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The Daily for Sunday November 07, 2021


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  We don't move our clocks either forward or backward, which is nice, but we have to try to remember what time it is where our friends and family live.  Bittersweet chocolate almonds are great, just don't get fingerprints on the book you're reading!  Canine Lymphoma is a sad disease; hopefully none of our Daily pets contract it.  Hooray for Little League Girls!


It's still an hour till the sun comes up, but it looks like we'll have a nice day ahead of us.  Our plan is to go into the back yard and pick up all the little ornamental apples that have fallen from our neighbour's tree so they don't ruin the lawn in the spring.  The acid in them really wreaks havoc with the grass, and they are terrible when you accidentally step on them - squish.  LOL   Last year I bought DH a "nut grabber" for Father's Day which really works well to collect those little red marbles - it'll get a good workout today.


Neither of us is a fan of polenta, so I'll be taking a pass on today's menu suggestion.  DH mentioned that we haven't had omelettes in a while, so I'll be making a big batch of what I call "omelet mix" made with cut up canned green & yellow beans, diced onions, mushrooms, and bacon.  I fry everything up, then package it into snack size zip-top bags and toss them into the freezer.  1 bag is enough to make an omelet for each of us.  DH will make the toast (he's good at that), and that will be our dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  We'll clink the glasses together to salute everyone on the celebration list.  Stay well, be safe, wash your hands and wear your masks.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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37 minutes ago, summer slope said:

@NCTribeFanwhere did you buy it?  Needy this morning. 


I know your question was answered but here is a thread on it - in case it is of help - I think buying it is covered in it?




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Good morning  to all.I am not a polenta fan and will pass on the recipe.Like @ger_77,I was planning omelets  for dinner tonight to feed the group.I admire your organization  Gerry!

It was 35 when the dogs and I ventured outside but will hopefully  reach 50 today.I put together a batch of brownies  with our starving teenaged guest in mind.It always amazes  me how much boys eat at 13!

Tana will be in the hospital for a bit but told me last night on the phone that she is very grateful  for the group prayers.We all are.

I have been to Bali in my dreams only so I look forward  to pictures. 


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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  The rulers of the house didn’t get the time change notice, they got breakfast at 4 am.  I may need a nap later.  We did manage to get a lot of leaves picked up and bagged yesterday.  Yesterday’s sail away was fun to watch, lots of toots.


 While running errands the queen of the house, Ashlee, tried one of the new beds and spent the afternoon there.


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Good morning from Quartzsite where it is partly cloudy and warming up.


As I have mentioned a few times, I'm a chocoholic, but I'm not a fan of bittersweet chocolate.  Most days, I find time to read a good book and have a few small pieces of dark chocolate with almonds to go with it.  A glass of red wine then would be good, but it probably would be too early in the day.  I'll salute girls who play little league.  Canine lymphoma awareness is important.  


The E. B. White quote unfortunately is very true.  I try my best not to make snap judgements since they can be very wrong.


The meal sounds good, and I like some polenta, but DH is not a polenta fan.  We both like sauted mushrooms.  I'll pass the recipe along to my vegetarian DD.  The drink and wine sound interesting, but the wine is pricey.  


@dfish   😱   Yikes, Debbie.about the furnace.  Hope you can get it fixed soon.

@kazu  Jacqui, I loved the cruise buffet meme.  Hope I don't resemble that after our cruise. 😉

@smitty34877  Thank you for the update on Tana.


We have been to Bali once in 2000 on the P&O world cruise.  We tendered, and I don't think it was at Benoa.  Another couple invided us to share a taxi for the day with them.  We saw a lot more of the island than most people who took tours.  It was a very interesting and fun day.


I will need to split the pictures into two gorups and post them separately.


Approaching Bali




Greeters at the tender dock



The majority of the population on Bali are Hindu. and there are personal shrines at most businesses and homes.  This shrine was at the gas station where the driver stopped.



There are interesting statues along the roads.



I think this was our shopping stop.



Our driver took us to the Scared Monkey Forest, which is a santuary and old temple.  The monkeys know the tourists will feed them bananas.  Our driver bought each of us a small bunch and warned us to only hold out one banana at a time as the monkeys can be a little agressive trying to get the bananas.  We finally had to give several bananas to one monkey.





A mother and her baby.P2230337.thumb.JPG.24f97985cf7277d289838affa9a45fdf.JPG


The temple in the monkey forest.  We were required to cover our legs since we had on shorts, but they provided a cloth we could tie around our waist.




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Good Morning All,

We have low clouds, but not fog, at the moment. Will be heading out to church to work in the tech booth. I’m assigned to cameras today, so hopefully I won’t accidentally put up a close up of our pastor’s shoes, like I did my first time.image.png.56a5cdd889f5717422e81599cfdca08c.png

2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Was reading the paper this morning and saw the testing site we planned to use for our Jan. 2 cruise is closed on the 31st. of December.  Now scrambling to find another site.  I know it's needed but so stressful for the beginning of a relaxing cruise.

I’m toying with the idea of doing a cruise from San Diego either Dec 23 or January 2, and this issue has me concerned too. If I do it, I’d use the online service most likely. Other considerations for me are where we will be with our yard project. And whether HAL will really offer the Tompolabompa train shorex on the December 23nd sailing (with covid).

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, all! Buenos Dias from Puerto Vallarta. Interesting collection of days. Far too many people seem to live by that quote. I do like polenta! We’ve been to Bali twice, once on the Volendam, and once for a vacation with DD and (now former) SIL. DD and I did the climb up Mt. Batur to see the sunrise. It is a steep hike with clambering up and over boulders towards the summit. It is not an actual ropes and pitons climb. Still, it was quite strenuous (by my standards) and I’d trained for it for months ahead of time. While we waited in the dark at the summit for sunrise, our guide made us coffee and hard boiled eggs over a steam vent from the volcano. My legs were NOT happy with me, and told me so for days afterwards.

The reward of seeing sunrise from the summit.


DD and I about to start back down.


DH and I at the resort on the North east coast where we spent the first few days.


Drinking Wild Luwak Coffee in the market in Ubud.


The Southern Cross, which I long to see again!


Fresh picked,  juicy red Dragonfruit from a roadside vendor. 


And in Mexico, enjoying the beach yesterday.


We are now in the place we’re staying for the rest of our holiday. Last night we said farewell to the Westerdam as she sailed off into the sunset….


.. taking with her our BHB elevator mats. Happy Sunday!



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3 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good Sunday morning.  Turned the clocks back last night so we wouldn't forget.  Love chocolate and books.  Congrats to the girls little league.  Can't celebrate Canine Lymphoma, such a sad disease.  Interesting quote and meal.

Was reading the paper this morning and saw the testing site we planned to use for our Jan. 2 cruise is closed on the 31st. of December.  Now scrambling to find another site.  I know it's needed but so stressful for the beginning of a relaxing cruise.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Tequila Sour:

2 Ounce(s) Blanco tequila
3/4 Ounce(s) Fresh lemon juice
3/4 Ounce(s) Simple Syrup
Lemon half-wheel, maraschino cherry
Shake with ice and strain into chilled sour glass. Garnish with lemon and cherry. Serve in a Cordial or Pony Glass.


Screen Shot 2021-11-07 at 7.39.54 AM.png

Never had this one but let me tell you the HAL bartenders make great Whiskey Sours.

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


I know your question was answered but here is a thread on it - in case it is of help - I think buying it is covered in it?





I just ordered a 6 pack from emed. 6 pack was $150. Fed ex overnight $15.32.

Questionnaire asked why I needed the test. Cruise is listed. We were approved, however the "prescription " needs approval through an emed person. They will email the prescription to you. I added Allen and myself for testing and viola! Done. There's a caption on the 1st page that says tests are good through February. To keep product between 35.6 to 86 degrees. We cruise Dec 12th. I don't know what other information I can share.

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:



@JAM37it sounds like a complete renovation going on at your house.  It will be like a new home when you've finished.  You'll need a cruise to reward yourselves when it's completed!



Yes, we changed the floor plan and took it down to the studs including the ceilings. Not sure everything will be done downstairs and outside before our December cruise, but it will be a treat and a way to re-energize.


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Here are the remaining pictures of our day in Bali.  We were supposed to be there in 2002 on Volendam's APEC cruise.  The port was canceled after the nightclub bombing.  Captain Peter Harris sailed close enough to Bali for us to take a few pictures of the island.  It was a very grey, cloudy day, and the pictures are not good enough to share.


I'm pretty sure we were the only four people on the ship who got to see how the Balinese live.  Our driver took us to his family's home, which is really a compound.  His brother's job is carving masks which someone else paints before the "big boss" sells them to the shops.  We got to see the brother carving a mask out of balsa wood.  After much discussion, the brother agreed to sell us an unpainted mask.  He was afraid he would get in trouble with his boss, but in the end each couple walked away with a mask.  It means more to me than a finished one I could buy in a store.



Notice the chickens in the cages.





Our next stop was Klungkung, a former royal palace.




One the way back to the tender pier. 




At the tender dock.



Some of the girls who danced for the passengers as they shopped.  If you did not want to be hassled, you kept your eyes off the items for sale.



We wanted one of the large, decorative kites for sale on the island, but knew we couldn't get it home on the plane.  Ironically, we found one in Quartzsite the next winter, and it's hanging on our livingroom wall.  Good thing the ceiling is 17 feet high.




Our driver for the day stopped on the way back to the tender, and asked us to pay him then.  He, along with other drivers, lived with the owner of the car.  If we paid him at the dock and tipped him (which we did ), the owner would see the transaction and want all the money.  By paying before the final stop at the dock, he got to keep the tip.  We also had to get back a little earlier than necessary, as the driver had to be at the owner's house in time for the evening meal.  If he arrived after the meal, he would not be fed that night.




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9 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Yes, we changed the floor plan and took it down to the studs including the ceilings. Not sure everything will be done downstairs and outside before our December cruise, but it will be a treat and a way to re-energize.



Wow, Julia.  When you first said fixer-upper, you really meant it.  Hats off to both of you for tackling such a big project.  It's more that either of us would ever want to do.  I know you will really enjoy it when the project is finished.  Can't wait to see pictures of the finished house.





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Good Morning.Thaks for the daily and the care lists.

We set our clocks back last night - did the car this morning, so we are now "compliant".

It is a cold (by our standards) windy day here. A perfect dsy for chocolate and a book (along with a nice glass of wine).I have had the horrible experience of losing a beautiful young Goldern Retriever to cancer some ten years ago. The hurt is still there. Awareness of cancer for all of us and our loving animal campanions is so important.

My daughter was a pretty good ball player. I taught her the basics and coached her in T-Ball. She never got to play Little Laeague but was on her High School Softball Team. One of the very special times was when we played together on a team in a "mixed softball league" 

The meal suggestion looks great but I would have it as a side along with a nice grilled steak.

Two weeks from today is our embarkation day on the Nieuw Statendam. Getting really anxious.

Stay safe everyone

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Well, I apologize for leaving you hanging, but DH was really READY to go and run our errands so I had to drop everything to go along.  He needed help picking out the frozen turkey breast we'll prepare for Thanksgiving.  Didn't trust his own judgement!😄


November 23, 2013 on Diamond Princess.  I see from Roy's photo they switch out the signs at the cruise terminal for each cruise line, as they should.  They are probably very happy to see these ships come into port.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKzjk6fuYVlcyLe9OW9ZZPP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388702246






We were lucky this trip to have a couple from Australia on board whom we'd met in 2010 on a Princess ship.  He had hired a driver for this port who would drive them around to see the sights, and they asked if we'd like to go along.  Yes!  First we drove to the Pura Gunung Kawi temple.  Here, the cliffs flanking the Packerisan river feature shrines carved into stone honoring kings and queens from the 11th century. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKUqBrHUmupGtgeGNMVhIwU?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388702335








It was beautiful!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLTWZxbenYXenbWgOSJTJxM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388702367






It was so peaceful there.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI9Y014FCiASFIEdo-N1Xy5?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388702435


Then we went to Tirta Empul temple.  The sacred spring there provides holy water for priests and bathing for ordinary Balinese, who believe that a dip here can bring good fortune and health.  An offering must first be made at the temple before you can climb into the long main pool to bathe and meditate.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKUUS7jsol3CQ8qAKlkARrW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388702473












This photo was taken from the car on the way to the volcano.  As Lenda mentioned the Balinese prepare and decorate a penjor made from a long bamboo pole hung vertically in front of their home.  They can be up to 10 meters high and they droop and hang over the roads making a beautiful sight.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK8ERI48pI3vX3fu2m2fhnl?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388702537


We didn't get real close to the volcano, Mount Batur, because it's active.  Instead we viewed it from the village of Penelokan.  Here is a misty view of the Mount Batur and Lake Batur.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKmN1LCvZfdU1TEGStwmQGI?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388702547




That's all for today.  I hope this gives you a glimpse of Benoa and the surrounding area.  

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6 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well, I apologize for leaving you hanging, but DH was really READY to go and run our errands so I had to drop everything to go along.


Never apologize for any delay in pictures.  You always have great ones and we appreciate you taking the time to post them 👍. We’ll happily wait and appreciate you sharing 👍 

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While aboard MS Amsterdam in 2019, we stopped at Benoa for a day of touring. We toured two Hindu temples as well as an ancient palace.  We had lunch at a location overlooking some rice fields.






























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44 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Yes, we changed the floor plan and took it down to the studs including the ceilings. Not sure everything will be done downstairs and outside before our December cruise, but it will be a treat and a way to re-energize.



Wow!  Yes you do have a lot to do.  I can understand how frustrating it was while you had Covid in the house and couldn't work.  Please remember to take photos of it when you're finished to show us.

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22 minutes ago, kazu said:


Never apologize for any delay in pictures.  You always have great ones and we appreciate you taking the time to post them 👍. We’ll happily wait and appreciate you sharing 👍 


Thanks Jacqui!    It actually takes you longer to do than you think when you get started.  


Also in looking at @Quartzsite Cruiser  Lenda's photos again I see she wasn't talking about the penjors made of bamboo, but of the shrines placed at homes and businesses.  It's really a fascinating place.

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24 minutes ago, Mtn2Sea said:

While aboard MS Amsterdam in 2019, we stopped at Benoa for a day of touring. We toured two Hindu temples as well as an ancient palace.  We had lunch at a location overlooking some rice fields.































I've enjoyed seeing all the photos today of Bali.  Thanks so much to you and Lenda.

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