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When Do You Think Cruising Will Be Safe


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3 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:

Here's another, related question:  How soon will you be willing to fly again?  


33 minutes ago, Biker19 said:



Might as well. I'd feel safer in an airport / airplane right now than my local supermarket. Less people.


2 hours ago, ECCruise said:

Thank you.  Isn't it just amazing that people literally just make stuff up (like the post you responded to) and spout it like it was based on fact.

Not sure where that kind of thing came from....


One thing for certain. Due to the lack of testing the first 4 months of this year, combined with the fact some people can't handle bad news so they stick their heads in the sand, the number of Covid-19 cases / deaths will be vastly under reported.


Some people still cling to the notion that the seasonal flu is more deadly even though the number of Covid deaths has already exceeded flu deaths in far less time. 




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6 hours ago, ECCruise said:

Thank you.  Isn't it just amazing that people literally just make stuff up (like the post you responded to) and spout it like it was based on fact.

Not sure where that kind of thing came from....

LOL and I shake my head at people who dont believe in science facts! Here are some spouted facts-

The WHO (and not the band if youre confused) estimate between 290,000 to 650,000 respiratory deaths globally each year are associated with seasonal influenza..Covid-19 259,796 deaths (inflated)

Now wait for it....7.7 Billion people on Earth. Think about it. 

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I just don't see anyway you ever do anything with a crowd ever again until there is a vaccine . No cruises , sports . Anything like that . But that's just me . Unless you want to take a chance of getting it . I personally don't .  

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On 4/29/2020 at 4:59 AM, Billy Baltic said:

I think a more relevant question is “when will cruising be a pleasant experience”. 

I believe that the answer to that question is on an individual, personal level. Some people will adjust to the changes and new requirements with ease and will have a pleasant experience, while they may severely hinder other people’s enjoyment. 

During the last two months, I’ve continued flying and staying at hotels (required for my job). Obviously I’m doing things differently and taking precautions that I didn’t take before. Wearing a mask when I fly, wiping and disinfecting my seat, armrests, tray table, riding the hotel shuttle with a face mask, disinfecting surfaces in my hotel room, using GrubHub or DoorDash to order from restaurants instead of going out to eat, etc. Yes, all these changes have drastically changed the way I do things, but after doing these things over and over, I’ve entered a “new normal” and I’ve found new ways to enjoy being on the road, even if it looks different than it did before the pandemic. 


I’m predicting  that I’ll go through a similar process once cruising resumes with new protocols. Initially it will feel weird and objectionable to do things differently aboard cruise ships, but I will adjust to the “new normal” and find ways to enjoy cruising and find it pleasing again. 

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7 hours ago, mek said:

While it may be the "new normal' at home, I'm not paying thousands extra to make that part of my everyday life, so until cruising goes back to what is was in the past, I will pass.  If that means never cruising again, then so be it.  I love cruising and have been on 65+ cruises, but if it completely goes away, my life will go on.



I can understand this viewpoint. DW and I were just discussing all this. Her thoughts lean towards a higher comfort threshold than mine - that of waiting till a vaccine is in place. I'm more of a risk taker in general. See how things progress. 

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52 minutes ago, frito58 said:

I just don't see anyway you ever do anything with a crowd ever again until there is a vaccine . No cruises , sports . Anything like that . But that's just me . Unless you want to take a chance of getting it . I personally don't .  


Sort of goes a bit contrary to your "live life like there's no tomorrow" quote though, doesn't it? 

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9 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:

Here's another, related question:  How soon will you be willing to fly again?  

I’ve been flying on a weekly basis during the last few months during this pandemic (I’m actually flying again tomorrow morning). Initially, it felt a bit weird with all the changes, but after a few flights I’ve adjusted to the new normal. And it seems like most passengers have too.

I’ll admit that I was apprehensive about flying at the beginning, but after learning about, and experiencing, the extensive list of changes that the airlines have incorporated, personally I feel that it’s safer now to fly than it ever has. I’m guessing that there will be  quite a bit of apprehension from many, but once people overcome that initial apprehension, we will see the number of flyers grow exponentially. 


Edited by Tapi
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2 hours ago, frito58 said:

I just don't see anyway you ever do anything with a crowd ever again until there is a vaccine . No cruises , sports . Anything like that . But that's just me . Unless you want to take a chance of getting it . I personally don't .  



I wonder when I will feel Ok with shaking peoples hands again...or giving the little friendly hug

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2 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:


I can understand this viewpoint. DW and I were just discussing all this. Her thoughts lean towards a higher comfort threshold than mine - that of waiting till a vaccine is in place. I'm more of a risk taker in general. See how things progress. 

Having a vaccine isn't a 100% deal breaker for me , because that may never happen, but proven therapeutics that keep me from getting to the critical/hospital stage will also be a game changer and I think we can get to that point by next year for the general population.

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4 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:


Sort of goes a bit contrary to your "live life like there's no tomorrow" quote though, doesn't it? 


Well yea kind of does , But that's been there awhile since I survived Stage 4 colon Cancer in 04 and then in 16 lost my wife of 35 years to GBM Brain Cancer , So I still believe in that motto . But I also don't believe in walking off a curb into heavy traffic without looking . There is such a thing as common sense if I want to see tomorrow. 

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5 hours ago, Welly9 said:

LOL and I shake my head at people who dont believe in science facts! Here are some spouted facts-

The WHO (and not the band if youre confused) estimate between 290,000 to 650,000 respiratory deaths globally each year are associated with seasonal influenza..Covid-19 259,796 deaths (inflated)

Now wait for it....7.7 Billion people on Earth. Think about it. 


I thought about it. And then I LOL'd.


You think the 259,796 Covid deaths are inflated? Most others think its under reported. Nobody believes the numbers out of China are even remotely close to what the reality is. Lack of proper testing in the US earlier this year has artificially suppressed the numbers. Coroners in California nad Chicago are reexamining cases from late last year to see how many were missed. 


But I will supply you with some science facts.



"But the US death toll from coronavirus this year has exceeded 62,000, surpassing the high-end estimate for flu deaths since October. (24,000 - 62,000)"  


Since the article was published, the number of covid deaths are now 73,000 on it's way to an estimated 134,000. 

That should be the final nail in the coffin of the myth that the flu is worse than covid-19.  


Something to think about.


Edited by HBE4
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10 hours ago, HBE4 said:


I thought about it. And then I LOL'd.


You think the 259,796 Covid deaths are inflated? Most others think its under reported. Nobody believes the numbers out of China are even remotely close to what the reality is. Lack of proper testing in the US earlier this year has artificially suppressed the numbers. Coroners in California nad Chicago are reexamining cases from late last year to see how many were missed. 


But I will supply you with some science facts.



"But the US death toll from coronavirus this year has exceeded 62,000, surpassing the high-end estimate for flu deaths since October. (24,000 - 62,000)"  


Since the article was published, the number of covid deaths are now 73,000 on it's way to an estimated 134,000. 

That should be the final nail in the coffin of the myth that the flu is worse than covid-19.  


Something to think about.


Well there you have it, yes another LOL for sure...you went and shot yourself in the foot, quoting CNN...

Fauci knows what?? he hasnt seen a patient in 20 years, I listen and believe Dr.s in the front Line and what they say! 

im ok to disagree and you are as well...stay safe my friend! 


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2 hours ago, Welly9 said:

Well there you have it, yes another LOL for sure...you went and shot yourself in the foot, quoting CNN...

Fauci knows what?? he hasnt seen a patient in 20 years, I listen and believe Dr.s in the front Line and what they say! 

im ok to disagree and you are as well...stay safe my friend! 



At least we are getting enjoyment out of reading each others posts. 😉


CNN just happened to support my view. Truth is, most media outlets "skew" the news one way or another so it's best to read/watch a variety souces and realize the truth is out there, somewhere in the middle.  I tend to err on the side of caution


Agree with you in listening to front line workers.  I know this is anecdotal so take it for what it's worth but a friend of mine works for a large cemetery, selling plots, mausoleums etc.  Some days, they will get a weeks worth of business coming thru.  Never in the worse flu season have they had that happen. So that stuck with me. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive on the particular subject.


Stay well also. Although I think we are not quite out of the woods yet, I do think the worst is behind us. IMO.


BTW, is that Bobby Ryan in your profile pic? I had to google who is #9 on the Sens.


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13 hours ago, HBE4 said:


I thought about it. And then I LOL'd.


You think the 259,796 Covid deaths are inflated? Most others think its under reported. Nobody believes the numbers out of China are even remotely close to what the reality is. Lack of proper testing in the US earlier this year has artificially suppressed the numbers. Coroners in California nad Chicago are reexamining cases from late last year to see how many were missed. 


But I will supply you with some science facts.



"But the US death toll from coronavirus this year has exceeded 62,000, surpassing the high-end estimate for flu deaths since October. (24,000 - 62,000)"  


Since the article was published, the number of covid deaths are now 73,000 on it's way to an estimated 134,000. 

That should be the final nail in the coffin of the myth that the flu is worse than covid-19.  


Something to think about.


Doesn’t Chris Cuomo work for CNN? Since you are quoting CNN as a factual source, how did they reconcile their reporting with the fact that Cuomo took a 30 minute car ride to a lot he owns...while feverish with COVID..with his kids in an enclosed car...after talking daily with DR Fauci.  Then three days later, they let him pretend that’s the first time out of his basement.


Yikes. That sure is unsettling. But maybe they explained it? 

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2 minutes ago, HBE4 said:


At least we are getting enjoyment out of reading each others posts. 😉


CNN just happened to support my view. Truth is, most media outlets "skew" the news one way or another so it's best to read/watch a variety souces and realize the truth is out there, somewhere in the middle.  I tend to err on the side of caution


Agree with you in listening to front line workers.  I know this is anecdotal so take it for what it's worth but a friend of mine works for a large cemetery, selling plots, mausoleums etc.  Some days, they will get a weeks worth of business coming thru.  Never in the worse flu season have they had that happen. So that stuck with me. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive on the particular subject.


Stay well also. Although I think we are not quite out of the woods yet, I do think the worst is behind us. IMO.


BTW, is that Bobby Ryan in your profile pic? I had to google who is #9 on the Sens.



This is a nice post.  We are all trying to find our way through this pandemic.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with hearing different views.  In fact, there’s everything RIGHT!


 I will admit to being influenced by people close to me...as you are by the things you hear from your friend in the cemetery business. 

Oldest daughter is MAYO trained physician in a large regional SC hospital that only has had one COVID hospitalization.  But people are afraid to come for tests and procedures that will do them harm in the future. And elective procedures are not face lifts...some are vital diagnostic procedures that have been stopped for an outbreak that has not come. She has been very upset by the side effects of this one size fits all mentality.


She changes mask and gloves with every patient. But until last week, did not require the patient to wear a mask. Not understanding that either if the science is really there that we are protecting each other.


Younger daughter, on the other hand,  must be the luckiest traveler ever. She lives in London and  from mid February to March 15...made 5 international flights. London to La...La to San Fran. La to London. London to NYC first part of March...spent a week...attended large show at the Piers...flew NYC to London and then London to Atlanta.


She does wipe down seats, table and air intake...and takes Zicam before and after. She didn’t wear a mask.





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8 minutes ago, HBE4 said:


At least we are getting enjoyment out of reading each others posts. 😉


CNN just happened to support my view. Truth is, most media outlets "skew" the news one way or another so it's best to read/watch a variety souces and realize the truth is out there, somewhere in the middle.  I tend to err on the side of caution


Agree with you in listening to front line workers.  I know this is anecdotal so take it for what it's worth but a friend of mine works for a large cemetery, selling plots, mausoleums etc.  Some days, they will get a weeks worth of business coming thru.  Never in the worse flu season have they had that happen. So that stuck with me. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive on the particular subject.


Stay well also. Although I think we are not quite out of the woods yet, I do think the worst is behind us. IMO.


BTW, is that Bobby Ryan in your profile pic? I had to google who is #9 on the Sens.


I dont trust CNN period, CBS even less, That being said our CBC is as bad too. I go straight to credited sources.


For what its worth, many(Dr's) have said they are being 'forced and or pressured' to doc the DC as Covid even though not tested or -ve. IMO there is more to all this than we can actually see.  

I agree with you as not out of woods, but we do need to get back out there. I would rather have my immune system fight it and be working than stay locked up. I did read something else, lol, that said we are doing more damage than good to our IS by staying quarantined.


I trust we will all get back doing what we love best soon, including cruising.


Thanks for asking, thats my son, Chicago Black Hawks NHL farm team in the AHL Rockford Icehogs, last season, this season he was in Europe playing in Denmark in the Metal Ligaen League. But heck I like Bobby Ryan as a player!

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17 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

I spoke to many people today about cruising.Age ranges 42 to 74,friends,relatives,neighbors.All normally cruise at least 5 times a year.All stated their cruising days are over.


I think everyone's tolerance level is different. 🙂  I've spoken to about a dozen cruiser friends in the last couple of weeks, the oldest being my 70 yr old sister and 77 year old aunt (who have both rebooked AK with us for next May).  Only 2 out of the dozen are hesitant about the future of cruising.  WE would sail again this summer, but we already have a flight/trip to CO booked for the end of July...as long as the state is open for tourism.  We are sailing in December as long as the cruise line is.  

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33 minutes ago, hazence said:

Doesn’t Chris Cuomo work for CNN? Since you are quoting CNN as a factual source, how did they reconcile their reporting with the fact that Cuomo took a 30 minute car ride to a lot he owns...while feverish with COVID..with his kids in an enclosed car...after talking daily with DR Fauci.  Then three days later, they let him pretend that’s the first time out of his basement.


Yikes. That sure is unsettling. But maybe they explained it? 


I don't watch Chris Cuomo. He gets paid to push a certain viewpoint, much like Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow do for their respective stations.  Whenever I watch any of those stations, I try hard to filter out the spin. I probably watch my local news the most.


The Cuomo you should watch is Andrew.  I didn't vote for the guy for many reasons but - in my opinion - he is the perfect person for NY state at this moment in time. He gives the facts, then his interpretation of the facts and why he interprets them that way and finally his decisions based on those interpretations Not saying I agree with everything he says but he is the most transparent of any of the politicians which is a source of comfort.






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26 minutes ago, Welly9 said:

I agree with you as not out of woods, but we do need to get back out there. I would rather have my immune system fight it and be working than stay locked up. I did read something else, lol, that said we are doing more damage than good to our IS by staying quarantined.


It's walking a fine line between opening too soon vs too late. New York should start to gradually reopen next week. Probably to gradual for some. But after 6-7 weeks, I don't mind another 7 days. As I said earlier, I tend to err on the side of caution. lol


But I agree, I'm ready to get out. I've already cancelled a vacation out west for later this month and had a few concerts cancelled on me.  And a bunch of Yankee games.


34 minutes ago, Welly9 said:

Thanks for asking, thats my son, Chicago Black Hawks NHL farm team in the AHL Rockford Icehogs, last season, this season he was in Europe playing in Denmark in the Metal Ligaen League. But heck I like Bobby Ryan as a player!


Sorry,from the pic it looked like a Senators logo. My eye sight sucks. Either way, you must be so proud! That is awesome. Hopefully he'll make it to the NHL.  Rumor has it they were going to try and finish the season this summer but I don't see that happening. I miss hockey too although I'm saving a bunch of money but not going to Ranger games.



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12 minutes ago, HBE4 said:


It's walking a fine line between opening too soon vs too late. New York should start to gradually reopen next week. Probably to gradual for some. But after 6-7 weeks, I don't mind another 7 days. As I said earlier, I tend to err on the side of caution. lol


But I agree, I'm ready to get out. I've already cancelled a vacation out west for later this month and had a few concerts cancelled on me.  And a bunch of Yankee games.



Sorry,from the pic it looked like a Senators logo. My eye sight sucks. Either way, you must be so proud! That is awesome. Hopefully he'll make it to the NHL.  Rumor has it they were going to try and finish the season this summer but I don't see that happening. I miss hockey too although I'm saving a bunch of money but not going to Ranger games.



To see a live Ball game or Hockey game right about now!!! I wont even care if the guy beside me spills his beer and drops his hot dog on my pants...😁

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