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Carnival Valor Live*/Solo/B2B 11/6-11/11/21 & 11/11-11/15/2021


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Airport/Hotel and Hotel/Port and Port/Airport Transportation

Usually if I am in New Orleans for an extended period of time I rent a car with Budget, (very reasonable and always meets my needs) but if not there are other options. If you drive in there are many places to park for your cruise including park/cruise hotels and parking garages that will suit any budget. They can be found on the New Orleans page of the Port section on this site. Also, check the reviews and/or blog of @Saint Gregfor tons of info regarding parking, hotels, etc. for New Orleans. He also has a Youtube channel that has awesome info. (Greg like the plug there?! Lol). Now, for me due to medical reasons, me and driving at night do not get along anymore and I love to drive and see things as I travel and was part of my trips for years. Now that it’s not a viable option or until I find someone to share the trips with or the travel at least I am back to flying everywhere that I use to drive to. So this is what I have come up with and I hope it helps others as it has helped me.



If my flight lands earlier in the day, I would have simply caught the bus and rode it down in to the quarter as it stops about a block from my hotel. So I guess I will be looking at which will be more cost efficient Lyft/Uber or a taxi once I arrive. Now, in New Orleans the taxis have a set fee to go down into the quarter so sometimes they are actually cheaper than a ride share so check your options before committing to one or the other. Now with Southwest doing their “thing”. There is a possibility that I WILL be landing early in the day or maybe even later! If I land within the parameters allotted I will catch the direct bus from the airport down to Canal. The price of this ride makes it a no brainer, as I travel with a backpack and one carryon/checked bag (depends on mood), this bus ride is fairly quick and painless. As my flight did change from the American flight as of now I will be coming in before the bus runs its last direct shot to the French Quarter so I will definitely be taking advantage of this!



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On the first leg I had booked Excursions through carnival for both Costa Maya and Cozumel. The plan was, as the uncertain times with Rona running wild, I may not be able to do independent tours. So I Booked the Jungle Beach party Tour all-inclusive for Costa Maya at a cost of $59.99+tax and Tequila, Tacos, & Marriachis in Cozumel for 54.99+tax. This didn’t end up happening as they were refunded back to my card and disappeared from my cruise manager, I was bummed but, Carnival then comes out with the fact that VACCINATED guests are free to explore ports on their own at their leisure. I’m going to be reading over my insurance policy to see if I can get any benefits out of this or not. I didn’t even get an email that these were being removed, I just got the cost refunded to my CC with no notice. I’m not sure if I will as they were canceled pre-cruise not while I was on board, so we will have to wait and see. So for my new plan, in Cozumel is an AI called El Cid about 3 blocks from port with a price tag of $49.99. It’s walking distance from the port, is all you can eat and drink while there (6hr limit for AI from time of arrival, but can pay per drink/meal after the 6hr mark). It has a nice pool, a man made beach area with decent snorkeling, so it is also an option.


But, with El Cid only being a short walk from the port I may take my time walking there and enjoy the sun and food of Cozumel. I’m talking the taco stands, the local dives, back in town away from the tourist traps, that’s what I am leaning towards right now. I’m hoping with a good tip I can get a good 5-6 hours out of it and end up full and relaxed. I’m not planning on a “REAL” beach in Cozumel as that’s what I want to do in Costa Maya.




For Costa Maya my plan is to simply take the bus to the local beach or something similar and lay my butt in the sand for a few hours, as we will be there from 1pm-10pm that evening. That said, I’m leaning towards the $4.00 taxi ride to the KRAZY LOBSTER, they have great food and drinks reasonably priced and their beach is safe and clean. Then from there I can wander around the area and shops and gorge myself on fresh seafood and local fare at the stalls on the beach side and on the market side around the KRAZY LOBSTER and of course a few drinks will be necessary!!! KRAZY LOBSTER also has beach side massages at an unbelievable price. I will let ya’ll know when I get close if the prices are the same or have changed but, this is looking more and more like the avenue I’m going to take. I told ya’ll I am a very simple creature, food, drink, sun, and I am happy.



For the second leg of this trip we will be back in Cozumel and I am going back to the basics and doing the Cozumel Bar Hop.


Now, this is not booked through carnival, but they do guarantee to have you back to the peer prior to all aboard, and the price is good for the product. The bar hop includes a trip to the wild side of Cozumel, AKA the East Side, with stops at 4 bars one included shot at each stop. Then you can eat and drink as you go while time allows while there. No need to worry about driving, or maintaining sobriety as they will get you back to port! LOL.




Edited by JRL81
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On Board Credit


Originally when this was book I booked under a Casino Hot Streaks Offer with $25 OBC and free drinks in the casino. Well as the excrement hit whirly device later on I had OBC that I split between both legs of this B2B. So, first leg after $200 from split, $25 from booking, and a price drop I caught I have $267 on the first leg. The second leg starts with $200 from the split, $25 from booking and a tiny price drop for $237 in OBC. I’m sure we can find something to get into with this OBC, I know I will need to grab my Ornament (if they still have any for the Valor). Since cheers takes care of specialty coffee and other drinks I may spend a little time at a blackjack table. After looking back and talking to my PVP we realized that I wasn’t actually “splitting” the OBC. Here I was thinking I was getting a deal when in fact I didn’t get the $600 OBC everyone was talking about on my November 2020 B2B that was canceled, I got $200 OBC for each canceled cruise from last years cancelation and hissy fit I through on top of the refund that was sent to me, the $600 for the January canceled cruise did come through and it I put towards a cruise for early 2022 now. GEEEEEEEZZZEEE even I am confused now but it makes sense what she told me… Kinda… Sorta… Not really… but I will deal with it!



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Specialty Dining, Cheers, WiFi


Since this is a make up for my birthday, I am going to splurge a little bit here on this trip and will be dining at the Steak House twice on the first leg and once on the second leg. I have attempted to book the Chefs Table for the first leg but thus far it has been unavailable so I will see if it’s open when I get on board. I have prepaid Cheers!, WiFi, and gratuities for both legs of the cruise, as I want to get the full experience and I want to be able to share as much of it with you people as I can as it happens! Cruising as a solo does have its benefits when purchasing cheers, I mean yes it’s not cheap, but if two people are in a room and the other HAS to have it but only drinks 2-3 drinks a day it is a waste! For WiFi I went with the Premium package for both legs as it will allow me to do what I need for this review as well as being able to check in with my kiddos and those back home that worry when I travel alone mainly my siblings and my boss. AAAAWWWWWW someone does care!!!! Nope, my sister is my POA and Executer of my will and my boss only worries that I will/will not be at work on certain days and when I return and confirming the day I start vacation!! I also like to read in my downtown and have few books downloaded and a few shows to keep me busy between flights and lazy days as they do happen some times.



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2 minutes ago, MeganGC1983 said:

Can’t wait! I’ll follow along from the Mardi Gras! Let’s do this! 

Hey Megan!!! Glad ya found me! Y"all have a great trip, I only hope that I can keep up and do half as good as the rest of ya'll posting these things!! 



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Since I do quite a bit of over indulging while on vacation, I might do it in my home life as well, I always travel with preventatives and restoratives now. This all comes back to hating myself one too many mornings and instead of a big red and 5 asprin, needing to find something better. Many people have reviewed the party patch, Rebound, FlyBy, etc. @sid_9169 has done a wonderful job of “testing” and “reviewing” said products but, it comes down to what suits you best. I have found a combination of several things that works well for me and I am actually HUMAN after a bender now!!! So my routine is as follows:


Patch: applied before drinking obviously- Amazon $18.99+tax


Prevent. Capsules: taken as directed BEFORE the heavy drinking begins- Amazon $19.95+tax


Restorative Capsules: taken as directed in the morning with a full glass of water- Amazon $25.99+ tax


This regiment has proven to work for me. I have tried many different things and through trial and error, along with headaches and hangovers, this is what I have found works best for me. I have noticed that as I have gotten older that those small headaches in the mornings after a bender have turned into a hangover lasting 2-3 days after just a few drinks!!! That is not tolerable!!! Especially, going on this vacation, I want to be able to enjoy it without sleeping it away. No, if I want a nap, it will be by design or choice, not because I feel like warmed over dog mess.



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Who’da thunk it?!?

Ok here I’m going to list a couple of things that I started traveling with to make things easier for me, again these work for me maybe not you, most of these are inexpensive and can be snagged at your friendly local DevilStore (AKA WallyWorld), DG, $tree, or on Amazon (pick your poison). The only things that I do not scrimp on when I travel is my luggage or backpacks, these items need to be durable, sturdy and take a beating. HOWEVER, what I take for getaways, cruises, etc. will not be what you see me traveling with internationally. For international travel I have a few pieces of sturdy leather luggage that I use, duffel, carry-on, and satchel (notice nothing with wheels). For cruises I researched 4wheel spinner hard sides that where carry-on compatible, that I could also check when I didn’t want to worry or hassle with it. After comparing prices and reading reviews I settled on the Ifly 2 piece set from Walmart. It had great reviews and fit exactly what I was looking for in a travel set, add to that it had free shipping and I caught it on a black Friday sale my total out the door for the set was around $99.99+tax so it was a good deal.


Luggage tags are Carnival approved with wire clasps that can be placed the morning of embarkation, they are inexpensive on Amazon and the cables are strong enough that I have used them successfully for 3 cruises.


For my backpack I spent a little more time than I did on the luggage, as I already have several backpacks (Swissgear, briefcase bags, military style etc.) but now that I’m traveling more and had need of something more protected I was looking for something with built in locks, cut resistant, water proof (if possible) and that didn’t break the bank. So the search began!! Amazon ended up having this backpack that fit my needs and the other “colors” were anywhere from $40.00-$59.00. This one in a flat gray with all the bells and whistles was prime listed for $29.99+tax and free shipping, SOLD!! It has USB charging/headphone ports and will fit what I need in it comfortably with room to spare. Dementions: 19.5in X 12.5in X 5.3in


I also have a “GO Bag” that folds up and is used for trips shore side when I don’t want to carry everything but still have to carry somethings…


I do not travel with extension-chords, or surge protectors, however I use to…. Then I found this little gem, it is an outlet expander from POWSAV $12.97 on Amazon and worth every penny, I have 2 of these jokers that stay IN my backpack not including the ones I bought for use around the casita. They are cruise ship friendly, and more than serve the need for my surface, phone, camera, etc. while I’m traveling.  


I also bring my own straws (250 for $6.99+tax on Amazon), magnets, command strips, alarm clock (digital and battery operated), Dramamine, and a mini pharmacy… This little wonder goes with me everywhere, never know when you may need something… $6.99 on Amazon (I bought 2 just be on safe side) and a .50 cent pencil bag at $tree and it’s my on pharmacy on the go!!!


Included in my packing will also be Handywipes, bleach wipes, hand sanitizer… I am very cautious and always have been when it comes to travel so nothing has really changed for me as far as that goes. I am one of those people that will clean a “clean” hotel room or ship cabin BEFORE I even let my bags be opened up. Pre-Rona I had stocked up on all my OCD products, my mother calls it my “OCD bag of CLEANLINESS” that has traveled with me always lol. The only addition that I have made to this pouch is adding disposable masks, (I have many masks but I do use disposable while in transit). Again, Amazon was my friend here when I ordered the masks, at $12.99+tax for a box of 50.




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Another topic that is debated on cruises is LAUNDRY... GAAAAASSSSSSP!!! I usually just throw some tide pods in my luggage (pray they don’t burst) and viola do a load on board or at hotel before heading home… Now though I have found something much easier. These beauties come in a pack of 5-6 for $5.99+tax and they get the job done, wash and dry (fabric softner in the sheet). Sooooooo much easier, not my normal scent, but its vacation, less to pack and I can rewash when I get home.


Now that there is more travel happening and we are now having to prove our status as “one” or “the other” I didn’t want to have to carry extra junk if I didn’t have to so that meant consolidating and/or making a purchase that would allow for more direct access to the required information with less headache or hassle. This is a combo for multiple “items” of “identification”, it is all leather and is RFID blocking. $13.99+tax on Amazon.




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As this cruise begins to become more and more of a reality, I found myself starting to get in to the countdown routine. And I have started marking the calendar at work and I have my countdown candy bucket here at the office as well, if I can keep all these "distinguished" customers and fellow coworkers out of it!!!


The boss lady came in and saw me marking off the days the other afternoon, she asked, “Are you counting down until thanksgiving? Or are you keeping track of the required file dates for the entities reports to be responded to our requests...” OOPS!!! Guess I need to use ANOTHER color for those activities… I then kindly remind her that, no I am keeping a countdown to the beginning of my long a waited and often rescheduled vacation. She looks at me and says… “OH, so you were serious about the length and days of your trip? I thought you were just joking!”… I looked at her “…”, “?!?!?!?!?” then the conversation kind of sort of went something like this, albeit a little bit more one sided… @#$ @##$ @#$%^^% @#%$^^& @&$^%$&# *&@$&*^@#*&%&*(%@@$&^^43* $@()*@^@(*&%@&^$#&^$@#*!! Needless to say it was not repeatable and/or should it have been shared in “polite” company. However, I got my point across… I was NOT joking, this vacation WAS happening, and I WOULD be gone for the FULL 10 days, and I MIGHT even take one day after I return to unpack and do laundry. So far so good, I am still gainfully employed, vacation intact, and blood pressure back at a respectable level!  




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Nothing fancy about my pictures or other items you will see in this review. I mainly use my Iphone 11plus for pictures and on the fly posts, my Surface Pro for editing and posting on the longer items with more detail, I Also have an old school Coolpix digital camera that I carry if I ever remember to use it! So like I said nothing fancy but they do the job for me and helps me chronical my adventures. In the last few years and especially with recent events I have decided to live in the now… BOOK THAT TRIP, TRY THOSE DIFFERENT FOODS, TRAVEL WHERE YOU WANT, life is too short to not do anything other than live in the moments we are given and take advantage of that and most of all striving to LIVE HAPPY. I do plan to update and upgrade my camera soon but it’s still working so I’m not in a real hurry to buy a new one, so it’s making this trip.


NOW, the REASONS I was MIA from good old CC forms for several years and traveling in general will be hinted at and might even be guessed but I will be leaving it at that. But, I do feel that some explanation should be given even if it’s not the WHOLE story it will be enough to understand and to see things from my GLASS IS HALF FULL MENTALITY. I have begun to take more notes, details, pictures, and all of this is to be able to go back and read, relive, and remember things that I possibly might not be able to in years to come. As I said previously I have had some medical issues/diagnosis in the last 10 years that have changed my outlook on life and the way I do almost everything in my daily life. Memory games, games to remember long term details, ways to preserve what I can remember and ways to recall what I have difficulty not remembering. Hence all the detail, the lists, the maps, and things you have seen so far. It is as much for me in the future as it is for yours, and mine, enjoyment while it’s happening.



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This whole testing prior to cruising whether vaxxed or not does not bother me in the slightest. It appears to have become a part of daily life for most of us anyway. Who doesn’t LOOOVE getting their brain tickled? When cruising restarted there were so many questions, guesses, half-truths, flat out lies, and let us not forget the revolving door that was the CDC. Started with testing 3 days prior to sailing and possibly day of depending on the line you were sailing on. If you were vaxxed you could do rapid tests, but unvaxxed had to jump through hoops, stand on one foot with eyes closed touching nose, well you get the picture, they had to have exemptions extra travel insurance and take PCR test and be tested during the cruise. (Glad I’m vaxxed) ooof.


Fast forward to the last month or so and the CDC says… “They have slipped the leash and aren’t scared anymore… They are making people happy again!!!! We must stop this!!”. OFFS!!! They decided to change the rules… AGAIN… now testing is required 2 days prior to cruising and let’s follow all other protocols we have in place too… So, I feel sorry for those that now have to attempt to get a PCR test and results within 2 days… depending on where you live it can take up to 3 days for results!!!


You can use 1, ONE, UNO,(got that) specific at home, Emed proctored test, and they will accept it. So before the run on the tests and they sold out I hopped online and bought a double pack and had them shipped to me. I also am scheduling a PCR and a Rapid test for Thursday before I fly out. Is it over kill? Probably… I just don’t want to take any chances. So I will rise somewhat early on Thursday morning go to CVS have that test done, go home do the last little bit of pack up and load up and stop at the Walgreens on the way to the airport, get that test done. As the results can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 48 hours depending on the test I will have my Emed/Binnax test in my luggage ready and if I need to take it Friday morning I will. I am all about checks and balances and making sure all my bases are covered… CYA!!! Here is a picture of what the Home test looks like… Notice if it does not have all these markings Emed WILL NOT proctor the exam.


Some of the pictures may be different but the info is the same, some of these test are just for your own piece of mind and will not be accepted at most places, Especially, airports, cruises, etc. So make sure you are purchasing the CORRECT test kits!!!


Then Today good ole’ JH announces the changes made to the sail safe program that soooo many people have been waiting for, I know my Canadian friends have, am I right? That mixed Vaccines will now be excepted!!! WOOHOO!!!! Y’ALL GET Y’ALLS BUTS BOOKED AND GET DOWN HERE AND CRUISING!! Heck I might even jump on board for another trip!!!



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Earlier I had made light about my habits of making schedules, lists, and other things but truth be told they are as much a part of the planning of the trip, as they are used in my daily life now. Some I have saved and reuse some are made specifically for this trip and others are laminated and reusable, even my hand made list from 5 years ago is laminated, and I just use a white board marker to check things off as I go.


My detailed calendar that will end up on the wall of the cabin so I remember the what’s, when’s, why’s, and where’s of what is going on! Like I said up towards the beginning the chatter and planning on “the other place” has caused a few items to be added to my Calendar.


The packing lists are a little more basic, I also have the hand written one that has my more specific items on it lol. But no less as important as the calendar as I do not want to forget anything at home OR on the ship when they kick us off!!


I will post pictures of my actual copies with the laminate on them when I get home, so you can see how they hold up after a few years of use and being stuck in my bags/drawers for lord knows how long since they were last used.



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3 minutes ago, kelkel2 said:

Thanks for the fun start, I’m following along!

Welcome aboard!! I'm almost into real time now!!! lol Those 32 pages typed didn't end up taking as long as I thought or as much space as I thought it would!! 



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Oh this is gonna be GOOD! Definately alomg for the ride. Haven't sailed Valor yet, so I am interested to hear amd see allllll the things 😁 I have sailed out of NOLA though (Dream) and want to get back there again for another cruise.


Enjoy, BE NICE lol, and cheers to your MUCH needed vacay! 🍹🏖🏝🛳

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2 minutes ago, CruisinMama2003 said:

Oh this is gonna be GOOD! Definately alomg for the ride. Haven't sailed Valor yet, so I am interested to hear amd see allllll the things 😁 I have sailed out of NOLA though (Dream) and want to get back there again for another cruise.


Enjoy, BE NICE lol, and cheers to your MUCH needed vacay! 🍹🏖🏝🛳

Thank you!!! Glad you found me!! I PLAN to be on my best behavior.. but as the saying goes.. the best laid plans.... LOL🤣😂🤣 I will do my best to post all the pictures I can especially since she just came out of drydock, it should be a fun trip!!!




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I use google maps to track, mark, and plan my walk abouts while on trips. I am not as artistically inclined as other fellow CCers that can hand draw maps… Remember the squirrels we discussed earlier? THEY could draw better and would be more accurate than ANYTHING I could draw. At the same time if my maps lead me astray or I find myself lost, that’s part of the adventure, as long as I am not in some shady area or in a bind for time. At that point I am smart enough to ask for assistance or simply flag down a cab or bus and get to where I need to be. But, I do have multiple maps… one for food, one for bars, one that places serve both, and one for places of interests. I make these maps up for all my trips and keep them with the places I went to highlighted. Sometimes, I go back to the must haves some of my favorites or just the famous tourist spots for fun.


It has been 5-6 years since I actually spent more than a night or more than a quick layover in New Orleans so I plan to take advantage of it this trip and act like I’m one of those tourist… Ok maybe not, I’m too much of a local and blend in too well when I am there, NOLA is just home… the people, the food, the music, I miss it and we are going to have fun this trip!!! My flight lands after 7 so when I get checked in and settled the plan is to head out on foot to a few foodie stops I want to hit. I definitely need to beat feet and get somewhere to catch the games or at least parts of the games I hope to see Thursday night. Colts/Jets game will be on, not sure I can stomach Joe Buck while I am eating or having a drink, so that game is on the back burner… BUT, my Ragin’ Cajun’s are playing too so I hope to catch at least some of both games. Friday game plan will be to go to the WWII museum, the last time I was there I was rushed and had a sick kiddo, (too much shave ice), to really enjoy all the new sections and goodies. So a few hours here will be a must. I may also try to get to the aquarium, but it is not a must do as much as I love it, been there done that, LOL. Then that evening my GOALs are a TAPAS and COCKTAIL tour of the quarter, and hitting some of my favorite places and share them with you all!!


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1 minute ago, Hogladyrider said:

All signed up for this party!  It's gonna be a good one!


Hey Susan!!! I hope I can keep it interesting lol... If these people here at work would leave me alone to write this out and post this it would go smoother!! The audacity they have expecting me to work!!!😂😂🤣

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1 hour ago, JRL81 said:

Welcome aboard!! I'm almost into real time now!!! lol Those 32 pages typed didn't end up taking as long as I thought or as much space as I thought it would!! 



Don't blow out all your good material too soon... I'm interested in seeing New Orleans from someone who knows it much better than the couple of times I've been there...

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16 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

Don't blow out all your good material too soon... I'm interested in seeing New Orleans from someone who knows it much better than the couple of times I've been there...

We should be I good shape!! I still have a long way to go lol you have set the standard I only hope to measure up!!! New Orleans is by far one of my favorite cities so I hope can show it off from a point of view that project the love I have for the city!

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