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How long is reasonable to wait for deposit return


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45 minutes ago, babydaryl24 said:

Has anyone that cancelled in the US, before Peace of Mind, that was told verbally 7 to 10 business days, for OVER $5,000 received their refund? and notice I said REFUND, not chargeback.  When I post this on the FB group, 10+ people always tell me how they got their chargeback money. I'm inquiring about refund actually processed by NCL that was for a significant amount.


I cancelled on March 10th. I was told 7 to 10 business days. IT was NOT under Peace of Mind. I am owed $7000+.  I've seen NOTHING.

I canceled on March 6 and still nothing.


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17 minutes ago, Jobeth66 said:

It's not up to anyone but the person involved to decide what they can and cannot afford and what is right for them, and it's incredibly privileged to suggest otherwise.  


17 minutes ago, KateQ22003 said:

I don't really think that's for us to judge.


I agree with both of you...it is not our place to render judgement over someone else's finances*. HOWEVER...people need to keep their personal finances "personal" and not put them on a public forum or tout them as an excuse. When you put your financial choices out in public, I believe that you give up the right to not be judged by that very public for your choices.


When you say "I can't afford X", I then have a reason to question your decision to attempt to purchase X in the first place.


IOW...don't introduce information on a public forum that isn't free and open for public consumption, discussion, and yes...judgement.


*Except, of course, for NCL's finances. EVERYONE on Cruise Critic is a qualified financial expert and free to comment and judge any and all aspects of NCL's finances.

Edited by SeaShark
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4 minutes ago, SeaShark said:



I agree with both of you...it is not our place to render judgement over someone else's finances*. HOWEVER...people need to keep their personal finances "personal" and not put them on a public forum or tout them as an excuse. When you put your financial choices out in public, I believe that you give up the right to not be judged by that very public for your choices.


When you say "I can't afford X", I then have a reason to question your decision to attempt to purchase X in the first place.


IOW...don't introduce information on a public forum that isn't free and open for public consumption, discussion, and yes...judgement.


*Except, of course, for NCL's finances. EVERYONE on Cruise Critic is a qualified financial expert and free to comment and judge any and all aspects of NCL's finances.

I absolutely agree, but we have to understand that these are very strange times. Who could have known that some of us would be furloughed, laid off, out of work and living on unemployment? Who knew some of us would be helping our adult kids financially while they too are furloughed, laid off, out of work and living on unemployment? I don't think many people expected the bottom to fall out of the economy. I can't judge for that.

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8 minutes ago, SeaShark said:



I agree with both of you...it is not our place to render judgement over someone else's finances*. HOWEVER...people need to keep their personal finances "personal" and not put them on a public forum or tout them as an excuse. When you put your financial choices out in public, I believe that you give up the right to not be judged by that very public for your choices.


When you say "I can't afford X", I then have a reason to question your decision to attempt to purchase X in the first place.


IOW...don't introduce information on a public forum that isn't free and open for public consumption, discussion, and yes...judgement.


*Except, of course, for NCL's finances. EVERYONE on Cruise Critic is a qualified financial expert and free to comment and judge any and all aspects of NCL's finances.


I'm guessing the people who are judging don't pay cash in full for everything they buy (including houses, cars, boats, etc.) and would be offended if someone thought they could not afford something they purchased because they didn't pay in full for it at the point of sale.  Or if they lease instead of buying (houses, condos, apartments or vehicles) because that's just a waste of money with no equity being returned.  Or if they invest in the "wrong" stocks/bonds/mutual funds.


Of course, just because someone carries a credit card balance doesn't mean they can't 'afford' whatever is included in that balance, either.


If anyone is judging someone else's financial situations (except, as you note, NCL's !! 🙂 ) they need to take a step back and check their privilege, unless they have been hired by that person as a financial advisor.

Edited by Jobeth66
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Judge me all you want.

I'm a law student who does consulting contracting work. I graduate next month. My cruise was to celebrate. I work two jobs, full time law school, and I have a 6 year old.

My husband is an adjunct professor and a sports statistician in the 7th largest city in the US for high school sports. He lost ALL that money. I lost a good deal of my contracting money.   We live paycheck to paycheck and our days are scheduled from 6am til 11pm.. DAILY. Every. Single. Minute. Of.The.Day.Has.Purpose.


Judge me all you want for needing this cash. The pandemic hit our pocketbooks to the tune of about 4000 a month. WE had no savings because with all our jobs and law school, we were literally hand to mouth....


All so I can be an advocate and make a difference in the world..

So those of you that are elitist and judging.... Maybe stop. Have some compassion. Or take your anger elsewhere.


Now I'm about to go wake up my 6 year old.. after being on the phone with Norwegian, Nationwide insurance, and the SBA this morning to try to scrape together answers so I can get a little bit of stability in my mind....... then I"m about to be a homeschool mom for a bit.. then prepare for finals.



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2 minutes ago, babydaryl24 said:


My post was taken WAY out of context.  In no way was I judging someone fighting to get a cash refund because they lost their job/income due to the pandemic and would rather have the cash than the FCC. 


My post was specifically about the idea of finance charges on a credit card related to the cruise.  Most cruises are to be paid in full 90-120 days in advance.  90-120 days ago, when final payments were due, the financial landscape was quite different.


My point was that, in general, someone relying on carrying the balance on their credit card in order to afford a cruise (when income was NOT impacted by the current crisis) MIGHT consider a more affordable vacation.  I'm not saying they don't deserve a vacation.  I guess I learned about money management differently - if I can't pay off the April statement before the May statement closes I don't spend the money, I basically use credit cards so I don't have to carry cash.  Do I own a house?  no.  Did I finance my car?  Yes, and it was paid on time every month and I've chosen not to replace the 9 year-old vehicle because it's not prudent to.


@babydaryl24 congrats on finishing law school.  I'm not in any way saying you don't deserve a treat for that accomplishment.  Nor am I intending to come off as judging you personally.  By saying you need the cash I presume your cruise and CC bill were paid up and you're looking for the cash refund and want it sooner rather than later so you can cover current bills - this is NOT what I was referring to in any way.


By the way, and this is not directed at anyone in particular, I would imagine that if a credit card company was contacted (specifically about late fees and finance charges) and loss of income situations were explained there would be some forgiveness shown during these unprecedented circumstances.  They even covered this option on the news.

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1 hour ago, KateQ22003 said:

I absolutely agree, but we have to understand that these are very strange times. Who could have known that some of us would be furloughed, laid off, out of work and living on unemployment? Who knew some of us would be helping our adult kids financially while they too are furloughed, laid off, out of work and living on unemployment? I don't think many people expected the bottom to fall out of the economy. I can't judge for that.


I get that. I think that the point is that unexpected things could always occur...things we aren't planning for and we should be prepared for the unexpected. The idea of savings isn't new. I do feel for people who don't have savings to fall back on, but its hard to do when they are spending money to cruise. (Build a nest egg first...cruise second). Of course we could also get into the whole INSURANCE discussion. You know...a policy that would pay you when the unexpected occurs.


You also need to ask...what are the plans when the cruise refund is spent? What then?


And how many of these people will go right back to their old spending habits when everything opens up again?

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1 hour ago, babydaryl24 said:

Judge me all you want.

I'm a law student who does consulting contracting work. I graduate next month. My cruise was to celebrate. I work two jobs, full time law school, and I have a 6 year old.

My husband is an adjunct professor and a sports statistician in the 7th largest city in the US for high school sports. He lost ALL that money. I lost a good deal of my contracting money.   We live paycheck to paycheck and our days are scheduled from 6am til 11pm.. DAILY. Every. Single. Minute. Of.The.Day.Has.Purpose.


Judge me all you want for needing this cash. The pandemic hit our pocketbooks to the tune of about 4000 a month. WE had no savings because with all our jobs and law school, we were literally hand to mouth....


All so I can be an advocate and make a difference in the world..

So those of you that are elitist and judging.... Maybe stop. Have some compassion. Or take your anger elsewhere.


Now I'm about to go wake up my 6 year old.. after being on the phone with Norwegian, Nationwide insurance, and the SBA this morning to try to scrape together answers so I can get a little bit of stability in my mind....... then I"m about to be a homeschool mom for a bit.. then prepare for finals.




I think the judging will stop once your not tossing your personal situation about in public.


I see "live paycheck to paycheck", "literally hand to mouth", "had no savings". Been there...done that, but I wasn't paying for cruise vacations at the time.


You want to "be an advocate and make a difference in the world". Good for you, but be aware that sometimes people will see your attempts to advocate and make a difference to be more akin to judging them for their situation as opposed to trying to help direct them to improve their situation. Be prepared for the blowback. Many people would rather argue and provide excuses instead of reflecting, looking at the big picture, and maybe learning.


Yes...some people are in dire straits (and using their $1,200 iPhone to tweet about it) and some people are not. IMHO, I believe that one group can learn from the other. You have to ask...is there something I could do to lessen my risk of being in this situation? What it that and how can implement that for myself and my family?



BTW...you open with "Judge me all you want" and close with "STOP JUDGING". If you want to advocate, you should be able to pick a side.

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4 minutes ago, SeaShark said:


I think the judging will stop once your not tossing your personal situation about in public.


I see "live paycheck to paycheck", "literally hand to mouth", "had no savings". Been there...done that, but I wasn't paying for cruise vacations at the time.


You want to "be an advocate and make a difference in the world". Good for you, but be aware that sometimes people will see your attempts to advocate and make a difference to be more akin to judging them for their situation as opposed to trying to help direct them to improve their situation. Be prepared for the blowback. Many people would rather argue and provide excuses instead of reflecting, looking at the big picture, and maybe learning.


Yes...some people are in dire straits (and using their $1,200 iPhone to tweet about it) and some people are not. IMHO, I believe that one group can learn from the other. You have to ask...is there something I could do to lessen my risk of being in this situation? What it that and how can implement that for myself and my family?



BTW...you open with "Judge me all you want" and close with "STOP JUDGING". If you want to advocate, you should be able to pick a side.

BTW if you want to be a human, you should maybe grow a heart....

I would hate to end up so elitist, bitter and resentment-filled.



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9 hours ago, Sam Ting said:

Understanding?  Lol.   That’s their problem they cannot process refunds just as quickly as they take your money.  They agreed to the chargeback process when they chose to accept credit cards.  If you end up losing money because you did not do a chargeback then it’s your own fault. God helps those who help themselves you know. 

Actually, during this time I am more inclined to help others. If I choose to not burden NCL with additional fees and will wait for refunds if that helps to keep them from going bankrupt, I go into that with my eyes wide open.  And if I do happen to lose money, it's money that I had already spent.  Plus, they floated me an 8-week loan when I first booked, so I have no problem returning the favor.

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4 hours ago, babydaryl24 said:

BTW if you want to be a human, you should maybe grow a heart....

I would hate to end up so elitist, bitter and resentment-filled.




Based on the labels and name calling, it appears that you already have.


BTW, this is a discussion forum, not a support group. Nobody is owed an unconditional acceptance of their opinion. 


You have to be tolerant and accept that not everyone will feel the way that you do, nor will everyone share your opinion. You want to advocate, you'll need to learn that persuasion will work better than name calling.

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I had a final payment date for two Haven cabins of April 11 for an Encore August cruise. I canceled with my TA on April 1 since I didnt want to tie up over $15k. 

My two FCCs were returned the next day. 

Today, April 21, I had one cabin deposit returned along with the prepurchased OBC of $300. I am hoping tomorrow or next week the other cabin deposit will be refunded. 

For me, it took, 3 weeks, not three months. Does anyone think going through a TA makes any difference?

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On 4/22/2020 at 5:23 AM, KateQ22003 said:

Do you really think transferring money from one account to another takes a lot of time? With my bank, I click three buttons to transfer money from one account to another. This is just an excuse, and not even a creative one.

Yes. But it isn't the minimum wage call center person who can "push the button" to transfer money. It requires someone to review and authorize the refund. Make sure that the person hasn't done a charge back. Make sure the person hasn't used their FCC in the mean time. Now take that time and multiply it by hundreds of thousands of refunds. Wait your turn in line. 

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4 hours ago, BirdTravels said:

Yes. But it isn't the minimum wage call center person who can "push the button" to transfer money. It requires someone to review and authorize the refund. Make sure that the person hasn't done a charge back. Make sure the person hasn't used their FCC in the mean time. Now take that time and multiply it by hundreds of thousands of refunds. Wait your turn in line. 

Accounting is not done by minimum wage call center people! I guarantee you NCL has a very robust A/R and A/P department. They have clerks, accountants, managers, supervisors, directors, etc... With all due respect, everything you mentioned needing to be reviewed is on their computer screens in an instant. And again, they don't do one transaction at a time, nor do they have to review these things manually.

Edited by KateQ22003
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Based on my actual experience this week, if you go the CC dispute route you will have your money back in your checking account in 5 business days. Once you have your money, the entire process is over. There are no negative repercussions or fees. In fact, I had a finance charged refunded.

Edited by Waquoit
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Cancelled a pre-final payment cruise on 3/27. 

Received refund of deposit today 4/24


Our traveling companions canceled on 3/26

Received their refund on 4/23


Thankful for the refund, super disappointed about the loss of our long planned vacation.

Stay safe, wash those hands. 

Don't inject sunlight or lysol directly into your body.  

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On 3/28/2020 at 6:58 AM, BirdTravels said:

In the past, a simple cancellation has been faster than 90 days. But anything that requires audit has taken 90 days or longer. 

For example, we had a cruise cancellation last year due to a hurricane and had a refund on a few weeks. But on another cruise where we had airline and hotel charges, those refunds took over 3 months. 

The cancellations of all cruises with hundreds of thousands of passengers is unprecedented and no matter how much people say “it’s easy, just refund me my money”, it isn’t. 

in our office, less than 20% of our staff can be at work at any one time to maintain separation. So rather than surging staff to handle requirements, we significant reduce staff. 

 My Carnival cruise money was returned within a week.  This is unacceptable. Yes I have insurance but NCL  canceled this cruise. It should NOT take 90 days 

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On 4/13/2020 at 9:46 AM, dexddd said:

File with CC.  We had refund due a few years ago when only one sailing from one ship had to be done.  Several of us on rollcall took 16 weeks.  NCL lost major trust there.

My Alaskan cruise (June 22) was my first NCL cruise. I already got my money back on my canceled Carnival cruise.  Never again for NCL.   Ill go Princess or HAL for Alaska. 

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I cancelled on march 5 when ncl was offering 100% refund if you cancelled at least 90 days before cruise.  They told me full refund in 7-10 days.  After 3 weeks of waiting And no refund,  i disputed the charge.  On 4/1 ncl credited my credit card.  I thought i was done.  Then on 4/23 ncl Charged my credit card for a 25% cancellation fee.  This is wrong.  The chargeback happened when the 6/28 cruise was officially cancelled.  I am angry and won’t cruise with them again.  We are platinum plus. 

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5 hours ago, ronheg said:

I cancelled on march 5 when ncl was offering 100% refund if you cancelled at least 90 days before cruise.  They told me full refund in 7-10 days.  After 3 weeks of waiting And no refund,  i disputed the charge.  On 4/1 ncl credited my credit card.  I thought i was done.  Then on 4/23 ncl Charged my credit card for a 25% cancellation fee.  This is wrong.  The chargeback happened when the 6/28 cruise was officially cancelled.  I am angry and won’t cruise with them again.  We are platinum plus. 


I cancelled on Mar 6 , similar situation for 100% refund. I even have email from my TA showing the full 100% refund back to my CC. When I did not see the credit, I disputed and I still have my tempy credits on my cards. Disputes are still open with Chase and Amex.

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