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Cruising Hesitancy Amid Covid


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So--here we are, approaching two years of living amid Covid.  Mr. SLSD and I have been very cautious throughout.  We have not traveled, we have not flown!  But, Mr. SLSD will be flying to New Orleans shortly for a conference.  We have held off booking a Seabourn cruise, but  are missing cruising immensely and have felt cheated out of almost two years of fun travel.  I'll be turning 70 in a few short months and I am very aware that time is no longer unlimited. 


I've been reading articles which say that the current state we find ourselves in may be as good as it gets!!  We've had our booster (third jab) of the vaccine.  


I'm sure there are others of you who read and/or post here who have been hesitant to book a cruise.  Could we have a general discussion of that--and where you stand at the moment?  I've followed all the discussions here with interest.  I totally understand the need to be flexible and go with the flow.  I understand that there may well be future cancellations and/or changes of itinerary and ports.  


So my general question is this---if you have been hesitant to book a cruise over the last months, are you beginning to become more comfortable with the idea.  And, why or why not?



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We have been very hesitant, not because of any serious worries about catching the virus but more because of all the new precautions, tests, mask-wearing, general hassle etc, whether on a plane, on a ship or on an excursion.  But we have just thrown caution to the wind and booked a trip to Svalbard aboard Boaty McVenture.   Next summer, so if things aren't fixed by then . . .  

Edited by Fletcher
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26 minutes ago, Fletcher said:

We have been very hesitant, not because of any serious worries about catching the virus but more because of all the new precautions, tests, mask-wearing, general hassle etc, whether on a plane, on a ship or on an excursion.  But we have just thrown caution to the wind and booked a trip to Svalbard aboard Boaty McVenture.   Next summer, so if things aren't fixed by then . . .  

Boaty McVenture?  That's a new one for me.  


I agree with you about all the testing,  mask wearing and general hassle---not what we wish for when we travel.  Of course I do understand the reasons for these measures.  Just reading the Barbados threads made my head spin.  I finally quit reading them as we don't ever plan to cruise in the Caribbean.  


Congratulations on booking your cruise!  

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No, mask wearing and Covid tests and layers of documentation is no what we wish for when we travel. But it is the current reality. I understand that some people will decide it's not worth the hassle they perceive it to be and decide not to travel.


We made the decision a few months ago to resume traveling midst the restrictions and rules. Our first trip was a short 7-day Caribbean cruise on the Odyssey; yes there were hoops to jump through, but my oh my, we loved the experience and didn't regret it in the least. After getting through the airport and the flights, we felt safer on the Odyssey than we do at home going into local stores. Everyone aboard has been vaccinated. Everyone aboard has been tested multiple times. That's not a guarantee of no Covid, unfortunately, as the outbreak on the Ovation showed us. But there's no guarantee of no Covid staying at home, either. 


We now have three trips (2 of them cruises) booked for next year. We'll evaluate each one as deadlines come up and we re-assess the situation in the word around us, but we're hoping to be able to do those travels because, as you noted @SLSD, we're not getting younger waiting for the world to return to "normal". (Who knows if we'll ever get to pre-pandemic normal, or if it will happen in the next year or two or five?)

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@SLSD I know exactly what you're  going through as I am sure many do.  The hassles of traveling during Covid will be with us for quite some time and we have decided to adjust to those hassles and travel cautiously.   The key is patience and flexibility.  We were booked on a Greece cruise in September. Thirty days out Delta was exploding there and we canceled and booked Alaska instead. Turns out the Greek cruise we would have taken disembarked and quarantined about 16  passengers due to Covid. Did their efficacy wear off? Did we dodge a bullet? 


My process: We have 3 cruises booked in 2022 and had 6 canceled in the past few years.  I just keep rolling trips forward.   I follow all the ports on the itinerary for Covid numbers and restrictions. Make an assessment before cancel date. Covid cancel perks are going away on many cruise lines. We go from 30 day cancel to about 180 day cancel. Another wrinkle.  After that it's a dice roll. Will it get canceled or re routed? Will a new Covid varient pop up?  It's a moving target. We have Medjet insurance, and sometimes buy other insurance. I want to be prepared for the possibility of quarantine or hospitalization. More importantly getting out of a place I don't want to be quarantined or hospitalized.


The cruises booked in 2022: First, Silversea Explorer Colombo to Singapore. I have concerns about this one and may look to roll it into something else.  If we go, hopefully we will get our 2nd booster before departure.   Second, Svalbard on Venture. Feel good about this one, and @Fletcher hope to see you on board Boaty McVenture. Third, Silversea Wind South America, who knows, too far away to speculate. I do not get emotionally attached to any trip. Planning trips has been a great way to while away the Covid hours and give me something to look forward to.


Now that I've scared you, let me assure you that all the angst and aggravation associated with  traveling in Covid times disappears when you are handed that first glass of Champagne and you look out across that shimmering blue sea. 

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Here's one thing that is really holding us back from booking a Seabourn cruise---the fact that SB has not said that vaccination against Covid will be required for all cruises going forward into 2022, 2023, etc.  Does anyone have thoughts or analysis of this issue?

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We have been flip-flopping all over with this.


Our decision is that we will not cruise until at least Spring 2022. 


We know ourselves and we are aware that we wouldn't cope well with some of the hassle, should any issue arise.
Worst case scenario would be having to quarantine at some point.  I don't like enforced stays in hotels that I haven't selected. I had enough of that when I was working in corporate. Even worse would be if this occurred towards the end of a cruise and impacted on our business commitments at home.


We had been so close to booking the affected Ovation cruise, and although our friends did go ahead and enjoyed the cruise, I'm glad that we cancelled. 


Incidentally, I'm actually more concerned about the risk of infection during a long plane ride than during the cruise itself.




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4 hours ago, SLSD said:

So--here we are, approaching two years of living amid Covid.  Mr. SLSD and I have been very cautious throughout.  We have not traveled, we have not flown!  But, Mr. SLSD will be flying to New Orleans shortly for a conference.  We have held off booking a Seabourn cruise, but  are missing cruising immensely and have felt cheated out of almost two years of fun travel.  I'll be turning 70 in a few short months and I am very aware that time is no longer unlimited. 


I've been reading articles which say that the current state we find ourselves in may be as good as it gets!!  We've had our booster (third jab) of the vaccine.  


I'm sure there are others of you who read and/or post here who have been hesitant to book a cruise.  Could we have a general discussion of that--and where you stand at the moment?  I've followed all the discussions here with interest.  I totally understand the need to be flexible and go with the flow.  I understand that there may well be future cancellations and/or changes of itinerary and ports.  


So my general question is this---if you have been hesitant to book a cruise over the last months, are you beginning to become more comfortable with the idea.  And, why or why not?



We haven't been hesitant at all.  I'm 81 and in good health.  I would rather do what is necessary to cruise and travel (even though it's a pain) in general than sit at home and do nothing.  Life is too short.

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20 minutes ago, fudgbug said:

We haven't been hesitant at all.  I'm 81 and in good health.  I would rather do what is necessary to cruise and travel (even though it's a pain) in general than sit at home and do nothing.  Life is too short.

I agree with your sentiments completely fudgbug.  I am leaving in one week for a cruise and I can't wait!  Last year I lost my husband of 50 years(not to Covid) and during the ensuing year the restrictions on all sorts of activities even here at home has made the loneliness even more palpable.  I am embarking on my first ever solo venture other than visits to family or trips for business long ago and I'm eager to spread my wings. A cruise where I can be pampered seems a good first try and if wearing a mask and being tested is the price of admission, I'm willing to pay it. I also suspect that some of those requirements may not go away for a very long time and as fudgbug said "life is too short."

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15 minutes ago, Sunviking said:

I agree with your sentiments completely fudgbug.  I am leaving in one week for a cruise and I can't wait!  Last year I lost my husband of 50 years(not to Covid) and during the ensuing year the restrictions on all sorts of activities even here at home has made the loneliness even more palpable.  I am embarking on my first ever solo venture other than visits to family or trips for business long ago and I'm eager to spread my wings. A cruise where I can be pampered seems a good first try and if wearing a mask and being tested is the price of admission, I'm willing to pay it. I also suspect that some of those requirements may not go away for a very long time and as fudgbug said "life is too short."

Sorry for your loss.  Enjoy and have some fun on your cruise.  Hugs!


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We have been extremely careful for the past 20 months, and have stayed close to home. We've booked and then cancelled 3 cruises because we felt the Covid danger was too high, or that the cruise wouldn't be able to sail the listed itinerary. In another case Seabourn cancelled the cruise before we did. We haven't eaten in any restaurants, and our social life has been limited to family and close friends. We're now booked on three Seabourn cruises between now and September 2022, the first a 32 day cruise on the Ovation embarking on December 10. The Covid outbreak on Ovation happened two weeks before our final payment was due, and we carefully followed what was happening, weighing the "what ifs" and the risks involved. We decided we are willing to take the risks that, as several of you have already noted, seem to be part of traveling now, along with the mask wearing that is necessary. My husband just turned 70 and I'm not too far behind him. We've missed traveling, and don't know how long our health will allow us to do so. Finally, I believe I will feel safer on a fully vaccinated cruise than I do grocery shopping in my local Safeway, where I don't know who is vaccinated and too many people ignore our state's mask mandate. Yes, we did purchase insurance, and asked specifically about Covid coverage. 42 days until we board Ovation!


Sunviking, Ann, I'm so sorry for your loss, and I hope your first solo cruise is amazing! Take care.

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We are fairly new to cruising, certainly not avid cruisers at this point, but intend to take many in the future.   All of of our 2021/2022 trips will be land based and we are setting our sites on 2023 cruises.  Hopefully Covid will be better under control by 2023.  My wife and I are both vaccinated (Moderna) and just got the booster so that gives us the confidence to travel responsibly.  One of the biggest concerns is control, on a land based vacation we have much more control than on a cruise ship where the cruise line really has total control.  Footnote: Seabourn appears to do a fantastic job with the handling of the Covid outbreak in Greece. 


Additionally, cruise ships are just very susceptible to Covid spreading.  Many people in a closed environment on excursion buses, elevators, bars, dining rooms, trivia games, gyms etc etc.  Its just a high risk environment.  Seabourn seems to be taking every possible precaution but they can't change the underlying basics of their industry.  So we have decided to take land based trips for a while.


Having said that , given our vaccination status, if we were cruise "junkies" and that was the only way we travelled we'd go on a cruise rather than stay home.



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Judging by over 800 nights on Seabourn I am sure the majority of us are LIVING IN DOG YEARS.I believe after almost two years its time to live and enjoy.Be cautious and diligent when traveling and I know its a hassle but in the end cruising its what we love.

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4 hours ago, SLSD said:

Here's one thing that is really holding us back from booking a Seabourn cruise---the fact that SB has not said that vaccination against Covid will be required for all cruises going forward into 2022, 2023, etc.  Does anyone have thoughts or analysis of this issue?



I think the question is deeper than if people are vaccinated.  Its if people have recently received the booster.  If you are on a 6/22 cruise how protected is the person that got their second dose 1/21?



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4 hours ago, Isklaar said:

We have been flip-flopping all over with this.


Our decision is that we will not cruise until at least Spring 2022. 


We know ourselves and we are aware that we wouldn't cope well with some of the hassle, should any issue arise.
Worst case scenario would be having to quarantine at some point.  I don't like enforced stays in hotels that I haven't selected. I had enough of that when I was working in corporate. Even worse would be if this occurred towards the end of a cruise and impacted on our business commitments at home.


We had been so close to booking the affected Ovation cruise, and although our friends did go ahead and enjoyed the cruise, I'm glad that we cancelled. 


Incidentally, I'm actually more concerned about the risk of infection during a long plane ride than during the cruise itself.




Isklaar, When you finally book, be sure to let us know.  I will do the same.  We came close to booking--and then the Delta variant hit long and hard.  We are just now beginning to go to group events-- two funerals, a reception last night---and perhaps another coming up.  Mr. SLSD is  going to a conference  next week and that  is a big  deal for us  considering the virus.  We ARE moving forward.  Since we are retired, we don't have the issue of being held up due to quarantine, but we do not want to get the virus.  So many issues to weigh going forward.  

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3 hours ago, fudgbug said:

We haven't been hesitant at all.  I'm 81 and in good health.  I would rather do what is necessary to cruise and travel (even though it's a pain) in general than sit at home and do nothing.  Life is too short.

I totally understand and applaud your decision. 

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2 hours ago, sunshineocean13 said:

We have been extremely careful for the past 20 months, and have stayed close to home. We've booked and then cancelled 3 cruises because we felt the Covid danger was too high, or that the cruise wouldn't be able to sail the listed itinerary. In another case Seabourn cancelled the cruise before we did. We haven't eaten in any restaurants, and our social life has been limited to family and close friends. We're now booked on three Seabourn cruises between now and September 2022, the first a 32 day cruise on the Ovation embarking on December 10. The Covid outbreak on Ovation happened two weeks before our final payment was due, and we carefully followed what was happening, weighing the "what ifs" and the risks involved. We decided we are willing to take the risks that, as several of you have already noted, seem to be part of traveling now, along with the mask wearing that is necessary. My husband just turned 70 and I'm not too far behind him. We've missed traveling, and don't know how long our health will allow us to do so. Finally, I believe I will feel safer on a fully vaccinated cruise than I do grocery shopping in my local Safeway, where I don't know who is vaccinated and too many people ignore our state's mask mandate. Yes, we did purchase insurance, and asked specifically about Covid coverage. 42 days until we board Ovation!


Sunviking, Ann, I'm so sorry for your loss, and I hope your first solo cruise is amazing! Take care.

Sunshine Ocean, Your description of your life during Covid sounds a lot like ours.  We are cautious.  We see our family (sometimes after quarantining) and close friends who are vaccinated--and often in outdoor restaurant venues.  We wear masks in public places and limit our contacts.  My husband is 70 and I am not far behind.  I am excited for you about your Ovation cruise.  I am beginning to look.  

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3 hours ago, Sunviking said:

I agree with your sentiments completely fudgbug.  I am leaving in one week for a cruise and I can't wait!  Last year I lost my husband of 50 years(not to Covid) and during the ensuing year the restrictions on all sorts of activities even here at home has made the loneliness even more palpable.  I am embarking on my first ever solo venture other than visits to family or trips for business long ago and I'm eager to spread my wings. A cruise where I can be pampered seems a good first try and if wearing a mask and being tested is the price of admission, I'm willing to pay it. I also suspect that some of those requirements may not go away for a very long time and as fudgbug said "life is too short."

Sunviking, I hope your solo cruise is wonderful and I send condolences concerning your husband's death.  


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1 hour ago, RetiredandTravel said:



I think the question is deeper than if people are vaccinated.  Its if people have recently received the booster.  If you are on a 6/22 cruise how protected is the person that got their second dose 1/21?



I agree with you.  Also, there is the issue of when we will need our NEXT booster.  It might be as soon as February for us.  

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I've found this thread interesting and very thought provoking. Each of you have made good points, both those who are ready to cruise again and those who will wait. It's a very personal choice. Here's hoping for a time when Covid doesn't cast such a long shadow, and we are weighing other risks.

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We have been protected here in Western Australia but we are now having to deal with vaccination rates that are improving at a snail's pace and a State government that is reluctant to set a date to reopen our borders. We have been double vaccinated and will be due a booster in January which we are hopeful we will be able to get.


We have a July cruise booked which we are hoping we will be allowed to join. Having to mask is not something we are used to though we social distance and use QR codes on our phone to check into shops etc to allow contact tracing, so this will be a whole new world for us with testing and masking but we are willing to try to cruise again.


4 hours ago, Sunviking said:

I am leaving in one week for a cruise and I can't wait! 

My condolences for the loss of your husband last year Sunviking. It is a difficult event to deal with and made all the harder by all the isolation due to Covid. 


Enjoy your cruise next week and lots of pampering. Our cruise next year starts in Rome and on your recommendation in another topic and checking online we have booked the Villa Spalletti Trivelli  for five nights. The Quirinal Hill area is new for us but it looks like it has wonderful history and restaurants to explore. Hopefully we get there.



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44 minutes ago, frantic36 said:


Enjoy your cruise next week and lots of pampering. Our cruise next year starts in Rome and on your recommendation in another topic and checking online we have booked the Villa Spalletti Trivelli  for five nights. The Quirinal Hill area is new for us but it looks like it has wonderful history and restaurants to explore. Hopefully we get there.



Julie, I hope you enjoy the Villa Spalletti as much as we did.  The rooms were lovely and spacious and the location was wonderful. I have wonderful memories of my stays there.

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I have been following these threads very closely and can't say I'd be willing to do it.  The latest flies in the ointment are the fact that insurance doesn't seem to pay for if you are a close contact forced to quarantine off the ship but you are negative.  Plus it often takes three or four weeks to test negative.  That's such a long time to be stuck in a room.


Fly in ointment number two is the understanding from what looks like a solid article today saying that those of us who are vaxxed with Pfizer will infect spread Covid as easy as unvaccinated folks in a close family like setting which seems to resemble cruising since we somehow manage to create an extended family by the time we get off.  With the definition of "mild" meaning just not in the hospital I can't see taking the chance of a breakthrough.


And we are seeing with the Amadeus river cruise with 80 positives and that other cruise where on Facebook passengers were able to track an even larger amount of positives that no ship would ever need to count since they didn't have symptoms until they got home.  Both of these situations took place in fully booked situations.  But I don't see these half empty cruises sustaining the industry for long.  


I'm going to keep hoping and dreaming, but at this point I can't see it.  Of course I'm a homebody, so I haven't suffered as some have over the isolation.

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2 hours ago, frantic36 said:

We have been protected here in Western Australia but we are now having to deal with vaccination rates that are improving at a snail's pace and a State government that is reluctant to set a date to reopen our borders. We have been double vaccinated and will be due a booster in January which we are hopeful we will be able to get.


We have a July cruise booked which we are hoping we will be allowed to join. Having to mask is not something we are used to though we social distance and use QR codes on our phone to check into shops etc to allow contact tracing, so this will be a whole new world for us with testing and masking but we are willing to try to cruise again.



We are in the exact same position here in Queensland. Think we are only up to 62% double dosed, as people have been so safe for so long, no one is in "much of a hurry"..... we are due for our Booster around Xmas. I still think Qld will get a big hit once the borders open, so we will continue to stay home most of the time. We also have a July/August cruise booked, but are still some what doubtful of it happening......

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42 minutes ago, 2seabournsailors said:

We are in the exact same position here in Queensland. Think we are only up to 62% double dosed, as people have been so safe for so long, no one is in "much of a hurry"..... we are due for our Booster around Xmas. I still think Qld will get a big hit once the borders open, so we will continue to stay home most of the time. We also have a July/August cruise booked, but are still some what doubtful of it happening......


I will keep my fingers crossed for both of us. Our cruise is a Western Med on Sojourn in July/August. The vaccination rates in Spain, France and Italy are all good and they are no longer on the do not travel from smart traveller, hopefully they will stay that way. Our only concern is a stop in Morocco but their double vaccination rate is the same us here in WA currently, smart traveller has no input on that country.


Our next hurdle is waiting to find out what insurance we can get. Everything we have booked is cancellable from about March next year so hopefully we will have clarity by then.

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