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Canadians off RC cruise in quarantine


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Jessy, I have a question for you. When you wrote that a company came to the Embassy suites , to preform your most recent PCR test, was that because of your husbands positive test? Or is that just a service that is offered in the States? And tests were free? wow. WE just paid $149 each for the LAMP tests to take with us, but thinking we might need more to get home ( if positive)- if we have to take multiple tests?

I ask because, we are hoping to get away in March. We cancelled our cruise that we had booked to the ABC islands (😔), but kept the flights hoping to spend the week in San Juan. Reading your story and thinking the lovely unmasked coughing  passenger sitting behind you on your transfer might have been the source of infection for your husband, it makes me want just stay away from any shared rides or transfers, but if we do test positive, and are quarantined, we will need to book these PCR tests, without leaving our room, right? Not sure how it will all work in the States. 

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31 minutes ago, son3cruisers said:

Jessy, I have a question for you. When you wrote that a company came to the Embassy suites , to preform your most recent PCR test, was that because of your husbands positive test? Or is that just a service that is offered in the States? And tests were free? wow. WE just paid $149 each for the LAMP tests to take with us, but thinking we might need more to get home ( if positive)- if we have to take multiple tests?

I ask because, we are hoping to get away in March. We cancelled our cruise that we had booked to the ABC islands (😔), but kept the flights hoping to spend the week in San Juan. Reading your story and thinking the lovely unmasked coughing  passenger sitting behind you on your transfer might have been the source of infection for your husband, it makes me want just stay away from any shared rides or transfers, but if we do test positive, and are quarantined, we will need to book these PCR tests, without leaving our room, right? Not sure how it will all work in the States. 

This is the company that came to the hotel to do the test: BeeperMD - Free At-Home Urgent Care and Testing for Covid-19


It is my understanding they operate in NY and Florida so would not work in San Juan unfortuantely.  This CBC article mentions BeeperMD: How some Canadian travellers are getting free COVID-19 tests in the U.S. to return home | CBC News


It appears they take US Health insurance if you have it, but if you do not they are completely free.  I just had to fill in my information, certify I did not have US health insurance by digitally signing the site and I had to upload my drivers license.


I could have gone anywhere, but just decided to take a PCR test today to be safe and it was free and convenient to have them come here.  I have been allowed to leave the hotel since Day 1 and Paul has been allowed since yesterday.  The rapid PCR test is not free.  The one I took today said results in 24-36 hours.  Depending on how long it takes I might or might not take the same test on Friday.



I had bought RT-LAMP from Switch health too but did not bring them with us because RCL was still providing PCR tests for us to return home at the departure terminal, or at least they would have if we were actually departing the cruise we were supposed to be on 1/23/22


When we cruise again in the future I will be steering FAR away from shared shuttles

Screenshot 2022-01-19 171445 - Copy.jpg

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I have been following along and you are taking this all so well and being 'Canadian' about it.  I wish you and your husband all the best.  Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all your updates.  We are sitting in our hotel right now in Baltimore waiting to board our very first cruise tomorrow so your thread has been wonderful for us (not the positive results of course).


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1 hour ago, edrussell said:

I have been following along and you are taking this all so well and being 'Canadian' about it.  I wish you and your husband all the best.  Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all your updates.  We are sitting in our hotel right now in Baltimore waiting to board our very first cruise tomorrow so your thread has been wonderful for us (not the positive results of course).


Hello fellow Canadians,


I am cruising on the Enchantment in February and trying to figure out my best option for post cruise PCR testing. I am considering the Switch LAMP test but am concerned about the ship internet reliability so want to have a plan B. Would you mind posting in the February 25 thread the information on booking and taking the PCR test on the pier including the cost.  

Thank you very much. 

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56 minutes ago, JessyCruises said:

We were able to fly home today.  I cannot wait to sleep a night in my own bed! 


We had no issues at all today, thankfully!

That's fantastic welcome back to your own bed, thank you so much for all your valuable information, patience and incredible positive attitude you shared with us all, we don't cruise till April B2B, hoping rules will be somewhat less stressful then.  

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Just wanted to come back with an update.  When we landed in Montreal yesterday and went through customs before our connection, I got flagged for a PCR test. I assume it was because Paul had tested positive 1/13, but it might have been random.  It was no big deal and only took about 5 minutes.  Hence why I said no issues...


Well, the bad news is that I got the test back today and it was positive.  I woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather and took an antigen test which was positive so I kinda figured the + was coming...

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9 hours ago, JessyCruises said:

Just wanted to come back with an update.  When we landed in Montreal yesterday and went through customs before our connection, I got flagged for a PCR test. I assume it was because Paul had tested positive 1/13, but it might have been random.  It was no big deal and only took about 5 minutes.  Hence why I said no issues...


Well, the bad news is that I got the test back today and it was positive.  I woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather and took an antigen test which was positive so I kinda figured the + was coming...

I've been following your thread and stressing about you coming up positive before you got home.  I can't believe you made it all that time only to be positive now.  At least you are home now though. 
Hope your symptoms are mild. 
I do appreciate your threads.  We are still planning to go but it made me consider what we would do if one of us ends up positive and other the other.  Or worst case, if our son ends up positive because then one of us will have to stay with him for sure. 

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9 hours ago, JessyCruises said:

Just wanted to come back with an update.  When we landed in Montreal yesterday and went through customs before our connection, I got flagged for a PCR test. I assume it was because Paul had tested positive 1/13, but it might have been random.  It was no big deal and only took about 5 minutes.  Hence why I said no issues...


Well, the bad news is that I got the test back today and it was positive.  I woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather and took an antigen test which was positive so I kinda figured the + was coming...

Good to hear you're home...Hopefully the symptoms pass quickly.

Based on the current assumptions of how long this strain is contagious, you caught this in Florida during your quarantine and not from Paul.  Seems tough to believe (not your facts, they are clear) that two people sharing a hotel room don't share it but going out for dinner catch it.  I guess they are still guessing at how long it sticks around.

Bottom line is that you were one day away from staying another 11 days.  Something we all need to take into account when we are travelling with a bigger group.

Again, thanks for your research and keeping us up to date with your progress.  Get well soon.

Edited by CKCruising
Sounded judgy
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2 minutes ago, CKCruising said:

Good to hear you're home...Hopefully the symptoms pass quickly.

Based on the current assumptions of how long this strain is contagious, you caught this in Florida during your quarantine and not from Paul.  Seems tough to believe (not your facts, they are clear) that two people sharing a hotel room don't share it but going out for dinner catch it.  I guess they are still guessing at how long it sticks around.

Bottom line is that you were one day away from staying another 11 days.  Something we all need to take into account when we are travelling with a bigger group.

Again, thanks for your research and keeping us up to date with your progress.  Get well soon.

It is so odd. 


I have had two families of 4 I know have someone contract Covid.  All but one in the family ended up with it. All vaxxed. 
Another person I know picked up his kids from his ex-wife, went to his mother's house for supper.  45 minutes later got a call that the ex-wife's girlfriend was positive.  Ex wife got it, he got it, two kids, his mother and her partner.  But his live in girlfriend who was with all of them the whole time didn't. 
All vaccinated (kids may not be fully due to age at this time). 

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19 minutes ago, 1kaper said:

It is so odd. 


I have had two families of 4 I know have someone contract Covid.  All but one in the family ended up with it. All vaxxed. 
Another person I know picked up his kids from his ex-wife, went to his mother's house for supper.  45 minutes later got a call that the ex-wife's girlfriend was positive.  Ex wife got it, he got it, two kids, his mother and her partner.  But his live in girlfriend who was with all of them the whole time didn't. 
All vaccinated (kids may not be fully due to age at this time). 

It does all seem random at times. My guess is that we all have differing levels of immunity whether natural, from more recent boosters, etc. 
it does sound like Jessy got this in Florida right before leaving, rather than from Paul since the timeline for him to be contagious would have been over soon after they arrived at their hotel. She’s only sick now. Hope she feels better soon.

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My sister who is a lab tech at a hospital asked me a strange question yesterday.  She wanted to know if I was wearing contacts for our whole trip.  I said yes except for one night in Florida on Thursday when we went out for dinner.  I always put them in when I get up and take them out when I go to bed and I wear a new set everyday.  I cannot stand wearing my glasses and a mask because of the fogging, but I could not be bothered on Thursday.  My sister said that they are thinking omnicron can use the eyes as a transmission route.  That sounds like whackadoo theory to me - I just listened to a podcast a few weeks ago where they were  talking about the dark ages and people thinking the plague was transmitted through the eyes.  Who the heck knows.  Maybe my contact wearing protected my eyes except for that one night in Florida?  And I did not catch it at night when I took out my contacts because my eyes were closed?   🤣

Edited by JessyCruises
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Being an airborne virus it would not be surprising that eyes were an avenue of infection. 


There seems to be some debate over the advisability of wearing contact lenses in covid rich settings. Sadly there does not appear to be much actual research in this area. Just a lot of speculation and informed speculation.




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Got a call from a screener at the Govt of Canada to give me a rundown today.  Apparently I have to quarantine for 10 days, not 5.  


I also got the email below just now which says I need to isolate for 14 days, not 10.  Clear as mud...


Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

An Emergency Order under the Quarantine Act that applies to all travellers arriving in Canada is currently in force. As such, you are required by law to follow the directions you were provided at the port of entry regarding your quarantine and testing obligations.

This message is to remind you that you must follow the requirements outlined in this email that apply to your situation, as were determined when you entered Canada.


  1. Were randomly selected to complete COVID-19 molecular testing; AND,
  2. In the 14 days before your arrival in Canada, you were in a country OTHER THAN Canada and the United States


  • quarantine for 14 days starting on your date of entry in Canada OR until you have received a negative test result from the day 1 COVID-19 molecular test, whichever comes first;
  • report your arrival at your place of quarantine within 48 hours after entering Canada by calling the Public Health Agency of Canada at 1-833-641-0343; and
  • report your COVID-19 symptoms status daily for 14 days starting on your date of entry in Canada OR until you have received a negative test result by calling the Public Health Agency of Canada at 1-833-641-0343


  1. Were randomly selected to complete COVID-19 molecular testing; AND,
  2. In the 14 days before your arrival in Canada, you were ONLY in the United States or Canada


  • complete the DAY 1 test within 24 hours of entering Canada;
  • for the 14 days after you entered Canada, monitor yourself for symptoms of COVID-19; and
  • maintain a list of the names and contact information of every person you have come into close contact with during the 14-day period AND all of the places you have been


  1. Were NOT randomly selected to complete COVID-19 molecular testing


  • for the 14 days after you entered Canada, monitor yourself for symptoms of COVID-19; and
  • maintain a list of the names and contact information of every person you have come into close contact with during the 14-day period AND all of the places you have been

For the 14 days after you entered Canada, if you test positive for COVID-19 or develop symptoms, you must:

  • immediately isolate yourself from other members of your household for a period of 10 days that starts from the day you received your positive test result, swabbed your nose, or developed symptoms;
  • report your symptoms or positive test to the Minister of Health by calling 1-833-641-0343; and
  • contact your local public health authority.

For 14 days after entering Canada, unvaccinated children under 12 who entered Canada with vaccinated guardians, must:

A screening officer may contact you to confirm your compliance with these requirements. Failure to comply may result in fines of up to $5000 and/or transfer to a designated quarantine facility.

We urge you to be diligent in meeting these requirements; this will help slow the spread of the virus and save lives.

Thank you for continuing to do your part!

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1 hour ago, JessyCruises said:

Got a call from a screener at the Govt of Canada to give me a rundown today.  Apparently I have to quarantine for 10 days, not 5.  


I also got the email below just now which says I need to isolate for 14 days, not 10.  Clear as mud...

For some reason I’m not surprised. Maybe this was the “portal to hell” we joked about on your live review. 

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So the Covid police just showed up at my house.  I had to talk to them through the master bedroom window as I am self isolating in our master suite.  I had to show my ID through the bedroom window.  Good thing our Condo is on the street level 😁


Sorry that I am posting the same stuff on my live and here but I know now everyone here is on the RCL thread.  

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