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A Day in Hell(-Ville) - November 16


The nearest town to the port is call Andoany but its former name was Hell-Ville.  It was named for the French Admiral, de Hell.  Some of the signs and some people still refer to it as Hell-Ville.  The island is called Nosy Be which means "large island" in the Malagasy language.  Surprisingly (to me at least), Nosy Be is the most developed tourism site in all of Madagascar.


I left my cabin just before 10 and headed to the tender as I was fairly certain that I no longer needed a card.  The tender left within two minutes of my boarding and we headed to land which only took about ten minutes.  I caught the shuttle to the downtown area at the Abud Hotel.  


It was very interesting watching the people going about their normal Wednesday activities.  Lots of people everywhere.  Unlike in our last two ports, the people paid no attention to me.  I walked for about an hour and visited a street lined with stalls selling everything (which were also for sale in small stores on the main street) from fruits and vegetables to cell phones.  I ventured into the main market and again, there was a wide variety of goods for sale.


Finally, the heat sent me back to the shuttle, where once again I was lucky that the tender left within a couple of minutes of my arrival.  I was back on the ship before noon.


I couldn't decide what to eat for lunch but as I was walking around I made a great discovery.  A lady was eating her lunch with a Coke Zero can in front of her.  I asked if she had gotten it onboard - she had.  I immediately went to Lido bar and got one (and it was Happy Hour).  Turns out they have had them all along and I just never saw a can of it.  I much prefer the taste of Coke Zero to Diet Coke and ended up having another one at 4pm trivia.


After a lunch shared with Judy (Lee) and her husband, Rich, I left to pick up my computer so I could sort out today's pictures.  Played trivia with Vicki and Dave at four, (rest of team was not there) and then came back to upload pictures.  After waiting for pictures to load, I got the idea that, instead of sitting and waiting for the pictures to upload, I could select five or more pictures and then take a lap around the deck, then pick more, etc.  Worked well.


Played 7pm trivia alone and then to dinner.  The entertainment tonight was one of the BBC Earth videos - I did not go.  I did two laps around the deck instead.


4pm trivia was on alcohol.  We had ten out of 18 (we didn't think we would get more than four) and the winners had 17

1.  What is cenosillicaphobia?

2.  What is the #1 wine producing country in the world?

3.  Which beer is "The champagne of bottled beer"?

4.  What fruit flavors Southern Comfort?

5.  What does ABV stand for?



1.  fear of an empty glass

2.  Italy

3.  Miller High Life

4.  peach

5.  alcohol by volume


7pm trivia - I had 10 out of 18 and the winners had 14.

1.  Where was James Bond's father from?

2.  What nut is used to make dynamite?

3.  Which country produces the most coffee?

4.  Where are a snail's reproductive organs located?

5.  What are the last two words of Queens' Bohemian Rhapsody?



1.  Scotland

2.  peanut

3.  Brazil

4.  head

5.  wind blows

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One Really Lazy Day – November 17


I don’t think I accomplished one thing of any importance the entire day.  I didn’t even finish one row of knitting.


I had Sunday Brunch with Judy, Bob, and Sandy.  I know, it isn’t really Sunday but because we have a number of Sundays in port, they had a brunch today.


I played 1pm trivia and then couldn’t decide what I wanted to do.  I didn’t really have any desire to do anything, so I headed back to my cabin to think about the afternoon.  I walked outside for a bit and realized the perfect thing would be to sit in one of the deck chairs on Deck 3. I usually cannot sit more than 3 minutes without having to do something, but I enjoyed just looking out at the ocean and sat for over an hour.  I had taken my knitting with me but I didn’t even get it out of the bag.


Eventually, it was time to head to the Crow’s Nest for 4pm trivia.  It was one of (if not the) worst trivias (even including the ones when I didn’t have a team) that I have attended.  It was supposed to be a Lightning Trivia.  In lightning trivia, the question is supposed to be read twice, then 30 seconds to write down the answer, and then the answer is given.  One problem today was that we could not understand a lot of what she said (strong accent and mispronunciation of words) and some of the questions did not make sense.  Most of the questions were about Africa with a couple of questions about the US (like what state the most turkeys come from), and even to guess how old she is.  A few times she didn’t even give 30 seconds for you to write down an answer.  Some people got up and left.  I will not be putting up any questions from this trivia.


I made my four lap walk and then got ready for 7 pm trivia.  


There was only three of us for dinner.  I went to the show which was Saxophonist Akos Laki, who was very good.  Tonight’s show was supposed to be the singers and dancers but Covid has hit them, so they won’t be performing for at least a few days.

My usual lap around the deck after the show.

Another sea day tomorrow.


1pm trivia – We had 8 out of 17 and the winners had 14.

1.  What is the national animal of Greenland?

2.  What was Colombia forced to import for the first time in 2000?

3.  Where is Karl Marx buried?

4.  What phase of the moon brings a neap tide?

5.  What two cities do the street names on the original Monopoly come from?



1.  polar bear

2.  coffee

3.  London

4.  half moon

5.  Atlantic City and Jersey City


7pm trivia - I had 8 out of 18, the winners had 16.

1.  What explosive is created when you mix sulphur, charcoal, and saltpeter?

2.  A vicennial is a period of how many years?

3.  "Play, Laugh, Grow" is the slogan for which company?

4.  What is the largest fish in the ocean?

5.  What is a baby koala called?



1. gunpowder

2.  20

3.  Fisher-Price

4.  whale shark

5.  joey

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A Gold Medal Day - November 18


Yesterday I received an invitation that said, "Please come and join your fellow Amsterdam Grand World Voyage 2020 guests for the Mariners Recognition Ceremony where you will be awarded the Gold medallion...Followed by a Special Mariners Lunch."  For those unfamiliar with Holland America, their loyalty program is called the Mariners Society.  There are two different classifications - the stars (1* up to 5*) which is based on the number of days at sea plus one extra day for each $300 spent onboard plus suite bonuses, and the Medallions which are based on actual days onboard.  The stars give you different perks (if you are really interested, here is the link Mariner Society | Holland America )


Turns out there were about 200 of us onboard from the 2020 GWV (many using up those future cruise credits we received when it was canceled).  Many of them were receiving medallions.  They are bronze for 100 days, silver for 300 days, gold for 500 days, and platinum for 700 days.  In my case, I think they jumped the gun a bit.  This afternoon I figured that I wouldn't have 500 days until sometime during the 2023 GWV but it doesn't really matter getting it now or then since there are no extra perks for having the medallions.


After the ceremony, which took over an hour since each person's name is called and then presented with the medallion and a picture taken with the captain and the hotel manager, we went to the dining room for lunch.  We had already had drinks (mimosas, champagne, or bloody Marys during the ceremony) and there was more wine or champagne with lunch.  I sat with Judy (Lee) and her husband, Rich, Janet (who I met on the 2019 Grand South America), and two men (one of whom Judy knew).  It was a nice lunch and we talked so long I missed 1pm trivia.


Continuing my laziness from yesterday, I spent about an hour and a half in one of the deck chairs although I did get a little knitting done today.  I finally got up to go to Music Trivia at 4.  I played alone and made a dismal 9 out of 24 (one team had them all).  Next stop was the library where I needed to print out some information for our next two stops (I am not doing an excursion in either).


In penance for spending so much time sitting and eating too much, I did five laps around the deck before returning to my cabin to work on this and get ready for dinner.


On my way to dinner, I picked up my passport, which some will need tomorrow since a couple hundred people are leaving the ship for safaris, and the rest of us will need the next day when we arrive in South Africa.  


After dinner I went to the show which was "Shades of Africa" for their second performance, which was also very good.


One lap around the deck and when I got back to my cabin I found they were showing "Bohemian Rhapsody" which I had never seen.  After just going to the Freddie Mercury Museum, I had to watch it.


I forgot to mention yesterday that we have had an itinerary change.  In September, Dakar, Senegal was dropped.  It has now been put back in the itinerary and Banjul, Gambia has been dropped.  The Captain said that due to the tides we could not get into Banjul but Senegal has eased their Covid restrictions so we can go there.  I have been to both, so it did not make much difference to me.


Maputo tomorrow.

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Hot! Hot! Hot! - November 19


We had been told a few days ago that the predicted high for today in Maputo was going to be in the triple digits but this morning, Jeremy announced it was only going to be in the high 90s.  Either way, I was glad I was not getting off the ship.


I was here in 2018 and did a comprehensive tour of the city, seeing probably everything of any importance from the iron house (way too hot to live in) to the elephant fetuses in the museum (supposedly the only collection of its kind in the world).  At the time I thought that I would not feel comfortable walking around on my own.  Add to that, the visa cost $75 making it a no-brainer to stay on the ship.  If I should hear anything really exciting that someone did, I can always do it when I return at the beginning of March.


Judy (Lee), her husband, Rich, and I wound yarn this morning and then I ate in the Lido.  I went out on the back deck to take pictures and could not stay more than a few minutes it was so hot.  I then tried the Promenade deck and nobody was sitting out or walking like normal.  Sat and read in the library for a while because it was cooler than my other favorite spots.  


Eventually, I went back to the Crow's Nest and found Judy and Rich up there as we prepared to sail away.  I worked on my socks and then played Lightning Trivia (alone) at 4pm.


I tried to walk the Promenade deck as I normally do around 5 pm but it was still too hot.


After 7pm trivia, it was off to dinner (Sherry and Pete left for a safari today) and then to the show - the second by Michael Abrahamson, the mentalist, who once again astounded me with what he could do.  There was no after show walk on the Promenade deck because it was blocked off.  The Captain had announced earlier that we would have strong winds (right now they are 51 mph) and high swells tonight and not to go out on the open decks.  This might cause us to get into Durban late tomorrow.


4pm Lightning Trivia - I had 16.5 out of 30 and the winning team had 25

1.  In how many films did Sean Connery play James Bond?

2.  According to Greek mythology, who was the first woman on Earth?

3.  What is the longest Shakespeare play?

4.  What is the collective noun for panthers?

5.  Which continent do geologists predict will be the next to split in two?



1.  7

2.  Pandora

3.  Hamlet

4.  claw

5.  Africa


7pm trivia - I had 7 out of 18 and the winning team had 14

1.  What does "Mai Tai" mean in Tahitian?

2.  What was Elvis Presley's first movie?

3.  Horology is the study and measurement of what?

4.  What is the most popular tourist destination in Mexico?

5.  Zymurgy is the branch of chemistry that studies what process?



1.  very best

2.  Love Me Tender

3.  time

4.  Cancun

5.  brewing fermentation

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Disturbing Event in Durban - November 20


Because of the wind last night, we were late arriving but only by about 15 minutes (not the hour that we were warned it might be).  Once cleared by the authorities, everyone (crew, too) had to get off the ship and have a face-to-face inspection with the immigration officers.  We were told that the HAL ship tours would be the first (Groups A&B) and then those with independent plans (Group C which I was in).  Since there was no telling when that might be, I had lunch at the taco bar.


Around 12:45, we were called.  Although there was a line, I was through it in about 10 minutes and then to the shuttle which was only taking us a couple of blocks to the uShaka Marine World.  My plans were to walk to the center of town to The Workshop, a former railroad workshop that now housed shops.  It sounded good in the write-up.  It was just under a two mile walk.  Luckily, it was a much cooler day than yesterday with highs only in the low 70s.


Only a few blocks from the ship, I found a store with odds and ends for sale and one of them was yarn.  I had to have a look and found some acrylic yarn to make another Linus blanket for $7.35 (125 Rand).  I then continued on, stopping at a gas station convenience center for a Coke Zero on the way.


I finally got to The Workshop and was very disappointed.  I was thinking it would be something like The Watershed in Cape Town but it was a plain old mall with every other shop selling phones, phone plans, or phone equipment.


Leaving the mall, I walked through the park beside it and when I was heading back, the disturbing event occurred - I was robbed.  In all my travels, I have never had anything stolen before.  Four young men came up behind me, one grabbed my arm, and two took my earrings off.  Then they walked away.  Looking back at it, I consider myself very lucky.  First of all, I wasn't hurt - I only have a couple of bruises on my arm (and I bruise easily anyway).  Secondly, they unhooked the earrings rather than ripping them out (which I have heard about).  They are going to be very surprised when they try to do something with the earrings because they were cheap ones from Wal-Mart.  Finally, they made no attempt to take my purse and everything important was in it - a small amount of money, my iPhone, camera, credit card, debit card, driver's license, and passport.


As I walked, I became more paranoid about my cards and passport, so when I came to a spot where nobody could see me, I stuck them under my clothes.  I would have taken a taxi back but I could not find one.  I shied away when anyone was on the same side of the street and walked in the street rather than on the sidewalk part of the way.  I made it back to the ship with no other problems.


Judy and Bob had told me last night that they were not coming to dinner so I knew I was eating in the Lido.  Since I was really tired, I was glad I was eating there. 


There were not many people playing trivia - over 200 left yesterday or today on safari and all aboard was not until 10:30, so some were still out.


I walked one lap around the deck and then called it a night and watched "Rocketman" on the TV. 



7pm trivia - I had 12 out of 19 and the winning team had 16

1.  What toy consists of boric acid and silicone?

2.  In ancient Chinese mythology, what fruit represents longevity and immortality?

3.  Which continent produces the most cocoa?

4.  What is the smallest mammal by weight?

5.  What are the four Cs of diamonds?



1.  Silly Putty

2. peach

3.  Africa

4.  pygmy shrew

5.  color, cut, carat, and clarity

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5 hours ago, CMDE said:

So sorry to hear about you being robbed. You sound very brave and like you dealt with it well. And then you returned to a good rest-of-day on the ship. Thank you for being a great role model.

Thanks!  There were too many things that could have gone badly that didn't, I am grateful.

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Oh man, you really are brave.  I have been to South Africa traveling by car for a month and a half and never had any incidents, but a few situations where I felt weird.  I am so glad you are okay and the most important things weren't taken.  Very good attitude, as this would have scared me to death!! 

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They probably thought they had better chance of not being caught by taking only items that could not be easily traced.... like a credit card. You were very lucky. It is one reason I would hesitate to walk alone (which does not mean I have not done it). Did you report it? I know nothing can be done, but maybe others should be warned.



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Oh that IS disturbing!  Sorry you got robbed.  Thankful you didn’t get hurt and they didn’t take your purse.   Appreciate you sharing the story to remind the rest of to stay more aware.  I didn’t realize people were getting earrings stolen off their ears…how odd. 

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Thanks for everyone’s concern and kind words.  The more I think about it the more I believe that it was more like a prank than a serious robbery.  I heard today that a man walking alone was threatened with a knife.  No idea if this is true or an exaggerated story but I did decide to let Guest Services know.  

Durban is not a port HAL goes to regularly but I know that the GWV will be there in March.  At least passengers should be told walking alone is not a good idea.  The area around the port is not very nice although my incident happened in the middle of the CBD outside of a shopping mall.


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Hello Scrapnana, I cannot find your email address or I would send you an email - I am Brooke in Vail Colorado - I am really enjoying your blogs -  you write so well that I feel as if I am with you on the cruise - so very sorry to hear that you were robbed in Durbin - terrible! Glad you were not hurt.'



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1 hour ago, Scrapnana said:

Thanks for everyone’s concern and kind words.  The more I think about it the more I believe that it was more like a prank than a serious robbery.  I heard today that a man walking alone was threatened with a knife.  No idea if this is true or an exaggerated story but I did decide to let Guest Services know.  

Durban is not a port HAL goes to regularly but I know that the GWV will be there in March.  At least passengers should be told walking alone is not a good idea.  The area around the port is not very nice although my incident happened in the middle of the CBD outside of a shopping mall.


I’m so sorry to hear about the incident. My son is on the cruise, playing piano and singing in the Ocean Bar Band, and even though he’s a young guy, I’m heartened that he goes onshore with his mates. It sounds as if you were strong and wise through the incident, though; kudos for that! 



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A Marvelously Mundane Day - November 21


After yesterday's excitement, an ordinary, humdrum day was just what I needed.  I went to Sit and Stitch, lunch, worked on my socks while I waited for Crafts (no 1 pm trivia today), made earrings, went to 4pm trivia, walked four laps around the deck, went to 7 pm trivia, had dinner, went to the show, and did one more lap around the deck.


We were very late leaving Durban (all aboard was 10:30 and we didn't leave until almost 2am) because the bunkering process was very slow.  During his noon update, the Captain also explained the helicopter I saw above the ship yesterday.  Instead of jumping on to the ship from a boat as is normal, in Durban the pilot is lowered from a helicopter (and picked up the same way).


The scuttlebutt onboard is that at least two other people had incidences in Durban and one was threatened with a knife.  As gossip goes, I am not sure what is true and what might have been embellished, misunderstood, or just plain made up.  I did go to Guest Services to report what happened to me for future reference (the 2023 GWV docks here in March).


Tonight was a dressy night with a special menu.  It appears those who do not want to do dressy, don't eat in the dining room.  People at the show were wearing a variety of different styles.


The entertainer tonight was an electric violinist, Caitlin Deville, who played African songs and was good.  This was her first time performing on a cruise ship.


4pm trivia - Lightning Trivia - I had 20 out of 30 and the winning team had 24.

1.  What does VHS stand for?

2.  What is a group of rattlesnakes called?

3.  Which artist said, "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents"?

4.  Which came first - chess or checkers?

5.  The Dead Sea is between which two countries?



1.  Video Host System

2.  rumba

3.  Bob Ross

4.  checkers

5.  Jordan and Israel


7pm trivia - I had 8 out of 18 and the winning team had 12

1.  What is the most popular cat name in the U.S., Canada, and Australia?

2.  Who is considered the Queen of Pop?

3.  What was Blackbeard's real name (first and last)?

4.  How many tusks does a warthog have?

5.  Which Caribbean island has the rarest species of rattlesnake?




1.  Kitty (not real original)

2.  Madonna

3.  Edward Teach

4.  4

5.  Aruba

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