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8 minutes ago, kalos said:

Hi guys hope you are all keeping safe and well and I'm having a quick catch up on 
the posts.  @grapau27, @Adawn47,   @Angel57 @Eddie99-Thanks for your concern
 about me . 
Avril's sixth sense is working spot on and it was Mrs K that was in a bad way .
The doctor had tested her for cancers and other nasty things but was clear  thank 
goodness and put her on pain killers thinking it was a nasty sprain . After being 
rushed into A&E and just about every scan you can have they spotted something 
and further scans found another problem as well. So she needed two operations 
and they have decided to do them both together at the same time . As Mrs K does 
not post on here all I will say they are "ladies operations" and leave it at that . 
I have spent time reassuring her that all will be fine and not to worry. which isn't easy
 in these covid times and I have spent my time trying to keeping her spirits up . 

Took her for the pre op test today before she goes in this Thursday for a couple of days .
After the operations She has to take things  easy for the next six weeks and fingers crossed

she will be fighting fit again . Then we can go get our booster jabs as her surgeon told us not

to do so until after her operation is complete as they could give her pre op covid test a false

positive . You all take care and keep safe.:classic_smile:

I will be doing  the same with my special lady ,Mrs K :classic_love: .Bye for now .

Sending our prayers 🙏 for Mrs Kalos operation.

I'm really sorry to hear she has been unwell.

It's great to hear from you and please now take good care of Mrs K and yourself.

Best wishes mate.



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6 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Sending our prayers 🙏 for Mrs Kalos operation.

I'm really sorry to hear she has been unwell.

It's great to hear from you and please now take good care of Mrs K and yourself.

Best wishes mate.



Pleased you have got your op Graham -Take care :classic_smile:

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 Pleased to hear that you will get your operation Graham.

It is good to know that you are well Kalos though I am sorry to hear that Mrs K is poorly, I hope that her op goes well and she is soon on the road to recovery.

I will be thinking of all of you.

Edited by Josy1953
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43 minutes ago, kalos said:

Hi guys hope you are all keeping safe and well and I'm having a quick catch up on 
the posts.  @grapau27, @Adawn47,   @Angel57 @Eddie99-Thanks for your concern
 about me . 
Avril's sixth sense is working spot on and it was Mrs K that was in a bad way .
The doctor had tested her for cancers and other nasty things but was clear  thank 
goodness and put her on pain killers thinking it was a nasty sprain . After being 
rushed into A&E and just about every scan you can have they spotted something 
and further scans found another problem as well. So she needed two operations 
and they have decided to do them both together at the same time . As Mrs K does 
not post on here all I will say they are "ladies operations" and leave it at that . 
I have spent time reassuring her that all will be fine and not to worry. which isn't easy
 in these covid times and I have spent my time trying to keeping her spirits up . 

Took her for the pre op test today before she goes in this Thursday for a couple of days .
After the operations She has to take things  easy for the next six weeks and fingers crossed

she will be fighting fit again . Then we can go get our booster jabs as her surgeon told us not

to do so until after her operation is complete as they could give her pre op covid test a false

positive . You all take care and keep safe.:classic_smile:

I will be doing  the same with my special lady ,Mrs K :classic_love: .Bye for now .

It's a great relief to hear from you. Not the best of times for you, but with your positive attitude you would probable say ' could be worse '. Thank goodness you are both dealing with things well. Stay safe and good wishes.

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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Hi Brian.

Click on the 3 dots.

Click on Rotate.

Click on 3 dots again.

Click on Rotate.

I have cropped the last photo for you.







Nice photo's Graham, they look a little like bro's. Did you visit the same place by any chance?😁


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59 minutes ago, kalos said:

Hi guys hope you are all keeping safe and well and I'm having a quick catch up on 
the posts.  @grapau27, @Adawn47,   @Angel57 @Eddie99-Thanks for your concern
 about me . 
Avril's sixth sense is working spot on and it was Mrs K that was in a bad way .
The doctor had tested her for cancers and other nasty things but was clear  thank 
goodness and put her on pain killers thinking it was a nasty sprain . After being 
rushed into A&E and just about every scan you can have they spotted something 
and further scans found another problem as well. So she needed two operations 
and they have decided to do them both together at the same time . As Mrs K does 
not post on here all I will say they are "ladies operations" and leave it at that . 
I have spent time reassuring her that all will be fine and not to worry. which isn't easy
 in these covid times and I have spent my time trying to keeping her spirits up . 

Took her for the pre op test today before she goes in this Thursday for a couple of days .
After the operations She has to take things  easy for the next six weeks and fingers crossed

she will be fighting fit again . Then we can go get our booster jabs as her surgeon told us not

to do so until after her operation is complete as they could give her pre op covid test a false

positive . You all take care and keep safe.:classic_smile:

I will be doing  the same with my special lady ,Mrs K :classic_love: .Bye for now .

I'm relieved to hear from you kalos. These 'lady operations' can come at any age, our eldest daughter had one when she was 41. Yes, Mrs K will need to careful for a little while, but I'm sure she will be spoilt with all the care and attention you will give her, whether she wants it or not😉You're right in that she will soon bounce back, my daughter did, and felt much fitter and healthier than she was before. 

My best wishes to Mrs K for a speedy recovery, but don't forget to look after yourself too.

Take care x




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1 hour ago, kalos said:

Hi guys hope you are all keeping safe and well and I'm having a quick catch up on 
the posts.  @grapau27, @Adawn47,   @Angel57 @Eddie99-Thanks for your concern
 about me . 
Avril's sixth sense is working spot on and it was Mrs K that was in a bad way .
The doctor had tested her for cancers and other nasty things but was clear  thank 
goodness and put her on pain killers thinking it was a nasty sprain . After being 
rushed into A&E and just about every scan you can have they spotted something 
and further scans found another problem as well. So she needed two operations 
and they have decided to do them both together at the same time . As Mrs K does 
not post on here all I will say they are "ladies operations" and leave it at that . 
I have spent time reassuring her that all will be fine and not to worry. which isn't easy
 in these covid times and I have spent my time trying to keeping her spirits up . 

Took her for the pre op test today before she goes in this Thursday for a couple of days .
After the operations She has to take things  easy for the next six weeks and fingers crossed

she will be fighting fit again . Then we can go get our booster jabs as her surgeon told us not

to do so until after her operation is complete as they could give her pre op covid test a false

positive . You all take care and keep safe.:classic_smile:

I will be doing  the same with my special lady ,Mrs K :classic_love: .Bye for now .

So pleased to see your post Kalos.

Look after yourselves and I’m sure you’ll keep Mrs K in stitches with your jokes and banter.

Gill x

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Hi Brian.

Click on the 3 dots.

Click on Rotate.

Click on 3 dots again.

Click on Rotate.

I have cropped the last photo for you.







Thanks Graham,is there a time limit on this, like when editing.I don't get all those options when I click on the3 dots,just report and share.Excuse my ignorance on these tech matters,cheers,Brian.

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1 hour ago, kalos said:

Hi guys hope you are all keeping safe and well and I'm having a quick catch up on 
the posts.  @grapau27, @Adawn47,   @Angel57 @Eddie99-Thanks for your concern
 about me . 
Avril's sixth sense is working spot on and it was Mrs K that was in a bad way .
The doctor had tested her for cancers and other nasty things but was clear  thank 
goodness and put her on pain killers thinking it was a nasty sprain . After being 
rushed into A&E and just about every scan you can have they spotted something 
and further scans found another problem as well. So she needed two operations 
and they have decided to do them both together at the same time . As Mrs K does 
not post on here all I will say they are "ladies operations" and leave it at that . 
I have spent time reassuring her that all will be fine and not to worry. which isn't easy
 in these covid times and I have spent my time trying to keeping her spirits up . 

Took her for the pre op test today before she goes in this Thursday for a couple of days .
After the operations She has to take things  easy for the next six weeks and fingers crossed

she will be fighting fit again . Then we can go get our booster jabs as her surgeon told us not

to do so until after her operation is complete as they could give her pre op covid test a false

positive . You all take care and keep safe.:classic_smile:

I will be doing  the same with my special lady ,Mrs K :classic_love: .Bye for now .

Very relieved to hear from you too.  My very best wishes to Mrs K for a good recovery. Look after yourself too.  🤗

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3 hours ago, brian1 said:

Thanks Graham,is there a time limit on this, like when editing.I don't get all those options when I click on the3 dots,just report and share.Excuse my ignorance on these tech matters,cheers,Brian.

I took a screenshot of your photo and did the rotation on my Android mobile phone then reposted them showing how I did it.

If you have a photo on your phone gallery and it is upside down you can click on the photo then click on the 3 vertical dots which allows you to rotate the photo the right way up on your phone first and save the photo ready for posting.

Once you post something you have about 10 minutes to edit and change what you have written or delete a photo.








Edited by grapau27
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7 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Jane.

The appointment came in the post today.

I think it must be a cancellation because the consultant on November 17 said after Christmas.

I have to isolate after the nasal swab until the op.

Do you think after the op I will be able to mix on Christmas day Jane?.

Graham x.

Hi Graham. It all depends on how you react to the anaesthetic and how deep/ wide the incision is. You may still feel a bit groggy on Christmas Day and certainly a little sore around the wound area. Let's say yes to mixing quietly and with rest, but a definite no to the Hokey Kokey. Just take things easy and no driving for 48 hours after a general anaesthetic. I will post on Christmas Day to check in and make sure you're not dancing! Jane.x  

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7 hours ago, kalos said:

Hi guys hope you are all keeping safe and well and I'm having a quick catch up on 
the posts.  @grapau27, @Adawn47,   @Angel57 @Eddie99-Thanks for your concern
 about me . 
Avril's sixth sense is working spot on and it was Mrs K that was in a bad way .
The doctor had tested her for cancers and other nasty things but was clear  thank 
goodness and put her on pain killers thinking it was a nasty sprain . After being 
rushed into A&E and just about every scan you can have they spotted something 
and further scans found another problem as well. So she needed two operations 
and they have decided to do them both together at the same time . As Mrs K does 
not post on here all I will say they are "ladies operations" and leave it at that . 
I have spent time reassuring her that all will be fine and not to worry. which isn't easy
 in these covid times and I have spent my time trying to keeping her spirits up . 

Took her for the pre op test today before she goes in this Thursday for a couple of days .
After the operations She has to take things  easy for the next six weeks and fingers crossed

she will be fighting fit again . Then we can go get our booster jabs as her surgeon told us not

to do so until after her operation is complete as they could give her pre op covid test a false

positive . You all take care and keep safe.:classic_smile:

I will be doing  the same with my special lady ,Mrs K :classic_love: .Bye for now .

It's so good to hear from you Kalos. Everyone was very anxious about you until Mystic Meg (Avril) made the diagnosis that perhaps Mrs Kalos was unwell. I'm so sorry to hear that you've both had such a worrying time. I wish Mrs K all the best for Thursday and you look after yourself too Kalos. Very best wishes to you both. Jane.xx

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29 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Hi Graham. It all depends on how you react to the anaesthetic and how deep/ wide the incision is. You may still feel a bit groggy on Christmas Day and certainly a little sore around the wound area. Let's say yes to mixing quietly and with rest, but a definite no to the Hokey Kokey. Just take things easy and no driving for 48 hours after a general anaesthetic. I will post on Christmas Day to check in and make sure you're not dancing! Jane.x  


I had a BCC removed from my forehead last year and it was just an injected local anaesthetic so left the hospital after only a hour or so later and was fine.

My forehead has been very itchy lately so I'm considering going down the chemo cream route but I'm not sure how long it has to be applied for, I should be on a cruise in 6 weeks time and I don't want to look like a swan vesta on it with a bright red forehead!! 🙂

Edited by Splice the mainbrace
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3 minutes ago, Splice the mainbrace said:


I had a BCC removed from my forehead last year and it was just an injected local antithesis so left the hospital after only a hour or so later and was fine.

My forehead has been very itchy lately so I'm considering going down the chemo cream route but I'm not sure how long it has to be applied for, I should be on a cruise in 6 weeks time and I don't want to look like a swan vesta on it with a bright red forehead!! 🙂

Is that G202 on Iona? 

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13 minutes ago, Splice the mainbrace said:

I had a BCC removed from my forehead last year and it was just an injected local anaesthetic so left the hospital after only a hour or so later and was fine

That was my experience as well with both my bcc operations.  I was wheeled into the recovery unit,  lay on a bed for an hour or so with a cup of tea and a sandwich, and my wife was then called to come and collect me.

No adverse reaction at all, apart from my wife, who recoiled somewhat when she saw my 20+ stitches ! 

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11 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I took a screenshot of your photo and did the rotation on my Android mobile phone then reposted them showing how I did it.

If you have a photo on your phone gallery and it is upside down you can click on the photo then click on the 3 vertical dots which allows you to rotate the photo the right way up on your phone first and save the photo ready for posting.

Once you post something you have about 10 minutes to edit and change what you have written or delete a photo.








Thanks again Graham,the problem I have is that it is the right way up on my computer and inverts in the upload process to the forum.Trust me to be different,lol.Brian.

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