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Don't Bet on NCL Making It Says The Motley Fool


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Sorry, sfaaa - that "anytime dining" concept might be DOA, pronounced & certified. 


I am betting that, part of NCL's signature "Freestyle" dining won't make it - especially the buffet option.


If they follow Royal's footsteps (which is being done by land-based casinos in Vegas & here in the Northeast ... just read the detailed Indian tribe's announcements released earlier today via email) - buffet will stay closed to maintain social distancing.  Back to fixed-time dining, oh no .. the horror.  


Bad enough to need to make reservations for the MDR and Specialty; and, now this.  FDR and team will have to come up with more fixes, LOL 


(Early bird dinner seating at 4:30 pm, Prime dining at 6:30 pm, Late Dining at 8:30 pm ... extra time for cleaning & disinfection in between for staggered timing and extra session due to spacing.)  

Edited by mking8288
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Mking8288, thank you for your insight.  I agree about the dining options which we should expect going forward on cruises.  

I know that many of us, including you I"m sure, loved being able to go to dinner when  we wanted, however, if the only change... temporarily, hopefully, demanded reservations, or if (yuck) we needed to select specific dining times were necessary, I bet most would be okay with that, knowing that it would be only temporary.  

I'm just not sure that it would be a fix that would satisfy most NCL cruisers.  We've become so spoiled with our freestyle dining. 


I so want to cruise again, sooner rather than later; however, I understand the complexity of this virus with it's ability to mutate and it's propensity to target different genders, different age groups, different cultures... etc...  so many unknowns. To me, it seems quite scary what the possibilities could be when it comes to who may be targeted next. 


Please stay safe and hope your family will all survive this horrid virus. 

PS... I have family fighting this virus too and I pray for them, any yours, every day. 

Be well and take extra care. 


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9 hours ago, boatseller said:

Yeah, and I'm not worried about cancer either, no reason to be despite semi frequent visits to California where apparently everything causes cancer.  I wear sunscreen, fabulous hats and I'm good to go.  Would you recommend everyone spend their lives in a dark room except for 15 minutes to generate Vitamin D?  Serious question.  ~7000 people will die from melanoma this year and staying in a dark room is a very easy way to prevent this.  You agree I assume.


As someone whose father died of Melanoma yes I wear suncreen. You see with Melanoma there is both a prevention method (sunscreen/hats) AND workable medical treatments when caught early AND not contagious. What you are failing to see if COVID19 is radically different as a) There is no medical treatment that prevents it (vaccine) and b) No medical treatments to cure it once caught and c) Is highly contagious.


So it is simply not apples to apples. As you also rightly point out 7,000 people will die of melanoma in the USA in 2020. Note that is in a full year - 12 months. COVID19 has killed 95,000 people in the USA in about 2.5 months so 9.5 months still to go.


So in one corner we have melanoma which is both preventable and treatable and, most critically, non-contagious - I cannot catch melanoma if you make poor decisions. In the other corner we have COVID19 which is neither preventable nor treatable but is incredibly contagious to the point where your poor decisions can impact my life expectancy. 


Next you mention it was called Wuhan virus and Chinese Virus prior. I'll tell you a funny story. The day after the US President first called it the Chinese Virus he received a call from President Xi of China. The US President has not used the term since.

Edited by pmd98052
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I am not sure why cruise lines are singled out.  Consider when you go on a cruise at virtually every door there is someone greeting you with hand sanitizer.  Dishes are taken away quickly and tables almost immediately cleaned.  

Now if cruise lines are "going away" because of concerns over passing the virus, how about airlines, trains, buses, taxi's, theaters, concerts, football. basketball,. soccer, baseball, hockey games.  How about the Indy 500 and auto racing, Mardis Gras the list is endless of venues far far far more suspect to pass disease than a cruise ship.  

Do they have some disease spread?  Of course.  However one needs to be mindful that passengers on a cruise ship are for the most part not teenagers.  A cruise to Alaska typically looks like heavens waiting room is on board.  All of the studies have shown that sickness in general and the coronavirus in particular is going to be far far more prevalent in an older population group. 

If you took the same group of people who are on any cruise ship and put them for several days or weeks at shopping malls, public restaurants, movie theaters etc, I would be willing to bet that a greater percentage of them would get sick than the percentage on the cruise.   At least on a cruise if someone next to me is coughing and sneezing I can move to a different table or seat.  Try that at a movie theater, baseball game, or airline. 

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1 hour ago, Longwood50 said:

I am not sure why cruise lines are singled out.  Consider when you go on a cruise at virtually every door there is someone greeting you with hand sanitizer.  Dishes are taken away quickly and tables almost immediately cleaned.  

Now if cruise lines are "going away" because of concerns over passing the virus, how about airlines, trains, buses, taxi's, theaters, concerts, football. basketball,. soccer, baseball, hockey games.  How about the Indy 500 and auto racing, Mardis Gras the list is endless of venues far far far more suspect to pass disease than a cruise ship.  

Do they have some disease spread?  Of course.  However one needs to be mindful that passengers on a cruise ship are for the most part not teenagers.  A cruise to Alaska typically looks like heavens waiting room is on board.  All of the studies have shown that sickness in general and the coronavirus in particular is going to be far far more prevalent in an older population group. 

If you took the same group of people who are on any cruise ship and put them for several days or weeks at shopping malls, public restaurants, movie theaters etc, I would be willing to bet that a greater percentage of them would get sick than the percentage on the cruise.   At least on a cruise if someone next to me is coughing and sneezing I can move to a different table or seat.  Try that at a movie theater, baseball game, or airline. 

This is absolutely not true. The only place there is someone greeting  you with hand sanitizer is when you first get on the ship, when you return to the ship in port, and at the buffet. They have Purell machines outside many doors, but nobody enforcing their usage. For that matter, anyone who waves off the washy washy person is left alone. Tables aren't "immediately" cleaned; they are cleaned when you leave. As much as I love cruising, I get it. People don't spend several days/weeks at malls, restaurants, etc; not an apt comparison. On the Bliss in February the theater was full for all shows; no way would there be any changing of seats. 

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36 minutes ago, KateQ22003 said:

This is absolutely not true. The only place there is someone greeting  you with hand sanitizer is when you first get on the ship, when you return to the ship in port, and at the buffet. They have Purell machines outside many doors, but nobody enforcing their usage. For that matter, anyone who waves off the washy washy person is left alone. Tables aren't "immediately" cleaned; they are cleaned when you leave. As much as I love cruising, I get it. People don't spend several days/weeks at malls, restaurants, etc; not an apt comparison. On the Bliss in February the theater was full for all shows; no way would there be any changing of seats. 


I respectfully disagree.  I DON'T SEE ANY PURELL MACHINES AT LEAST NOT PREVIOUSLY in hotels, restaurants, movie theatres. or sporting events.  In terms of cleaning the tables I sure see them bused a lot faster on cruise ships than I do at restaurants.  And yes it is a VALID COMPARISON.  I don't spend days, or weeks sitting next to people on the cruise ship.  I go to port so the time on the ship is not different than the time shopping at a mall, or attending a movie.  Again, if I feel uncomfortable sitting next to someone at the pool, buffet, or dinner on a cruise ship I am free to move about.  Not true on an airplane, bus, subway or restaurant where I have been seated.  Finally, virus's in general do not do well in environments where 1. it is sunny  2. it is warm and 3 in open air where it is dispersed.  That pretty well describes the majority of cruises.  Also, while it is terrible for there to be any deaths, they did not stop the world for other causes of death which are far more prevalent.  PS in New York the epicenter of the cornoavirus in the USA even Cuomo stated that 66% of the new cases came from people who had totally quarantined.  So if you think cruising is dangerous that is your prerogative but then I would suggest you don't take a taxi, or a bus, or a plane ride.  Don't go to a concert, a movie theater or a sporting event.  Don't go to a shopping mall, a restaurant, of a super market.  You will in any of those put yourself at greater risk than on a cruise.  The attached are actual death tolls as of yesterday for the world in 2020.  

seasonal deaths.JPG

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2 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

The attached are actual death tolls as of yesterday for the world in 2020.  


Again though - None of these are highly infection diseases with no way to prevent nor no known cure.


Flu - Vacinnes and treatments exist.

Deaths of childen under 5 - What does this even mean?

Abortions this year - What does this even mean? Preventable. Not contagious.

Deaths of mothers during birth - What does this even mean?

Deahts caused by HIV/AIDs - Treatments now exist and its possible to avoid infection

Deaths caused by cancer - Not a highly infectious disease + treatments exist

Deaths caused by malaria - Vaccines and treatments exist

Smoking - What does this even mean? Preventable. Not Contagious.

Suicides- What does this even mean? Preventable. Not contagious.

Road traffic accidents - What does this even mean? Preventable. Not contagious


Its laughable to say cruise ships provide handwash so all is good. We all know many MANY people on cruises don't even use the handwash stations that are available.


Edited by pmd98052
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2 hours ago, pmd98052 said:

Its laughable to say cruise ships provide handwash so all is good. We all know many MANY people on cruises don't even use the handwash stations that are available.



Maybe they don't but the point is that they are available.  Are cruise ships perfect nope but If I had a choice between the safety and sanitary conditions of a cruise ship versus a movie theatre, a subway, a bus, a taxi, a supermarket, or the typical restaurant I will take the cruise ship.  


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2 hours ago, pmd98052 said:

Flu - Vacinnes and treatments exist.

Deaths of childen under 5 - What does this even mean?

Abortions this year - What does this even mean? Preventable. Not contagious.

Deaths of mothers during birth - What does this even mean?

Deahts caused by HIV/AIDs - Treatments now exist and its possible to avoid infection

Deaths caused by cancer - Not a highly infectious disease + treatments exist

Deaths caused by malaria - Vaccines and treatments exist

Smoking - What does this even mean? Preventable. Not Contagious.

Suicides- What does this even mean? Preventable. Not contagious.

Road traffic accidents - What does this even mean? Preventable. Not contagious


Its laughable to say cruise ships provide handwash so all is good. We all know many MANY people on cruises don't even use the handwash stations that are available.


The point is that the world seems completely nuts over the number of deaths due to the corona virus  However you are missing the point.  Despite Vacine 188,000 people still die from the flu, despite medical advances almost 3 million children under age 5 died so far this year.  Abortion, is a life lost to abortion any less valuable to you? Deaths during childbirth if you don't understated that I can see why you are having difficulty with the rest of the statistics.  Yes, HiV and Aids are both preventable and treatable.  However given your paranoia are you not worried that someone on the ship particularly serving food to you might have AIDS and bleed on you?  How about those third world servers who last year might have coughed on you or worst of all on one of those cruises you took to a tropical port a mosquito with malaria or dengue fever.  

 Again you miss the point despite that 649,000 people have died from it this year.  Again I know you seem to have difficulty getting this point Malaria yes we have vaccines even treatment despite that 378,000 people so far this year have died from it.  

It begs the question why the world seems so intent on hiding its head under the covers about the coronavirus yet has no problem with other diseases and medical conditions that have existed for decades and kill each and every year.  It is like catching the coronavirus in their minds is akin to being diagnosed with stage 5 pancreatic cancer.  Guess What  Most people who get coronavirus are cured.  We do have treatments for it. 

Edited by Longwood50
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1 hour ago, Longwood50 said:


Maybe they don't but the point is that they are available.  Are cruise ships perfect nope but If I had a choice between the safety and sanitary conditions of a cruise ship versus a movie theatre, a subway, a bus, a taxi, a supermarket, or the typical restaurant I will take the cruise ship.  



You might want to read this.




I don't know why you think a confined space cruise ship is safer than any of those other places. All of them are problematic but I'm also not sitting in a restaurant for 7-14 odd days while people mingle all around.

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1 hour ago, Longwood50 said:

However given your paranoia are you not worried that someone on the ship particularly serving food to you might have AIDS and bleed on you


Sorry what? How do I contract HIV if someone bleeds on me? Are you saying if someone with HIV bled all over me while I had an open wound on a cruise ship it would be bad? Yes I guess so. I'll try to avoid that. Now do this again but pretend that:


a) HIV is air transmissible by someone just talking to you.

b) Person might have no idea they have it

c) Unlike HIV there are no treatments

d) 0.5%-1% chance of dying.

e) Repeat 330 million times (just for USA)


And yet again you miss the law of large numbers from a new highly contagious disease that would overwhelm all hospital systems and has no cure or treatment. Flu does not do that. Abortions do not do that. Malaria does not do that (anymore), etc.


Edited by pmd98052
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Oh and as if to prove the point on overwhelming healthcare systems I literally just heard that you better not get COVID19 in Alabama. They ran out of ICU beds. 

"Right now, if you are from Montgomery and you need an ICU bed, you are in trouble. If you're from central Alabama, and you need an ICU bed, you may not be able to get one," Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed says. "Our health care system has been maxed out."

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9 minutes ago, pmd98052 said:

Sorry what? How do I contract HIV if someone bleeds on me? Are you saying if someone with HIV bled all over me while I had an open wound on a cruise ship it would be bad? Yes I guess so. I'll try to avoid that. Now do this again but pretend that:


a) HIV is air transmissible by someone just talking to you.

b) Person might have no idea they have it

c) Unlike HIV there are no treatments

d) 0.5%-1% chance of dying.

e) Repeat 330 million times (just for USA)


And yet again you miss the law of large numbers from a new highly contagious disease that would overwhelm all hospital systems and has no cure or treatment. Flu does not do that. Abortions do not do that. Malaria does not do that (anymore), etc


I have been on over 25 cruises.  I know this might shock you but I don't see the majority of the people on the cruise ship for 14 days and the only time I come in contact with them is at meals, shore excursion, or the shows.  THAT IS NO DIFFERENT THAN GOING TO A MOVIE THEATER AND RESTAURANT.   I don't sit next to 3000 passengers for 14 days.  If I go to a shopping mall, I likely come in contact with far more people than on a cruise ship.  If I go shopping at Walmart there are likely upwards of over 1,000 people in the store a confined space space. 

You are delusional that there are no treatments.  If there were no treatments than everyone who contracted the coronavirus would die.  In fact only a small percentage of people who contract the virus are sick enough to have to be hospitalized and of those the hospitalized the vast majority RECOVER 


We have a vaccine for the flu and know how to treat it, yet in the USA upwards of 20% of the population gets the flu not just one year but each and every year because it is only about 55% effective.;  

I know this, even if I was terribly worried about the coronavirus and I am 71.  I would be far more fearful of being on a plane confined recirculating the same air for several hours.  More worried about being in a Taxi, a bus, or a subway than I ever would be on a cruise.  

If you want to sit at home pull a sheet over you head and worry that the sky might fall,  thats ok   I just think that when you compare the other dangers from Malaria, Typhoid, Dengue Fever, TB etc. the danger from the coronavirus is overblown.  
I know this there is only a chance I will get cornovirus however if the world continues to destroy its economy it is a 100% certainty that the world will not be worth living in. 

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9 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

You are delusional that there are no treatments.  If there were no treatments than everyone who contracted the coronavirus would die.


I too have been on over 25 cruises. I ADORE cruising. I hate to break it to you but aside from being stuck on a ventilator and keeping your fingers crossed your body can natually defeat the virus there are no treatments. You are in a high risk category. Death rate is high at 71 is 5% or 10% if over 80. Good luck.  I have a jar of 100 jelly beans. 5 will kill you. Come eat. And again you miss the point of large numbers. While YOU might be ok as a one off apply the same odds to 330 million plus people and thats just one country. Its crazy talk.


Alabama ICU in a major city is currently out of capacity. That tells you all you need to know. Thoughts and prayers.


You also ignored my HIV comments. Please explain your thinking there.

Edited by pmd98052
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20 hours ago, PortFees45 said:

No, that is not a serious question to anyone with a functioning brain. 

Again with the Ad Hominem.  All that means is you can't support you position.  I'll still let you quit while I'm ahead.

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20 hours ago, PortFees45 said:

Jesus H. Christ. How can an adult with a job and I assume a driver's license be this obtuse. 


1. It has nothing to do with being "suicidal." The reason quarantine orders are so important is because of the risk you post to OTHER PEOPLE, not yourself. 


2. As to being a spreader, YOU HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING. A person who thinks they're perfectly healthy with zero symptoms could be an active spreader, so while you're out strutting around enjoying your AMURCAN FREEDOM you could be putting countless people at risk - but as is abundantly clear you simply don't care. 


3. Looking forward to your defamation lawsuit. You seem to know as much about the law as you do about statistics, which actually bragged earlier in this thread about sleeping through after saying guidance issued by epidemiologists (who I assure you didn't sleep through statistics) who you think are wrong about the dangers this novel virus poses. 


I was raised to be ashamed of ignorance and selfishness. My experience clearly is not universal. 

Hahaha!  You've so become a meme.


"You make some hilarious charge, I ask for proof, you make some equally nonsensical charge...ya ya ya"


Exactly as I predicted, literally in the post you quoted!  No evidence. Just more crazy charges.  Anyway, while I'm definitely not tired of winning, there's other members who provide fulfilling debate using research, multi-step reasoning, and not a hint of personal attacks.  Happy Cruising!

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58 minutes ago, boatseller said:

Again with the Ad Hominem.  All that means is you can't support you position.  I'll still let you quit while I'm ahead.

Ahead? If you want to go back and read the reactions to our posts in this thread, a hell of a lot more people reading here agree with me than you. 


Comparing melanoma skin cancer and COVID-19 is such a ridiculous idea it's not even deserving of a response. 

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46 minutes ago, boatseller said:

b) I know, right?  Individual risk profiles isn't that difficult to understand...is it?

With a highly contagious virus with a high death rate being spread via air there is no such thing as a “individual risk profile”


You seem to miss that your choices in your “individual risk profile” impact far more than just yourself. Your risk profile becomes everyone’s. Lowest common denominator wins.

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4 minutes ago, pmd98052 said:

With a highly contagious virus with a high death rate being spread via air there is no such thing as a “individual risk profile”


You seem to miss that your choices in your “individual risk profile” impact far more than just yourself. Your risk profile becomes everyone’s. Lowest common denominator wins.

He just doesn't care about how his actions impact others, but without the courage to simply admit it outright. 

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4 minutes ago, PortFees45 said:

He just doesn't care about how his actions impact others, but without the courage to simply admit it outright. 


Absolutely correct.


In another thread, and a totally different context, I posted the following which would also apply perfectly in the case of said individual:

'This is the typical, and nauseating, attitude that pervades in many societies....it's about me, me, me and no concern for others.'




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Also worth noting that in Florida where people seem to have high individual risk profiles... today they had 1,200 new cases the highest number since April 24th. If I recall Florida opened early. It’s gonna be a big whoopsie there. Meanwhile large city in Alabama is out of ICU beds. This party is just getting started.


on the positive side perhaps there is a treatment soon! https://calgaryherald.com/cannabis/cannabis-shows-promise-blocking-coronavirus-infection-alberta-researcher 


could bring a new type of cruise!

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7 minutes ago, pmd98052 said:

Also worth noting that in Florida where people seem to have high individual risk profiles... today they had 1,200 new cases the highest number since April 24th. If I recall Florida opened early. It’s gonna be a big whoopsie there. Meanwhile large city on Alabama is out of ICU beds. This party is just getting started.

Responsible people tried to warn them...

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14 minutes ago, pmd98052 said:

Also worth noting that in Florida where people seem to have high individual risk profiles... today they had 1,200 new cases the highest number since April 24th. If I recall Florida opened early. It’s gonna be a big whoopsie there. Meanwhile large city on Alabama is out of ICU beds. This party is just getting started.

Whilst fully understanding the sentiment behind this post, I cannot support the idea that anything associated with increasing cases (and potential resultant deaths) should be in any sense a reason to 'party'.....please edit your post if still possible, and I will do same with mine! 

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