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This is what Covid Quarentine looks like


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On Marina deck 7 all staterooms 7082/7085  forward are curtained off. The small veranda tables “barricade” the doors. Staff are coming and going all day in masks, gowns, and gloves delivering trays and red bagging all trash as hazardous waste disposal. We have no idea how many of these rooms are occupied and will not be asking. 

Marina is currently sailing with approximately 800 guests onboard. Much of what we remember is still here and the service wonderful. Pinotlover I do miss that seeded roll. There are some things that have changed, been altered or deleted, maybe not permanently. 

this will not be an ongoing review so don’t ask a lot of questions. Typing on my phone makes my thumbs very fatigued. I’ll attempt to be more responsive once we get home.   -Katie



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Thank you for this.  Oh my, we’re on board and had no idea. We keep wearing our masks. I hope everyone is all right. 
We did hear a story about someone who refused to isolate and was put ashore!

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26 minutes ago, KatieBelle said:

On Marina deck 7 all staterooms 7082/7085  forward are curtained off. The small veranda tables “barricade” the doors. Staff are coming and going all day in masks, gowns, and gloves delivering trays and red bagging all trash as hazardous waste disposal. We have no idea how many of these rooms are occupied and will not be asking. 


Are you in quarantine?  or just taking photos?


I feel sorry for the crew  between having to dress in  gowns/masks etc  & worry about catching something from PAX


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24 minutes ago, BWV said:

We did hear a story about someone who refused to isolate and was put ashore!

So they should have been put off  if they are positive  & not willing to isolate



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It was nothing like that on the Nautica.  Whenever we needed anything we just called and had red bags to place our trash in it.  We also had the opportunity to get our stateroom cleaned and order food from any restaurant.  We were treated very well.


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1 hour ago, LHT28 said:

So they should have been put off  if they are positive  & not willing to isolate



If O would allow people to quarantine in their own cabin instead of being moved to a different one maybe more people would be willing to isolate.This is why more and more people on all the cruise lines are not reporting to the medical center if they start having symptoms. They are self treating and self isolating and not getting tested. No one is willing to be put in an inside or outside quarantine cabin, especially if they had a veranda or better cabin booked.


Me, I'd rather be put off the ship than spend my cruise quarantined. If I have insurance I will get a refund of the unused portion of the cruise and will just stay in a hotel until I can fly home.

Edited by susiesan
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When I was on Marina a few weeks ago we were in 7084 and 7082 as they were accessible. This deck appeared to (apart from us) exclusively for staff quarantining before starting contracts. The tables and red bags were also evident but a quick nosey at mail drops left on the tables shopped that the cabins were being used with staff. 


You will see staff hazmatted up to do medical tests on staff. I am sot sure they would let people into active infection quarantine areas. 

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1 hour ago, susiesan said:

If O would allow people to quarantine in their own cabin instead of being moved to a different one maybe more people would be willing to isolate.This is why more and more people on all the cruise lines are not reporting to the medical center if they start having symptoms. They are self treating and self isolating and not getting tested. No one is willing to be put in an inside or outside quarantine cabin, especially if they had a veranda or better cabin booked.


Me, I'd rather be put off the ship than spend my cruise quarantined. If I have insurance I will get a refund of the unused portion of the cruise and will just stay in a hotel until I can fly home.

As has been reported, on O you do remain in your cabin unless you are in inside or Oceanview, then you are moved to a verandah cabin

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Here's my experience in quarantine.   It was pretty awful.  I tested negative three times before leaving Des Moines and my husband tested twice negative.  They lost my test in Des Moines and I had to be retested in Istanbul.  It was $30 each for the antigen test to get into Turkey who didn't even want the test results and $90 each for the PCR tests that Israel required to board the ship.  My second PCR test in Istanbul was a bargain at $24 USD.  I can't get the money back from the Des Moines test because although they said we'd have results within 24 hours they said they had 72 hours to provide them.  That was one hour before we boarded the ship.  A little too close for comfort.  And after all it's just money.


We filled out all the electronic paperwork needed to enter Israel but a day before we reached Israel they wanted even more.   This was required to enter Israel.  The computer room on Sirena was full and the staff on deck five were busy trying to help everyone fill out the forms. After several hours we finished the forms, missed happy hour but were just happy to be done.  


We docked in Israel and went to be tested.  We docked in the morning and many people had tours planned for that day but since Israel would only accept tests administered by their medical personal it was 5:00 before people could leave the ship.  But we couldn't because we tested positive.


Quarantine wasn't all sunshine and lollipops.  We were in an inside cabin which we chose ourselves.  Until this point we were very happy with it.  It was quiet and dark and we're the kind of cruisers who get up early in the morning, bag our day bag and head up and don't hit the room again until we get ready for dinner and then come back and go to bed.  We had extra money to spend on a drink package and massages and the things that are important to us.


I called reception to ask for a balcony cabin for our quarantine period.  I was told we could have one but we would have to pay for it.  My husband said he didn't care what it cost but he couldn't go five days without seeing sunshine.  They moved us across the hall at midnight.  They said it would be at 8:00 but we waited four hours so we wouldn't upset other passengers to see they had the equivalent of lepers on their dream vacation.


We were not sick.  We never had a fever or any symptoms but we know rules are rules and we followed them.  We were told we could order from room service or the so called Grand Dining Room.  We had the beverage program where we could have wine and beer with lunch and dinner.  I also had upgraded to the prestige beverage package.  I called the reception desk where the management is always right and the customer is always wrong and asked if we still had our beverage package.  She was gleeful in telling me "No, the beverage package is only good in person and there is no refund."  I think she told me there was no refund at least four times.  I called the concierge who told me the drink package was still available to us and no we didn't have to pay for our so called upgrade to a veranda cabin.


We really didn't have any choice but to make the most of it so we ordered food from the dining room which was always lukewarm and we did have our own little happy hour around 5:00.  The first day we ordered 3 margaritas and potato chips.  Two were for me because it was 2 for 1 time and one was for my husband.  When I ordered them I told the person in room service that I had the BIB or prestige package and my husband didn't and we knew my husband would have to pay for his.  They came we enjoyed them and then there was a knock at the door.  Three more margaritas and potato chips.  We'd ordered dinner with wine and really didn't want them but we were stupid enough to think Oceania was doing something nice for us.  Later that night we drank them.  When you're in quarantine and watching your fifth movie of the day you'll do lots of things you normally wouldn't do.


Next day we looked at our expenditures on the TV and found out we'd spend $96 on drinks the day before.  I once again called reception where I was chastised for yelling at her, believe I wasn't although I was angry.  She asked if we had consumed the second round of drinks to which I told her the truth and told her we had.  I was told,   "If you consume them then you must pay for them.


Another call to the concierge.  We didn't have to pay for them and the next day I received a call from the beverage manager with an apology.  We didn't have to pay for the drinks


Well after four days in quarantine and mainly eating bread and cheese for breakfast because cold eggs aren't that good our cabin was just disgusting.  I'd had to wipe things down with shampoo and water in the sink and the carpet was really bad.  I called housekeeping for a vacuum cleaner.  I was called back a few minutes later to be told I couldn't have one because I would contaminate it.  Another email to the concierge and about 30 minutes later I had one.


I told him in my last email that covid is not spread by touch and if they were worried about that then all they had to do was wipe it down when I left it outside my door.  Every morning I handed the ice bucket to our room attendant directly and there was never a problem with that.


The concierge told me in his last email he would like to visit with me once we were out of quarantine.  Guess what,  I never heard from him again.  


We did test negative after the second test on the 6th day.  We were free for 3 days until we had to test again to be able to fly to the US.  Guess what, we were both positive again and after going to the medical center we were tested once again and this is where the miracle happens.  Two hours later we were both negative.  Thank you Jesus.


This is why we're not trusting cruising right away.











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3 hours ago, susiesan said:

If O would allow people to quarantine in their own cabin instead of being moved to a different one maybe more people would be willing to isolate.This is why more and more people on all the cruise lines are not reporting to the medical center if they start having symptoms. They are self treating and self isolating and not getting tested. No one is willing to be put in an inside or outside quarantine cabin, especially if they had a veranda or better cabin booked.


Me, I'd rather be put off the ship than spend my cruise quarantined. If I have insurance I will get a refund of the unused portion of the cruise and will just stay in a hotel until I can fly home.


I wonder how universally accurate the part that has been bolded actually is.  Assuming that they actually do self-isolate, what do they tell their room stewards, or to they just expose them too?


The point of testing and finding out you are positive is less to do with treating you than it is to make sure that you, as being infectious, do not spread it around to and infect your fellow passengers and the crew including your room stewards.

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Since my husband and I both tested positive we were permitted to remain in our own cabin on the Nautica.  We were in a PH.  We were allowed to order from any restaurant on the ship.  We would just call the butler and the meals would arrive on a trolley with a knock on the door.  We would take the tray and bring it in.  When done we would call and would do the process in reverse.  The food was not piping hot but it was acceptably warm.  If only I had an appetite.

We did not have a beverage package, but were told we could not have alcohol because we were taking meds.  So we did not.  Until we got tired of that and were sent a complimentary bottle of wine by the GM and two bottles of champagne.  We did bring wine on board so we did have enough should we have cared to consume it.

We asked to have our room serviced and the linens changed.  They came in their space suits and serviced the room as often as we asked.  Only asked twice.  We sat on the verandah while they did that.

We were visited by the medical staff daily to take our vital signs.  The doctor visited us twice and called daily.  The GM called every day to see if we needed any thing as did housekeeping.

We had no complaints about the way we were treated.

i am sorry others were not treated as well.

I have to give Oceania Nautica high marks for the way we were cared for during our quarantine.



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I am not sure it was between the rich and poor.   The PH was our room of choice.  

People decide to spend their money in different ways.  i would never spend my cruise dollars on a beverage package — especially a prestige package.  That would be wasted on us.  However, we like our space and the PH is just the right size.  To each his own.  So you spend your money your way, I spend mine my way.

There were others on the Nautica that were quarantined and not in PH and were treated just as well.

I really wonder if we would have been treated any differently if we were on the Sirena. 

It may have been the difference between ships.

There may need to be more consistency throughout the line.

It does give me pause about sailing on the Sirena.  We have a cruise booked on her in Feb. 23.  Wonder if we should change ships.


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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We recently got off the Regatta. About half way through the cruise we noticed a PH room down the hall from us that appeared to be in quarantine. We saw staff in bunny suits coming and going several times. I don't think the guests were forgotten and ignored by anyone. 


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5 hours ago, iowananny said:

We did test negative after the second test on the 6th day.  We were free for 3 days until we had to test again to be able to fly to the US.  Guess what, we were both positive again and after going to the medical center we were tested once again and this is where the miracle happens.  Two hours later we were both negative.  Thank you Jesus.


This is why we're not trusting cruising right away.


Oh nanny this is just awful.  Testing is so unreliable as can be plainly seen in your situation.  I am so glad you were not sick and that you made the best of cheese, bread, alcohol, and movies.  

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4 hours ago, iowananny said:

Wow, there really is a difference between the rich and poor.  We couldn't even have a vacuum cleaner to use ourselves and you got your linens changed.  Last of Oceania for us.

Iowananny, I am so sorry you went through this. How awful, and reception should be better trained so you are not treated like this. Unacceptable!

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Was your GM Laurence Barasse? We spent about 7 weeks with her on Riviera in 2021 before she got her promotion to GM on Nautica.  She is an exceptional and caring person and I am sure she will be an amazing GM and I am not surprised how well she cared for you and any others who were Positive. 
We do not have another O trip booked until Vista next year so we can 🤞🙏 this Covid stuff has run its course before we sail again.  We are with you on the selection of a PH because I could not imagine my mental state if I were ever quarantined in an inside stateroom.  We agree, we spend our money the way we choose. The kids know their “inheritance “ is what’s left after mom and dad are able to enjoy life and we intend to ENJOY OCEANIA. 🤪🙏🛳🥂
Ciao, Mauibabes

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7 hours ago, mauibabes said:


Was your GM Laurence Barasse? We spent about 7 weeks with her on Riviera in 2021 before she got her promotion to GM on Nautica.  She is an exceptional and caring person and I am sure she will be an amazing GM and I am not surprised how well she cared for you and any others who were Positive. 
We do not have another O trip booked until Vista next year so we can 🤞🙏 this Covid stuff has run its course before we sail again.  We are with you on the selection of a PH because I could not imagine my mental state if I were ever quarantined in an inside stateroom.  We agree, we spend our money the way we choose. The kids know their “inheritance “ is what’s left after mom and dad are able to enjoy life and we intend to ENJOY OCEANIA. 🤪🙏🛳🥂
Ciao, Mauibabes

Yes, Laurence Barasse was the GM.  She was very good to us while we were in quarantine.  She made sure that we had everything we needed and that we could call her anytime.  I am sure that anyone else in quarantine had the same treatment.

As for a PH, I like my space.  I couldn’t care less about the butler, though it is nice to have one.  I just would not waste my money on a drink package.  If I want a drink I buy it.  I would not be able to walk if I had 15 drinks a day.  It wouldn’t matter if I were in a closet because I wouldn’t even know it.

We usually bring our own wine on board and pay the corkage fee.  That way we have what we want.

It is not a matter of rich or poor, but how one wishes to spend their cruise money.  I choose comfort. I enjoy our stateroom and verandah and it is important.  I would not make it in an inside cabin.  However, there are people who can do this.  I do not look down on them. That is their choice.  

i hope I get the opportunity to sail with Laurence again.  She is special.


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Yes, Laurence is special. We talked with her every day and had lunch or dinner with her several times. A delightful lady who we are privileged to know. We just booked a Nautica trip for May 21, 2024, Capetown to Paris so if we are blessed, she will be on board with us.  This will be our first trip on Nautica as our travels have never taken us on her itineraries. 
take care and one day we hope to cross paths with you on Oceania. 
Ciao, Mauibabes 

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On 5/30/2022 at 10:56 AM, KatieBelle said:

On Marina deck 7 all staterooms 7082/7085  forward are curtained off. The small veranda tables “barricade” the doors. Staff are coming and going all day in masks, gowns, and gloves delivering trays and red bagging all trash as hazardous waste disposal. We have no idea how many of these rooms are occupied and will not be asking. 

Marina is currently sailing with approximately 800 guests onboard. Much of what we remember is still here and the service wonderful. Pinotlover I do miss that seeded roll. There are some things that have changed, been altered or deleted, maybe not permanently. 

this will not be an ongoing review so don’t ask a lot of questions. Typing on my phone makes my thumbs very fatigued. I’ll attempt to be more responsive once we get home.   -Katie



Okay I am confused, I assume the curtains are there so people do not enter hallway. If so why did you enter, I get curiousity but ......

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21 hours ago, iowananny said:

And the doctor only showed up once on the first day and we never heard from him again.  I think Oceania would have preferred it if we died in our room and then they would be rid of the riff raff.


A nightmare for you.

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Until the US allows its citizens to return from overseas without needing a test or if tested and positive allows you to come home within a few days instead of the present 10 days minimum then no cruising for us outside of US ports. We are in our 70s and decided to take the financial hit  2 days before we were to fly to Europe to do a week of land then 17 days on the Riviera. We would have been tested 4 different times minimum and if one of those was positive and not on the ship we would be at the mercy of a hotel for 10 days or more. It gets very complicated and not worth the hell you will go thru if stuck in Europe or any foreign country.

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We have cruised widely, 5 of the seven continents but now only Carib and TAs. To minimize the possibility of the nightmares we are reading here. Yes of course still taking a chance. I have said here many times now, that we returned on April 4 from a TA. We were the only ones in our trivia team of 8 that did not have covid. One team member in ships hosp for several days then into hosp in Marseille, two quarantined for a week or so, three tested pos when they got home. It was a 17 day crossing. We enjoyed our cruise very much. But I'm sure I would not be saying that had we experienced what our teammates had. And it is not about masks. We didnt wear them, most of our teammates did. 

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