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New CDC guidelines limiting gatherings


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2 minutes ago, krittykat said:

Good luck with shopping.  Shelves in Vancouver, WA have the appearance of post apocalyptic disaster - no canned veggies, no frozen veggies, no paper goods, etc - even  things like cold medicine, toothpaste/brushes, cereal are starting to look sparse.  And if you want peanut butter, rice, instant mashed potatoes, ground beef - forget it.




This too shall pass once people realize their home town is not turning in to a scene from the Walking Dead.   On a positive note at least people are eating their veggies.  🙂

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2 minutes ago, ColeThornton said:



This too shall pass once people realize their home town is not turning in to a scene from the Walking Dead.   On a positive note at least people are eating their veggies.  🙂

This is most certainly true. We have had only 3 cases in my county. Now Seattle, on the other hand.....

Hoarding ramped up when schools closed for 6 weeks.  Now that the governor has shut down everything like entertainment facilities (movie theaters, etc) rec centers, gyms along with restaurants, bars etc -it really hit home to a lot of people.  I bet Disney+ will get a lot of new subscriptions.

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14 hours ago, jennmaybe said:

There is a difference in ordering and recommending.  It’s important that we are not misleading the folks reading this and thinking that it has been ordered and is mandatory.



I live in NC and the only thing here, so far, is closing the schools in our county for 2 weeks.  Everything else has been business as usual.  In fact, we drove out and spent the weekend in Raleigh.  No shortage of people out and about.  


Some Govenors are being pro-active. Here in Ohio the Govenor has mandated schools close for 3 weeks minimum ( said will probably be longer) and could realistically end the school year.


Also has mandated ALL bars and Restaurants (dine in) to close until further notice. They both may continue to serve food for carryout only.


I wasn't going to cancel an April vacation to Florida , but the prudent thing to do was cancel.


Hopefully your state comes to it's senses and becomes proactive before the amount of cases rise.


I was a skeptic at first however there are some alarming numbers being presented on just how severe this can get.



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1 hour ago, beerman2 said:

Some Govenors are being pro-active. Here in Ohio the Govenor has mandated schools close for 3 weeks minimum ( said will probably be longer) and could realistically end the school year.


Also has mandated ALL bars and Restaurants (dine in) to close until further notice. They both may continue to serve food for carryout only.


I wasn't going to cancel an April vacation to Florida , but the prudent thing to do was cancel.


Hopefully your state comes to it's senses and becomes proactive before the amount of cases rise.


I was a skeptic at first however there are some alarming numbers being presented on just how severe this can get.



I have a cruise scheduled for April 12 - I am hoping that Norwegian will cancel it. (Last one out of New Orleans for the season).  Will wait until the last few days before we fly to cancel - in hopes for refund vs FCC but either way - not likely to be cruising.
Next thing I think we will see is a closing of interstate travel in our state (WA),

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1 hour ago, beerman2 said:

Some Govenors are being pro-active. Here in Ohio the Govenor has mandated schools close for 3 weeks minimum ( said will probably be longer) and could realistically end the school year.


Also has mandated ALL bars and Restaurants (dine in) to close until further notice. They both may continue to serve food for carryout only.


I wasn't going to cancel an April vacation to Florida , but the prudent thing to do was cancel.


Hopefully your state comes to it's senses and becomes proactive before the amount of cases rise.


I was a skeptic at first however there are some alarming numbers being presented on just how severe this can get.




I'm in Ohio too.  Our mayor has one upped him by creating an order that all people stay a minimum of 6 feet from each other at all times in public places. LOL. That may have gone a bit too far. Will have a heck of a time enforcing that.

Edited by sanger727
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12 minutes ago, krittykat said:

I have a cruise scheduled for April 12 - I am hoping that Norwegian will cancel it. (Last one out of New Orleans for the season).  Will wait until the last few days before we fly to cancel - in hopes for refund vs FCC but either way - not likely to be cruising.
Next thing I think we will see is a closing of interstate travel in our state (WA),

The President just said this could linger into July/Aug. before we get a handle on it. If that IS the case, it will become more catastrophic than one can imagine.


Our Govenor has already stated that the 3 week shutdown of schools will more than likely be extended. And quite possibly end the school year.




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the numbers are staggering -- daily......  take a look at the chart in the bottom right corner and take a look at the daily cases worldwide.  It's coming our way.....while I'm not afraid, I am being diligent.  Let's not think this is a big inconvenience.  I am concerned for my in-laws who are in their 80s and 90s.  The more we hunker down, the less dramatic it will be.

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1 hour ago, krittykat said:

I have a cruise scheduled for April 12 - I am hoping that Norwegian will cancel it. (Last one out of New Orleans for the season).  Will wait until the last few days before we fly to cancel - in hopes for refund vs FCC but either way - not likely to be cruising.
Next thing I think we will see is a closing of interstate travel in our state (WA),

We are "on" the same ship... Battle Ground here.

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7 hours ago, LMaxwell said:


Carnival Valor w guest w confirmed case (disembarked in New Orleans)

Majesty of the Seats w 2 guests w confirmed cases (disembarked in New Orleans) 

Costa ship that disembarked heart attack patient to grand cayman; he brought COVID19 onto GC as patient 1 

Puerto Rican residents onboard that Costa ship as well. 

Port Everglades Terminal workers testing positive last week and partial shut down of port. 


Zero screening of anyone coming off a cruise ship in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Port Canaveral, Tampa -  Friday, Sat, Sun, or Monday.  Probably some 75,000-90,000 passing through the ports in past 4 days with no screening before heading home/airport.  


Wonder when our governor is going to have a statement 


Man, these are various cruise lines. Various countries are impacted as the list is certainly longer than just what's above for where folks have disembarked during the past 2 weeks of course.  Various ports and such. Folks have posted about disembarking and even walking out of airports without any testing. So, which entities are responsible for setting up and managing screening of disembarking cruise passengers? I mean they can't really be tested, right? Say it's the 75,000 - 95,000 people noted above in just the past week. Who manages that? Who staffs that? What entity is the authority. 


Maybe not for this forum, but the same question for airports. And, let's just say domestic flights because we indeed have our own issue here, it's not just about cases around the world. So, who would be handling of this for our domestic flights within our country? The screening of all potential passengers? Arrivals? Departures? 





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7 hours ago, LMaxwell said:


Carnival Valor w guest w confirmed case (disembarked in New Orleans)

Majesty of the Seats w 2 guests w confirmed cases (disembarked in New Orleans) 

Costa ship that disembarked heart attack patient to grand cayman; he brought COVID19 onto GC as patient 1 

Puerto Rican residents onboard that Costa ship as well. 

Port Everglades Terminal workers testing positive last week and partial shut down of port. 


Zero screening of anyone coming off a cruise ship in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Port Canaveral, Tampa -  Friday, Sat, Sun, or Monday.  Probably some 75,000-90,000 passing through the ports in past 4 days with no screening before heading home/airport.  


Wonder when our governor is going to have a statement 


Man, these are various cruise lines. Various countries are impacted as the list is certainly longer than just what's above for where folks have disembarked during the past 2 weeks of course.  Various ports and such. Folks have posted about disembarking and even walking out of airports without any testing. So, which entities are responsible for setting up and managing screening of disembarking cruise passengers? I mean they can't really be tested, right? Say it's the 75,000 - 95,000 people noted above in just the past week. Who manages that? Who staffs that? What entity is the authority. 


Maybe not for this forum, but the same question for airports. And, let's just say domestic flights because we indeed have our own issue here, it's not just about cases around the world. So, who would be handling of this for our domestic flights within our country? The screening of all potential passengers? Arrivals? Departures? 





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3 hours ago, krittykat said:

I have a cruise scheduled for April 12 - I am hoping that Norwegian will cancel it. (Last one out of New Orleans for the season).  Will wait until the last few days before we fly to cancel - in hopes for refund vs FCC but either way - not likely to be cruising.
Next thing I think we will see is a closing of interstate travel in our state (WA),


 We are scheduled to be on the same cruise. I am hoping by the end of the week it is cancelled.

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16 hours ago, mugtech said:

250 people are 250 people no matter where they are.  Picking on cruise lines because this is Cruise Critic, would pick on churches if I were on Church Critic.

lol, Church Critic...sorry that just struck me so funny. ❤️

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13 minutes ago, zencruisers said:


 We are scheduled to be on the same cruise. I am hoping by the end of the week it is cancelled.

 Me too.  They just ordered a number of counties around San Francisco to shelter in place. Washington tends to follow California shortly after

...At least my home is bigger than a ship cabin

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With all the discussion of ORDER vs recommendation - any responsible adult, ESPECIALLY older adult, MUST voluntarily follow these recommendations.  That includes young adults.  I could paste links to graphs and charts explaining why, but the simple, short answer is that this virus is spreading out of control.  If we don’t voluntarily do as CDC and our governors recommend, then our hospital will be inundated and there won’t be enough medical staff, ICU beds, and God help us ventilators for those who need them.  


Even if YOU are young and think you won’t get very sick, there is no guarantee you won’t - but even if you don’t, how about your parents, grandparents, friends who have asthma, diabetes, or various other illnesses?


I hate to think that people are so self-centered that CDC’s recommendations have to become orders that are enforced by the military, because if we get to that point, we may be at martial law.


You can all call me erdoran stormcrow, and I would love all of you to laugh at me in a couple of weeks or months when I am wrong—but in the meanwhile let’s all do ask we are asked instead of thinking it’s optional.  it isn’t.  The life you save may be one that matters to you or to me.  And selfishly—if we all do the right thing, we’ll get through this stupid pandemic perhaps a little slower, but with a fraction of the deaths we would otherwise have.  If you think I’m nuts, go read the news out of Italy.  We are going to be next unless everyone takes this very seriously.


Now back to cruising after this life-saving commercial interruption....


and those of you who got off cruise ships or planes or stood in customs halls for hours, without exception, SELF QUARANTINE!  It’s a disgrace how this was handled, but you be the adult in this situation and do the life-saving essential right thing.  Please!  Your cruise critic fellow cruisers and I thank you - by YOUR actions you may save our lives.

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3 hours ago, erdoran said:

With all the discussion of ORDER vs recommendation - any responsible adult, ESPECIALLY older adult, MUST voluntarily follow these recommendations.  That includes young adults.  I could paste links to graphs and charts explaining why, but the simple, short answer is that this virus is spreading out of control.  If we don’t voluntarily do as CDC and our governors recommend, then our hospital will be inundated and there won’t be enough medical staff, ICU beds, and God help us ventilators for those who need them.  


Even if YOU are young and think you won’t get very sick, there is no guarantee you won’t - but even if you don’t, how about your parents, grandparents, friends who have asthma, diabetes, or various other illnesses?


I hate to think that people are so self-centered that CDC’s recommendations have to become orders that are enforced by the military, because if we get to that point, we may be at martial law.


You can all call me erdoran stormcrow, and I would love all of you to laugh at me in a couple of weeks or months when I am wrong—but in the meanwhile let’s all do ask we are asked instead of thinking it’s optional.  it isn’t.  The life you save may be one that matters to you or to me.  And selfishly—if we all do the right thing, we’ll get through this stupid pandemic perhaps a little slower, but with a fraction of the deaths we would otherwise have.  If you think I’m nuts, go read the news out of Italy.  We are going to be next unless everyone takes this very seriously.


Now back to cruising after this life-saving commercial interruption....


and those of you who got off cruise ships or planes or stood in customs halls for hours, without exception, SELF QUARANTINE!  It’s a disgrace how this was handled, but you be the adult in this situation and do the life-saving essential right thing.  Please!  Your cruise critic fellow cruisers and I thank you - by YOUR actions you may save our lives.

Unfortunately you can't trust people to listen/self quarantine. That's why many Govenors have mandated the closure of Schools, Bars, Restaurants, and many other places people congregate. Restaurants/Bars can do carryout only. Executive order seems to be the only way to prohibit people from doing things they shouldn't.


Fla. which probably has the largest population of elderly hasn't closed bars/ restaurants. The only thing I've seen is beaches closed in FFL and Miami.


Have friends visiting Myrtle Beach ( yes they are coming home early) and it's business as usual as of last night. They are thinking of closing schools but haven't yet.


If all states don't adhere to what CDC is suggesting and what some Governors are mandating , it could all be for naught. Covid-19 will continue to flourish.


I was a skeptic at first , but have since come to my senses and cancelled an April land vacation.

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4 hours ago, erdoran said:

With all the discussion of ORDER vs recommendation - any responsible adult, ESPECIALLY older adult, MUST voluntarily follow these recommendations.  That includes young adults.  I could paste links to graphs and charts explaining why, but the simple, short answer is that this virus is spreading out of control.  If we don’t voluntarily do as CDC and our governors recommend, then our hospital will be inundated and there won’t be enough medical staff, ICU beds, and God help us ventilators for those who need them.  


Even if YOU are young and think you won’t get very sick, there is no guarantee you won’t - but even if you don’t, how about your parents, grandparents, friends who have asthma, diabetes, or various other illnesses?


I hate to think that people are so self-centered that CDC’s recommendations have to become orders that are enforced by the military, because if we get to that point, we may be at martial law.


You can all call me erdoran stormcrow, and I would love all of you to laugh at me in a couple of weeks or months when I am wrong—but in the meanwhile let’s all do ask we are asked instead of thinking it’s optional.  it isn’t.  The life you save may be one that matters to you or to me.  And selfishly—if we all do the right thing, we’ll get through this stupid pandemic perhaps a little slower, but with a fraction of the deaths we would otherwise have.  If you think I’m nuts, go read the news out of Italy.  We are going to be next unless everyone takes this very seriously.


Now back to cruising after this life-saving commercial interruption....


and those of you who got off cruise ships or planes or stood in customs halls for hours, without exception, SELF QUARANTINE!  It’s a disgrace how this was handled, but you be the adult in this situation and do the life-saving essential right thing.  Please!  Your cruise critic fellow cruisers and I thank you - by YOUR actions you may save our lives.

The Greatest Generation was asked to stop their lives, pick up a gun, and go fight in a foreign land without knowing when it would be over and if they would come back.  I don't think asking us to sit at home with cable TV and the internet, for a few weeks is too much. 

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16 hours ago, krittykat said:

Good luck with shopping.  Shelves in Vancouver, WA have the appearance of post apocalyptic disaster - no canned veggies, no frozen veggies, no paper goods, etc - even  things like cold medicine, toothpaste/brushes, cereal are starting to look sparse.  And if you want peanut butter, rice, instant mashed potatoes, ground beef - forget it.

I literally saw a back of mini van deal going down in a pet store parking lot - not drugs but toilet paper and Tide.

On the plus side - traffic is at a minimum, I don't have school age children to try to entertain for 6 weeks, my hubby is a prepper so if worse comes to worse - we have MREs (lol)

Got lucky yesterday finally and was able to get a 12 pack of TP and some bread and other things that have been sold out 


Feel better knowing I’ll be ok for at least 3-4 weeks 

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49 minutes ago, LaCal said:

Got lucky yesterday finally and was able to get a 12 pack of TP and some bread and other things that have been sold out 


Feel better knowing I’ll be ok for at least 3-4 weeks 


I got the last 4 rolls in my local store, would have been 1 more but the last stall was in use.

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8 hours ago, zencruisers said:

I found out from our employer that if we do any international travel we will have to self quarantine for 14 days when we get home. We would have to use PPT if you have it. 

Several reports about this on the Crises Critic boards.  

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On 3/16/2020 at 6:47 PM, erdoran said:

With all the discussion of ORDER vs recommendation - any responsible adult, ESPECIALLY older adult, MUST voluntarily follow these recommendations.  That includes young adults.  I could paste links to graphs and charts explaining why, but the simple, short answer is that this virus is spreading out of control.  If we don’t voluntarily do as CDC and our governors recommend, then our hospital will be inundated and there won’t be enough medical staff, ICU beds, and God help us ventilators for those who need them.  


Even if YOU are young and think you won’t get very sick, there is no guarantee you won’t - but even if you don’t, how about your parents, grandparents, friends who have asthma, diabetes, or various other illnesses?


I hate to think that people are so self-centered that CDC’s recommendations have to become orders that are enforced by the military, because if we get to that point, we may be at martial law.


You can all call me erdoran stormcrow, and I would love all of you to laugh at me in a couple of weeks or months when I am wrong—but in the meanwhile let’s all do ask we are asked instead of thinking it’s optional.  it isn’t.  The life you save may be one that matters to you or to me.  And selfishly—if we all do the right thing, we’ll get through this stupid pandemic perhaps a little slower, but with a fraction of the deaths we would otherwise have.  If you think I’m nuts, go read the news out of Italy.  We are going to be next unless everyone takes this very seriously.


Now back to cruising after this life-saving commercial interruption....


and those of you who got off cruise ships or planes or stood in customs halls for hours, without exception, SELF QUARANTINE!  It’s a disgrace how this was handled, but you be the adult in this situation and do the life-saving essential right thing.  Please!  Your cruise critic fellow cruisers and I thank you - by YOUR actions you may save our lives.

Appreciate your comments. I wish more people would take it to heart. We have essentially hunkered down here. My daughter has moved back home for a time while she telecommutes. I am retired. My hubby has an essential job (medical examiner) and has to go to work..otherwise is home. Only go out to grocery shop and walk our dogs. Boring but safe.

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In the US, the Federal government has very limited civil "police powers" except in cases of insurrection or war. The states are given the traditional police power for quarantines and other health issues; states can also delegate their power to mayors and other local officials. If you're interested in the legal framework for this search for discussions of the 10th and 14th amendments and health emergencies. Health quarantines were well established in civil law by the time of our founding.


For cruises, the Feds could close the ports since they have exclusive authority over them. They could also set up testing as part of the entry requirements, but I've heard the test for the corona virus is a little bit intrusive - a long flexible q-tip like device is inserted through your nose and swabs the back or your throat. It evidently isn't very pleasant. I can imagine the howls of protest from people forced to take the test who are symptom free, then wait the hours for the test results. Confining the 1,500 to 4,000 passengers with the few infected people waiting for test results would probably spread it more than letting asymptomatic people go home.

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2 hours ago, fshagan said:

In the US, the Federal government has very limited civil "police powers" except in cases of insurrection or war. The states are given the traditional police power for quarantines and other health issues; states can also delegate their power to mayors and other local officials. If you're interested in the legal framework for this search for discussions of the 10th and 14th amendments and health emergencies. Health quarantines were well established in civil law by the time of our founding.


For cruises, the Feds could close the ports since they have exclusive authority over them. They could also set up testing as part of the entry requirements, but I've heard the test for the corona virus is a little bit intrusive - a long flexible q-tip like device is inserted through your nose and swabs the back or your throat. It evidently isn't very pleasant. I can imagine the howls of protest from people forced to take the test who are symptom free, then wait the hours for the test results. Confining the 1,500 to 4,000 passengers with the few infected people waiting for test results would probably spread it more than letting asymptomatic people go home.

test has to be done by trained professionals, in proper PPE or there will be spread of infection. Can't imagine that it would ever be done in a cruise port!

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