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Does the crew know we've pre-paid gratuities?


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I wouldn't say it's wrong for emotion to enter the economical equation, if that's what you like. The problem is, is that the emoters want everyone to tip their way and really have no tolerance for other viewpoints. It just goes on and on. Royal says what is and isn't acceptable. That should be enough. 

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51 minutes ago, Tatka said:

What I know is that the people behind the scenes are often the ones working the hardest


Yes they are.

No, they aren't.

If they were working the hardest, they'd be making the MOST money, not the least.  Simple supply and demand.  Are you saying the chief engineer doesn't work hard?  What about the sous chef?  They don't have to deal face-to-face with us annoying cruisers, so that should make their job a bit easier, right?


Perhaps the captain slaved for 10 years as a towel boy working 16 hour days before getting promoted to captain...just because he isn't working that hard now, does he deserve less compensation?  He sure has a lot of responsibility, even if it doesn't seem as if he's working hard.


Remember, the bartenders job is the REASON the maintenace guy has a job keeping the ice machine working!  If it wasn't for the people at the 'top', there'd be no reason for the other layers to have jobs either.  Suggest a course in Economics 101.

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5 minutes ago, marci22 said:

I wouldn't say it's wrong for emotion to enter the economical equation, if that's what you like. The problem is, is that the emoters want everyone to tip their way and really have no tolerance for other viewpoints. It just goes on and on. Royal says what is and isn't acceptable. That should be enough. 

I think you've put it perfectly.


'Fundamentalist Tippers' is what I'd call them!  

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47 minutes ago, ladybug.2009 said:

No, they aren't.

If they were working the hardest, they'd be making the MOST money, not the least.  Simple supply and demand.  Are you saying the chief engineer doesn't work hard?  What about the sous chef?  They don't have to deal face-to-face with us annoying cruisers, so that should make their job a bit easier, right?


Perhaps the captain slaved for 10 years as a towel boy working 16 hour days before getting promoted to captain...just because he isn't working that hard now, does he deserve less compensation?  He sure has a lot of responsibility, even if it doesn't seem as if he's working hard.


Remember, the bartenders job is the REASON the maintenace guy has a job keeping the ice machine working!  If it wasn't for the people at the 'top', there'd be no reason for the other layers to have jobs either.  Suggest a course in Economics 101.


You mentioned completely different departments. Why? Engineers, captain etc are high paid salaried positions.

Apples to oranges.

Captain did not slaved for 10 years as cleaner.. Great cleaners don't get promoted to captains or engineers! 🙂

Edited by Tatka
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51 minutes ago, marci22 said:

I wouldn't say it's wrong for emotion to enter the economical equation, if that's what you like. The problem is, is that the emoters want everyone to tip their way and really have no tolerance for other viewpoints. It just goes on and on. Royal says what is and isn't acceptable. That should be enough. 

Two excellent points.  Well said!

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3 hours ago, marci22 said:

I wouldn't say it's wrong for emotion to enter the economical equation, if that's what you like. The problem is, is that the emoters want everyone to tip their way and really have no tolerance for other viewpoints. It just goes on and on. Royal says what is and isn't acceptable. That should be enough. 

Totally agree! 


7 hours ago, Sam Ting said:

We always remove this optional fee and tip as we go.  How the cruiseline convinced passengers to donate to their billion dollar company so it can pay its employees is beyond me. 

Key word here is donate! As said previously all this "They have bad living conditions, their kids are sick, they don't have clean homes, or a home at all..blah blah blah" is nothing but charity! There are soo many Americans that sleep on the streets or that work and can only afford the shelter(which can charge you also) or that have to stay with family or that have bills behind. They chose to work for low hr wages and rely on others people extra spending money to have a living. Not my problem


6 hours ago, Leeba25 said:

If you can’t afford - or don’t want to pay - the usual (i.e. typical, standard, whatever you want to call it) tip for whatever service you’re partaking in, then you should not be booking that service. 


This is different than deciding that the service was sub-par. A decision like that would come *after* the service was rendered. People removing gratuities ahead of time on a cruise and consistently tipping less than the standard amount? That’s a pretty terrible behavior, because those folks have decided in advance. And not only that, but they seem to be twisting themselves in knots to justify their behavior. Again, can’t (or don’t want to) afford it? Then don’t. But don’t punish the ones who are making the least money out of the whole corporation. Jeez.  

This is the craziest answer on the whole thread. Who are you to say don't go on a trip if you can't afford the "extra" cost. It's extra for a reason!


3 hours ago, HBE4 said:


I was wondering the same thing. Is he in CC jail or worse, been exiled?  I can imagine he'd write something like this:


"Why do sappy Americans fall so much in love with the crew and treat them like family members? They are getting paid to do a job that they voluntary applied for and will forget all about you 2 seconds after you step off the ship. Don't be sucked by any sad stories they tell"🙄😜😱🤪


Or something like that.


In my opinion.

If he would have that would have been hilarious!

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Wait - so now tipping is “extra” and “donating?” Y’all are really something else. To have done those mental gymnastics to save yourselves the money by cheating others out of their tips. I mean really. 


Have fun waiting in the line though, I guess? Lol. My time is worth more than that, especially on vacation. 

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3 hours ago, ladybug.2009 said:

If they were working the hardest, they'd be making the MOST money, not the least. 

3 hours ago, ladybug.2009 said:

Perhaps the captain slaved for 10 years as a towel boy working 16 hour days before getting promoted to captain...just because he isn't working that hard now, does he deserve less compensation? 


You're contradicting yourself.  Are you of the belief that the Captain is the hardest working person and that is the reason they make the most money?  Or that he isn't working that hard now and the towel boy that is slaving for 16 hours a day the harder working employee?   


BTW,  Captains are licensed mariners who have a combination of education, extensive training & experience.  It's not a position that cruiselines fill by promoting a towel boy.   

Edited by lovemylab
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2 hours ago, mayleeman said:

"It's A Wonderful Life" will be telecast numerous times over the next 6 weeks. A heads-up for those who wish to root for Mr. Potter.


Don’t forget to add A Christmas Carol to that list, as there are a few fans of Ebenezer here as well. 

Edited by A&L_Ont
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50 minutes ago, Leeba25 said:

Wait - so now tipping is “extra” and “donating?” Y’all are really something else. To have done those mental gymnastics to save yourselves the money by cheating others out of their tips. I mean really. 


Have fun waiting in the line though, I guess? Lol. My time is worth more than that, especially on vacation. 

Uh...tipping is extra.  If it wasn't, it wouldn't be optional.  If it wasn't, it would be included in the base fare.


And there are MANY times when there is no line.

Edited by time4u2go
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24 minutes ago, time4u2go said:

Uh...tipping is extra.  If it wasn't, it wouldn't be optional.  If it wasn't, it would be included in the base fare.


And there are MANY times when there is no line.


Ok so now we’re getting somewhere. All snark aside, I think this is the difference between me & you. I don’t consider it to be extra. I consider it as integral to the bill as, for example, the tax. Yeah I’ll adjust it up (*maybe* down but that’s gotta be for something big and I’m not even getting into that right now), but a tip is what it is, period, end of story. 


For example, if I walk into a restaurant with $100 in my pocket, I’m certainly not going to be all “cool, I can order $93 worth of food and drinks, considering I’ll be charged 7% tax.” Because I know i need to add tip on in addition to the tax. 


Which brings me back to, if I can’t afford the dinner (including all the pieces of the bill, yes tip being part of that), I’m not taking it out on my server. I’m just not ordering as much, or I’m not eating at that restaurant. Shrug. 

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1 hour ago, Leeba25 said:

Wait - so now tipping is “extra” and “donating?” Y’all are really something else. To have done those mental gymnastics to save yourselves the money by cheating others out of their tips. I mean really. 


Have fun waiting in the line though, I guess? Lol. My time is worth more than that, especially on vacation. 

Uhh yes tipping is EXTRA. If it wasnt then you wouldn't be able to get the food or service without it. And yep I'm going to wait in whatever line bc my money is worth more to me than throwing it down some blackhole that nobody can justify.


8 minutes ago, Leeba25 said:


Ok so now we’re getting somewhere. All snark aside, I think this is the difference between me & you. I don’t consider it to be extra. I consider it as integral to the bill as, for example, the tax. Yeah I’ll adjust it up (*maybe* down but that’s gotta be for something big and I’m not even getting into that right now), but a tip is what it is, period, end of story. 


For example, if I walk into a restaurant with $100 in my pocket, I’m certainly not going to be all “cool, I can order $93 worth of food and drinks, considering I’ll be charged 7% tax.” Because I know i need to add tip on in addition to the tax. 


Which brings me back to, if I can’t afford the dinner (including all the pieces of the bill, yes tip being part of that), I’m not taking it out on my server. I’m just not ordering as much, or I’m not eating at that restaurant. Shrug. 

If you decide not to eat somewhere bc of the EXTRA costs then that's on you. It's EXTRA bc whether you pay it or not guess what you still enjoy the same meal! This is supposed to be America-the land of the free- so I'm free to go out to eat, take a cruise, or do whatever else without paying for extra and still receiving what I paid for. But that's just me

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6 minutes ago, ShonicePlus3 said:

Uhh yes tipping is EXTRA. If it wasnt then you wouldn't be able to get the food or service without it. And yep I'm going to wait in whatever line bc my money is worth more to me than throwing it down some blackhole that nobody can justify.


If you decide not to eat somewhere bc of the EXTRA costs then that's on you. It's EXTRA bc whether you pay it or not guess what you still enjoy the same meal! This is supposed to be America-the land of the free- so I'm free to go out to eat, take a cruise, or do whatever else without paying for extra and still receiving what I paid for. But that's just me

Well said.  Thank you.

Edited by time4u2go
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The simple minded people really show their true faces when they follow the leader... "Oh this is just how cruising is, oh they have a hard life, oh they not American so they must be poor, oh just throw your money down the drain because someone supposedly "less fortunate" took a job making .05 a hr". I WILL NOT throw my money into a loop hole of stories! I pay my cruise fare and I know what im paying for-A nice room for my family, some good food, ship amenities and seeing new places. No time to think abt the ins and outs of NO contract I didn't sign!

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I love how some of these non-tippers like to conflate tipping and charity.  I don't tip out of charity, I tip because the service industry wage is predicated on it and it is fair.  Royal says $14.50 a day covers it and I'm good with that, they have deemed that amount fair.  All the sad stories in the world don't have any bearing on it. 


Also part of the reason I tip extra is I want the best of service. At my local restaurant I like being remembered. I tip well above average. I used to go to the same Mexican restaurant every Sunday afternoon.  The staff knew me and treated well above and beyond what would be typical. It's not charity it's pay for service. Many of the people who will be serving me on the ship will be serving repeatedly.  I want the bartender to remember me so I tip extra with every drink. Same with the barista at Cafe Promenade.  When my cabin steward introduces himself I hand over a little cash.  I do the same with my waiter and asst. waiter on night one. My experience has been that I receive excellent service.


I don't really care what others do, it will have no effect on what I do, but I do think it is kind of pitiful when someone spends several thousand on a vacation and then gripes about a couple of hundred bucks for the staff that has served them all week long I guess the one advantage for me is that all the cheapo's make me look better to those whom I tip.

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You are assuming the extra goes to the staff when you give it to the company Thinking it somehow trickles down to the crew. 

I rather give it to the person who serves me directly,.  This way I know they got my donation.


Have a great cruise!

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7 minutes ago, Sam Ting said:

You are assuming the extra goes to the staff when you give it to the company Thinking it somehow trickles down to the crew. 

I rather give it to the person who serves me directly,.  This way I know they got my donation.


Have a great cruise!


And you are assuming that tips aren't pooled.  It's been well documented in this thread that cash tips are turned over and then redistributed.


I've been prepaying or having my tips charged to my cabin for years (long before it became automatic).  The room steward has always thanked us for this.  If the crew wasn't receiving that money, I doubt they'd be thanking people for choosing that option.

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3 hours ago, ShonicePlus3 said:

Totally agree! 


Key word here is donate! As said previously all this "They have bad living conditions, their kids are sick, they don't have clean homes, or a home at all..blah blah blah" is nothing but charity! There are soo many Americans that sleep on the streets or that work and can only afford the shelter(which can charge you also) or that have to stay with family or that have bills behind. They chose to work for low hr wages and rely on others people extra spending money to have a living. Not my problem


This is the craziest answer on the whole thread. Who are you to say don't go on a trip if you can't afford the "extra" cost. It's extra for a reason!


If he would have that would have been hilarious!

We aren’t discussing extra tipping, but autogratuities from which crew is paid.

Its not a charity, but daily service charge. The only reason it’s not included into cruise fare is taxation purpose. 

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7 hours ago, Joseph2017China said:

If you ask a person, they have a special book of "stories" that they choose from to convince you to tip more.  Most crew sees to have 10 kids, and a house falling over.  Whenever you ask a crew member a "personal question" the book comes out and they give you the sad story answer. They are pretty good at it.  

Son of a gun, Amazon has everything


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1 hour ago, Tree_skier said:

I love how some of these non-tippers like to conflate tipping and charity.  I don't tip out of charity, I tip because the service industry wage is predicated on it and it is fair.  Royal says $14.50 a day covers it and I'm good with that, they have deemed that amount fair.  All the sad stories in the world don't have any bearing on it. 


Also part of the reason I tip extra is I want the best of service. At my local restaurant I like being remembered. I tip well above average. I used to go to the same Mexican restaurant every Sunday afternoon.  The staff knew me and treated well above and beyond what would be typical. It's not charity it's pay for service. Many of the people who will be serving me on the ship will be serving repeatedly.  I want the bartender to remember me so I tip extra with every drink. Same with the barista at Cafe Promenade.  When my cabin steward introduces himself I hand over a little cash.  I do the same with my waiter and asst. waiter on night one. My experience has been that I receive excellent service.


I don't really care what others do, it will have no effect on what I do, but I do think it is kind of pitiful when someone spends several thousand on a vacation and then gripes about a couple of hundred bucks for the staff that has served them all week long I guess the one advantage for me is that all the cheapo's make me look better to those whom I tip.

Gee, it's just all about YOU, isn't it?  Gotta make sure the little people remember YOU, have YOUR drink ready, fawn all over YOU.


Newsflash!  It's nothing to do with YOU, and all about your MONEY!! 

And someday, the money runs out, and then see how much anyone remembers.

I'd much rather have made an actual connection with someone than remember some loudmouth throwing around cash.

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3 hours ago, lovemylab said:


You're contradicting yourself.  Are you of the belief that the Captain is the hardest working person and that is the reason they make the most money?  Or that he isn't working that hard now and the towel boy that is slaving for 16 hours a day the harder working employee?   


BTW,  Captains are licensed mariners who have a combination of education, extensive training & experience.  It's not a position that cruiselines fill by promoting a towel boy.   

You missed my point completely.

The captain makes the most money because he has the hardest job, not in physical work, but in RESPONSIBILITY.

That doesn't mean he didn't start out as a towel boy, in fact, I can guarantee you at some point the captain worked some kind of grunt position / start up job that had no responsibility, but lots of hard (physical) work.


I don't feel bad for the laundry boy or other low paid workers...they have the same opportunities every other person has to better themselves.  Except, but automatically paying them tips regardless of their actual service quality, what have they learned? 

(just that there's a sucker born every minute, and a lot of them are cruisers!!)

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1 minute ago, ladybug.2009 said:

Gee, it's just all about YOU, isn't it?  Gotta make sure the little people remember YOU, have YOUR drink ready, fawn all over YOU.


Newsflash!  It's nothing to do with YOU, and all about your MONEY!! 

And someday, the money runs out, and then see how much anyone remembers.

I'd much rather have made an actual connection with someone than remember some loudmouth throwing around cash.

LOL, yes I go on vacation for me...  Newsflash! It's not about anyone else but me.  I spend my money to benefit me... I donate to charity regularly but my vacation has nothing to do with charity. If after I am dead and gone and no server or hair stylist or Uber driver or cabin steward or pizza delivery boy comes to my funeral I won't be disappointed in the least.  The assumption that because I tip well in order to  receive better service that I don't have actual connections with real people and real relationships is the height of self justification for cheapo behavior.


If you think for one minute that people in the service industry would prefer to be your friend and  "make a connection with you" rather than receive a generous tip you are delusional.  I appreciate hard work and I reward it when it benefits me.



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20 minutes ago, ladybug.2009 said:

Gee, it's just all about YOU, isn't it?  Gotta make sure the little people remember YOU, have YOUR drink ready, fawn all over YOU.


Newsflash!  It's nothing to do with YOU, and all about your MONEY!! 

And someday, the money runs out, and then see how much anyone remembers.

I'd much rather have made an actual connection with someone than remember some loudmouth throwing around cash.


Oh this is the best. So here’s my advice. The next cruise, spa, or dinner or whatever typical tipping situation you go into, please do tell the service provider *in advance* that you will *not* be providing a tip in cash.... but that - GOOD NEWS - because *much better* than cash, you will be giving him or her a hearty handshake and making an *actual connection* with them instead. 

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