, but such are the dynamics of the current political climate.


That said, a short-term shutdown will not directly affect many in the next week or two (except the contractors who will be going without pay, as previously mentioned) as services that affect security and safety will continue. It's the equivalent of a holiday week or most everyone in the office taking vacation at the same time. Those giggling about "non-essential" personnel being laid off will be singing a different tune if it drags on for a few more weeks because then things will start getting delayed. The first big one will be processing of tax refunds, which are already on tap to be delayed because of all the tax changes. There are also thousands of hours spent developing all these contingency plans preparing for the shutdown, enacting the shutdown, and then recovering from the shutdown. It equates to real money spent for no good reason.


Sorry if many of us don't find the demonization of federal workers to be that funny. While I am not a federal worker myself, many of my friends and neighbors are, and they are worker-bees who want a stable life like anyone else.


Well said! I've never understood why people support the military but frown at federal workers; support police officers but frown at city employees. My husband is former military and now a police officer, but public service takes many forms. They are all working hard for the country and communities we love so well. I hope this shut down will end soon.


We will not all agree here - but the point of whether or not the shut down impacts cruisers is a good one for this forum. It sounds like the worse we'll be faced with is possibly longer lines. That's good to know in advance - I'll make sure to wear my earbuds to drown out the sound of complaints.

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Perhaps Congress and the President could be sequestered inside the Capitol building rotunda :eek:with porta-potties, a diet of beans and not be allowed to leave or shower until they settled the problem. Bet they'd figure it out quickly!

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Lots of misinformation here about the mechanics of a shutdown. The appropriation process is in the Constitution. There are laws that prevent operations for occurring until Congress appropriates the money. We could change the Constitution and we could change the law, but no one has in all these years. Any other Congress would be up-in-arms at the usurpation of one of their fundamental Constitutional powers, but such are the dynamics of the current political climate.


That said, a short-term shutdown will not directly affect many in the next week or two (except the contractors who will be going without pay, as previously mentioned) as services that affect security and safety will continue. It's the equivalent of a holiday week or most everyone in the office taking vacation at the same time. Those giggling about "non-essential" personnel being laid off will be singing a different tune if it drags on for a few more weeks because then things will start getting delayed. The first big one will be processing of tax refunds, which are already on tap to be delayed because of all the tax changes. There are also thousands of hours spent developing all these contingency plans preparing for the shutdown, enacting the shutdown, and then recovering from the shutdown. It equates to real money spent for no good reason.


Sorry if many of us don't find the demonization of federal workers to be that funny. While I am not a federal worker myself, many of my friends and neighbors are, and they are worker-bees who want a stable life like anyone else.


The new tax changes will not be in this tax season's filings. However the IRS does have a lot on their plate, i.e. new tax tables, W-4 changes etc.. but they would have that with or without the shutdown.

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Perhaps Congress and the President could be sequestered inside the Capitol building rotunda :eek:with porta-potties, a diet of beans and not be allowed to leave or shower until they settled the problem. Bet they'd figure it out quickly!







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I find it's best to go straight to the source. The US Dept of State website has this to say:


"At this time, scheduled passport services in the United States and our posts overseas will continue during the lapse in appropriations as the situation permits. This website will not be regularly updated until full operations resume, with the exception of emergency safety and security information."




I read through the article you quote above and nowhere in the content I can see are passports even mentioned. Very irresponsible headline IMO.

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I find it's best to go straight to the source. The US Dept of State website has this to say:


"At this time, scheduled passport services in the United States and our posts overseas will continue during the lapse in appropriations as the situation permits. This website will not be regularly updated until full operations resume, with the exception of emergency safety and security information."




I read through the article you quote above and nowhere in the content I can see are passports even mentioned. Very irresponsible headline IMO.




Ha !

More irresponsible sensationalizing by CNN (Commentary, Not News). I should have known better than to believe CNN !!


Thanks cruisemom for setting the record straight.



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Edited by dcyonce
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I find it's best to go straight to the source. The US Dept of State website has this to say:


"At this time, scheduled passport services in the United States and our posts overseas will continue during the lapse in appropriations as the situation permits. This website will not be regularly updated until full operations resume, with the exception of emergency safety and security information."




I read through the article you quote above and nowhere in the content I can see are passports even mentioned. Very irresponsible headline IMO.


From this morning, C-SPAN mentioned that passport processing, if this continues for more than four (4) days, will be delayed, not stopped. That could be what other news outlets have been saying as well?



Maybe the State Department did not fully explain this or others did not hear or read, not sure as I have not gone to the site, yet it (the citing above) says "...as the situation permits" which means over the next few days, this will all change unless there is a budget deal. As some U.S. Government Agencies/Departments have enough funding to last anywhere from one (1) to six (6) days in this situation.



bon voyage

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Not American but I must say that this is getting too political with bashing of news staions


g - you are correct, yet there are a few or more than a few people who enjoy this sort of bashing and banter. It is their First Amendment right to do so here, yet I believe there are other opinions and thoughts which need to be heard and taken seriously, even if not agreed with.


I avoid taking part in these types of postings, as much as possible, as equinamious conversations can be near impossible at times.... yet, thank you for the recognition of the issue.


Sometimes, just sometimes we do not get all of the facts to '...form a more perfect union...' only enough slivers to make our point until unequivocally proven incorrect and then there are times when that is done, the topic never goes away or apology made for the error.. ;-)

bon voyage

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As a retired teacher I believe the definition of "fake news" was created by 7th grade students that did not learn basic critical thinking or independent study skills and expect to be spoon fed truth...which they define as things they agree with:mad:

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I find it's best to go straight to the source. The US Dept of State website has this to say:


"At this time, scheduled passport services in the United States and our posts overseas will continue during the lapse in appropriations as the situation permits. This website will not be regularly updated until full operations resume, with the exception of emergency safety and security information."




I read through the article you quote above and nowhere in the content I can see are passports even mentioned. Very irresponsible headline IMO.

Plenty of weasel words here. While passport operations may not have ceased, the wording of this travel advisory leaves lots of room for a possible future reduction or cessation.


With respect to the CNN article, you might want to read it again. It clearly states, if possible inaccurately:


Whoever works for agencies and departments that are considered nonessential, including agencies that pay out small business loans and process
passport requests
, will cease to work effective immediately until Congress is able to agree on a bill for the federal budget. (emphasis added)

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Lots of misinformation here about the mechanics of a shutdown. The appropriation process is in the Constitution. There are laws that prevent operations for occurring until Congress appropriates the money. We could change the Constitution and we could change the law, but no one has in all these years. Any other Congress would be up-in-arms at the usurpation of one of their fundamental Constitutional powers, but such are the dynamics of the current political climate.


That said, a short-term shutdown will not directly affect many in the next week or two (except the contractors who will be going without pay, as previously mentioned) as services that affect security and safety will continue. It's the equivalent of a holiday week or most everyone in the office taking vacation at the same time. Those giggling about "non-essential" personnel being laid off will be singing a different tune if it drags on for a few more weeks because then things will start getting delayed. The first big one will be processing of tax refunds, which are already on tap to be delayed because of all the tax changes. There are also thousands of hours spent developing all these contingency plans preparing for the shutdown, enacting the shutdown, and then recovering from the shutdown. It equates to real money spent for no good reason.


Sorry if many of us don't find the demonization of federal workers to be that funny. While I am not a federal worker myself, many of my friends and neighbors are, and they are worker-bees who want a stable life like anyone else.


Thank you


bon voyage

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Plenty of weasel words here. While passport operations may not have ceased, the wording of this travel advisory leaves lots of room for a possible future reduction or cessation.


With respect to the CNN article, you might want to read it again. It clearly states, if possible inaccurately:


Whoever works for agencies and departments that are considered nonessential, including agencies that pay out small business loans and process
passport requests
, will cease to work effective immediately until Congress is able to agree on a bill for the federal budget. (emphasis added)


Apologies -- I did read the article twice, albeit quickly, and missed that mention.


Personally, I don't hold with all this "fake news" ballyhooing. There are plenty of errors made on all sides, but some places do a better job of fact-checking before the publish, rather than after.

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g - you are correct, yet there are a few or more than a few people who enjoy this sort of bashing and banter. It is their First Amendment right to do so here,


Sorry; the First Amendment does not give anyone the "right" to post on topics that are excluded from a particular internet forum. If it did, the result would be chaos, as no admins could remove totally irrelevant material; think cute cat photos on Jaguar car owners' forum.


Queries re the impact of the shutdown are clearly within the purposes of this forum; rants about the internal political mess of just one of the world's 200 countries are arguably not.



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Sorry; the First Amendment does not give anyone the "right" to post on topics that are excluded from a particular internet forum. If it did, the result would be chaos, as no admins could remove totally irrelevant material; think cute cat photos on Jaguar car owners' forum.


Queries re the impact of the shutdown are clearly within the purposes of this forum; rants about the internal political mess of just one of the world's 200 countries are arguably not.



w - you are correct, I needed to add 'within the TOS'.


Thank you and Bon voyage


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Those giggling about "non-essential" personnel being laid off will be singing a different tune if it drags on for a few more weeks because then things will start getting delayed. The first big one will be processing of tax refunds, which are already on tap to be delayed because of all the tax changes.


Refund processing will be delayed, but not because of "tax changes". Only the personnel problem. The "tax changes" are for the 2018 tax year, so the work preparing for them will be delayed, and that will delay the 2018 tax season in early 2019. But tax changes won't impact us this year.

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The real question for those outside of the US is how it will affect Customs processing at airports and cruise terminals for the vacations they have planned. If there's an extended "shutdown" there could be very long lines in US Customs.


The recovery to those operations are very quick, though, so if you read the shutdown is over, it is over. You don't have a long tail on these things that would affect your entry into the US a week after the shutdown ends.

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The only federal employees I demonize are the Congress-both sides of the aisle and the President for not doing their job.




This exactly. I don’t see any demonizing of federal employees here. It’s the lawmakers that are once again stomping their feet and throwing temper tantrums that are effecting everyone in the country.



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Refund processing will be delayed, but not because of "tax changes". Only the personnel problem. The "tax changes" are for the 2018 tax year, so the work preparing for them will be delayed, and that will delay the 2018 tax season in early 2019. But tax changes won't impact us this year.


Actually, they will. All the major financial outlets are warning people to very carefully check their withholding this year as a number of the changes could impact whether you owe a penalty in 2019. And the actual implementation rules, and new W-4 rules, haven't been written yet. That would be true of any major tax change regardless of the party in power.


However, this thread already has a tendency to veer into the political. Whether this lapse results in difficulties for travelers is to be determined, depending largely on how long it lasts, and whether there's a decision to go with minimum required manning or optimal manning.

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g - you are correct, yet there are a few or more than a few people who enjoy this sort of bashing and banter. It is their First Amendment right to do so here, yet I believe there are other opinions and thoughts which need to be heard and taken seriously, even if not agreed with.


I avoid taking part in these types of postings, as much as possible, as equinamious conversations can be near impossible at times.... yet, thank you for the recognition of the issue.


Sometimes, just sometimes we do not get all of the facts to '...form a more perfect union...' only enough slivers to make our point until unequivocally proven incorrect and then there are times when that is done, the topic never goes away or apology made for the error.. ;-)

bon voyage


First amendment does not apply, it protects you against government intrusions, suggest you read the Constitution.

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During the last government shutdown, we flew through JFK, and encountered a very rude TSA agent. She stood on a chair and yelled, “All you people in line better pay attention to me! I’m not being paid right now, and don’t want to be here”.

It wasn’t a good experience...



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First amendment does not apply, it protects you against government intrusions, suggest you read the Constitution.


d - Unless we are reading and understanding different versions of same:


"The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights."


The above does not apply privately operated websites, as of now. This was my reference point, I apologize for it not being clearer and my citing of same.


bon voyage

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d - Unless we are reading and understanding different versions of same:


"The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights."


The above does not apply privately operated websites, as of now. This was my reference point, I apologize for it not being clearer and my citing of same.


bon voyage


Read the first line, everything else is contingent upon Congress making a law abridging the freedoms. The Amendments do not apply to anything outside of the government infringing upon them. I don't mean to be rude but this is Con Law 101 and applies to pretty much every amendment. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

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