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Cancelling Cruises because of the C word


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1 minute ago, otbc said:

So, here's a question - if P&O offered to move it only, could you still claim under travel insurance for a cancelled cruise if the credit note P&O offer isn't acceptable?

Depends on your insurance. I would say yes, but they may say you have to mitigate your loss which would entail taking a FCC maybe. 

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36 minutes ago, otbc said:

So, here's a question - if P&O offered to move it only, could you still claim under travel insurance for a cancelled cruise if the credit note P&O offer isn't acceptable?

Good question, but at the moment most insurance companies are swamped with claims, so I,  personally don't want to add to their work load at the moment. 

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3 hours ago, Selbourne said:

That’s a very commendable attitude, but I don’t believe that it is customers responsibility to shore up struggling companies with their own cash, even if they can afford to. I wonder how many of those accepting future credits from travel companies will still be as understanding if any of these companies go under and their future credits are suddenly worthless and their money is lost for good?

These are not normal times Selbourne, and the more pressure we put on the govt to bail everybody out, the less they will have to shore up the NHS, and the longer it will take for our great, great...etc etc  grandchildren to pay off the debt.

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1 minute ago, terrierjohn said:

These are not normal times Selbourne, and the more pressure we put on the govt to bail everybody out, the less they will have to shore up the NHS, and the longer it will take for our great, great...etc etc  grandchildren to pay off the debt.

the problem is we don’t know individual circumstances. 

some maybe ok with few grand floating about. Others won’t be and unfortunately we need to first and foremost make sure our essentials not luxury are protected. 

I want to protect my kids and future generation as much as I can but unless I meet the basics first then that’s not possible. 

like I said before it’s going to be no good to me to have a credit note for my Florida holiday if we lose jobs house etc in the mean time 


we spend money on luxuries like holidays cos we finally can and it’s taken a very long time to get there. Now that the virus is making things difficult no one knows what the future holds. It could go back to making ends meet like years ago for us. I don’t want to not be able to pay my mortgage but hooray I have a holiday in next two years to look forward to. 

luckily I’ve been told refund for p&o no matter what said the advisor 


my virgin Holidays I really want a refund but at same time need the airlines to be safe for hubby’s employers. 

on a different note. Teachers are amazing. I hate home schooling it’s awful. After 4 days not leaving house the kids are driving me crazy. so is hubby he could be under the patio at the end of this. 

hope everyone else’s days are better. 


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55 minutes ago, Vampiress88 said:

the problem is we don’t know individual circumstances. 

some maybe ok with few grand floating about. Others won’t be and unfortunately we need to first and foremost make sure our essentials not luxury are protected. 

I want to protect my kids and future generation as much as I can but unless I meet the basics first then that’s not possible. 

like I said before it’s going to be no good to me to have a credit note for my Florida holiday if we lose jobs house etc in the mean time 


we spend money on luxuries like holidays cos we finally can and it’s taken a very long time to get there. Now that the virus is making things difficult no one knows what the future holds. It could go back to making ends meet like years ago for us. I don’t want to not be able to pay my mortgage but hooray I have a holiday in next two years to look forward to. 

luckily I’ve been told refund for p&o no matter what said the advisor 


my virgin Holidays I really want a refund but at same time need the airlines to be safe for hubby’s employers. 

on a different note. Teachers are amazing. I hate home schooling it’s awful. After 4 days not leaving house the kids are driving me crazy. so is hubby he could be under the patio at the end of this. 

hope everyone else’s days are better. 


As a ex teacher I will accept that. 😎


However I do know it is a lot easier to teach a class of 30 than 2/3 of your own children. We don’t have kids but I would far prefer teaching a class of 30 than my own. Even when I have taken children away the relationship you have is different to that of a parent.

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14 minutes ago, daiB said:

As a ex teacher I will accept that. 😎


However I do know it is a lot easier to teach a class of 30 than 2/3 of your own children. We don’t have kids but I would far prefer teaching a class of 30 than my own. Even when I have taken children away the relationship you have is different to that of a parent.

oh yes and I bet they listen too


to me not so much. 
drive me crazy they are both super smart but eldest just does not listen at all!

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8 hours ago, terrierjohn said:

These are not normal times Selbourne, and the more pressure we put on the govt to bail everybody out, the less they will have to shore up the NHS, and the longer it will take for our great, great...etc etc  grandchildren to pay off the debt.

I completely agree with that John as I have never been comfortable with government bail outs. People often forget that it’s not government money, it’s our money - the tax payers. History shows that most struggling companies receiving bail outs go on to fail anyway, so it ends up being a case of delaying the inevitable and effectively becomes money down the drain.

These are indeed exceptional times and whilst I applaud the governments desire to plug as many household income gaps as possible through this crisis, it will be with money that we don’t have as a nation and generations to come will suffer as a result of it. My issue is that, just as I don’t sit comfortably with governments bailing out struggling companies, I don’t feel that it is private individuals job to do that either - which is exactly what we are currently doing with travel companies.


Usually the ‘risk’ is carried by financial institutions and investors, principally shareholders. ABTA is now ‘suggesting’ that their members should be allowed to hold on to their customers cash, issue credit and only pay back the money if the customer hasn’t used the credit within 2 years. This hasn’t been passed into law, yet many operators have seized on it as if it has. I accept that this isn’t an issue that is unique to P&O. I have the same issue with a holiday cottage company and a theatre group, but I don’t have many many thousands of pounds ‘at risk’ with them as I do with P&O. 

When I entered into a contract with P&O, it didn’t say that if the company ran into difficulty they could withhold my money in order to prop them up. Companies just can’t change the rules to suit them, yet many are. As several others have commented, P&O are sticklers for holding us, their passengers, to their terms and conditions, even when the holiday that you booked turns into something quite different (e.g. itinerary changes even before Coronavirus). Now the boot is on the other foot, they change the rules. Holidays (including cruises) are the ultimate discretionary spend and once this crisis is over (in just 3 weeks time, according to the Leader of the Free World 🙄) then many of us will remember the companies that treated us with respect and those that treated us with contempt. On current form and unless things change, I fear that I may have already been on my last cruise with P&O. 

Edited by Selbourne
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It's not only struggling businesses that the government are helping. 

I have a relatively successful business, but to have your total income ripped away and still have to pay most of your bills is a frightening experience. 

We could have survived for a bit, but

putting the staff onto Furlough has effectively secured their jobs and we will come back fighting with no redundancies. 

Without the tax breaks etc, it could have been a different story. 

Yes, somebody has to pay, but at least we will still have profitable businesses ready to go again and start recouping the tax whereas with no help, we would come back to no economy... 

The weak will not survive, even with this help. 



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17 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

I completely agree with that John as I have never been comfortable with government bail outs. People often forget that it’s not government money, it’s our money - the tax payers. History shows that most struggling companies receiving bail outs go on to fail anyway, so it ends up being a case of delaying the inevitable and effectively becomes money down the drain.

These are indeed exceptional times and whilst I applaud the governments desire to plug as many household income gaps as possible through this crisis, it will be with money that we don’t have as a nation and generations to come will suffer as a result of it. My issue is that, just as I don’t sit comfortably with governments bailing out struggling companies, I don’t feel that it is private individuals job to do that either - which is exactly what we are currently doing with travel companies.


Usually the ‘risk’ is carried by financial institutions and investors, principally shareholders. ABTA is now ‘suggesting’ that their members should be allowed to hold on to their customers cash, issue credit and only pay back the money if the customer hasn’t used the credit within 2 years. This hasn’t been passed into law, yet many operators have seized on it as if it has. I accept that this isn’t an issue that is unique to P&O. I have the same issue with a holiday cottage company and a theatre group, but I don’t have many many thousands of pounds ‘at risk’ with them as I do with P&O. 

When I entered into a contract with P&O, it didn’t say that if the company ran into difficulty they could withhold my money in order to prop them up. Companies just can’t change the rules to suit them, yet many are. As several others have commented, P&O are sticklers for holding us, their passengers, to their terms and conditions, even when the holiday that you booked turns into something quite different (e.g. itinerary changes even before Coronavirus). Now the boot is on the other foot, they change the rules. Holidays (including cruises) are the ultimate discretionary spend and once this crisis is over (in just 3 weeks time, according to the Leader of the Free World 🙄) then many of us will remember the companies that treated us with respect and those that treated us with contempt. On current form and unless things change, I fear that I may have already been on my last cruise with P&O. 

I would fully agree with your comments about failing companies, like Thomas Cook, but the only reason most travel companies are in difficulty currently is solely due to Covid19, so there is no way I could agree to letting them fail entirely due to that, because the loss of all those jobs, not just here but in holiday destinations as well, is not something any govt should just allow.

Its tough but sharing the pain equally is IMO far better than the consequences of allowing them to fail.

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19 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

I would fully agree with your comments about failing companies, like Thomas Cook, but the only reason most travel companies are in difficulty currently is solely due to Covid19, so there is no way I could agree to letting them fail entirely due to that, because the loss of all those jobs, not just here but in holiday destinations as well, is not something any govt should just allow.

Its tough but sharing the pain equally is IMO far better than the consequences of allowing them to fail.

I agree - surely helping business survive is better than, one year down the road, having 10 million unemployed, with all the consequent social and economic costs.

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15 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

I would fully agree with your comments about failing companies, like Thomas Cook, but the only reason most travel companies are in difficulty currently is solely due to Covid19, so there is no way I could agree to letting them fail entirely due to that, because the loss of all those jobs, not just here but in holiday destinations as well, is not something any govt should just allow.

Its tough but sharing the pain equally is IMO far better than the consequences of allowing them to fail.


When people lose their jobs they can claim

Unemployment benefits

Pay no Council tax 

Dental charges

Eye tests etc

Pay no tax or National Insurance.

Surely it is much better to keep people in employment and save viable companies who will grow and employ more people in the future.

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Two things are stopping me taking a FCC.

1.  is the fact that it must be used by December 2021 (March 2022).  I have cruises booked for  2021 and we are told that it must be a new booking.   I am not able to take anymore time off in 2021 so P & O keep my money!


2.   Will my money be safe.

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32 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

It's not only struggling businesses that the government are helping. 

I have a relatively successful business, but to have your total income ripped away and still have to pay most of your bills is a frightening experience. 

We could have survived for a bit, but

putting the staff onto Furlough has effectively secured their jobs and we will come back fighting with no redundancies. 

Without the tax breaks etc, it could have been a different story. 

Yes, somebody has to pay, but at least we will still have profitable businesses ready to go again and start recouping the tax whereas with no help, we would come back to no economy... 

The weak will not survive, even with this help. 



Having spent most of our working lives as business owners,employing staff, I echo your sentiments. Thankfully we are now both retired (but only just!) 

Good health and best wishes to you, Michelle and all your staff.

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23 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

Yes, somebody has to pay, but at least we will still have profitable businesses ready to go again and start recouping the tax whereas with no help, we would come back to no economy..

Exactly Andy, I see no difference to lets say your Daughter had taken ill ,you would support her until it was safe for her to return to work , knowing she would repay you in the long term.

When you boil it down that is what the Government are trying to do on a national scale.Sure it will cost the nation but that will happen worldwide . I'm sure you and your staff will bounce back and continue to pay back into the system and good luck to you all in the future .

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15 minutes ago, alpha whiskey said:

Having spent most of our working lives as business owners,employing staff, I echo your sentiments. Thankfully we are now both retired (but only just!) 

Good health and best wishes to you, Michelle and all your staff.

Thank you so much. 

Keep safe and don't get too bored... 

Andy & Michelle 

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19 minutes ago, kalos said:

Exactly Andy, I see no difference to lets say your Daughter had taken ill ,you would support her until it was safe for her to return to work , knowing she would repay you in the long term.

When you boil it down that is what the Government are trying to do on a national scale.Sure it will cost the nation but that will happen worldwide . I'm sure you and your staff will bounce back and continue to pay back into the system and good luck to you all in the future .

Thank you Kalos. 

The world hasn't ended yet, we need to keep smiling, we still have a future. 

Keep safe 


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1 hour ago, AndyMichelle said:

It's not only struggling businesses that the government are helping. 

I have a relatively successful business, but to have your total income ripped away and still have to pay most of your bills is a frightening experience. 

We could have survived for a bit, but

putting the staff onto Furlough has effectively secured their jobs and we will come back fighting with no redundancies. 

Without the tax breaks etc, it could have been a different story. 

Yes, somebody has to pay, but at least we will still have profitable businesses ready to go again and start recouping the tax whereas with no help, we would come back to no economy... 

The weak will not survive, even with this help. 



In 2001 we had a Farm Park (A Tourist Attraction) and we took it over 26 days before the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease. We lost over 80% of our income for the year and never received one single penny of help from anyone. The government gave compensation to farmers but Tourist Attractions received nothing. In fact, the local authority actually increased our Business Rates significantly. We were in such a financial predicament we even approached the Agricultural Benevolent Service to ask for help. The guy laughed and put down the phone. Many small businesses will go under if this goes on for just a few months unless they get help. Incidentally, at that time, we listened to the news every day and Nick Brown, Minister of Agriculture, repeated every day that it was under control. Six million sheep and cows were slaughtered and it was estimated the country lost £8 billion. That will be nothing compared to what we are going to experience this time.

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31 minutes ago, dgs1956 said:

In 2001 we had a Farm Park (A Tourist Attraction) and we took it over 26 days before the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease. We lost over 80% of our income for the year and never received one single penny of help from anyone. The government gave compensation to farmers but Tourist Attractions received nothing. In fact, the local authority actually increased our Business Rates significantly. We were in such a financial predicament we even approached the Agricultural Benevolent Service to ask for help. The guy laughed and put down the phone. Many small businesses will go under if this goes on for just a few months unless they get help. Incidentally, at that time, we listened to the news every day and Nick Brown, Minister of Agriculture, repeated every day that it was under control. Six million sheep and cows were slaughtered and it was estimated the country lost £8 billion. That will be nothing compared to what we are going to experience this time.

I remember that, I lived in a farming community then, devastating times. 

Following trucks of slaughtered animals through the country lanes with blood spilling on the road is my biggest memory... I really feel for you... 

At least we are getting some unprecedented support. On paper, we probably don't need it immediately, but it has enabled us to not fight the call to stay at home and come back strong. 




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2 hours ago, AndyMichelle said:

It's not only struggling businesses that the government are helping. 

I have a relatively successful business, but to have your total income ripped away and still have to pay most of your bills is a frightening experience. 

We could have survived for a bit, but

putting the staff onto Furlough has effectively secured their jobs and we will come back fighting with no redundancies. 

Without the tax breaks etc, it could have been a different story. 

Yes, somebody has to pay, but at least we will still have profitable businesses ready to go again and start recouping the tax whereas with no help, we would come back to no economy... 

The weak will not survive, even with this help. 



I am in a similar position Andy. I am heart broken at closing the business but at least now I have furloughed staff and I plan to make up their salary to 100%. Without the government support I wouldn't be able to pay them. Fortunately my landlord has said I don't need to pay rent on my premised until the grant comes through. The grant will cover what I owe suppliers, rent and the top up to staff wages.  

There are loans available to large companies. However I now seem to hear a lot of moaning from  lots of quarters that Universal Credit payment is too low and they can't live on £94 a week. One thing I do hope is that after this we will be less judgemental of those in our society who do actually live on that amount week in week out and more caring of them



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2 hours ago, Tablelamp said:

Two things are stopping me taking a FCC.

1.  is the fact that it must be used by December 2021 (March 2022).  I have cruises booked for  2021 and we are told that it must be a new booking.   I am not able to take anymore time off in 2021 so P & O keep my money!


2.   Will my money be safe.

Can you not cancel one of your future cruises and rebook using your FCC? It obviously depends on how much equity you have in this cruise against losing the deposit on your 2021 cruise.

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41 minutes ago, Cathygh said:

I am in a similar position Andy. I am heart broken at closing the business but at least now I have furloughed staff and I plan to make up their salary to 100%. Without the government support I wouldn't be able to pay them. Fortunately my landlord has said I don't need to pay rent on my premised until the grant comes through. The grant will cover what I owe suppliers, rent and the top up to staff wages.  

There are loans available to large companies. However I now seem to hear a lot of moaning from  lots of quarters that Universal Credit payment is too low and they can't live on £94 a week. One thing I do hope is that after this we will be less judgemental of those in our society who do actually live on that amount week in week out and more caring of them



It's hard Cathy, but we'll done for looking out for your staff, they will appreciate it.

I had a meeting with our team and they refused my offer of topping them up, so they say it's my responsibility to make sure they have jobs to come back to... 

In their words, they do OK, so don't want to put any more unnecessary pressure on the company. 

It won't be forgotten... 


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In reply to otbc , on could you make a claim if fcc was not acceptable it seems not even if you have the  correct insurance in place .I have just received that  back from my insurance if an alternative is available such as fcc ,so that line of refund has gone so next it is down to p and o so we wait and see . 

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13 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

It's hard Cathy, but we'll done for looking out for your staff, they will appreciate it.

I had a meeting with our team and they refused my offer of topping them up, so they say it's my responsibility to make sure they have jobs to come back to... 

In their words, they do OK, so don't want to put any more unnecessary pressure on the company. 

It won't be forgotten... 


I have had the same response Andy, but I will do it anyway for at least 3 months. Meanwhile I hope to do a bit of online selling, as long as we have Post Offices and Royal Mail open.

Keep well & stay safe



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25 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

I don't mind discussing anything with anyone, but you are right Selborne, there is no discussion... 

No solutions or positive opinions are ever shared. 

If he said 'this is wrong, this is how I think it should be done', I would respect that, even if I didn't agree... 


Whilst your jokes are funny Andy, I think I tended to laugh outloud at some of the madder posts that appeared.  Long live duct tape (if that was another alias)  

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