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Fascinating (?) Confessions - Carnival Fascination April 8-15, 2018


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About me: 62 yr old female from the Midwest, traveling solo. Three previous cruises, two on Carnival, one on Celebrity. I chose this trip because of the price and the fantastic itinerary.


It was strange but as this cruise approached I just did not experience the excitement and anticipation as I have in the past. I somehow felt it would not be as wonderful as past cruises and I was right. Perhaps I jinxed myself by thinking that, or I am just getting old, or both. Anyway.


Day 1 & 2- San Juan

Leaving behind 23 degree weather, I arrived in San Juan around 2:15 the day before the cruise. Luggage pickup was easy, & I just followed the signs outside to a small kiosk to get a taxi. For $22 plus $1 per bag + tip, a very friendly & informative driver took me to Fortaleeza Suites ($175), in Old San Juan.


The hotel was adequate. "Rustic with lots of character," I think they say. I am frugal, so I knew this would not be 5 star. The staff was very friendly and accommodating, the location was ideal for restaurants and sightseeing, and I walked to the port the next morning. A/C was cold, but the power indicator light was very bright and I slept with a pillow over my eyes. The room had a small refrigerator, somewhat wobbly and a rust stain or two, it still worked well. The hotel has a central common area (not well cooled) where you can brew coffee, very much like someone's kitchen. It also had a non-working refrigerator. I asked for a small coffee maker for the room, which was provided. It was a bit dirty, so I had to wash it before using. I had to get cups and glasses from the common area- nothing in the room. There was no storage, just a small rack for hanging items and a bench for my suitcase. The shower had no threshold, so water did splash out onto the floor. The over-the-shower-head hanger for shampoo etc. was a bit rusty, and water was not as hot as I like it. There were cobwebs behind the door, and no towel rack, just a grab bar. The lighting was poor in the bathroom & the whole room had a musty smell. The bed was firm, which I like, and had a feather pillow which I use at home and love. My room was directly off the lobby, which also housed a jewelry store, so it was noisy til 9 p.m. and again at 7:30 a.m., but I did sleep well. I was a bit disappointed overall.


After settling in and changing I walked down toward the port and caught the free trolley which I rode all the way around just to get an idea of locations and sights. Lots of locals use this so it did get crowded - sometimes standing room only, but older folks and women with children were quickly offered the seats. It was air-conditioned, but with so many stops it never was really cool. It was also worn around the edges and a bit dirty, but free. I had been up since 3 a.m. & it was very hot, so I did not get off to explore. After I exited the trolley I walked a couple of blocks to CVS pharmacy and picked up soda and a few mini bottles of rum for the room that evening. Then I went just a couple of blocks from the hotel to Punto de Vista rooftop restaurant for dinner. Not a fancy place, and view is - eh. Had to try the shrimp mofongo ($20) with garlic sauce and a Pina Colada. The shrimp were plump and done to perfection & what is not to love about garlic sauce? Mofongo is made from mashed plantains and is very, very starchy, so it simply served as a vehicle for the sauce. It was ok, and now I can say I tried it.


A long day of travel combined with the heat, such a sudden contrast, made it an early night for me. The next morning I was up early and had my coffee before going out to explore. The old cobblestone streets are very uneven, & footing can be treacherous. Did I mention I have arthritic knees? The architecture is beautiful and colorful. I stood outside an old cathedral for a while and listened to the singing from Sunday Mass. Lots of street kitties and pigeons wander around. I saw many of the major sights then stopped for breakfast at Cafe Mallorca. Mallorca was listed as a menu item and I was told it was sweet bread, so I tried it. It was like a cross between French toast and a crepe, dusted with powdered sugar. I ordered mine with ham, egg, & cheese. Same verdict as the night before -- it was ok, and now I can say I tried it.


Upon returning to the hotel at 11 a.m., I was told check-out was supposed to be 10 a.m. Oops. But they were very gracious about it, and I quickly packed up. They agreed to store my bags for a bit longer while I did a little shopping. About an hour or so later I returned to retrieve my things and head for the port. It was only a few blocks but my suitcase was heavy, my feet hurt and I was hot, so I was wishing I had taken a cab. Oh well, again my frugal choice.


Embarkation was smooth and uneventful and I was on board by 12:30 or so. I believe I could have gotten on sooner if I wished. I was told rooms would be ready by 1:30. I was not really hungry so I just had some soft serve ice cream at the buffet to cool off. Didn't it used to taste better? Well, it was cold & refreshing. I scolded myself for not packing my swimsuit in my carry on, because I was hot and the pool water looked so cool. In hindsight maybe not a bad thing. At 1:30 I went to my cabin but it was still not ready, so I went back to Lido and stuck my feet in the pool. That is when I discovered I had developed blisters on three of my toes after my morning of walking. Around 2:15 I returned to my room and my suitcase was there, thank goodness.


Okay, Confession #1 - I smuggled. Last night, I had one little airplane sized bottle of rum left, so I threw it in my suitcase, figuring what the heck. It was still there when I unpacked so I guess that makes me a smuggler. Sorry! I had heard that bedding was normally replaced during dry dock, but obviously that was not the case for Fascination. Bedding was clean, but clearly not new. I had chosen an interior on Riviera (again, frugality) which is fine for one person. It was the layout that confused me. The TV was mounted on the same wall as the head of the bed, so when I did want to watch it, I had to sit or lay with my head at the foot of the bed and rig a chair behind me for a back rest. I made it work. The carpet was very dusty under the bed-it did not look recently vacuumed.


I showered to cool off, then went back off the ship to Walgreens for shower gel (that stuff on the ship is worthless), moleskin for my poor toes, and an 8 pack of Coke. I returned to the ship and then it was time for get ready for dinner. This brings up ship layout. Because of the location of the galley, the mid-ship elevators do not stop on every floor. I had to go up to Promenade, then walk down a flight of stairs to the dining room. Same thing except up a flight to get to Lido. My other option was to walk to the fore or aft elevators. Not fun for my arthritic knees and blistered toes.


Speaking of blistered toes, here is Confession #2 - I wore my bedroom slippers to the dining room. I just could not put on any other shoes that first night. The slippers are dark blue and have an indoor-outdoor sole, so I am sure they were pretty unnoticeable, or at least I hope so. The staff was very overworked since open seating is the only option the first day besides the Lido deck food. My shrimp cocktail, a never fail go-to was good, but the cubed pork appetizer had only one good bite out of the four pieces on the plate. The fish entree was forgettable, but the apple pie dessert stood out as particularly unpleasant. I was beginning to wonder how things could have gone so far downhill in the short two years since my last cruise.


Muster took place at 8:30 or 9:00, I don't remember but it felt like midnight. It was hard to stay awake and there were several people nodding throughout. Previous reviews have mentioned that it took a full hour because of repeating everything in Spanish, but it was more like 45 minutes, so maybe this new crew (came on after dry dock in February) is getting the kinks worked out. After muster I was out like a light. I told you I was getting old!

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Day Three - St. Thomas

I had originally planned to go to Coki Beach, but again the problem with footwear. I could not wear anything but the slippers. I was disappointed to miss the beach, but tried to make the best of it. I started the morning with coffee from room service, which was very strong & bitter. Sigh. I like coffee first thing, and planned on room service every day, but now I don't know. It crossed my mind that they were trying to get guests to spend extra to buy from the coffee shop?? Well, if I have to, I have to.

It was nice to have a quiet ship, so I wandered a bit (still in slippers) and found places to take pictures, relax, and read. I decided to try the buffet for lunch and was very pleasantly surprised. Really good shrimp & conch fritters, jerk chicken, and spinach salad. Now this is the Carnival food I remember! I was just surprised that it was in the buffet. More relaxation and pool time in the afternoon, and I did find a prime spot poolside to park. (Why the heck are there big black balls of hair rolling around on the deck??) I met two nice gals whom I was to run into again and again for the next few days. My first cruise friends!

That afternoon I ordered a bottle from room service. Yes it was expensive, but I knew it would save me in the long run, and along with the soda I had brought on board I was set. I was surprised that I was NOT charged a delivery fee, and since I waited until day 2, I paid no tax. Had I ordered it night 1, I would have paid another $10 in taxes. So, I was able to enjoy a drink as I got ready for dinner, and here it comes - Confession # 3 - I mixed a drink and took it to the dining room. I know, I know, such a rebel🙄. Tonight I met my table mates for the rest of the cruise, a great bunch of folks. I was a bit surprised that there were not more solos at the table. On past cruises it seemed that Carnival really tried to seat solos together, but I got along great with everyone, so I was happy. Dinner was MUCH BETTER tonight. Shrimp cocktail again, some sort of rarebit thing, breaded portabella mushrooms, and butter brickle ice cream. YUM, now this is more like it!

I caught the early comedy show, Lance Montalto. Unfortunately, he was a snooze, but I think a large part of it was the audience. They were a snooze, too. After, I spent some time at the Stars Bar listening to the Cherry Burton Band which is very good!

Day 4 - Sea Day

Confession # 4 - I had not ordered room service, but gotta have that early coffee, so I wore my bathrobe to the coffee shop. (I can hear your shocked gasps😳.) I confess that I was uncomfortable, so that is not going to work either. Gotta come up with plan C, especially since the coffee there was not that much better, and they did not have cream at that time. Sigh again.

I went down to Sea Day Brunch about 9:30 and was happy to be seated with the two gals I had met the day before and another solo cruiser. Great conversation, and the steak and eggs were really tasty. After changing I went to explore. I checked out the Serenity Deck, and did find a spot in the shade to read and people watch. It was a bit rocky back there but there was a nice breeze. After a while I went back up to Lido, read some more, then tried a fish taco from Blue Iguana for lunch. Not as good as breakfast, but ok. I watched a bit of the hairy chest contest, stuck my feet in the pool, then attended a meet & greet which had been organized by a gent from the Facebook page for our sailing. Nice folks, and the best thing is seeing their pictures posted and hearing their experiences afterward.

Tonight is Elegant Night #1. Fortunately my feet are better & I can wear my sandals to dinner. There was a new face at the table tonight, and Oh My Gosh what a HOOT! She was way funnier that ol' Lance from last night, and kept the entire table in stitches. Along with the lobster it made for a great dinner. I was planning to attend the Diva's show that evening, but got back to the cabin and suddenly was tired, so I stayed in. Old age infringes on the night life😕.

Day 5 - Barbados

I was awake at 5 a.m., then went back to sleep til 7. Seems like I felt the ship's movement more last night and I was restless all night. Anyway, I had ordered room service again, this time coffee PLUS hot water, which made it better. I also got a croissant and peanut butter. I wish the room service breakfast included a slice of ham or cheese-I prefer protein over cereals and toast, and I do not care for yogurt. Sigh.

Anyway, I think I was off the ship by 8:30, and in a cab to Pirate Cove ($5) soon afterward. It was just a short ride away, and right next door to The Boatyard, which I walked to later. I chose Pirate Cove because the photos showed lots of shade, and that is where the Carnival excursions go. It is a very pretty area. Got a chair ($8) under a palapa & settled in. It was a windy day and the surf was a bit rough - in fact later in the morning they posted the red flags, but I did wade a little. I was approached by a gentleman selling a snorkel tour to see the turtles ($20), but I declined. My Facebook buddies went to The Boatyard and paid $20 upfront which included their chair plus the snorkel tour, but food is more expensive and it is more crowded. So, your choice.

I was able to access the free wifi and get caught up on messages. Saw a few other "blue towel folk", but it was never crowded at all. I( enjoy seeing shipmates - I always feel like I can strike up a conversation right away.) There was a really talented woman on guitar, accompanied by a guy on steel drum playing right on the beach. I really enjoyed this, another contrast to The Boatyard, which had recorded (loud) music playing. Lunch was buffet style, and PLENTIFUL! As I got my food I listened to the gentle teasing of one local man with the young girl behind the counter. He said to me, "Soon she will be my wife, very soon." The girl just ducked her head and blushed. Someone else said something to her and the young man said, "Careful, I am jealous!" It was so cute. Anyway, lunch was $10 and yummy- fried fish, several noodle dishes, & salad. As I finished my lunch I overheard some folks who had done the snorkel tour talking about all of the turtles they had seen, and I regretted not going. However later, I head from the FB people that they did not see any turtles. Luck of the draw, I guess.

By 1 p.m. I was ready to head back so I showered the sand off and went in search of a cab. This is where I goofed because I should have arranged ahead of time for a pickup with the same driver who brought me. There were drivers inside, but they were waiting on folks who had pre-arranged and I did not want to wait, so they found someone willing to take me. He asked for $10 since I was the only passenger, and I am sure I could have negotiated, but what the heck, I agreed. I think he was a bit surprised, and gave me a very nice commentary on the way back, which I appreciated.

I relaxed that afternoon, then got ready for dinner, but at the last minute I was just too tired. I guess the sun & my before dinner beverage caught up with me😳. I called my steward and asked if he could make up the room right away while I went to get a sandwich, and of course, he agreed. I went up to Guy's and got a burger and fries, and by the time I got back he was finishing up and bringing my ice. I gave him an extra tip and spent the evening watching a movie.

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Day 6 - St. Lucia

Last night was the first night I felt I really got a good night's sleep. I was awake early and felt great. My room service coffee & hot water was steaming hot. I was off the ship and ready for my planned excursion at about 8:15. I opted for the Spencer Ambrose Land & Sea tour ($110) because the travel is covered by speedboat rather than winding roads on a bus. Easy directions had me quickly meeting the group and our guide, Penny. My first challenge was boarding the boat (knees again), but Penny was right there to help me and guided me to the rear of the boat for a more stable ride. We headed at high speed for an exhilarating ride around the island to the town of Soufriere. There, we boarded a bus where beverages (beer, water, sodas, or rum punch) were passed around. We took a short trip to Sulphur Springs and the mud baths, with Penny providing lots of interesting commentary on the way. The steps down to the mud baths were steep and rocky, so I was moving slowly and once again Penny was at my side, as were two young men from the group. I was well taken care of for the entire day! 😄

Taking a dip in the mud baths was optional but we all gave it a try (wear an old, dark colored suit -- light colors will stain). It did make my skin feel soft. We left our mud "facials" intact for the short drive to a waterfall, where everyone got in to rinse off. Then, it was back to the boat for the trip to Sugar Beach, aka Jalousie Beach. This beach is located between the island's famous Pitons and is breathtakingly beautiful. Many of the lounge chairs on the beach belonged to a resort, and we were cautioned that we would be charged $50 if we used them, so we were directed to some free chairs in a smaller area. This area did become a little crowded, but our group no problem finding a chair and other tours came and went all day, so I don't think anyone had to wait long. We arrived around 11:30, and they set up our lunch for us-a delicious buffet of jerk chicken, noodles, lentils, salad and assorted plantains, along with beverage. These folks are so hospitable, the ladies kept calling me "sweetheart" and "darling".

We spent between 2 1/2 - 3 hours in this heavenly spot. Many people snorkeled, and reported excellent viewing. I walked down in front of the resort to enjoy the water. Very calm. There was a small shop, shower and bathrooms. There was also a young man with a canoe full of fruit who would whack open a coconut or a pineapple with his machete and whip you up a smoothie, with or without rum. If you preferred a smokeable form of relaxation, I understand that was available in the area as well, and I did detect that odor. 😜

Much too soon it was time to re-board the boat and head back. We took a more leisurely pace this time, pausing for pictures and passing a couple of fishing villages, the resort where they filmed "The Bachelor" ($2500 per night), and Marigot Bay, where, according to Penny, Mick Jagger & Sophia Loren have houses. It was back to the port by about 3:30. I just had to give Penny a big hug and I wished I had a a bigger tip for her. She was just amazing, and it would be so awesome to see her again sometime.

After a cool-off & shower in the room, I headed up for 2nd elegant night. I was the only one at the table for about a half-hour, so I got lots of attention. Head waiter Paul even took a picture of me on my phone that turned out better than the professional shot I had taken. By the way, that "professional" was rather rude 😒. Dinner was good, but I was still really full from lunch and beginning to feel the effects of eating so well all week. After dinner, I stopped in to try out the Alchemy Bar. Very interesting and good! Then I attended the Motown Show, which was enjoyable. I have seen the full-length production, so this was not as good, but I still liked it. I ended the evening at the Stars Bar, where I found my girlfriends and a little guy about 4 or 5 to dance with. Such fun! The best day of the whole cruise.

Day 7 - St. Kitts

No room service today, since I knew I would sleep in. When I did venture up to Lido we had a brief downpour. I read and drank coffee, then eventually found Huevos Rancheros from Blue Iguana for breakfast. Tasty!! I spent a lazy morning, then decided to walk around a bit ashore. Basseterre is a cute and quaint little place, but I just didn't find anything that really appealed to me to do, so I returned to the ship. I played Trivia twice that afternoon and got a 2nd place medal (along with the others who did not win 😆). I finished reading my book and went to put my feet into the pool. Oh, look at that cute little guy! Mom is dunking him up and . . . Oh dear. He is in a diaper! Out come my feet in a hurry. I looked at the other end of the pool, but there is a little one there as well. I was done. Mom did take him out shortly, but then proceeded to the hot tub with him. Sigh.

Dinner that night was short ribs which was fork tender and yummy. Funny, but I never did have chocolate melting cake this trip. I tried a few other things which were not as good, but I was usually too full for dessert anyway. Comedy club Jorge Solano was hilarious. He ad-libbed a lot, talking to audience members, and everyone enjoyed it.

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Day 8 - St. Maarten

My first glimpse of this port was concerning. Something was burning in the middle of town and continued to burn all morning. Strange. I was scheduled for the Top 10 Best excursion today (about $45?). As we gathered in the theater to wait, I overheard that others were joining us because their excursion to the zip line had been cancelled as a result of the smoke. We discovered that the culprit was the landfill, which has spontaneously started on fire a couple of times a month since the hurricanes. Supposedly, the captain had even contemplated passing up this stop, but I am glad he did not.

We had a very interesting and entertaining driver, Tito. Our bus took us all over the island with photo stops along the way. The extent of the hurricane damage is sobering and sad. Overturned, abandoned boats in the harbors, buildings without roofs, twisted metal, etc., etc., Tito said the effects of another storm 22 years ago can still be seen, so who knows how long this cleanup will take. I was particularly upset to see the litter - mostly beer bottles. It was like people figured everything already looked bad so what the heck. But Tito said the people who remain are determined to recover and are so happy to see the tourists return. The beaches themselves remain beautiful, and the plant life is recovering.

Sights along the way included the Iguana "Forest", an overlook of Orient Beach, the shortest international bridge in the world, Mullet Bay, and a cute little Carousel where you could get gelato. We spent a short while in Marigot, ducking between raindrops, and had about 45 minutes at Maho Beach, where we did get to see several small planes and one larger one come in. I liked this excursion.

Upon return to the ship, I decided to get most of the dreaded packing out of the way. Then I stopped at the Atrium Bar for a bit before dinner to listen to some music. This was my birthday, so I got the little cake at dinner (mostly for looks, TOO sweet!) and the waiters and my table mates sang to me. I don't remember my main dish. I finished the evening back at the Stars Bar, where the Cherry Burton Band honored my request for a Heart song with a very impressive rendition of "Alone". My gal pals were there again as well, which gave us all a chance to say goodbye.

Day 9 - San Juan

Awake early and turned on the TV for some company. No audio?? "No sound for you, your vacation is OVER!"😳. Packed and ready to go, I headed for the dining room for breakfast. There was a bit of a line, but the people behind me split off to create a 2nd line. Okay, this is good, I will follow them. But, there was no 2nd line and we had to just merge back into the original line. Unfortunately, our merging put us ahead of a boy and his mom who had been in front of us before. I overheard him say, "Those people just butted in!" His mom replied, "Totally." Final Confession - Oh Dear Lord. Now I am a line-cutter. 😱 Just kill me now. I was so mortified that I did not turn around and let them go ahead of me, which I should have. I was too busy trying to sink through the floor. I really am sorry.😔🙁😢.

What was otherwise a good breakfast was colored by that, but I can only vow to be more aware in the future. It occurred to me that some of the things others have done which caused me such outrage in the past may well have been accidental or unintentional. Another vow - give folks the benefit of the doubt!

I waited to disembark as long as I could. I kept overhearing people talk about storms and snow in the Midwest, but I did not have Internet so I had no idea what was going on back home. The ship seemed pretty empty when I finally went down, but I should have waited even longer. The line for customs was long, and of course it is harder to wait when the fun is behind you. The rest of the day was spent in the airport, waiting for my flight. Fast forward til I finally got internet service back -- I am headed home to 13 inches of snow, and more forecast for later in the week. Sigh.

Final thoughts: I just did not get that "pampered" feeling on this trip. Overall the food was good, but again, not as good as I remembered, nor were the shows. Staff did not seem quite as friendly (with a few exceptions). Ship was ok but I had higher hopes after the recent dry dock. Ports were great, mostly. I do admit that my experience was dampened by the fact that I just am not as mobile as I used to be. But I find that the unpleasant parts fade quickly, while the good memories go on. Sorry I was unable to add photos. Happy Cruises!

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Great review. i was on Fascination the week after you. I had a great cruise. I especially liked St Lucia and I also did the Spencer Ambrose tour and it was very good. The Spencer Ambrose crew were so nice. I would like to do this cruise again sometime. Glad you enjoyed the cruise.

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Thanks for your review- loved your confessions lol!


I have been wondering about this ship and itinerary... a girlfriend went and was not impressed. She said what I had wondered- that the ship was too old and worn...boring... and the itinerary wore her out. This is a friend is the least picky person I know and takes 3-4 Carnival cruises a year and never complained until this ship.I keep thinking it's an amazing itinerary and I'd like to give it a go but with a teenage daughter it's likely a no go - she gets run down with lost of ports and normally prefers the sea days... so maybe ill go with friends. I'd be going for the ports so I'm okay with the older ship - BUT my concern is these days I do get motion sick (not so in my 20s lol) and so I am concerned about older stabilizers....

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  • 5 weeks later...

Enjoyed reading your review. We are thinking about doing the Fascination the end of March next year.



It is expensive by flight, coming from Missouri to fly to San Juan, just to get the ship.:(My favorite port/island is St. Lucia, and I have been blessed to go there twice. I am 75, but most people think I look 10 years younger, and act the same way too.:) As I told my friend who is to be going with me, I don't know if this will be my last cruise (done many before), but I wanted to make sure I got back to St. Lucia one more time!:) We do the Cosol tour, and for the money, it is worth every penny, and even more, but that is just MY opinion.:)

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