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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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40 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

Look at the deaths

Remember the VE parties (why?) and the assorted missteps


past 3 days deaths have been 412, 377, 324 compared to last week's 363, 338, 351




It’s all going terribly well, don’t you think?  Or perhaps just terribly?


Goodness knows what’s going to happen in the next little while.  I don’t think it will be good news.  I don’t think it will accelerate cruises restarting 

I agree with you, all looking good. Perhaps all gone by the end of June.

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4 hours ago, kalos said:

Barnsley -      948 cases

959 now kalos. We're  averaging between 9 to 22 cases regularly each day. Easing lockdown?  I don't think so!!! Even some SAGE advisors said it was too early according to the papers. Why bother having scientific advisors if you won't listen to advice? 


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8 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

959 now kalos. We're  averaging between 9 to 22 cases regularly each day. Easing lockdown?  I don't think so!!! Even some SAGE advisors said it was too early according to the papers. Why bother having scientific advisors if you won't listen to advice? 


Rotherham figures still all over the place  ,moved to 960 tonight only up by (3) tonight last week on Friday it jumped (17).

Not good is it ?:classic_unsure:


Rotherham wed872(10)Thur883(11)Fri900(17)Sat914(14)Sun920(6)Mon929(9)Tues939(10)Wed947(8)

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It's still not peaked in the north yet. Then again when has any government worried about this end of the country unless they need our votes. Economics kalos, that's what's driving this. Frank and I will stay our little cocoon until WE think it's safe to rejoin the human race.😉



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3 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

 Frank and I will stay our little cocoon until WE think it's safe to rejoin the human race.😉






My advice is listen to your heart ,not a politician 

As we all know politicians are like nappys.
They should be changed frequently ... and for the same reason :classic_wink:


You are doing the right thing ,you two keep safe. :classic_smile:


Kalos :classic_smile:

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Everyone is getting too fixated on the daily death rates, especially as they are not necessarily directly due to CV19.  The lock down was designed to ensure that the NHS was not overwhelmed.  That objective was achieved. In my local area, the NHS trust at one stage  had 600 empty beds . They are now admitting patients for non-Covid treatment, but still have 200 empty beds.

To be clear - in the immediate future, short of putting everyone into quarantine,  stopping everyone working and socialising, you will  not eradicate  CV19. All you can do is stop the NHS being overwhelmed (which was done, albeit just in time) and then re-start the economy, knowing full well that deaths will still occur.

I'm not sure what some people are expecting when they say the lock down is being lifted too early. CV19 is here to stay - we need to live with it, and not let it control our everyday life.

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11 minutes ago, wowzz said:

Everyone is getting too fixated on the daily death rates, 

I'm not quoting death rates, I'm quoting daily infection rates, and ours are still cimbing, as are many areas in Yorkshire.  I'm not meaning to be  argumentative wowzz but you're  lucky to live in an area where cases were low. Some are not as lucky and living in built up areas doesn't help. You speak as you find so please allow others who are in a different situation than you to do the same, without being made to feel they are whinging about nothing.


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I am not a fan of the WHO, but the following is instructive,  and I think forces us all to face up to the reality of where we are now. We have to learn to live with CV19. 


"The World Health Organisation’s coronavirus chief has warned that the infection has “not gone away” and people must decide for themselves which risks to take as lockdown is eased.

David Nabarro, the agency’s special envoy on the virus, said that people would have to get used to social distancing in the long term and make up their own minds about whether they were willing to take risks such as hugging grandchildren later in the summer.......

He told Today on Radio 4: “What was happening through the lockdown was that a very large amount of illness was prevented from becoming totally catastrophic right across the country and the outbreaks that did occur subsided and were contained. Now we have to keep them at the minimum possible level by being on constant defence and at the same time by being very focused on where, if it is necessary, to have further movement restrictions where these are put in place.”

He said that in a “different normal” from now on “we will have to be more respectful when it comes to how we relate to other people, particularly in very confined spaces where we know this virus can easily transmit”.

The replacement of a simple “stay at home” message with more nuanced advice to stay alert has been criticised as confusing, but Dr Nabarro said in the next phase that vulnerable people would have to rely more on their own judgment than blanket rules.

“I think people will have to make their own choices about the level of risk that they want to take,” he said. “I think it is really important that, in the next few months, all of us make sense of what we know about this virus and the risks, and then we ourselves, with support from our friends and from, of course, public health authorities, are able to make choices that will enable us to live with this virus as a threat and at the same time get on with life.”

Dr Nabarro said that he was one of a million clinically vulnerable people told to “shield” indefinitely and wanted to see his family. When it comes to grandchildren, however, he said: “I think it will be seeing at a distance. It won’t be close hugs straight away.”......."

Edited by wowzz
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19 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I'm not quoting death rates, I'm quoting daily infection rates, and ours are still cimbing,

But as more testing is being carried out, reported infection rates will climb as a result. 

If infection rates continue to rise, but deaths rates do not increase at the same level, it will show that the situation overall is improving.


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9 hours ago, wowzz said:

"I think people will have to make their own choices about the level of risk that they want to take"

That sentence is the most sensible thing I've have heard or read about this pandemic since January, and is exactly what our household has been doing. We listen to the daily briefings, check local infection rates and make our own decisions accordingly. When our local infection and death rates finally begin to fall then my husband and I will begin to return our life to normal, and if cruising begins in time for our November cruise then we will be on it. Our life, our decision.



Edited by Adawn47
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9 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

I'm not quoting death rates, I'm quoting daily infection rates, and ours are still cimbing, as are many areas in Yorkshire.  I'm not meaning to be  argumentative wowzz but you're  lucky to live in an area where cases were low. Some are not as lucky and living in built up areas doesn't help. You speak as you find so please allow others who are in a different situation than you to do the same, without being made to feel they are whinging about nothing.


This morning the papers are saying that since most new infections are in hospitals or care homes then the R in the general public is probably less than 0.5, so your chances of being infected are now very low.

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6 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

That sentence is the most sensible thing I've have heard or read about this pandemic since January, and is exactly what our household has been doing. We listen to the daily briefings, check local infection rates and make our own decisions accordingly. When our local infection rates finally begin to fall then my husband and I will begin to return our life to normal, and if cruising begins in time for our November cruise then we will be on it. Our life, our decision.



Very sensible imo.

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6 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

This morning the papers are saying that since most new infections are in hospitals or care homes then the R in the general public is probably less than 0.5, so your chances of being infected are now very low.

Very astute. I read that somewhere a while ago,so nice to see it confirmed. I don't think I will really believe it until it's confirmed on have I got news to you. After all Martin Clunes and a bunch of rent a mouths seem to be held up as authoratitive sources of yesterday's news.

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10 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

I'm not quoting death rates, I'm quoting daily infection rates, and ours are still cimbing, as are many areas in Yorkshire.  I'm not meaning to be  argumentative wowzz but you're  lucky to live in an area where cases were low. Some are not as lucky and living in built up areas doesn't help. You speak as you find so please allow others who are in a different situation than you to do the same, without being made to feel they are whinging about nothing.


Same here Avril the figures shown are  daily infection rates,which I took a interest of just like some read newspapers 

on the subject of covid,nothing untoward in that .

I see Kruzze has been told to stay indoors by her own council because of tourists swamping her home town .

If we lived where she lived then I would be concerned ,just as you are living in Barnsley .

The only thing being fixated on is your own personal health and well being and that cannot be classed as whinging .

We are all in different situation's and should do what is best for us but not if it affects others .

Be sensible and keep safe ,that's all we can ask of each other .


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3 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Or top advisor


He has lots of them. Looks like Norway are opening up ports for cruise ships in August. I may have to rebook Iona. Sorry to mention cruising on the keep harping on about old fake news thread.😂

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16 minutes ago, zap99 said:

He has lots of them. Looks like Norway are opening up ports for cruise ships in August. I may have to rebook Iona. Sorry to mention cruising on the keep harping on about old fake news thread.😂

You know who I meant zap 😉

It's looks promising for cruises then. That could be why they've begun Iona's sea trials. I'd check the prices first though. Our November one has gone up by about £150pp. Not fake news either😆. Still hoping.


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2 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

You know who I meant zap 😉

It's looks promising for cruises then. That could be why they've begun Iona's sea trials. I'd check the prices first though. Our November one has gone up by about £150pp. Not fake news either😆. Still hoping.


When we decided to take the P&O offer to move out deposit to next year, 2021 was +£60. They never did phone so eventually I did. By then it was +£230. When I told P&O that ,they checked and agreed the lower price .looking at the 2020 price now, it's around £350pp lower. We won't rebook this year yet, but perhaps soon.

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9 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

You know who I meant zap 😉

It's looks promising for cruises then. That could be why they've begun Iona's sea trials. I'd check the prices first though. Our November one has gone up by about £150pp. Not fake news either😆. Still hoping.


Any change to the OBC being offered? Often that increases alongside the fare increase. 

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59 minutes ago, kalos said:

Same here Avril the figures shown are  daily infection rates,which I took a interest of just like some read newspapers 

on the subject of covid,nothing untoward in that .

I see Kruzze has been told to stay indoors by her own council because of tourists swamping her home town .

If we lived where she lived then I would be concerned ,just as you are living in Barnsley .

The only thing being fixated on is your own personal health and well being and that cannot be classed as whinging .

We are all in different situation's and should do what is best for us but not if it affects others .

Be sensible and keep safe ,that's all we can ask of each other .


I think everyone has to take their own risk assessment. 

The other thing I would consider is, for want of a better phrase, a "personal CV19 exit strategy". I am quite prepared to go to pubs, restaurants etc, as soon as they open,  given that I am not in a high risk category.  But I do so, knowing that if I do get CV19, I can self quarantine in a bedroom at home, with wifi, TV, books etc, meals provided by my wife (hopefully) and other home comforts.  If I need hospital treatment, that is only 10 miles away.

However,  if I get ill on a cruise, or in a hotel, I will be confined to my room, little or no contact with the outside world, reliant on room service for meals, and obviously hospital treatment will be problematic. And then of course,  there is the issue of how to get home at the end of the holiday.

So, pub yes, holiday,  no. The thought of going on a cruise anytime on the next 6 months seems crazy to me.


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19 minutes ago, pete14 said:

Any change to the OBC being offered? Often that increases alongside the fare increase. 

I didn't notice. I only had a quick look to see if the cabin price had changed. We hadn't  cancelled the cruise and looking to rebook,  just wondering if the prices had gone down because of the pandemic, but no, quite the opposite 😆


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12 minutes ago, wowzz said:

I think everyone has to take their own risk assessment. 

The other thing I would consider is, for want of a better phrase, a "personal CV19 exit strategy". I am quite prepared to go to pubs, restaurants etc, as soon as they open,  given that I am not in a high risk category.  But I do so, knowing that if I do get CV19, I can self quarantine in a bedroom at home, with wifi, TV, books etc, meals provided by my wife (hopefully) and other home comforts.  If I need hospital treatment, that is only 10 miles away.

However,  if I get ill on a cruise, or in a hotel, I will be confined to my room, little or no contact with the outside world, reliant on room service for meals, and obviously hospital treatment will be problematic. And then of course,  there is the issue of how to get home at the end of the holiday.

So, pub yes, holiday,  no. The thought of going on a cruise anytime on the next 6 months seems crazy to me.


would depend on the restrictions for us. 
I don’t think I’m worried about the virus as such. If the kids could go back to school same as it was in February they would be back. Only reason I don’t want to send them is it looks like little boot camps and I’d rather them not have to sit at a desk on their own when they are so little not being able to do painting or play doh with their classmates. 
same with pubs. If there are ridiculous restrictions then we won’t go. We wouldn’t wear a mask to go there etc. We’ve gotten some just in case it becomes compulsory but we would just stick to takeaways. 

holidays again would have no issues going as long as the restrictions are not ridiculous. And we are covered by insurance 


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38 minutes ago, wowzz said:

The thought of going on a cruise anytime on the next 6 months seems crazy to me.


My personal thoughts as well Wowzz but good luck to them who do, as we have both said it's their choice .

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2130895761_20200529_192212(1).thumb.jpg.48bafc127987c6b11583d76b195cc493.jpg20200529_192203.thumb.jpg.4e2e35edbf0e39d5eeece499a9bfdbcc.jpg20200529_192641.thumb.jpg.69ea92d95ea0020f91760d22c15b393d.jpgHi all,went out last night.The pizza geezer was a bit slow,so me being "A LONDONER OF THE WRONG SORT",shoved him out the way and took over.Luckily I relented,lol.Someone else cooked my fillet steak with porcini mushrooms and grilled spuds and med veggies.UK will soon be the same,keep safe,cheers,Brian.20200529_192819.thumb.jpg.e0bd8471f6612135bf04cdc25fb8e9b9.jpg20200529_192813.thumb.jpg.5f48461cb10040461f8f40a3ff7cbebb.jpg

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