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How would you feel? Child accidentally left at kids club lobby during registration

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I'm curious how Royal handles lost children in general.


Let's say a child in the Windjammer walked up to a staff and said they didn't know where their parents were? Would the staff ask him if he knew how to go back to his room and to go there?


Seems to me if a child is walking around unattended, the staff should help that child reunite with the parents. Not sure what the protocol is for lost children on the ship in general and where they wait and how they try to find the parents, but I would think this would fall into that category.


The child tried to join the Kid's club, probably told them that his dad tried to sign him in, and now his dad is gone. The "right" thing to do would be to group that kid into the "Missing Kid" category, not making an assumption that he is old enough to go off on his own.


Many kids at 9 are comfortable wandering alone, but I wouldn't let my kids do so at 9, and that's up to me to make that decision anyways, not staff members. Even if the child said he was ok to find his way back, 9 seems to young to trust his judgement. Maybe he could, maybe he couldn't. What if the child had been 3, 5, 7... would you have the same answer? IMO, if the kid was Kid's club age (11 or under), and wandering alone, the kids club should assume the child is lost and follow whatever that protocol is.

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I'm curious how Royal handles lost children in general.


Let's say a child in the Windjammer walked up to a staff and said they didn't know where their parents were? Would the staff ask him if he knew how to go back to his room and to go there?


Seems to me if a child is walking around unattended, the staff should help that child reunite with the parents. Not sure what the protocol is for lost children on the ship in general and where they wait and how they try to find the parents, but I would think this would fall into that category.


The child tried to join the Kid's club, probably told them that his dad tried to sign him in, and now his dad is gone. The "right" thing to do would be to group that kid into the "Missing Kid" category, not making an assumption that he is old enough to go off on his own.


Many kids at 9 are comfortable wandering alone, but I wouldn't let my kids do so at 9, and that's up to me to make that decision anyways, not staff members. Even if the child said he was ok to find his way back, 9 seems to young to trust his judgement. Maybe he could, maybe he couldn't. What if the child had been 3, 5, 7... would you have the same answer? IMO, if the kid was Kid's club age (11 or under), and wandering alone, the kids club should assume the child is lost and follow whatever that protocol is.


This child was not lost, he didn't have the authority to check himself into Adventure Ocean and when asked, he said he knew how to get back to his cabin.


As far as lost kids, we have seen two different instances of lost kids. One was on Anthem, prior to the muster drill. We were sitting in the theater waiting for the drill to start and an officer walked down the aisle to the stage with a little boy in his arms. The child was probably 3 or 4. The officer was on his phone the whole time and then when he got to the stage, he held up the child and kind of showed the boy to each section of the theater. A few minutes later, a woman went running by us with a very young girl, maybe 1, literally tucked under her arm. We thought the little girl was going to hit her head on a seat or a pole the way the woman was carrying her. She then claimed the little boy and left the theater. Funny thing was, I was calling my Mom to say goodbye from our balcony as I always do when we cruise and I was telling her the story. A head popped around the balcony divider and it was the woman with the little boy. Grandpa was supposed to be watching him and he lost him in the crowd on the way to the theater as the boy started to run.


Other time was in the WJ on a different Anthem sailing. An officer was holding the hand of a little girl, maybe 5, and he was on his phone. They stood in place for a while, maybe 5 or 10 minutes. A security officer came into the WJ and they began to talk. Just then, an older man came into the WJ and the little girl bolted towards him. Security went and talked to the man and then let them leave.


It seems if they do have a lost child, they keep them in one place until someone comes frantically looking for them. Not sure what they do if the child is lost for an extended period of time, but having the child stay put makes sense.


In the OP case, the child was not lost and told AO he could get back to his cabin. Had he answered differently, they might have reacted differently, no way of knowing.

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Sigh--OP, I am sorry you do not like the opinions of mot of us, but acusing all of us who do not agree with you that staff did anything wrong of not reading your entire post, or follow up posts or of lacking reading comprehension is just rude and defensive as heck.


I read it all. Your husband messed up. Not in some huge big way that I judge--in a way that I can see a caring parent doing as a one off. our son handled it well, eventually found the cabin and got ahold of you in spite of you apparently having not prepared him with an advance plan of what to do if he were lost. Go him! Nothing terrible happened. Learn from it and move on.


RCI staff spoke with a child who did not give any indication tht he was lost (or abandoned) or in need of help, so they let him go on his way instead of overstepping and taking control over his whereabouts.


I do not judge your husband at all harshly---mistakes happen. I do judge you (ok and your husband if he is in agreement with you) for trying to place blame for the situation on someone else so you'll feel better about it happening at all.


To the OP


I have followed this thread with interest on how a company handles certain situations. It seems in this case your DH was totally at fault BUT luckily you have a son with a secure head and common sense on his young shoulders. You asked a public forum on our opinions and we gave them to you. You ask a hundred parents how they would react in a certain situation and you will get a HUNDRED different answers back. You seem very defensive on some answers. I don't know what your future cruising plans are...but good luck, happy cruising, and count your lucky stars you have a son as mature as he is for his age.




pretty sure the consensus was.. Royal did nothing wrong. they asked your kid if he knew how to get back to his cabin. he said yes. therefore they had no further obligation to him. are they supposed to assume he's lying or incapable of getting back there on his own?


a single 9 year old wandering around is NOT uncommon, unusual or cause for staff to get all in a tizzy.

and this

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Yes! Is your husband still in the dog house?

No. I know he lacks attention at times. Typical man.

And yes I was defensive when people accused me of being a bad parent for simply going to the casino or saying that I am a horrible parent for asking about leaving my son on the ship. Those comments wouldn't make you defensive? Seriously?

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For me this all boils down to:


Don't demand from others what you are unwilling or unable to do for yourself.



When exactly was I demanding anything? :confused: I was asking people's opinions and don't have a problem with their responses unless they involve attacks or ridiculous assumptions. I find it hilarious that someone actually took the time to look up the POLICY QUESTION I asked in another thread about the kids club then accused me of being an awful parent for asking about leaving my child on the ship or accusing me of complaining. There was no complaint in either of these threads. Just asking if people thought this was normal. Which most think it is, so no problem. Many of you are the ones making incorrect assumptions and statements. Not me.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Don't most people use the kids club as entertainment/babysitting while they do other things on or off the ship like go to dinner, go to shows, etc.???

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Sigh--OP, I am sorry you do not like the opinions of mot of us, but acusing all of us who do not agree with you that staff did anything wrong of not reading your entire post, or follow up posts or of lacking reading comprehension is just rude and defensive as heck.


I read it all. Your husband messed up. Not in some huge big way that I judge--in a way that I can see a caring parent doing as a one off. our son handled it well, eventually found the cabin and got ahold of you in spite of you apparently having not prepared him with an advance plan of what to do if he were lost. Go him! Nothing terrible happened. Learn from it and move on.


RCI staff spoke with a child who did not give any indication tht he was lost (or abandoned) or in need of help, so they let him go on his way instead of overstepping and taking control over his whereabouts.


I do not judge your husband at all harshly---mistakes happen. I do judge you (ok and your husband if he is in agreement with you) for trying to place blame for the situation on someone else so you'll feel better about it happening at all.







and this

ONCE AGAIN: When did I blame RCL for ANYTHING????????????????????????????????

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I find it hilarious that someone actually took the time to look up the POLICY QUESTION I asked in another thread about the kids club then accused me of being an awful parent for asking about leaving my child on the ship or accusing me of complaining.


Many of you are the ones making incorrect assumptions and statements. Not me.



as it seems, the OP was obviouslycomfortable with leaving their son on the ship while in port so i'm not surewhy any of this is even an issue for them





at what point did i accuse you of anything?

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When exactly was I demanding anything? :confused: I was asking people's opinions and don't have a problem with their responses unless they involve attacks or ridiculous assumptions. I find it hilarious that someone actually took the time to look up the POLICY QUESTION I asked in another thread about the kids club then accused me of being an awful parent for asking about leaving my child on the ship or accusing me of complaining. There was no complaint in either of these threads. Just asking if people thought this was normal. Which most think it is, so no problem. Many of you are the ones making incorrect assumptions and statements. Not me.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Don't most people use the kids club as entertainment/babysitting while they do other things on or off the ship like go to dinner, go to shows, etc.???


I'm speaking about due diligence. There was an expectation for others, the ships crew, to do what your husband didn't do, couldn't do our wouldn't do. You pick the right one. My statement wasn't about the folks who made the comment.


Kinda like when folks ask others to remind them to do something that they are afraid they themselves won't remember. This passes on the responsibility on to others as if they are working for you for free.



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[quote name=allison0523;56349693

Oh yeah' date=' one more thing. Don't most people use the kids club as entertainment/babysitting while they do other things on or off the ship like go to dinner, go to shows, etc.???[/quote]


Actually no. When we vacationed with our children, we vacationed WITH our children, meals, activities, shore excursions. The only time my son went to AO was when there was something going on there he wanted to do.

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I agree. The boy was not wandering the ship. He was in the kids club where his father had just been. Someone should have stayed with him and helped him to find his parents.


Read the original heading and the entire post. Child was left in the lobby not in the kids club. Staff asked him if he knew how to get to his cabin, and he said yes, and returned to his cabin.


Royal Caribbean did nothing wrong. Husband left the child!


It's not unusual to see 9-year-olds walking around alone. By the way, kids don't wear a sign saying "I am 9!" I have a 9-year-old granddaughter who is as tall as many teens. How was staff to know the child's age?

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When exactly was I demanding anything? :confused: I was asking people's opinions and don't have a problem with their responses unless they involve attacks or ridiculous assumptions. I find it hilarious that someone actually took the time to look up the POLICY QUESTION I asked in another thread about the kids club then accused me of being an awful parent for asking about leaving my child on the ship or accusing me of complaining. There was no complaint in either of these threads. Just asking if people thought this was normal. Which most think it is, so no problem. Many of you are the ones making incorrect assumptions and statements. Not me.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Don't most people use the kids club as entertainment/babysitting while they do other things on or off the ship like go to dinner, go to shows, etc.???


When my kids were young enough for the club, we worked our schedule around them. We didn't plan a dinner or show around the kids club. Once they said they wanted to go, we would go and try and get reservations then. We have never left them on the ship as that was our purpose in taking them on the cruise to show them the different places and countries. Maybe if they were there many times before and insisted in staying on the ship we would but we never came across that and never will as they are teens now and the last 2 times barely left our sides :( lol

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Actually no. When we vacationed with our children, we vacationed WITH our children, meals, activities, shore excursions. The only time my son went to AO was when there was something going on there he wanted to do.


Parents have different parenting styles. Neither is right or wrong. When our kids were that age they loved Adventure Ocean and preferred it to our company. Though we insisted they have meals with us and do the excursions. So I don't find fault in using it at all. This child must have liked it because he went back several times.

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Read the original heading and the entire post. Child was left in the lobby not in the kids club. Staff asked him if he knew how to get to his cabin, and he said yes, and returned to his cabin.


Royal Caribbean did nothing wrong. Husband left the child!


It's not unusual to see 9-year-olds walking around alone. By the way, kids don't wear a sign saying "I am 9!" I have a 9-year-old granddaughter who is as tall as many teens. How was staff to know the child's age?


The staff knew that he was there to be in the club. He told his parents they wouldn’t let him in. They also knew the dad had left because that is what they told the mom. Sometimes it’s not being right or wrong, but just going the extra mile.

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Actually no. When we vacationed with our children, we vacationed WITH our children, meals, activities, shore excursions. The only time my son went to AO was when there was something going on there he wanted to do.


This! Thank you! I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one that spent my vacations with my children. Now that they are older, I appreciate all the family time we had together when they were young. :cool:

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Heck, my daughter is 33 and still comes with us! My son has a family so not quite a flexible but we go somewhere with his family every year too. Yes, parenting styles are different but its how I was raised. My parents never went anywhere without my brother & I. Come to think of it, my brother tags along about half the time too!!

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im sorry your child was left behind but i fail to see how it was royals fault that his dad assumed he put him in the kids club but the kids club was not where your husband left him. Unless you had verbal confirmation that they were going to take your son to the club you should not have left him there. im sure the daily planner stated that this was a registration and never said the lobby was the kids club. I do agree that they should have called security to come get him and not let him wander around. Hopefully next time your husband will make sure he actually sees your son go to the kids club before leaving to go to the casino

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allsion0523 Please specifically ignore anything that poocher has said because it appears from this thread from June 6, 2018 poocher is a walking contradiction:





Cool Cruiser






58 Posts

Joined Sep 2001

Posted June 6th, 2018, 03:41 PM


On our last (and ONLY cruise) my 11 year old son pretty much had the run of the ship. There weren't a lot of kids on board, maybe 30 total and they hung out together the whole trip. Now he did come with us when we got off the ship but he roamed at will while aboard. He knew where and when the snacks were coming out. All the bartenders knew him by name .clear.png?emoji-embarrass-1727clear.png?emoji-embarrass-1727 He had a blast and caused no trouble. You know your own kids and the decision is yours. Have a great cruise and, if you decide they need someone to be on board with them, I'll volunteer!!!!

This is why I wouldn't let any of these posters get to me:'):'), they post so much they forget what they have previously told someone else.

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I am so thankful that I’ve found THE epicenter/forum comprised of perfect parents, high rolling tippers, masters of etiquette, and fashionistas!!! I can look no further!!!! Such a relief.


The personal attacks I’ve seen on the OP are disgusting. Do I agree with her? No- I place more blame on her husband. But the self righteousness and judgment on this board is horrifying.


There’s a huge difference between believing that you are sharing an opposing viewpoint from the OP and being downright judgmental and nasty. Wow.


Despite the fact that you are all perfect, you clearly missed the daily lesson on manners and how to disagree respectfully.


OP - I don’t think it would hurt to share your experience with RCL post cruise. I don’t necessarily believe they were in the wrong, per se, but it could open a discussion internally/onboard about protocol and procedures for future situations like yours.


Kudos to your son for being resourceful.

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allsion0523 Please specifically ignore anything that poocher has said because it appears from this thread from June 6, 2018 poocher is a walking contradiction:





Cool Cruiser










58 Posts

Joined Sep 2001

Posted June 6th, 2018, 03:41 PM


On our last (and ONLY cruise) my 11 year old son pretty much had the run of the ship. There weren't a lot of kids on board, maybe 30 total and they hung out together the whole trip. Now he did come with us when we got off the ship but he roamed at will while aboard. He knew where and when the snacks were coming out. All the bartenders knew him by name .:o:o He had a blast and caused no trouble. You know your own kids and the decision is yours. Have a great cruise and, if you decide they need someone to be on board with them, I'll volunteer!!!!

This is why I wouldn't let any of these posters get to me:'):'), they post so much they forget what they have previously told someone else.


Yes, you are correct that he hung out with the other kids on sea days pretty much all day. I meant that we did not do things that didnt include he and his sister. We ate breakfast and dinner as a family, spent all of our port days together. We didnt use AO as a baby sitter so we could go off without him. He went by his choice not ours.


OP asked didnt everyone use the kids club as a baby sitter so they could go to dinner, see a show....



My answer was no.

Edited by poocher
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So the dad just walked away from his kid without saying goodbye or anything? WOW.


And this dad -- who is used to being given a phone by every other kids club for emergency contact because of his son's "medical issues" that he just disclosed in the registration process -- walked out of the kids club registration lobby area without finding out how staff will be contacting him if his son has a medical emergency? WOW.


These parents -- who have cruised extensively with this medically complicated child -- never taught their child what to do/say if separated from the parents? WOW.


This mom -- who obviously just wants to blame someone besides her and her husband for not providing adequate supervision of their son -- is upset that everyone is calling her out on her inconsistencies and poor choices? WOW.


My kid has known what to do if he gets lost/separated since he was 2yo. We even talked about what to do if you can't find an employee in a uniform -- to approach a mom with kids or a grandma-looking woman if at all possible (lower chance of molestation or abduction).


My kid has gone to a variety of childcare facilities, sports camps, summer camps, etc. I never signed him up at the table and then just walked away, leaving the kid there to figure the rest out on his own. If I didn't know where to go from the table and the person signing us up didn't offer, I simply asked - "where do we go now?" How on earth would I know where to pick my kid up from if I didn't know where I was dropping him off at?



Some 9yos are perfectly fine walking around the ship by themselves, others are not. I was just on Harmony and saw two girls in bikinis carrying Starbucks cups on the elevator, discussing whether they should go back to the room and change their clothes or not... these girls appeared to be 5-7yo. Their parents obviously had no problem with them walking around and spending money without an adult around -- it was too young, IMO, but that's a decision that each parent has to make. If those two girls had been "apprehended" by security and confined for being "lost" even though they claimed to know how to get back from their room, those parents would be screaming their heads off at how RCI traumatized their girls and ruined their vacation.


OP -- Your husband screwed up. Your child was not harmed. Hopefully you have all learned to be more attentive in the future, and you'll hopefully teach your son what you expect him to do in the future if he's separated from you.

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