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Just a Rant - we should be happy with what we have instead of what we dont


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Yep!! Is there always room for improvement on cruises, of course. Are things perfect? Of course not! But are they things that make or break my vacation? Nope!! We've always enjoyed our vacations.




We are also in a similar situation, having lost a child 5 years ago. Our son knows we do these things because we know all too well how short life can be. We're fortunate that we can afford to take the vacations we do though. We want our son to enjoy life, learn things, and know that you should do the things you want to do, when you can do them. It's great that you're doing what you can to get out there as well. I hope you continue to have the chance to travel and see things! And honestly, a little adversity in your travels can also be a teaching lesson!


I am so very sorry for your loss, i can only imagine how devastating that would be. My boys are my world and the thought of anything happening to either of them terrifies me. No parent should ever outlive their child. My heart goes out to you. I feel blessed every day that I wake up and they are both with me. I almost lost my oldest son when he was 2 to a rare childhood disease. Then i almost lost my youngest son when i was 7 months pregnant for him. So both of them are my miracle babies and I cherish every moment I have with them.


I do try to use adversity to teach my kids as well as learn for myself how to make the best out of bad situations. Over the past few weeks a lot of obstacles have come up that have threatened to almost cause us to have to cancel this trip. We are just praying that nothing else goes wrong.

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Love your post! As I gear up for my next one in two days, I was thinking about how fortunate I was. How fortunate that I have someone to enjoy it with, that I can afford it, that I'm healthy and even alive to be able to go. There are so many people who have none of these things. I couldn't imagine such a life!


There's a big difference between something legitimately going wrong and the miserable people who complain about everything, and try to justify their negativity. No one gives a crap about "your hard earned money". We've all worked hard for our money. For every "inedible meal," there's 10 people who loved that same meal. For every complainer who had their experience ruined by tableclothes, there's 20 other people enjoying their time without even noticing it. And on and on.


I'm sorry but the complainers are just unhappy people. Take offense to that all you want. I have friends and family members that are complainers. I still love them, but they tend to be unhappy often. They are contributing to their own problems. Lighten up and have a good time. No one likes a busy body,


Thank you!! and add to that those who complain about the wait staff dancing and singing in the MDR ?? really ? why would you complain about people having fun??? what the hell are you there for if you arent there to have fun? I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when they do that and i get up and dance with them, as does my younger son. He has only been on one cruise so far and he talked for MONTHS about the wait staff dancing in the dining room and pulling him up to dance with them. Some people just dont understand that their negativity is contagious and can really cloud how others see the good things that are in front of them. Or those who complain about military men/women who wear their dress uniforms for elegant night? are you kidding me? why in the world would you complain about someone who fights for our freedoms showing their pride in their country and profession? My younger son loves police, firemen, emts, and military he looks up to them all like they are rock stars, and is actually more excited to meet one of them than he would be to meet a famous actor or singer, so for those who do complain about things like that there is a child or another person sitting right next to you while you are complaining who loves exactly what you are complaining about and its not fair to that person beside you to have that negativity put a dark cloud over their happiness!

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Everyone has their own life story but how individuals react to the up's and down's in life determines their persona.

My family just returned after being evacuated from the coast of NC due to hurricane Florence. There were so many levels of devastation. We have friends who have trees down in the middle of their homes which are no longer habitable and others like us who had roof damage, fence damage, broken lights, soffit and trim ripped away. Folks died and others were injured. It's during these times when the best and the worst come out in people. Most people began working on their own issues but soon thereafter neighbors were helping each other. Then there were looters.... There were tears and laughter throughout most days. It may be years before our community regains it's sense of normalcy. The main lesson learned from this disaster is that this is just "stuff". Life and health are clearly the main concerns. Loosing memories of loved ones who have passed rates a close second because those memories can't be replaced.

DW and I are trying to keep things in perspective as we are booked on the Sunshine Nov 1, 2018. That is our light at the end of the tunnel and I can guarantee you......a little rust, long lines, slow food service, and slight inconvenience won't mean a hill of beans. We're happy to be healthy enough to cruise soon and we'll get to our house damages AFTER the folks who are truly desperate have their needs met. Keeping things in perspective may even add a few years to this special thing we have called LIFE.

Anyone know where I can get a good deal on a chainsaw?.........................Nuff said.


Thank you! I'm glad to hear that you and your family are safe. I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with the damages and I hope you are able to enjoy your cruise in November. Prayers to you all that things start looking better down there for you soon. when my youngest was just a couple of months old we had a flash flood, I was living in a trailer back then and the water damage to my home was bad enough that we couldnt go back to living there, to top it off our place was looted as well so what was recoverable was looted and taken before we could even go back. I had some jewelry that was taken that broke my heart because they were very sentimental pieces, my grandmothers watch, a ring my mom gave me that she had from when she was young, a ring and necklace set that was given to me for my 16th birthday, ... while its sad that i will never have those things in my life, i do have the memories of when and why those were given to me and that can never be taken.

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Thank you!! and add to that those who complain about the wait staff dancing and singing in the MDR ?? really ? why would you complain about people having fun??? what the hell are you there for if you arent there to have fun? I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when they do that and i get up and dance with them, as does my younger son. He has only been on one cruise so far and he talked for MONTHS about the wait staff dancing in the dining room and pulling him up to dance with them. Some people just dont understand that their negativity is contagious and can really cloud how others see the good things that are in front of them. Or those who complain about military men/women who wear their dress uniforms for elegant night? are you kidding me? why in the world would you complain about someone who fights for our freedoms showing their pride in their country and profession? My younger son loves police, firemen, emts, and military he looks up to them all like they are rock stars, and is actually more excited to meet one of them than he would be to meet a famous actor or singer, so for those who do complain about things like that there is a child or another person sitting right next to you while you are complaining who loves exactly what you are complaining about and its not fair to that person beside you to have that negativity put a dark cloud over their happiness!


I agree that complainers are annoying. Only thing more annoying than complainers is people complaining about complainers with a loooong list of the things complainers complain about. :D

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So true. We were on a Carnival cruise 9/2015. DH complained non-stop...about me spending too much time in the casino, about being on a cruise...about everything. We were "that" miserable couple you saw...fighting in public.


Came home and within 2 weeks I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then we've been on many cruises ...and he's more than happy because I'm still here to waste my time and money.


Sometimes it takes "being without" to appreciate what you have.

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So true. We were on a Carnival cruise 9/2015. DH complained non-stop...about me spending too much time in the casino, about being on a cruise...about everything. We were "that" miserable couple you saw...fighting in public.


Came home and within 2 weeks I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then we've been on many cruises ...and he's more than happy because I'm still here to waste my time and money.


Sometimes it takes "being without" to appreciate what you have.


Prayers that you will have many more years of cruising ahead of you!

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So true. We were on a Carnival cruise 9/2015. DH complained non-stop...about me spending too much time in the casino, about being on a cruise...about everything. We were "that" miserable couple you saw...fighting in public.


Came home and within 2 weeks I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since then we've been on many cruises ...and he's more than happy because I'm still here to waste my time and money.


Sometimes it takes "being without" to appreciate what you have.

Hoping you have health and happiness going forward! And that your DH continues to not take anything for granted!

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Then there are many, many people who also work very hard and make enough money to cruise once, twice or many times per year. These people, over the years, have watched the decline in service and amenities while the price of the cruises they book stay the same or go up.


While I am still two weeks away from my first ever cruise, a cruise has been a long time dream so I have followed the cost of cruising for many years. In doing so, I have been amazed at how the cost of many cruises, when compared with almost everything else, has actually gone down.


Thank you, angeleyez915, for bringing things into perspective. I see far too many here who seem to think that because the name of this board is "Cruise Critic" they are obligated to criticize everything possible.

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While I am still two weeks away from my first ever cruise, a cruise has been a long time dream so I have followed the cost of cruising for many years. ,,, I see far too many here who seem to think that because the name of this board is "Cruise Critic" they are obligated to criticize everything possible.


How is your criticism better than others? Why do you assume that other people who provide honest criticism are "obligated?" This makes no sense.


I just don't get this thing about criticizing people who are just trying to be CRITICS on Cruise CRITIC. :confused:

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Real life for me:


The bad:

Parents divorced when I was 12 in a bitter divorce.

DM remarried on the rebound when I was 14 to a man who was emotionally abusive to her, my brothers and I. I was old enough and independent enough to not let it affect me. My younger brothers and my mother were not so lucky.

DF was a pathological liar who cheated on DM having a baby with the woman he cheated on her with when I was 13. He was a dead beat dad.

I had a peripartum cardiomyopathy at 30.

DF passed away at 59 from cardiomyopathy.

Youngest DB passed away at 39 from cardiomyopathy leaving behind a bi-polar schizophrenic wife and 2 very young boys.

I had 3 mini strokes caused by a spontaneous dissected carotid artery at 49.

My cousin, who was my BFF, college roommate, and maid of honor died from brain cancer at 48 leaving behind 3 kids the same ages as mine.


The good:

I was able to direct my attention away from my home life and into my studies to graduate valedictorian and get a full ride scholarship to college.

I had 2 sets of loving grandparents who gave me a home to come to during school breaks.

My DM is the most caring, God-fearing woman who has shown me how to persevere against all odds.

I met my loving husband when we were 18. He waited for me to get my BSBA before we got married and another 5 years for me to get my MBA and get my career established before we had kids. We are celebrating 30 years 3 weeks from today.

I have 2 wonderful children who have always shown the utmost respect and love for us and each other...as we have loved and respect them and their dreams. DS(24) is now on his own 16 hours away doing a job he loves. DD(21) has 2 more years of school and is actively dancing professionally and loving it. Both will have finished their education with no debt.


We have traveled since our honeymoon. Traveling has always been a priority for us. Both with and without kids...it still is even though they are now adults. I didn’t get to travel as a child. We made sure our kids did from the time they were 6 months old. They may not remember all the trips they took when they were younger, but we do and we have tons of pictures and videos to look back on them. There is nothing more valuable to me than those memories. Seeing the world through their eyes as they grew up was priceless. My step-dad was an extremely negative man. He loved to criticize everyone and everything. I never wanted my kids to grow up thinking that was alright and normal...because it is not. I always wanted to give them a better example of positivity, patience, respect for themselves and others, love, and fun backed by a good work ethic doing a job that they enjoy. So far it looks like we may have succeeded.


But to my point...life is short. It is filled heartaches and struggles. It is filled with joy and triumphs. Having a positive attitude (and for me a strong faith) makes the heartaches and struggles bearable so that you can enjoy and rejoice in the joy and the triumphs and make those the memories you cherish the most. Enjoy life.






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Travel, Dream. Discover....


From the time I was a young adult, any extra money I ever had was spent on doing things and going places. As long as I had a comfortable place to live, my priority was travel...


I first cruised back in the day when formal night was gowns and tuxes, MDR food was top notch, there were no specialty restaurants and it was like cruising was for the rich and famous...LOL Smoking was everywhere, even in the dining rooms:D:Dand no one thought twice about it!


Yeah, it's changed but it's still OK... I go with the flow... and love it all!


Be happy!!! Be glad you have your health and the time and money to travel.....:cool:

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There is always a balance - and an event like a cruise is indeed remembered by the attitude we have about it. While we count our blessings and enjoy them, we shouldn't have to settle or accept sub standard things that rub us the wrong way,


I do try to avoid being a polyanna or a curmudgeon about any of my vacations.


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,


Courage to change the things I can,


And the wisdom to know the difference.


Substandard is very, very subjective. That I believe is much of the disagreement. If I go to the buffet and just want to get some fruit and there is no pineapple or grapes or whatever, and that is the only thing I wanted, then some people will let that define the entire cruise. Others go get a hamburger and a beer.

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substandard is very, very subjective. That i believe is much of the disagreement. If i go to the buffet and just want to get some fruit and there is no pineapple or grapes or whatever, and that is the only thing i wanted, then some people will let that define the entire cruise. Others go get a hamburger and a beer.




Some of the complaints are just simply ridiculous!

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Thank you!! and add to that those who complain about the wait staff dancing and singing in the MDR ?? really ? why would you complain about people having fun??? what the hell are you there for if you arent there to have fun? I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when they do that and i get up and dance with them, as does my younger son. He has only been on one cruise so far and he talked for MONTHS about the wait staff dancing in the dining room and pulling him up to dance with them. Some people just dont understand that their negativity is contagious and can really cloud how others see the good things that are in front of them. Or those who complain about military men/women who wear their dress uniforms for elegant night? are you kidding me? why in the world would you complain about someone who fights for our freedoms showing their pride in their country and profession? My younger son loves police, firemen, emts, and military he looks up to them all like they are rock stars, and is actually more excited to meet one of them than he would be to meet a famous actor or singer, so for those who do complain about things like that there is a child or another person sitting right next to you while you are complaining who loves exactly what you are complaining about and its not fair to that person beside you to have that negativity put a dark cloud over their happiness!



Or those who complain about military men/women who wear their dress uniforms for elegant night? Sorry but if I EVER heard anyone complain about this on a cruise they likely would not be back to the dining room as I will embarrass them so they would be ordering room service for the rest of the cruise. Much like all Marines will tell you, there is no EX for military people. I am 68 and if needed I would gladly put on a uniform, a much larger one than when I got out of the Air Force 42 years ago and do the job they trained me to do.

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I agree that complainers are annoying. Only thing more annoying than complainers is people complaining about complainers with a loooong list of the things complainers complain about. :D


My complaint is the Cruise Critic doesn't have a thumbs down button. Maybe they will create one, just for you.

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Or those who complain about military men/women who wear their dress uniforms for elegant night? Sorry but if I EVER heard anyone complain about this on a cruise they likely would not be back to the dining room as I will embarrass them so they would be ordering room service for the rest of the cruise. Much like all Marines will tell you, there is no EX for military people. I am 68 and if needed I would gladly put on a uniform, a much larger one than when I got out of the Air Force 42 years ago and do the job they trained me to do.


I didnt serve in the military but did and still do have family who did/do and I am right there with you on making sure that those people who complain should be shamed! Thank you so much for your service !! If i ever get the honor of cruising with you I would love to shake your hand !!

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Substandard is very, very subjective. That I believe is much of the disagreement. If I go to the buffet and just want to get some fruit and there is no pineapple or grapes or whatever, and that is the only thing I wanted, then some people will let that define the entire cruise. Others go get a hamburger and a beer.


This reminds me of our last cruise, we just got back from a great day in port, it was still a couple hours to dinner but we were pretty hungry and wanted something to tide us over. Well, apparently so did everyone else, the lines for the grill and pizza were ridiculously long and we were about to be very frustrated. Then I had a light bulb come on over my head, and then after I stopped freaking out about a glowing light bulb just materializing out of thin air over my head, we decided this would be a great time to try those milkshakes at the coffee bar, and they were yummy and hit the spot.



So, where we could have let the long lines put us in a fowl mood, gone off and pouted and complained and ruined the rest of the evening, we decided to find an alternative and continued having a great day. :)

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I've never heard anyone complain about someone in military dress uniforms. I just can't imagine. *shakes head*

The one time I did shake my head at a man in uniform on Carnival was when they were an obvious fraud. I heard this person dressed in the whites of a O-5 USN, that's a Commander in case you don't know, telling his table mates at fixed dining he was a retired navy Captain (O-6). Not only was this person a liar and a fraud it is a violation of federal law to impersonate a member of the military. This was a most shameful display that only my good manners kept me from unmasking the impostor.

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