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Thanks for the kind words, SLSD, they are much needed at this juncture. Even after the cortisone shot, multiple rounds of Benadryl and ice packs, the swelling and itching have not abated. I can only imagine the discomfort you experienced with the chigger bites. I may return to the doctor when he opens for business at 6pm and see if he has any more ideas for some relief. Wish me well

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airtana, You should definitely return to the doctor. It sounds like your bites are very severe and what has been done so far is not working as well as it should. I had to go to the Emergency Room with my bites at about 3am. My husband and I were newlyweds then and he was clerking for a law firm during the summer. He was also badly bitten, but had a somewhat delayed reaction. He became so ill from his bites that he missed about a week and a half of work! Yes, it was that bad. I am a bit concerned about you. I 'm sure the doctor would like to take another look. Perhaps he will consider a steroid injection.

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Thanks for the kind words, SLSD, they are much needed at this juncture. Even after the cortisone shot, multiple rounds of Benadryl and ice packs, the swelling and itching have not abated. I can only imagine the discomfort you experienced with the chigger bites. I may return to the doctor when he opens for business at 6pm and see if he has any more ideas for some relief. Wish me well




Airtana’s Black fly bites day after being bit and after visiting ship’s Doctor.





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Airtana, Everyone at our house is grimacing. Hopefully you are seeing the ship's doctor again. We had very good results seeing Ovation's doctor in June for several issues. I think he will take additional measures. I can tell you are suffering.

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Believe it or not, I found a remedy for the terrible itching while researching on the internet. It’s called the hot water cure and entails running the hottest water you can on your bites for about 30 seconds. According to the dermatology experts from the 1960s, the hot water “short circuits” the itch reflex. In other words, the nerve network in the skin gets so overloaded by the heat stimulus, the urge to scratch is abolished for up to three hours. You will be amazed at how fast the relief occurs. This is someones testament: This hot water cure WORKS and is miraculous as far as I am concerned. A few months ago I had a terrible bout with insect bites: some I think were a severe allergic reaction to a bite. I tried everything the pharmacy and my dermatologist had to offer, and then went to People’s Pharmacy web site in total desperation and read about the hot water treatment. I couldn’t believe it. At first you think it isn’t working, but then you stop the hot water and realize the itching is gone. I use it on any bite now, and have told everyone I know. It is great!”


And I have to say from my own first hand experience it has worked for me as well. Simply amazing!

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The bites are a little bit better but still very red and swollen, think it will take some time for them to go away completely. In the meantime, the hot water treatment makes it easier to live with. PHEW!!


I hope you are feeling better. Thank you for posting this. I am one of those that has severe reactions to most bites. We were hoping to do this cruise next August but your post does give us reason to reconsider.


Just had an episode with an insect bite here in Marietta and my Dr. had me take an antibiotic for precaution-=-Bacterium. Seems an infection under the skin is possible and not always visible.


Truly sorry you've had to go thru this. Know it is not the way you want to end a lovely cruise.

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What a coincidence, we live in Marietta too. My bites have almost healed up and the hot water treatment I described above really helped with the itching. It really only interfered with our enjoyment of the trip for about one day. Sorry to hear about your recent experience, hope you are better as well. Getting ready to disembark as I write thIs. Truly another fantastic Seabourn voyage.

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What a coincidence, we live in Marietta too. My bites have almost healed up and the hot water treatment I described above really helped with the itching. It really only interfered with our enjoyment of the trip for about one day. Sorry to hear about your recent experience, hope you are better as well. Getting ready to disembark as I write thIs. Truly another fantastic Seabourn voyage.


Great to hear you are doing better. Will definitely try the hot water treatment next time I have a bite. Bugs love me. We live in Marietta just north of the Square. Have lived hear 35 years. Moved 3 times for a total of about 4 miles. We were on the Quest in July for the cruise around Ireland. Had a wonderful time!

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Wow, another coincidence. We have lived in the same house right off the north loop since 1986. It overlooks Sope Creek and is so forested we feel like we are in the North GA mountains. We love this area.


I hope in the future the hot water treatment is of help.


Ireland and all of the British Isles are definitely on our bucket list, maybe sometime next year. Glad you enjoyed your voyage on Quest.

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Just posting a picture from this trip so the one with the insect bites doesn’t appear every time I go in to the Seabourn section on forums cruise critic on my phone!!18fc2c59553f45c1faf3a1c12d39e644.jpg




Thank you Galeforce, much better photo. I was hoping to see more photos from this cruise as it entered eastern Canada....but not the bug bites as those photos were somewhat out of place falling into the category of TMI.



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After a ten day writing hiatus I’m back to finish up the account of our trip. Somehow the last week onboard flew by as we visited five ports in Canada. Furthermore, I think we all realized the cruise was coming to and end and tried to pack in as many social gatherings and meals with all of our new friends. And post cruise we spent a whirlwind three days in Montreal before flying home (and don’t get me started on how an 8 hour trip turned into over a 16 hour trip!)


The first real Canadian port was Happy Valley- Goose Bay. From what I understand we were the first cruise ship to visit this little town with WW2 historical significance (in a matter of 79 days the Allies built three 7000 foot landing strips that were to become a lifeline for refueling and resupplying during the war). Anyway it seemed like half the townsfolk turned out in pouring rain to greet us (the other half were on the dock flashing their headlights and waving as we departed that evening). Sadly even with this warm welcome I’m afraid the nearly nonstop rain dampened the spirits of many cruise passengers who ended up doing little more than ride the one hour circuit on the shuttle bus - it became known as the Hop On Only bus since I understand few ventured off at any of the stops. Three of us however were pretty desperate to walk and lucked out on getting a rare taxi into town to the start of the Birch Island Trail (thank you fellow CCers Gore and DH for letting me tag along). The brand new boardwalk loop trail winds along the shore 7e347d78e5c94259cbc32a4983005148.jpg and a couple of ponds 47b8a3106c0295580d73695e117d45c0.jpg with gorgeous exfoliating birch forests in between. 5bf1d806e0281dced91d5d6f32c4044e.jpg I must have at least a couple of dozen pics of the unique patterns of these beautiful trees.


And it was by these ponds that we first encountered the nefarious black flies that Airtana described in an earlier post. We were not quick enough to don our bug nets before realizing we had sustained numerous bites from these voracious critters. Unlike mosquitos you don’t hear them buzz and and certainly don’t feel them bite until all of the sudden someone tells you there is a drop of blood running down your face. It seems women endured more bites - primarily along the back of the neck under hair at the hairline as Airtana’s photo shows. It you are sensitive to bug biites, or worse suffer allergenic reactions, then the result can be painful and result in significant swelling. Otherwise it is days of horrible, constant itching. And yes, I and others can attest to the fact that the hot water treatment worked. BUT, on a brighter note it was a wonderful walk with lovely scenery and we managed to be there during the only break in the rain during the entire day. I have not regrets about our fun excursion.


I must also say I felt so sorry for the people of Happy Valley as they had by all accounts really been looking forward to our visit. Everywhere we went people were friendly and so helpful - many offering to give us and others rides back to the port. But with the torrential, almost constant rain I doubt if much was spent by our fellow passengers shopping, eating and drinking.



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Just posting a picture from this trip so the one with the insect bites doesn’t appear every time I go in to the Seabourn section on forums cruise critic on my phone!!18fc2c59553f45c1faf3a1c12d39e644.jpg




First off, I want to apologize to you personally or anyone else that was upset or offended by the posting of the photos of my Black Fly bites. My husband has tried unsuccessfully to delete them from this forum.

It was not my purpose to steer the conversation away from the beauty and extraordinary sights we were experiencing on the second half of this voyage, but rather to inform anyone considering this itinerary in the future of the imminent dangers these pesky insects present if proper precautions are not taken.

We do not feel Seabourn did an adequate job of warning the passengers going ashore in certain ports where these flies were prevalent, so I wanted to give a detailed account of what happened not only to myself, but to numerous others onboard. IMO, information is power.


I am sorry if it put a damper on the narrative you and Chairsin were so beautifully presenting in pictures and commentary, but I would have felt derelict in my duty to not share the severe reaction that can occur to these bites, in the hope of sparring others in the future from the same fate.


Everyone onboard that was affected, whether mildly, or in my case, strongly, did our best to deal with it, keep our spirits high and not let it affect our enjoyment of this most amazing and unique cruise.

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airtana, Personally, I am VERY grateful to you for telling us about your bites and posting photos so we could see how seriously you were affected. You have done us a huge service. My husband and I are going to pack heavy duty insect repellent for EVERY cruise from now on. I hope you have notified SB of the need to make the warnings AND to provide suitably strong insect repellent in the future. In fact, you might even consider giving them permission to use your photos on one of those on the bed after dinner paper messages about the next day.


I hope your down the California cruise is wonderful. We'll be waiting for your deck report from Sojourn.


SLSD (Susan)

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Airtana I agree that Seabourn should have provided a more prominent and descriptive warning. As to putting a damper on the narrative - nonsense. It as as relevant as any of the occurrences about which I have posted and I’m sure as SLSD said is helpful to those considering this cruise. I only hope it encourages others to be better prepared than we were but doesn’t discourage them from booking this great itinerary.



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I love all the pretty photos and posts, but also appreciate the bug bite warning photos and posts that accompany them! I do not see them as TMI, as it is important to know the risks you are getting into on an excursion so you can properly prepare, especially if you are vulnerable or prone to having unusual trouble if you are bit, as DH and I are when we go into remote areas.


DH was holed up in our suite for a couple days while we were in Norway due to a bizarre skin reaction, and it put a damper on the cruise, as did a bug infestation we were not properly prepared for which led to multiple major rashes in beautiful Alaska, and wasted time for doctor visits on our return. Bites can even lead to deadly infections, especially in people with vulnerable immune systems.


So, thank you Airtana. I hope the photos do not get deleted. They do not violate CC rules.

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Thank you for doing a great job covering our wonderful trip. It was so nice to meet you and others we had been with on our previous trip to Antarctica.


Airtana, I think you did a great service to the community by posting the issues with the dreaded " bugs". It is important on a great trip like this everyone that is prepared to enjoy the outdoors.


Thanks to you both for sharing.

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airtana, I so much appreciate your detailed information and photos of your unpleasant experience with the biting bugs. I agree that SB could have done a better job of warning passengers. I always carry insect repellent on trips, but now I will bring an additional protection. On a land tour I took to Greenland, we were provided with head gear made of netting that covered the entire head as protection against biting bugs. I have it and will pack it in the future.

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Kej1- likewise it was nice meeting you as we missed the opportunity on our Antarctica Cruise.


After Happy Valley there was a sea day and a very unexpected treat - the Northern Lights. The Captain made and announcement early in the evening that conditions looked favorable so we went to the Square to request a wake up call to be alerted should it take place. Sure enough at 2AM my phone rang and I quickly dressed in warm clothing and ran out on deck with a dozen or so other passengers and for half an hour watched the show. While not the truly fabulous version the green lights with some purple whirling and streaking in the night sky were no less mesmerizing. It was well worth the interrupted sleep.


Next morning we anchored off L’Anse Aux Meadows - 888fa0c256b6618eefcb1c52accfe833.jpganother place of historical significance. In about 1960 archeologists excavated grass and stone mounds which turned out to be the only Norse settlement, (dating to about 1000,) that has been discovered thus far in North America. Per our wonderful lecturer I say Norse and not a Viking because she pounded it into our heads that the “definition” of a Viking is those who rape, pillage, etc. If you settle you lose that moniker and are described as Norse. Anyway, this UNESCO World Heritage site now has some recreated turf homes and a boardwalk leading between the various parts of the site and the visitor’s center. c23bdfb531041bfcdb984700f3a18a5e.jpg5dfe6b0c9a8c2d3113ff9961b52de3c7.jpg4ac418e1cc9eb60abd8602e078e09bd5.jpg3bc8d449db09893c928b1cd327b1f984.jpg


And as an added bonus on this black fly free day we were able to take advantage of some nice hiking trails (including the Northernmost section of the Appalachian Trail) on this lovely warm day.



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Chairsin, I'm enjoying your wonderfully descriptive reports. Of all your adventures on this cruise, I most envy your Northern Lights experience!


In L'Anse aux Meadows, did you take the SB shorex or did you have private arrangements? I understand that part of northern NL is moose territory. Were there any warning signs posted at the trail head for your hike? Were the trails easy to find from the cruise pier?

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