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I thought Dogs weren't allowed?

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1 hour ago, PopeyeDaSailor said:


Wow.  First off you're assuming people that don't want to see an animal on a cruise automatically are "animal haters" and lack empathy/compassion.  I guarantee most of the people that are against non service animals on cruises have pets at home and love animals.  To assume someone that spent thousands on a cruise doesn't want to have to deal with a "pet" on a cruise but can still love dogs isn't a stretch.  Now imagine if everyone that starts to take a cruise decides they want to bring their dog along?  Imagine the chaos of thousands of dogs on a boat?  How about we start to bring all our pets?  Maybe RCCL can start providing litter boxes for cats in the rooms?  This is the reason why businesses make rules about this.  Why do you think major hotel chains don't allow pets?  This is why places like Walmart, Lowes and RCCL are specifying polices to deal with this.  My kids can't bring peanut butter to school anymore because ONE kid in the school is allergic to peanuts.  So imagine staying in a room that a dog/cat had stayed in and suddenly your cruise is ruined because your allergies kick in.


Why do you think they don't allow children under 16 into the Solarium on ships?  Should I claim that my daughter gives me "emotional" support and just bring her in anyhow? 


  It was me that mentioned seeing people strolling through the mall with their pet and you might think it's "great" because these people love their animal but I also had to deal with my 4 year old daughter being afraid of this dog as we were walking into Target (which is attached to our mall).  The dog was on a leash but the owner was busy talking to someone else and didn't see their dog put it's nose right into my daughters face (they were eye level with each other).  I finally said to the woman, "please get your dog away from my daughter it's scaring her."  Now this was a dog with no vest, wagging it's tail and didn't look trained at all.  I'm sorry but leave fluffy at home.


  I'm not sure when in society this became the norm but when I grew up you didn't bring dogs into public places unless they were a service animal that was well trained. 


As far as "shaming" people on a cruise or in public I couldn't care less about their "pet".   The only time I would ever say something to one of these owners is when their pet starts to invade my person space or the space of my family like the dog at the mall did to my daughter.  If I drop $6K on a cruise the last thing I want is to hear fluffy barking all night.


Does this mean I hate pets?  Absolutely not, I love dogs (not a cat person).


Agree, have had pets my entire life, often multiple at one time, consider myself an animal lover but not ready to see pets on a ship. 


A few cruises ago we saw a little fluffy at a table in the dining room eating off their owners plate on the table. Was so shocked at the time unfortunately didn't complain about it but will if I see it again.


Another example, recently stayed in a hotel that does not allow pets.  Started hearing barking one evening, figured had to stop quickly.  Nope after 20 minutes went to the front desk only to find out the person supposedly berated the front desk clerk until she let them bring the dog in (filed a complaint with the hotel afterwards on this and got a very nice response btw).  She called the owners to have them come back and changed their room!!!  If this was a service animal, emotional support animal, whatever it would not have been in the room by itself for that long, totally unacceptable.


Have also seen true service animals on a ship.  Didn't even realize one was there until the owner went to leave the area, and it was a German shepherd, not a small dog.  It had been laying quietly on the floor on the other side of where we were.  


Properly trained service animals are a joy to see.  Your personal fluffy jumping around, barking, eating off places it shouldn't be, not so much.  Unfortunately the second group is harming the first.  

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1 hour ago, papaflamingo said:

How is this 'impacting" us?


1. Dog Allergies...a ship, even Oasis Class, is a fairly closed environment.  If one is allergic to pets, how is one supposed to deal with someone else's dog in an enclosed environment? 

2. Regardless of how well the crew cleans a cabin, if a dog soils the carpet, even if the owners quickly clean it up, it can stain, perhaps leave traces, or at the very least, makes a lot of additional work for the crew.  Traces of dog hair can upset the allergies, and incomplete cleaning of soiled carpeting leave stains or potential smell.  

3.  There are cases on here of a dog going to the bathroom in a public space and the owner walking away.  Of course that affects me.  I don't want to have to avoid dog droppings on my cruise.

4. There are cases of on here of dogs being left in the cabin during in port times and yelping.  I don't want my afternoon quiet time interrupted by a dog in a cabin or on a balcony barking incessantly.

5. There are cases in here of dogs sitting in chairs in the Windjammer eating off the table.  Yes, that does affect people around them and those following.

6. There is the need for a "doggie relief box."  This box is usually on the Promenade Deck. I like to walk the Promenade deck, others run on it.  I don't want to pass a smelly soiled doggie litter box during my exercise routine.

I'm sure I can come up with lots of ways that a pet at sea affects me.  But you get the point.  I love dogs too.  But my wife has become allergic to them. That alone is a good enough reason why a dog should not be on a cruise ship. Clearly, we all understand the real Service Dogs.  It's the fake ones that everyone is concerned about. 



You nailed it.


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52 minutes ago, retiredgram said:

That and entitlement  because of who they are and therefore rules do not apply to them.

There will always be those that bring little fluffy and nothing will be done about it. 



Maybe I could rationalize that I need to bring on a bottle or two of my emotional support scotch.  It won't crap on the floor, bark or snarl at other passengers, it behaves at the table, and it entertains itself if I leave it in my cabin alone all day.


Maybe I'll ask She Who Must Be Obeyed to knit a little sweater for it and I can carry it around the ship in case I need a wee dram for support.


If they won't do anything about people gaming the system by calling Fluffy an emotional animal, maybe they won't do anything about my emotional support scotchy.






Edited by SargassoPirate
Fat fingers, small screen
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4 hours ago, papaflamingo said:

How is this 'impacting" us?


1. Dog Allergies...a ship, even Oasis Class, is a fairly closed environment.  If one is allergic to pets, how is one supposed to deal with someone else's dog in an enclosed environment? Being in the same dining room as a service dog is not going to give you sneezing fits.

2. Regardless of how well the crew cleans a cabin, if a dog soils the carpet, even if the owners quickly clean it up, it can stain, perhaps leave traces, or at the very least, makes a lot of additional work for the crew.  Traces of dog hair can upset the allergies, and incomplete cleaning of soiled carpeting leave stains or potential smell.  I guarantee that children and drunk adults leave a lot more stains on carpeting than dogs in general, and particularly service dogs.

3.  There are cases on here of a dog going to the bathroom in a public space and the owner walking away.  Of course that affects me.  I don't want to have to avoid dog droppings on my cruise.  Service dogs don't urinate or defecate in public places unless commanded to.

4. There are cases of on here of dogs being left in the cabin during in port times and yelping.  I don't want my afternoon quiet time interrupted by a dog in a cabin or on a balcony barking incessantly.  Service dogs don't yelp when left in a cabin alone.  They just lie around until it's time to go to work again.

5. There are cases in here of dogs sitting in chairs in the Windjammer eating off the table.  Yes, that does affect people around them and those following. Service dogs don't sit on the chairs.

6. There is the need for a "doggie relief box."  This box is usually on the Promenade Deck. I like to walk the Promenade deck, others run on it.  I don't want to pass a smelly soiled doggie litter box during my exercise routine. You've obviously never been next to a relief station.  There are disposal bags for feces, which are placed in a covered trash receptacle.

I'm sure I can come up with lots of ways that a pet at sea affects me.  But you get the point.  I love dogs too.  But my wife has become allergic to them. That alone is a good enough reason why a dog should not be on a cruise ship. Clearly, we all understand the real Service Dogs.  It's the fake ones that everyone is concerned about. 



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4 hours ago, PopeyeDaSailor said:


Wow.  First off you're assuming people that don't want to see an animal on a cruise automatically are "animal haters" and lack empathy/compassion.  I guarantee most of the people that are against non service animals on cruises have pets at home and love animals.  To assume someone that spent thousands on a cruise doesn't want to have to deal with a "pet" on a cruise but can still love dogs isn't a stretch.  Now imagine if everyone that starts to take a cruise decides they want to bring their dog along?  Imagine the chaos of thousands of dogs on a boat?  How about we start to bring all our pets?  Maybe RCCL can start providing litter boxes for cats in the rooms?  This is the reason why businesses make rules about this.  Why do you think major hotel chains don't allow pets?  This is why places like Walmart, Lowes and RCCL are specifying polices to deal with this.  My kids can't bring peanut butter to school anymore because ONE kid in the school is allergic to peanuts.  So imagine staying in a room that a dog/cat had stayed in and suddenly your cruise is ruined because your allergies kick in.

Your allergies aren't going to kick in from being in a room that has been vacuumed and had all the linens changed.  Seriously.  


Why do you think they don't allow children under 16 into the Solarium on ships?  Should I claim that my daughter gives me "emotional" support and just bring her in anyhow? 

Emotional support animals aren't going to be allowed anymore on new reservations.  Why are you arguing against something that's already being restricted?


  It was me that mentioned seeing people strolling through the mall with their pet and you might think it's "great" because these people love their animal but I also had to deal with my 4 year old daughter being afraid of this dog as we were walking into Target (which is attached to our mall).  The dog was on a leash but the owner was busy talking to someone else and didn't see their dog put it's nose right into my daughters face (they were eye level with each other).  I finally said to the woman, "please get your dog away from my daughter it's scaring her."  Now this was a dog with no vest, wagging it's tail and didn't look trained at all.  I'm sorry but leave fluffy at home.

Why didn't you, as the parent, keep your child out of this dog's way if she was so scared of it?  The dog's owner probably didn't want your unleashed spawn bothering their dog any more than you wanted your child near the dog. 


  I'm not sure when in society this became the norm but when I grew up you didn't bring dogs into public places unless they were a service animal that was well trained. 


As far as "shaming" people on a cruise or in public I couldn't care less about their "pet".   The only time I would ever say something to one of these owners is when their pet starts to invade my person space or the space of my family like the dog at the mall did to my daughter.  If I drop $6K on a cruise the last thing I want is to hear fluffy barking all night.


Does this mean I hate pets?  Absolutely not, I love dogs (not a cat person).

Service dogs aren't pets. Period.

Emotional support dogs aren't service animals.  Period.

Edited by brillohead
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2 minutes ago, PopeyeDaSailor said:


Thanks for clearing all those service dog questions up that none of us had.  Now back to the topic of people bringing untrained fluffy on the cruise.

That's just it, though --- nobody here is SUPPORTING bringing untrained fluffy on a cruise.  

ESAs and pets aren't allowed on new reservations.  Service dogs will always be allowed under US law and just out of common decency.

Saying ALL dogs should be banned is denying people the right to have their true service animal with them on the ship.  If you think blind people or other handicapped people shouldn't be allowed to cruise, you're just a monster.


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Last month when  we sailed on the Navigator a couple actually had two dogs on board. they claimed that one dog was for anxiety and the other one was for their diabetes.  They spent a good portion of the cruise on Deck 4 smoking cigarettes by the dog area.  

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24 minutes ago, brillohead said:

That's just it, though --- nobody here is SUPPORTING bringing untrained fluffy on a cruise.  

ESAs and pets aren't allowed on new reservations.  Service dogs will always be allowed under US law and just out of common decency.

Saying ALL dogs should be banned is denying people the right to have their true service animal with them on the ship.  If you think blind people or other handicapped people shouldn't be allowed to cruise, you're just a monster.



...but no one has said that.  In fact, exactly the opposite.  You just have selective reading and are trying to put words into other peoples' mouths.  SJW at its worst.

Edited by StolidCruiser
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With the distinct differences between service and emotional support dogs, I see the latter as the most abused and I question the NEED of an "emotional support" animal while cruising.....after all, everyone cruised just fine before THIS "idea" came to being. For those who feel the "need" for an emotional support animal, cruising isn't for you.

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4 hours ago, SargassoPirate said:


Maybe I could rationalize that I need to bring on a bottle or two of my emotional support scotch.  It won't crap on the floor, bark or snarl at other passengers, it behaves at the table, and it entertains itself if I leave it in my cabin alone all day.


Maybe I'll ask She Who Must Be Obeyed to knit a little sweater for it and I can carry it around the ship in case I need a wee dram for support.


If they won't do anything about people gaming the system by calling Fluffy an emotional animal, maybe they won't do anything about my emotional support scotchy.






My post, you quoted, seems to be identical to your post #425.  Sorry about that.  Since it is allowed, I will bring 2 bottles of wine with me on my way cruise.  

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14 hours ago, Zee890 said:

I have never felt the need to respond to anything on here before, but goodness, what a callous thread.


For those that want to be the pet police - why? How is something so trivial truly impacting you?  There just seems to be a lot of holier than thou, animal haters on this board.


I have always felt people that are anti pet lack empathy/compassion.


For the record - I think it is irresponsible to bring a pet on a cruise. I feel like they would just be nervous and unhappy. But the pitchfork mentality by all the "Karens" in this thread is terrible. Loudly call people out and shame them? Wow. I would never want to interact with you if that's how you handle yourself (on vacation, no less).


To the person that said you went holiday shopping and saw a couple with their dog in a mall. How was that distasteful? I love seeing people out and about with their pets - shows that they care.


Worst of all, many of you seem to be older and criticizing the "snowflake/millenial" generation,  but have no problem posting strangers photos on a public forum? A. It is truly a heinous, invasive violation of someone's privacy. Whether you agree with their life choices or not. B. If caught, you can be persecuted.


Also, I have no dog (pun intended) in this fight - but again criticizing people that have emotional therapy animals.. have you seen suicide rates? I'm sure you all are the same people that are heartbroken when someone dies of suicide and comment on how tragic it is. If an animal is a calming presence for someone that is dealing with anxiety or BPD or another mental illness that you can not visually see, even if you don't believe in it's effectiveness, what's it to you? 


Basically, all you 'shame them/speak to the manager' people - gain a soul. I'm not saying you have to agree and again I do not think it is responsible to bring pets on a ship, but chances are your partner's mouth or that guard rail you touched or a toilet seat have more germs than an interaction with a dog. Put that into perspective. 


Edited to add: it would be one thing if this were a completely out of hand problem. I do not agree with people masquerading their dogs as service animals, but if they don't claim it to be and the ship has allowed them, so be it. But 4 out of upwards of 3000 guests is the vast minority because the rest of us are sensible not to bring pets on board. But for how minor it is in the scheme of things in life, why be so negative?

Well said.

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7 hours ago, papaflamingo said:

How is this 'impacting" us?


1. Dog Allergies...a ship, even Oasis Class, is a fairly closed environment.  If one is allergic to pets, how is one supposed to deal with someone else's dog in an enclosed environment? 

2. Regardless of how well the crew cleans a cabin, if a dog soils the carpet, even if the owners quickly clean it up, it can stain, perhaps leave traces, or at the very least, makes a lot of additional work for the crew.  Traces of dog hair can upset the allergies, and incomplete cleaning of soiled carpeting leave stains or potential smell.  

3.  There are cases on here of a dog going to the bathroom in a public space and the owner walking away.  Of course that affects me.  I don't want to have to avoid dog droppings on my cruise.

4. There are cases of on here of dogs being left in the cabin during in port times and yelping.  I don't want my afternoon quiet time interrupted by a dog in a cabin or on a balcony barking incessantly.

5. There are cases in here of dogs sitting in chairs in the Windjammer eating off the table.  Yes, that does affect people around them and those following.

6. There is the need for a "doggie relief box."  This box is usually on the Promenade Deck. I like to walk the Promenade deck, others run on it.  I don't want to pass a smelly soiled doggie litter box during my exercise routine.

I'm sure I can come up with lots of ways that a pet at sea affects me.  But you get the point.  I love dogs too.  But my wife has become allergic to them. That alone is a good enough reason why a dog should not be on a cruise ship. Clearly, we all understand the real Service Dogs.  It's the fake ones that everyone is concerned about. 



Dogs are a part of life. It's not like ships are the only places you're encountering dogs, so what do you do in real life? Use that knowledge on board.


We all have allergies or preferences, but part of life is you have to adapt. Take the poster that explained her sons and their peanut allergies, she does what she needs to because she cannot always count on her surroundings and the people in it to understand.


Random fun fact: Muslims actually believe if they interact with a dog that they are not "clean" to do anything in. a religious nature. The cure (for lack of a better term) is to wash up and then they are purified to pray or whatnot. 


I've never seen Muslims up in arms about the prevalence of dogs in the US.


I've worked on a cruise ship and have never seen the scenario you're painting. You are not going to encounter dog droppings on your cruise. In the rare chance that you did, I can promise it would be sanitized immediately and roped off. I cannot stress how much sanitization is stressed on a ship and how heavily it is regulated. Cruise ships can be penalized severely if they aren't kept to a certain standard.


Most guests, even most crew had no idea where the doggy relief area was on the ship because it was that well maintained.


I work at a hotel that recently made ALL it's rooms pet friendly, which I don't agree with for cases like your wife's allergies or someone's religious beliefs or what have you. But the fact is, if you have a great housekeeper, you'll never know.


Also, everything you are saying applies to all dogs - pets and service. It's not like just because someone has a service dog, your wife will suddenly be un-allergic or that there won't be a relief station. 


Last point: again, from working in the industry I can tell you this is such a minor issue on cruise ships. I don't agree with people bring their pets on board, but I also know how to live my life and not let something so trivial affect my vacation. I am not going to say which line I worked for, but I know even dogs had to be cleared with paperwork with a ship's officer and no, it is not easily forged.


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3 hours ago, brillohead said:
8 hours ago, papaflamingo said:

Clearly, we all understand the real Service Dogs.  It's the fake ones that everyone is concerned about. 



It would appear that you got too offended and angry to read my last sentence.  I wasn't talking about service dogs.  For all the reasons you stated (except I imagine if someone is allergic to service dogs, it'll still kick up their allergies.  Service dogs don't have "magic hair").  So take a deep breath and relax.  NO ONE on here has opposed a Service Dog.  We all understand that. 

Edited by papaflamingo
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1 hour ago, Zee890 said:


Dogs are a part of life. It's not like ships are the only places you're encountering dogs, so what do you do in real life? Use that knowledge on board.


We all have allergies or preferences, but part of life is you have to adapt. Take the poster that explained her sons and their peanut allergies, she does what she needs to because she cannot always count on her surroundings and the people in it to understand.


Random fun fact: Muslims actually believe if they interact with a dog that they are not "clean" to do anything in. a religious nature. The cure (for lack of a better term) is to wash up and then they are purified to pray or whatnot. 


I've never seen Muslims up in arms about the prevalence of dogs in the US.


I've worked on a cruise ship and have never seen the scenario you're painting. You are not going to encounter dog droppings on your cruise. In the rare chance that you did, I can promise it would be sanitized immediately and roped off. I cannot stress how much sanitization is stressed on a ship and how heavily it is regulated. Cruise ships can be penalized severely if they aren't kept to a certain standard.


Most guests, even most crew had no idea where the doggy relief area was on the ship because it was that well maintained.


I work at a hotel that recently made ALL it's rooms pet friendly, which I don't agree with for cases like your wife's allergies or someone's religious beliefs or what have you. But the fact is, if you have a great housekeeper, you'll never know.


Also, everything you are saying applies to all dogs - pets and service. It's not like just because someone has a service dog, your wife will suddenly be un-allergic or that there won't be a relief station. 


Last point: again, from working in the industry I can tell you this is such a minor issue on cruise ships. I don't agree with people bring their pets on board, but I also know how to live my life and not let something so trivial affect my vacation. I am not going to say which line I worked for, but I know even dogs had to be cleared with paperwork with a ship's officer and no, it is not easily forged.



OK wow.  Now I've heard it all.  Well, probably not.


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4 minutes ago, papaflamingo said:

It would appear that you got too offended and angry to read my last sentence.  I wasn't talking about service dogs.  For all the reasons you stated (except I imagine if someone is allergic to service dogs, it'll still kick up their allergies.  Service dogs don't have "magic hair").  So take a deep breath and relax.  NO ONE on here has opposed a Service Dog.  We all understand that. 


This.  How many times do we have to say no one has a problem with a proper service dog.  It's the fake ESA PETS that are the issue.  Not so difficult people.


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2 hours ago, Zee890 said:


Dogs are a part of life. It's not like ships are the only places you're encountering dogs, so what do you do in real life? Use that knowledge on board.


We all have allergies or preferences, but part of life is you have to adapt. Take the poster that explained her sons and their peanut allergies, she does what she needs to because she cannot always count on her surroundings and the people in it to understand.


Random fun fact: Muslims actually believe if they interact with a dog that they are not "clean" to do anything in. a religious nature. The cure (for lack of a better term) is to wash up and then they are purified to pray or whatnot. 


I've never seen Muslims up in arms about the prevalence of dogs in the US.


I've worked on a cruise ship and have never seen the scenario you're painting. You are not going to encounter dog droppings on your cruise. In the rare chance that you did, I can promise it would be sanitized immediately and roped off. I cannot stress how much sanitization is stressed on a ship and how heavily it is regulated. Cruise ships can be penalized severely if they aren't kept to a certain standard.


Most guests, even most crew had no idea where the doggy relief area was on the ship because it was that well maintained.


I work at a hotel that recently made ALL it's rooms pet friendly, which I don't agree with for cases like your wife's allergies or someone's religious beliefs or what have you. But the fact is, if you have a great housekeeper, you'll never know.


Also, everything you are saying applies to all dogs - pets and service. It's not like just because someone has a service dog, your wife will suddenly be un-allergic or that there won't be a relief station. 


Last point: again, from working in the industry I can tell you this is such a minor issue on cruise ships. I don't agree with people bring their pets on board, but I also know how to live my life and not let something so trivial affect my vacation. I am not going to say which line I worked for, but I know even dogs had to be cleared with paperwork with a ship's officer and no, it is not easily forged.


Again, well said.  People talk about pet allergies, but nobody seems to care much about perfume allergies.

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5 hours ago, brillohead said:


Service dogs aren't pets. Period.

Emotional support dogs aren't service animals.  Period.


LOL, so now it's my fault I didn't keep my child away from this dog that shouldn't be in the store in the first place?  You're laughable.  First off my child was STANDING in line with me waiting to check out while this lady walked up and stopped with her dog.  Was I supposed to leave the check out line because this self absorbed A hole wanted to bring her dog into a store? 

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5 hours ago, brillohead said:

That's just it, though --- nobody here is SUPPORTING bringing untrained fluffy on a cruise.  

ESAs and pets aren't allowed on new reservations.  Service dogs will always be allowed under US law and just out of common decency.

Saying ALL dogs should be banned is denying people the right to have their true service animal with them on the ship.  If you think blind people or other handicapped people shouldn't be allowed to cruise, you're just a monster.



I don't understand any points in your quoted threads like Papaflamingo said ... I never said anything about Service dogs just the self absorbed A holes that need to bring fluffy everywhere with them. 

Edited by PopeyeDaSailor
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15 hours ago, Zee890 said:


Dogs are a part of life. It's not like ships are the only places you're encountering dogs, so what do you do in real life? Use that knowledge on board.


We all have allergies or preferences, but part of life is you have to adapt. Take the poster that explained her sons and their peanut allergies, she does what she needs to because she cannot always count on her surroundings and the people in it to understand.


Random fun fact: Muslims actually believe if they interact with a dog that they are not "clean" to do anything in. a religious nature. The cure (for lack of a better term) is to wash up and then they are purified to pray or whatnot. 


I've never seen Muslims up in arms about the prevalence of dogs in the US.


I've worked on a cruise ship and have never seen the scenario you're painting. You are not going to encounter dog droppings on your cruise. In the rare chance that you did, I can promise it would be sanitized immediately and roped off. I cannot stress how much sanitization is stressed on a ship and how heavily it is regulated. Cruise ships can be penalized severely if they aren't kept to a certain standard.


Most guests, even most crew had no idea where the doggy relief area was on the ship because it was that well maintained.


I work at a hotel that recently made ALL it's rooms pet friendly, which I don't agree with for cases like your wife's allergies or someone's religious beliefs or what have you. But the fact is, if you have a great housekeeper, you'll never know.


Also, everything you are saying applies to all dogs - pets and service. It's not like just because someone has a service dog, your wife will suddenly be un-allergic or that there won't be a relief station. 


Last point: again, from working in the industry I can tell you this is such a minor issue on cruise ships. I don't agree with people bring their pets on board, but I also know how to live my life and not let something so trivial affect my vacation. I am not going to say which line I worked for, but I know even dogs had to be cleared with paperwork with a ship's officer and no, it is not easily forged.


There are a lot of things that are "part of life" that is unacceptable on a cruise ship.  And I take great offense at having to "adapt" because someone can't be away from their dog for a week.  I actually DON'T have to adapt,  they do.  And before you rant about service dogs,  yes, I DO have to adapt for them, and I'm fine with that.  

As for cleaning after a dog?  Sure, the crew does an outstanding job, but why should they have to?  Because you can't be away from a pet for a week? 

What do I do in real life about dog allergies?  Avoid them.  Easy to do in the open air, or not visiting friends with dogs, not so much when they're brought to the Main Dining Room and are at a table near me.  Guess I can choose Room Service instead? Yeah...THAT'S why I spent all that money to go on a cruise...to avoid dogs.  Yeah...right.  


Oh yeah... and when Spot is barking on the balcony next to mine?  Guess I can just go to a public space until the owner returns from shore and stops him.  Right?  Ok then....


Peanut allergies... that's a matter of life and death.  On an airplane, everything with peanuts is removed when a single passenger with a peanut allergy is on board.  Same with school classrooms.  So if you are going to use peanut allergies as an analogy, ok, then we can simply remove all dogs from a ship if one person on board has an allergy...Is that your point?  


"Fun fact" Muslims don't complain about dogs?  Ok, well, fun fact Chinese, South Koreans, and Vietnamese actually EAT dogs for dinner.  Bet THEY don't complain about dogs either.


"I've worked on a cruise ship and have never seen the scenario you're painting?"  Well, read from the original post on, and you'll find lots of "scenarios" I'm "painting."    Or are you "so vastly experienced" that you've simply "seen it all?"   I'll include a few pics people have taken on board a ship.  Then you WILL see what people have experienced.  Oh yeah.... look at Post #86.  Do YOU think this is a "Service Dog?"  SERIOUSLY? 


I'm glad you work at a "dog friendly" hotel.  I don't frequent hotels if I can't be guaranteed that I won't get a room that a dog hasn't been in.  Same with smoking rooms.  THAT'S "what I do in real life."  Not planning on avoiding cruise ships because you or anyone else just can't tear yourself away from your precious poodle. 

Oh yeah....again with the Service Dogs.  For the umpteenth time NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT SERVICE DOGS....Figure it out...duh!  Service dogs are incredibly well behaved.  And it's quite rare to see a real Service Dog on a ship.  And it's the Law... so yeah...allergies kick up.  We get that.  But sometimes you just have to live with it.  But Service Dogs are not, nor will they ever be the problem.  


How about this, if you can't survive without Buffy, go to a dog friendly resort and let him romp on the beach.  If you want to cruise, leave Buffy at home.  How's THAT for "adapting?"




Edited by papaflamingo
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On 1/23/2019 at 8:30 PM, cruisegus said:

I understand your comment.  I have been sailing for a few years now and on our last cruise there was a woman who had a dog with her, but by every indication I saw it truly was a service animal, in fact returning from a show one night on deck 4 walking outside I saw her and her dog sprinting for the relive area.  I also witnessed her allowing a child who ask to pet her dog, but again a well behaved and Obviously, to me at least trained dog.  I have no problem with this, i do take exception to some of the things i have seen that are to me clearly violations of the INTENT of these service dog laws.  As much as I love my 4 legged creature, she stays home when we cruise, or maybe I should say with our granddaughter.  I thank god I do not have a reason to need a service animal, but try not to begrudge those that Truly do. Its the offenders that I take offense with.

I can definitely understand what you are saying. I had a terrible experience with a dog when I was a kid (was attacked by the neighbors dog while minding my own business playing in my backyard) and ever since I have despised animals. 

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I think Royal Caribbean should have one ship, that is totally dog friendly.  Royal could make a lot of cash revenue off, pet boutiques, pet salons, and special dog related shore excursions.  On ship out of 26+, would work and everyone would be happy.  I bet this would lesson all the "fake emotional support dogs" everyone seems obsessed to complain about.  There is a reason who Caesars Entertainment, Lowes, and other hotel & resort companies, are now dog friendly.  It is a huge untapped market, that is growing everyday.  Remember, pets are people too and in California, they even have special rights in divorce court!



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20 minutes ago, gkbiiii said:

I think Royal Caribbean should have one ship, that is totally dog friendly.  Royal could make a lot of cash revenue off, pet boutiques, pet salons, and special dog related shore excursions.  On ship out of 26+, would work and everyone would be happy.  I bet this would lesson all the "fake emotional support dogs" everyone seems obsessed to complain about.  There is a reason who Caesars Entertainment, Lowes, and other hotel & resort companies, are now dog friendly.  It is a huge untapped market, that is growing everyday.  Remember, pets are people too and in California, they even have special rights in divorce court!




I doubt it would work to dedicate one ship as dog friendly - btw why stop with dogs then, what about other pets?


I have to disagree about "pets are people too". No they are not! Pets are animals.

Animals are different to people and they have different needs than people as well. When you talk about their rights, what about their rights when it comes to cruising? Will they have a choice? Can they voice their opinion about to cruise or rather stay ashore in a natural environment for them?

Let´s face it, people do what they think is best for them, not for their pet and the pet has no say in this. Pets are not people!

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