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Meraviglia approved for test cruise


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10 hours ago, Geobugs said:

...I am not sick and don't have Covid, so what is the purpose of the mask?



Precisely the problem.  Asymptomatic carriers are the hub of the super spread pandamenic.

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Fully vaccinated cruise ship, Celebrity Millennium, two passengers tested positive for Covid.  All guests were required to show vaccination proof and a negative Covid-19 test within 72 hours before from St. Maarten Saturday.  Can we just let it go now?  Vaccinations don't work.  Let people cruise. 

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Sure.  People can cruise, and shop in Home Depot without masks. Will that end the pandemic?  Until the majority of us join in to support public health, we will continue to put our friends and families at risk.  Just like my neighbor infected his wife and kids, he was asymtomatic.  His wife has lingering migraine headaches and his kids infected the grandparents, two of whom died along with their aunt.  This virus is no joke, it is a killer.

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3 hours ago, Geobugs said:

Fully vaccinated cruise ship, Celebrity Millennium, two passengers tested positive for Covid.  All guests were required to show vaccination proof and a negative Covid-19 test within 72 hours before from St. Maarten Saturday.  Can we just let it go now?  Vaccinations don't work.  Let people cruise. 

Geobugs ... Some people in the UK have tested positive after having both jabs and there are those who appear to believe having the jab makes them immune!

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6 hours ago, Geobugs said:

 Can we just let it go now?  Vaccinations don't work.  Let people cruise. 

The vaccine does work.  From what I understand the two passengers were asymptomatic.  The vaccine did it's job.  What this does show is that those who believe this virus will be eradicated anytime in the near future are going to have to rethink.


We are going to have to live with this.  No cruise (or anything else other than staying in your house) will be 100% safe from exposure, you must make the decision if that is something you will risk.


I will be curious to see if they were able to transmit the virus to any other vaccinated passengers and if they had any symptoms.

Edited by KennyFla
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For some posters, this explanation will be a exercise in futility and is simplified, but here goes:


A vaccine works by stimulation of the immune system to produce antibodies to the germ that is being immunized against.


When the body comes in contact with that germ in the future, it will gear up to fight the germ.


This may mean that you have no reaction at all or you may have the symptoms of the body's defense activity against the germ: chills, fever, everything that happens that we describe as being sick.


How often have you said have you felt like you were "getting sick" only to have the symptoms "disappear." That was the immune system being successful against the germ.


For the Covid 19 vaccination, those break through infections are the body fighting the exposure to a new Covid 19 infection. If one is lucky, the new infection matches the antibodies in the body and there are no noticeable symptoms of disease. If not (different strain), there may be a the onset of symptoms while the body gears up to produce antibodies that are an exact match to the new strain. However, the new illness is milder (no need for hospitalization or death) but, yes, one is still "sick."


The difference is in how contagious the newly exposed  person is. That is based upon the virion numbers that the person has to shed and expose others.  The Covid 19 vaccinated person does not shed the number of virions necessary to infect some one else. An unvaccinated person, even with no symptoms, will have sufficient virions to make others ill.


This brings us to masks.  The masks are to protect others from the shedding of the virus through respiratory particles. If one is vaccinated, one is not spreading the disease to others and can be unmasked.


The mask will also protect the wearer from inhaling others infective particles . That is why the unvaccinated or immune compromised need to wear masks.


Just an FYI for those who may be new to Cruise Critic or don't understand the "game" of some posters: There are posters on Cruise Critic who just exist to stir the pot. They will go from thread to thread, forum to forum, posting the same trigger posts that they know will cascade to arguments  and exercises in futility of trying to explain the error in their posts.


It is easy to identify some: their post count is low (new member or new user name after wearing  out their previous name) and the pattern of making the same statements repeatedly even when accurate information is provided by other posters or is easily available if they wished to find it.


Not saying there is such a poster on this thread who is following this pattern and has added a new pot stirrer statement such as telling others they will be on their cruise, but posters may wish to decide if they will engage such a poster in the future.



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3 hours ago, Homosassa said:

For some posters, this explanation will be a exercise in futility and is simplified, but here goes:


A vaccine works by stimulation of the immune system to produce antibodies to the germ that is being immunized against.


When the body comes in contact with that germ in the future, it will gear up to fight the germ.


This may mean that you have no reaction at all or you may have the symptoms of the body's defense activity against the germ: chills, fever, everything that happens that we describe as being sick.


How often have you said have you felt like you were "getting sick" only to have the symptoms "disappear." That was the immune system being successful against the germ.


For the Covid 19 vaccination, those break through infections are the body fighting the exposure to a new Covid 19 infection. If one is lucky, the new infection matches the antibodies in the body and there are no noticeable symptoms of disease. If not (different strain), there may be a the onset of symptoms while the body gears up to produce antibodies that are an exact match to the new strain. However, the new illness is milder (no need for hospitalization or death) but, yes, one is still "sick."


The difference is in how contagious the newly exposed  person is. That is based upon the virion numbers that the person has to shed and expose others.  The Covid 19 vaccinated person does not shed the number of virions necessary to infect some one else. An unvaccinated person, even with no symptoms, will have sufficient virions to make others ill.


This brings us to masks.  The masks are to protect others from the shedding of the virus through respiratory particles. If one is vaccinated, one is not spreading the disease to others and can be unmasked.


The mask will also protect the wearer from inhaling others infective particles . That is why the unvaccinated or immune compromised need to wear masks.


Just an FYI for those who may be new to Cruise Critic or don't understand the "game" of some posters: There are posters on Cruise Critic who just exist to stir the pot. They will go from thread to thread, forum to forum, posting the same trigger posts that they know will cascade to arguments  and exercises in futility of trying to explain the error in their posts.


It is easy to identify some: their post count is low (new member or new user name after wearing  out their previous name) and the pattern of making the same statements repeatedly even when accurate information is provided by other posters or is easily available if they wished to find it.


Not saying there is such a poster on this thread who is following this pattern and has added a new pot stirrer statement such as telling others they will be on their cruise, but posters may wish to decide if they will engage such a poster in the future.



No mention of mNRA technology, which means you've left out about 4/5 of the actual explanation as to how the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines protect against infection.

Your explanation above is broad, somewhat street level, and mostly not un-true as relates to ordinary flu virus.

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2 minutes ago, MotownVoice said:

No mention of mNRA technology, which means you've left out about 4/5 of the actual explanation as to how the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines protect against infection.

Your explanation above is broad, somewhat street level, and mostly not un-true as relates to ordinary flu virus.

Read today that a number of US people have suffered with inflammation around the heart from the US made stuff.

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16 minutes ago, sidari said:

Read today that a number of US people have suffered with inflammation around the heart from the US made stuff.

All under 30, mostly between the ages of 16-24.  475 Dose recipients out of 164 MILLION residents who have received at least one shot.  Not a bad ratio. 

And btw all of the above fully recovered.


Edited by MotownVoice
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14 hours ago, Geobugs said:

Fully vaccinated cruise ship, Celebrity Millennium, two passengers tested positive for Covid.  All guests were required to show vaccination proof and a negative Covid-19 test within 72 hours before from St. Maarten Saturday.  Can we just let it go now?  Vaccinations don't work.  Let people cruise. 

Those two people probably bought their vaccine cards on eBay  or pinterest and fillled them out themselves!  Get the shot people and don't be wusses.  All these incidents are just drops in the bucket toward all cruises having to have a verified vaccine credentialed system.   Just about all these freedom tutors on here that are anti-vax all had their MMR vaccines as kids and probably had all of their kids vaccinated as well just like their pediatrician suggested.  Oh and if you're one of the more elderly folks on here that probably cruises a lot you probably had your polio vaccine so you didn't end up crippled like many kids of that time did.  In fact Mitch McConnell had polio that's why he walks with a problem, and if you noticed he was one of the first and most fervent people to wear a mask.



Edited by CampNCruise74
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1 hour ago, CampNCruise74 said:

Those two people probably bought their vaccine cards on eBay  or pinterest and fillled them out themselves!  Get the shot people and don't be wusses.  All these incidents are just drops in the bucket toward all cruises having to have a verified vaccine credentialed system.   Just about all these freedom tutors on here that are anti-vax all had their MMR vaccines as kids and probably had all of their kids vaccinated as well just like their pediatrician suggested.  Oh and if you're one of the more elderly folks on here that probably cruises a lot you probably had your polio vaccine so you didn't end up crippled like many kids of that time did.  In fact Mitch McConnell had polio that's why he walks with a problem, and if you noticed he was one of the first and most fervent people to wear a mask.



Can you prove any of what you say about people having bought certain cards online ? The cruise line tested people who were all negative prior to sailing so your assumption about bought items is pure speculation on your part.

As for all the items you mentioned yes they were all vaccines unlike the current magic liquid worldwide medical experiment that will go on until the end of 2023.

A true vaccine prevents a person from getting and passing on an illness as those that you mention did, clearly the current stuff doesn't do that and is still under Emergency use laws.

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25 minutes ago, sidari said:

Can you prove any of what you say about people having bought certain cards online ?



I have my doubts that they were actually vaccinated as well.

2 people out of 600 passengers in the same cabin come down with Covid?

The odds if that happening are astronomical when you consider the effectiveness of the vaccines.

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6 minutes ago, robc1972 said:

I have my doubts that they were actually vaccinated as well.


I have said this before on CC and will repeat myself.  The time is coming--if not already now here--when it will be the socially correct response to the question:  Are you vaccinated against Covid?  The answer:  "Yes".  Be it so or not.  

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6 hours ago, Homosassa said:

For some posters, this explanation will be a exercise in futility and is simplified, but here goes:


If I gave you an assignment to clearly write an explanation of what the vaccines do and without jargon and scientific terms that too many of our citizenry never learned, I would give you an A on your assignment.  


If one reading your post can't comprehend what you wrote, their scores on reading comprehension tests that they ever took must have been disappointingly low to their reading/English teachers.  

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4 hours ago, sidari said:


A true vaccine prevents a person from getting and passing on an illness as those that you mention did, clearly the current stuff doesn't do that and is still under Emergency use laws.



A measles vaccine has a 93% efficacy rating.

The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is 95%.


What exactly are you on about?


There is a process by which the FDA approves a drug for general use.   A global pandemic, and 3 pharmacological companies and the CDC throwing 3 vaccines at them inside of a year of the first infection in the U-S would tend to put that process at a disadvantage.   Give them a minute.   I swear some of the people giving us the chicken little routine about this vaccine would have been the cave people who would see fire, scream, throw a rock at it and run.

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4 minutes ago, MotownVoice said:

I swear some of the people giving us the chicken little routine about this vaccine would have been the cave people who would see fire, scream, throw a rock at it and run


Agree.  The genes from the Neanderthals remain in the gene pool. 

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7 hours ago, sidari said:

Can you prove any of what you say about people having bought certain cards online ? The cruise line tested people who were all negative prior to sailing so your assumption about bought items is pure speculation on your part.

As for all the items you mentioned yes they were all vaccines unlike the current magic liquid worldwide medical experiment that will go on until the end of 2023.

A true vaccine prevents a person from getting and passing on an illness as those that you mention did, clearly the current stuff doesn't do that and is still under Emergency use laws.

Uh, Can you prove that vaccines don't work???   That in and of itself is a completely asinine thing to say.  I know what a vaccine does pal, my wife works in a hospital and has taken care of covid patients all along during this dilemma.    She would come home and complain about how much oxygen she'd be pumping into these people when they be sick and it just does nothing for them.   It's only a matter of time when the g7s talk about making a vaccine credential requirement for international travel.   Go get your jab Sadari!   What are you afraid of a little needle? By the way were you vaccinated as a child with your mmrs?  Do you have kids they get theirs too?  Are you 75 or older maybe you even got your polio vaccine?

Edited by CampNCruise74
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It is becoming increasingly clear that those of us with medical backgrounds and training have an understanding of Covid that does not match what general public has gleaned from news and social media.

With Delta variant increasing in US, public should continue with getting  vaccinated, wearing masks and avoiding “super spreader” situations without masks.

Just my 2 cents…


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1 hour ago, phissy said:

an understanding of Covid that does not match what general public has gleaned from news and social media.


I write this as a retired science educator.  When the testing mania began, our ability to properly educate our students declined.  Critical thinking skills were replaced by needing to get our students "to pass the test".  As a society, we are reaping the "rewards" of those "experts" nearly a quarter of a century ago who began advocating their educational theories/reasoning.  


Thankfully, there are still those who are well scientifically educated.  The general public?  Not as well.  


1 hour ago, phissy said:

public should continue with getting  vaccinated, wearing masks and avoiding “super spreader” situations without masks.


As difficult it is for me, a fully vaccinated person, to wear a mask when I am in a large congregation of people, I intend to do so.  

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On 6/11/2021 at 1:20 PM, MotownVoice said:

No mention of mNRA technology, which means you've left out about 4/5 of the actual explanation as to how the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines protect against infection.

Your explanation above is broad, somewhat street level, and mostly not un-true as relates to ordinary flu virus.

Of course it is simple, broad, and street level.


It was intended to be that way because mNRA technology and spike proteins are way above  the "street level" immunization knowledge  of many of the readers of this forum.


If you want a technical discussion, go to the Celebrity Forum where there is an ongoing thread that is nearly a year old and involves some very technical discussions of the vaccines' development, mechanisms of response, and trial design. But then again, those of us on that thread are at a level to understand the more technical posts (and can can break it down to "street level" for the non-technical readers).


By the way, I spent ten years writing informed consents for complicated drug and medical device trials conducted at the targeted level of fourth grade English.


One writes for the intended audience.

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On 6/11/2021 at 3:31 PM, sidari said:

and is still under Emergency use laws.

Your ignorance is excused about EAUs as you are not from the USA and obviously did not google the readily available information on Emergency Use Authorizations as part of a Biological  License Application  (Food and Drug Administration).

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On 6/11/2021 at 3:31 PM, sidari said:


A true vaccine prevents a person from getting and passing on an illness as those that you mention did, clearly the current stuff doesn't do that and is still under Emergency use laws.

Not true. My son received the the varicella vaccine (chicken pox) and got a mild case. He also gets the flu vaccine yearly and ends up with the flu. He is immuno-comprised. We understand that immunizations are not 100% effective BUT they keep him from getting severely ill and keeps him from being hospitalized (except one time). Two days after his 16th birthday, we drove 3 hours to get the Covid vaccine before it opened to all those inhis age group as he was considered at risk and qualified. It was what he decided as he understands the seriousness of protecting himself and others. 

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3 hours ago, Homosassa said:

It was intended to be that way because mNRA technology and spike proteins are way above  the "street level" immunization knowledge  of many of the readers of this forum.



This new technology is amazing for those of us who are scientifically trained, but are not currently involved in such topics.  It probably ought not to be surprising that the general public most recently "scientifically educated" know, and can only  process, what they learn on the national media.  

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Ok, back on topic.  Meraviglia approved for test cruise.  Do we know what that means?  From what has been posted, no vax requirement, but full CSO compliance?  Will private insurance be required?  And what if one tests positive... put off ship?

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