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The Daily for Thursday July 29, 2021


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Bruno. I am sorry to hear of all the complications. It's a time when you do find out who your true friends are, and they are there to help. I am glad you have decided to go ahead with the cruise.  Something to look forward to. Prayers for you and your family.

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2 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Roy, please take me off the list as I haven't much to contribute. 

We did tour Longwood Gardens, the DuPont developed Park in Pennsylvania near Wilmington, Delaware. It is a delightful place. 





I'll take you off the list but you just convinced me you do have something to contribute.  It looks like you're now on the home stretch.



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@cat shepard I hope you had good news at your appointment today.  Your pictures of Iceland are stunning.  I thought I had seen a lot of the country on the VOV, but now realize how much more there is to see.  Regarding the giant marshmallows ....  Donations are made depending on the colour of the wrapper.  Blue is for male bladder cancer, and pink is for female breast cancer.

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1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good Afternoon everyone. I am having a mild celebration ..... My Patio Door Is finally installed. It only took them 3 months to send a complete door rather than the single part they sent before. I have to do a little touch up around it.... but it will be fine. One thing off my list.


Our Shelter Director is still in hospital.... not a promising sign for a return to full health.


On the plus side, we have had 2 days with a good, heavy rains. So far no mud slides here.


Am enjoying following along to Alaska... and am terribly jealous. Hopefully the time will come fairly soon for all us.


Take Care.




Susan, great news that you finally have your patio door, but it should not have taken that long.


Sad to read that the Shelter Director is still in the hospital.  Sending good thoughts that he can still recoveer with time.


And cheers to two days of heavy rains with no mud slides there.  Colorado, along with the western US and Canada, needs all the rain it can get.



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@Quartzsite Cruiser posted great photos of Ny Alesund, and my contribution will likely be more narrative with just a few photos.  It's almost 19 years ago (Aug 5) that I was there and my memory has faded a bit.  When I looked back at my blog my first thought is that I was reminded a lot of my visit to South Georgia, less (but still) historic but like South Georgia an extremely sensitive ecosystem.


"At 78 degrees, 55 minutes, Ny Alesund claims to be the world’s northernmost permanent functioning community. It was the starting point for Roald Amundsen’s 1926 airship flight over the North Pole. The town was originally a coal mining camp with several periods of boom and bust but mining was abolished following a massive explosion in the 1960’s. In modern times it is a multinational scientific research station and national park. The settlement population is about 130 in summer and 20 in winter. There is a post office, hotel, museum, store, and airstrip. Vegetation is limited but there are lovely mountains with all types of glaciers nearby giving the area a wonderful stark beauty.

Ny Alesund is considered very sensitive environmental, historical, and scientific area, and our movements were severely restricted. We were expected to stay on a block of streets about a quarter kilometer square and some adjacent buildings, and a large cadre of the crew was dispatched ahead of us to be sure we didn’t stray from the designated areas. The area is also frequented by Polar Bears although they don’t USUALLY venture into town. A sign on the store indicated the last bear in town was in late July."


I noted that we were a bit later than planned because Ny Alesund was booked as a tender port but we had a little extra distance to go to get to the dock, and we had an interesting collection of lines securing a 690-foot cruise ship to a 225-foot dock.


It was a while because we had to wait until many of the crew were dispatched ashore to act as traffic directors to keep us on the safe paths:



Here's an overview of the town:




Mining by 2011 had ended 50 years earlier but the mine train looked ready to go;




Finally, here's the Elegant Explorer waiting for our return:





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Just reporting back in. My US doc confirmed what my Icelandic doc declared. No surgery, if I do not bend my knee for three more weeks. 

And I am now sporting a brace. A heck of a lot cooler. And I can even ice my knee now. 

My doc wants me to take a baby aspirin each day to help prevent blood clots. 

Back August 19th. Woo hoo!  


And everyone was interested in how the Icelandic medical team created the cast. 

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9 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our Thursday smile 🙂 


What a great collection of days.  Chicken wings are perfect with soccer or the Olympics 😉  Tigers are beautiful and deserve their day, habitat and protection.


I love the quote by Millman.  That’s something I find I need to remember and work on.


The meal suggestion for today sounds good but it’s also chicken wing day.  Decisions, decisions, decisions 😉 


I was feeling blue yesterday so decided to walk around and try to find something to cheer me up.


My mountain hydrangea is staring to bloom and laden with flowers






It’s challenging my other hydrangea for “best colour”




You can see them in the background behind the little dahlias.




The garden is full of honey bees feeding on the flowers.




And all my osteospermum are now blooming that I planted by seed 😄 




Prayers for everyone the Care list and for those that need them and a toast to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Thursday everyone!




Stay safe and don’t forget your 😷  


Jacqui  - thanks for the pictures of the mountain hydrangeas. My friend has some in her garden & was showing me today, but couldn't remember the name. Mystery solved!!

Edited by NextOne
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1 minute ago, NextOne said:

Jacqui  - thanks for the pictures of the mountain hydrangeas. My friend has some in her garden & was showing me today, but couldn't remember the name. Mystery solved!!


I think some may also call them lace hydrangeas.  I’m not sure if that name is correct or not.

Happy to solve your mystery 😉 

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Good afternoon, all! Tigers are beautiful, and I believe endangered, so a big salute to them. I love chicken wings, if they’re not spicy. Last weekend we went out for lunch and had the most amazing wings - Maple Honey Cajun. They were devine, and just the slightest hint of spice, just enough for flavour but not enough for heat. I last wore lipstick on the Amsterdam in March 2020. I’m not even sure what country the lipstick tube ended up in. We’ve never been to today’s port and the pictures are appreciated.

Today is quiet and relaxing. DD is at work, DH is working on the computer, and I was harvesting Queen Anne’s Lace and spread it out to dry for use later on.

Thank you all for the outpouring of support yesterday. It was such a minor thing, but upsetting at the time. It’s nice to know my daily family has my back!

@smitty34877 I’m so sorry Miss Camilla wasn’t able to come home yesterday. She’s obviously building up the suspense for her home debut.

@cat shepard I’m happy you got in to see the RIGHT doctor today, and earlier than the other would have been. I hope the news is good!

@atexsixBruno, that is so hard about the paperwork and legal complications at a time when you’re all grieving and not up to dealing with this sort of nonsense. My brother was unmarried, and died without a will, in another province. Even though our mother was his sole heir by law, and nothing was contested, wrapping up his estate (which wasn’t large) was a tedious ordeal and took well over a year. I wish you better and fairer luck! @durangoscotsI’m sorry to hear your Shelter Director is still not doing well. However, it’s good to hear that the Great Patio Door Caper has finally come to a successful close!


Happy Thursday, everyone! May we meet ona BHB some day, and the sooner the better!





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7 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Just reporting back in. My US doc confirmed what my Icelandic doc declared. No surgery, if I do not bend my knee for three more weeks. 

And I am now sporting a brace. A heck of a lot cooler. And I can even ice my knee now. 

My doc wants me to take a baby aspirin each day to help prevent blood clots. 

Back August 19th. Woo hoo!  


And everyone was interested in how the Icelandic medical team created the cast. 



I will add another big WOO HOO! 😄 


Great news.  And the brace is awesome.  Too heavy when I had one for my poor arm but it really expedites healing, skips a lot of removal of casts and makes it easy to check.  It will really help you in the summer (mine was in winter so not appreciated LOL)


So happy to hear this awesome news 😄 

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@superoma a belated Happy Birthday to you - enjoy the week's festivities!


@durangoscots hooray for the installation of your patio door . . . you'd think it was coming across the ocean on the back of a whale!  So happy to hear you've had rain; that will certainly help diminish the wildfires.


@cat shepard great news about your knee, and the fact that the doctor knew how to treat it.  I'm sure you'll find the brace much more comfortable than the cast.


@kazu any update on your BFF's DH?


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

I have serious hydrangea envy!      Gorgeous!   Helped cheer me too! 


Wondering are they hardy ones, Too?  


Yes, these are perennials.  I have one that struggled with the ice storms but now I see it leafing.  It won’t bloom this year but if it gains strength I will be happy.

They are hardy in my area zone 5b so should be fine in yours.  It does take a few years to get them to this stage.


I would guess they’ve both been in around 5-7 years (my memory gets short).  It took a few years to get some serious bloom. worth the wait 😄 

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27 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser posted great photos of Ny Alesund, and my contribution will likely be more narrative with just a few photos.  It's almost 19 years ago (Aug 5) that I was there and my memory has faded a bit.  When I looked back at my blog my first thought is that I was reminded a lot of my visit to South Georgia, less (but still) historic but like South Georgia an extremely sensitive ecosystem.


"At 78 degrees, 55 minutes, Ny Alesund claims to be the world’s northernmost permanent functioning community. It was the starting point for Roald Amundsen’s 1926 airship flight over the North Pole. The town was originally a coal mining camp with several periods of boom and bust but mining was abolished following a massive explosion in the 1960’s. In modern times it is a multinational scientific research station and national park. The settlement population is about 130 in summer and 20 in winter. There is a post office, hotel, museum, store, and airstrip. Vegetation is limited but there are lovely mountains with all types of glaciers nearby giving the area a wonderful stark beauty.

Ny Alesund is considered very sensitive environmental, historical, and scientific area, and our movements were severely restricted. We were expected to stay on a block of streets about a quarter kilometer square and some adjacent buildings, and a large cadre of the crew was dispatched ahead of us to be sure we didn’t stray from the designated areas. The area is also frequented by Polar Bears although they don’t USUALLY venture into town. A sign on the store indicated the last bear in town was in late July."


I noted that we were a bit later than planned because Ny Alesund was booked as a tender port but we had a little extra distance to go to get to the dock, and we had an interesting collection of lines securing a 690-foot cruise ship to a 225-foot dock.


It was a while because we had to wait until many of the crew were dispatched ashore to act as traffic directors to keep us on the safe paths:



Here's an overview of the town:




Mining by 2011 had ended 50 years earlier but the mine train looked ready to go;




Finally, here's the Elegant Explorer waiting for our return:






Thanks Roy.  An excellent discussion and photos from your trip ashore.  Love the Prinsendam photo!

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17 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Just reporting back in. My US doc confirmed what my Icelandic doc declared. No surgery, if I do not bend my knee for three more weeks. 

And I am now sporting a brace. A heck of a lot cooler. And I can even ice my knee now. 

My doc wants me to take a baby aspirin each day to help prevent blood clots. 

Back August 19th. Woo hoo!  


And everyone was interested in how the Icelandic medical team created the cast. 


Great news!  Wonderful, really!   So...how did the Icelandic medical team create the cast??

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6 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@kazu any update on your BFF's DH


Thanks for asking.  Right now it’s hopeful.  The AFib and uncontrollable heart beat has stopped so far.  His blood pressure, oxygen and white blood cell count are slowly rising.


Small improvements and good he is still in ICU being monitored.  


His wife asked me to continue my prayers and I assured her they would not be stopping.  I feel for her.  She there 24/7 except for a short break to go shower and nap when she is relieved.


They raised a great family and they are all trying to help with the house, plants or relieving (and that includes their truly wonderful grandchildren).


Sorry for saying more than necessary.

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1 minute ago, kazu said:


Thanks for asking.  Right now it’s hopeful.  The AFib and uncontrollable heart beat has stopped so far.  His blood pressure, oxygen and white blood cell count are slowly rising.


Small improvements and good he is still in ICU being monitored.  


His wife asked me to continue my prayers and I assured her they would not be stopping.  I feel for her.  She there 24/7 except for a short break to go shower and nap when she is relived.


They raised a great family and they are all trying to help with the house, plants or relieving (and that includes their truly wonderful grandchildren).


Sorry for saying more than necessary.


Say as much as you want.  Some of us have already been in the position of needing the support of our Daily friends, and it helps, it really does.  I know that from my experiences this past year.  


More prayers for your BFF's DH.🙏

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5 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Say as much as you want.  Some of us have already been in the position of needing the support of our Daily friends, and it helps, it really does.  I know that from my experiences this past year.  


More prayers for your BFF's DH.🙏


Thanks she is a dear friend and we have been there for each other for so long.


When I had to have my elbow surgery after the break, it was she who drove me to the hospital - no way would she let me take a cab. (DH was working and the call was last minute - I wasn’t allowed to drive, of course).

same thing with several check ups with the orthopaedic surgeon.

She and her husband are genuinely kind people and I hate when bad things happen to good people.  😔 



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@kazu thank you for the update; please don't worry about saying too much.  It's difficult when we see our friends ill or injured, and here is a safe place to share.  Please know I will continue to keep him and his family in my prayers.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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2 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@kazu thank you for the update; please don't worry about saying too much.  It's difficult when we see our friends ill or injured, and here is a safe place to share.  Please know I will continue to keep him and his family in my prayers.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


♥️ ❤️ ♥️. thank you for your very kind words.

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6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Bruno, with all the red tape on top of everything else, I couldn't like your post, but thank you for letting all of your Daily family know what is happening.  I'm surprised the funeral home was no help.  Thank goodness for the friend who came to the rescue.  And what a shame it all could have been prevented.


Dear Dad is probably right about the cruise in September.  By then, things should have settled down, and a relaxing cruise would be welcome.



I completely understand, I always feel funny liking posts with bad news.

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6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@atexsixBruno, that sounds like a real nightmare of complications.  I'm sorry to hear about the added stress for everyone.  Once again, my sympathy on your loss.


I think you and DD will be needing a getaway by September, too.  Very happy to hear you will be able to continue on.

Thank you, today was a much needed calmer day now that the particulars have been dealt with.

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5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning!  I'm late to the party today.  

Tigers are one of my favorite animals, will pass on the chicken wings and wear lipstick only rarely.  The meal sounds good as does the wine.


Our forecast calls for showers on Sunday!  Yay!!!  We sure do need it, and I hope it amounts to something.  We tried out the new portable A/C unit yesterday to check it out and found that instead of cooling the whole upstairs, it cools the room it's in, and the stairway going downstairs instead of the 3 other bedrooms!  So we'll be moving it to our bedroom where it will be needed the most.  We'd hoped not to have it there because it means leaving the room darkening shade up to accommodate the unit -- but I'm sure the coolness will be more important to me than the darkness for the few times we'll need it.


@smitty34877sweet little Camilla is adorable.  Sad that she won't be going home yet, but it sounds like they're doing what's best for her and she will be home when the time is right.


@Quartzsite Cruiserthank you for your great photos!  


@atexsixI'm so sorry you're having complications on top of everything else. So glad you have a friend who is helping out, and so sad the heart attack may have been prevented.  

Yes it is a very sad situation, Michael has a brother, but he's suffered from Autism his entire life, and while he can communicate, he processes information much differently than we do.  

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2 hours ago, Tbay said:

Bruno. I am sorry to hear of all the complications. It's a time when you do find out who your true friends are, and they are there to help. I am glad you have decided to go ahead with the cruise.  Something to look forward to. Prayers for you and your family.

Thank you so much, amazing how some people step up and help while others can't or won't, some people are not as strong I guess. 

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