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Real-Time Pre, During and Post Review of the NCL Joy, November 27, 2021 Sailing in the Haven


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November 27, 2021:


Dinner last night at the Capital Grille was very nice.  We all agree, next time, we do starters, a salad and desert.  No one thought the steaks/seafood was great.  Good but not great.  Just an FYI.


We skipped the Buffet Breakfast at the Miami Marriott which was complementary.  It seemed my entire family all agreed (did you all here that, we ALL AGRED.  WOW) that all we wanted was coffee.  


We will leave the Hotel at 09:15 AM for a 09:30 AM Covid-19 Test at the New NCL Terminal B.  I see no issues there.  I don't think they will board us until a minimum of 11:00 AM.  Who knows with the low guest count. 


Ground Transportation is two Ubers because four adults have to much luggage.  I gave everyone the 60, 54, and 30 minute warning.  They will all be late for sure.  What is an Anal Retentive Husband and Father to do.  Well, since Attitude make the cruise I say, "Chill baby, Chill."


Cruise well everyone. 

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So excited for you and your family!


One more request, in addition to Haven wine list. If you see any signs or papers with hours of the various Haven amenities, such as the lounge, pool, hot tubs, bars and restaurant,  I would love to know that information. I am am advance planner like you, and that info would be helpful.  

I’m also curious to know if there is ever any live music in the Haven. Trying to weigh the benefits of hanging out in the Haven with its awesome bar service vs. other bars that may have live music. 

Thank you! 

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4 hours ago, CarolinaMamma said:

So excited for you and your family!


One more request, in addition to Haven wine list. If you see any signs or papers with hours of the various Haven amenities, such as the lounge, pool, hot tubs, bars and restaurant,  I would love to know that information. I am am advance planner like you, and that info would be helpful.  

I’m also curious to know if there is ever any live music in the Haven. Trying to weigh the benefits of hanging out in the Haven with its awesome bar service vs. other bars that may have live music. 

Thank you! 

There is no live music in the Haven.

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10 hours ago, Yinster said:

Have you ever thought of writing Gary? You have a way with words and storytelling

I think in his Haven thread, he mentions he was a professional speaker until retirement. Definitely a natural at this. 

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20 hours ago, CarolinaMamma said:

So excited for you and your family!


One more request, in addition to Haven wine list. If you see any signs or papers with hours of the various Haven amenities, such as the lounge, pool, hot tubs, bars and restaurant,  I would love to know that information. I am am advance planner like you, and that info would be helpful.  

I’m also curious to know if there is ever any live music in the Haven. Trying to weigh the benefits of hanging out in the Haven with its awesome bar service vs. other bars that may have live music. 

Thank you! 





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Wonderful pre cruise info and so looking forward to your updates. I'm also a detailed planner with my own involved, family travel document. Like you, I do a lot of work up front and then just go with the flow once I'm on my vacation. My husband teases me, but he wasn't the single mom that showed up to a port with 2 copies of one kid's birth certificate and none of the other (I know, I know, I had ex husband reasons for not having their passports which is now resolved). With some ingenuity we did make it on the ship. I now keep copies of all documents on my phone as well as hard copies. 


At any rate we've sailed Haven on the Pearl in the past and I'm taking my kids on their first post COVID cruise in the Haven on the Encore in March. Since the Pearl Haven is more limited, I'm looking forward to reading about your experience on the Joy. 

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Saturday, November 27, 2021--Embarkment Day:

Strategy for the Day:

I always want to get to port and, on the ship, as early as possible.  Our embarkment times is 09:30 AM to 10:00 am. It allows us to tour new ships before it gets to crowded.  When you are in a Haven Suite, once on the ship, you can drop off your carryon luggage to your suite, even before your suite is ready. Nice PERK.

Pre-Cruise Breakfast-Miami Marriott: (08:30 AM to 09:30 AM)

We have complimentary breakfast at the Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay. We choose to skip it. My family hate hotel buffets and so all I get are complaints.  The real situation is the ship food, especially in the Haven Restaurant, will be quite good. So, lite breakfast and go to the port is really the emphasis. Still, nice PERK. We all had coffee.

Ground Transportation from Hotel: (09:30 AM)

It literally takes 7-minutes from the Hotel to the new Miami NCL Miami Terminal. It is just above $14.00 with an Uber. The difference in cost is because four people will need a bigger vehicle. Since it was Saturday morning, it was an easy reservation that was seamless.

Luggage Check-In: (09:45 AM)

The key to Luggage Check-In is having the tip ready.  Have it in your hand so the guys at the terminal can see it.  We have four (4) total guests so I give them $20.00 which they can see in my hand as I exit the Uber. Really that simple. Make sure every bag is tagged very well and they are still on the bags. Sometimes, just as we leave the hotel, I put the NCL provided tags on each bag even though I have my specially made tag on each. NCL allows you to download office luggage tags.  I use a plastic luggage tag item with a metal clasp that I buy from Amazon.  No lost luggage for us.

Embarkment Covid-19 Testing: (10:00 AM)

The more ships that sail, the quicker this process becomes.  The crew gets used to the flow and organization of it. Since we are in the Haven, I want to get to the testing site as early as possible (09:30 am – 10:00 am).  I want to get this over with quickly. The way this works is:

1.      21-days prior to the cruise you do the online Covid-19 test reservation.

2.      You receive a Barcode.  This barcode I print and put in my “Journey Document”.

3.      You go into a staging/waiting area at the terminal.

4.      Go on a line to provide your barcode. 

5.      You get tested.

6.      You wait for your approval number (Negative Covid Test Results) to be shown which is about 15 minutes. 

7.      All in all, about 30 minutes max.

8.      The issue is worrying about getting a positive test.

NOTE: Many people online in social media ask, “How early can I get to the port.” The answer is when the cruise brand gives you your time.  DON’T cut the line.  It messes up the flow and system that NCL puts in place.

Haven Check-In and Haven Miami Terminal Lounge: (10:30 AM)

My advice is to check and double check, you have done ALL the NCL online check in process completely.  Have copy with you especially with the boarding pass and CVS Covid-19 tests Barcodes.  I have a special folder with labeled sections with all my documents ready to show.  I also have a bond document call the “Family Journey Document” that has copies of everything. When you do your due diligence, this process is super quick and easy when at the port. 

This was about 35 minutes and longer than previous check ins of the Haven.  The key here is the Haven has their own security screening and check in.  Lots of Haven Guest checked in early.

The Miami Haven Terminal Lounge Review:

A lot has been said about the Haven Terminal Lounge.  My experience was as follows:

1.      NCL Escort: From the actual check-in, you are escorted to the New Haven Terminal Lounge.

2.      Food: The food and beverages are basic at best. Yet better than the alternative which is nothing.  I had a cold glass of water which was just fine. The Family had more coffee.

3.      Actual Terminal Lounge Room: The seating and room size is a very nice and much nicer then the NOLA Haven area.

4.      Priority Boarding: Haven Guest have priority boarding. You are escorted in small groups onboard when the ship is cleared to do so.  You go to your Muster Drill area for just a simple card check and then take the evalevator to Deck 17 entering the Haven Lounge. We were in the Haven Terminal Lounge at 11:00 AM.

5.      Overall Comments: The lounge is so much nicer then standing online in the terminal.  When the ship is ready for boarding, a Haven crew member escorts you on the ship. They take you to deck 17 where you entire the Haven Lounge.

On Board Haven Lounge: (Deck 17)

NCL Process: You go directly from the Miami NCL Terminal Haven Lounge to the ship.  Once in the ship an elevator is waiting for you to go directly to deck 17 which is the key card entrance of the Haven Lounge/Courtyard/Bar.

Food & Drink (11:00 AM): You can get a drink from the bar and remember, when at the Port of Miami they have to charge additional tax.  

Make Event Reservations with Haven Concierge (11:05 AM):  As you might know, I study my vacations and always have a strategic plan.  The only thing I had not accomplished in my plan was to reserve the Day and Times for the Go Carts, Lasor Tag, Virtual Reality, Spa Treatments and Shows.  Since we were on-board first, I did this immediately with the Haven Concierge.  Once this was done, my job of “Cruise Planner” was officially OVER. The weight was lifted from my shoulders.

Haven Welcome Talk (11:10 AM):  The Haven Concierge will provide you with some information and policies for the Haven.  Mostly it has to do with keeping the Haven exclusive to only Haven Guests.

Take a Self-Guided Tour (11:15 AM): After I put all our carry-on luggage in our suite, it was time to take a tour.  I did not want my family to see the suite until later, so I took all the bags.  I also lead the tour because it was one of the things I really wanted to do for my own enjoyment. We went to the Haven Courtyard, Horizon Lounge, Haven Restaurant to the Haven Sundeck on Deck 19.  There was still some time before lunch, so we went to where the Go-Cart track was, Water slides, Laser tag and Virtual Reality. 

Lunch (11:30 AM)—"The American Diner”:  This was NOT my first choice nor is it for most previous Haven guests.  This was my adult children’s choice, so I went along with it.  The American Diner is a day one lunch perk for Haven Guests. The first thing my brilliant wife did was ordered a bottle of Chardonnay which was included in the Premium Plus Beverage Package.  We took the bottle after a glass was poured back to the room for the Sail away. Here are my thoughts on this specialty restaurant.

1.      Food: We have a game we play called the Winner. Whom ever had the best food.  I got the Blue Plate Special and won.  Roast Beef, Mashed potato’s, Green Beans and gravy.  My wife got the fried seafood, my son got the burger and liked it.  My daughter got the Club.  Everyone liked the food, yet everyone said, “This was nice but not worth the specialty dining credit.”.

2.      Service:  Excellent however remember, these folks are still in training.  They are a little nervous. Smile and say thank you.  They will light up with Joy.

3.      Atmosphere:  Really fun atmosphere.  Reminds me of a scene in Pulp Fiction. Where they had dinner in a car.

Family Suite Tour and Unpack (01:30 PM): I asked my family to give me a few minutes with my GoPro to video the room.  I will do a YouTube.com video of the cruise. Then we all explored it and unpack our stuff.  Normally I do this very quick, NOT this time.  The suite is part of the excitement of this specific cruise.  We wanted to take it all in.  My goal was to find the butler and give them the letter and gratuity I have them. Many thought my planning was over the top.  Yet everything is done, nothing was left undone, and I have on the ship for just over an hour.  One issue.  My two adult children did not have the “Premium Drink Package” on their suite cards.  It took a while for me to get this fixed.  I got a little upset.  The first day of a cruise with as much work that I put into it and something is not right, makes me crazy.  They fixed it and I apologized to the Haven Concierge.

Sail Away (04:00 PM):  My daughter wanted to go to the Main Pool. When you go with your family, you must stay flexible.  Check that box, then for the whole reason I planned the first day, the balcony in our suite. This one was a no-brainer.  Where in the past I would go to the top deck, with a drink during the sail away.  This time and I don’t think anyone will blame me, my entire family got in lounge chairs, each with a drink in hand, and sat on our deck.  Our suite was looking away from the port and the view was spectacular. The butler brought us a snack tray (All Haven Suites got the same tray), the Haven Deluxe Owners Suite has a Full Bar, so alcoholic drinks were available. Simply awesome.  The goal was to go light on the drinks so as not to mess up our first evening which is always exciting.  I did not follow my own rules. 

For those of you that were considering the “Premium Plus Drink Package”.  Here is my first reference.  I had many, many shots (you don’t drink this as a shot, you sip it) of Don Julio 1942 Anejo Tequila.  This is over $30 a shot.  I paid for the Premium Plus Beverage Package on day one.  Not to mention, my wife got a bottle of wine that was wonderful at dinner and brought it back to the suite for night time veranda drinking.

Dinner (07:00 PM)—The Haven Restaurant:

1.      Food: I want everyone to know, I am tough on restaurants.  I am very picky.  So is my family.  The food, service and atmosphere was 10/10.  I had the Ahi Tuna for a starter, Prime Rib (GREAT), and Chocolate Cake for dessert.

2.      Service:  The best, simply the best. No crowds, No waiting.

3.      Atmosphere: Elegant yet casual.

Evening Entertainment:

The Beatles Story: Don’t miss it.  Really, GREAT.  We always sit in the back row to exit if the show is bad.  Had a GREAT TIME.

Comedy Club: Small venue that is perfect.  Come 15 minutes early.  Both comedians were Really Good.  Again, I am tough on entertainment.  Highly Recommended.

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Wow, that wine list really limits the wines by the glass that those with the regular drink package can get without a surcharge.  And I am surprised how few bottles are available for free to those who have paid for the plus package.  Am I reading that right - if the wine doesn’t have a star next to it, you can’t get it by the bottle for free?  Yikes!

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44 minutes ago, a1betpr said:

Wow, that wine list really limits the wines by the glass that those with the regular drink package can get without a surcharge.  And I am surprised how few bottles are available for free to those who have paid for the plus package.  Am I reading that right - if the wine doesn’t have a star next to it, you can’t get it by the bottle for free?  Yikes!

Correct, but you do get a discount.

  • For non-select bottles of wine (champagne and sparkling included), “Wine and Spirit Experiences”, tastings, and flights, guest will receive a 40% discount when purchased on board.
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I've been trying to decide if upgrading to the plus drink package is worth it. Potentially being able to just bring a bottle back to the room could make that worthwhile, but it's approximately $500 for the 2 of us to upgrade, so I'd need to do that every day. Hrm.

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