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Viking Ocean, for the experienced Viking River cruiser?


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As the title says, we are experienced VR cruisers, and in particular like the small ship experience.  Specifically, no matter where you go on the ship, despite it's small size, it never feels too crowded.  Most times on the top deck, we are the only guests.    Even dinner service, where (almost) all the patrons are in the same place at the same time, the crowding is bearable mostly because it  quickly disperses. 


Specifically, the bar and lounge are never full - never more than a one person wait for service.  Likewise, disembarking for daily excursions takes literally a minute even at the most crowded time.


So, thinking about an Ocean Cruise, but concerned about the changes that a ship 4 times the size naturally requires.  Not saying either is "good" or "bad" but certainly they must be different.  A viking ocean ship is certainly as large as we would consider, however.


Would anyone that regularly does both like to compare the ship board experience of a Longship vs. an Ocean Ship?  How is bar service and crowds there and generally in the public spaces?  



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We’ve done and enjoyed both. There are definitely differences. There are occasional lines but rarely more than a couple of minutes in our experience. The biggest difference I would say is that it is less natural to strike up new acquaintances as everyone does not go on the same excursions and most people eat at individual tables with their own groups and not at the same time. 

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We've done several on both.  We have had no problem meeting people on the ocean trips, but you do have to be outgoing, like talking to others on the same excursion, stopping and saying hello when you recognize people, etc.  In the restaurant the tables for 2 are right next to each other and it is easy to strike up conversations if your neighbors are so inclined.


The ships have never felt crowded.  Lots and lots of large and small and public spaces.  Lots of room in the bars and lounges.  The Explorer's bar does tend to have more people after dinner.


The biggest differences between the two are more due to the differences between river cruising and ocean cruising.

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We started with one river cruise, which we enjoyed so much that we signed up for one of the earliest Viking ocean cruises. We like both, but actually somewhat prefer the ocean cruises. It maintains the feel of the longships, but bigger and with more things to do and more places to choose to eat. It still rarely feels crowded, very few lines to wait in, and I can always find a quiet place to read when I want one. Even the least expensive cabin with its veranda feels more accommodating than the corresponding cabin on the longship.


We have befriended a number of fellow travelers on both the river and the ocean cruises, and it is one of our favorite parts of the experience. We often spend so much time at dinner with our new acquaintances that we don't even go the bar, so I cannot comment on whether they are crowded or not!

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Love ‘em both, but in different ways.

Re: size, remember that VO ship capacity is only 930, which is not so many for a “full size” ship. We’ve never felt crowded, and as others have said, it’s very easy to strike up a conversation if you’re so inclined.

We actually enjoy the opportunity to seek out a quiet corner in the Living Room on VO to read, etc. Sometimes the VR experience is a bit too intense for us, as there is nowhere to hide and at times we feel we’re in a fishbowl. 
It seems nearly all VR pax are well-travelled. As Viking tries to fill more and more ocean ships, at times the experience is diluted by some less-considerate passengers.

Both are great in their own right and we purposely mix our river and ocean trips to experience the unique features each has to offer.

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10 hours ago, dd57 said:

I think 6.  You can ask to be seated with others.


There are also 8-top and 12-top tables in the MDR.


I had sworn off ocean cruising and had done just a couple of river cruises when Viking announced its new Oceans venture. I was convinced that Viking could scale-up its river cruise model to an ocean-going one because what made Viking such an enjoyable experience was the way Viking treated people and the all-included, port intensive experience of the cruise. It was nice to be a guest, not a profit center. I was so convinced that in 2014 I booked and paid for a cruise on a cruise line that had not yet sailed its first season on a ship whose keel had yet to be laid.


We loved our first cruise so much that 6 months later we were on our second cruise -- the first time we had taken two long vacations in the same year -- and now I need two hands to count my Viking adventures. To me, Viking Oceans is Viking River writ large. Regardless of the size of the ship, you know what to expect.

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2 hours ago, Peregrina651 said:


There are also 8-top and 12-top tables in the MDR.


I had sworn off ocean cruising and had done just a couple of river cruises when Viking announced its new Oceans venture. I was convinced that Viking could scale-up its river cruise model to an ocean-going one because what made Viking such an enjoyable experience was the way Viking treated people and the all-included, port intensive experience of the cruise. It was nice to be a guest, not a profit center. I was so convinced that in 2014 I booked and paid for a cruise on a cruise line that had not yet sailed its first season on a ship whose keel had yet to be laid.


Same with us Peregrina. We were on The Grand European in 2013 when they announced their Oceans. We booked and paid for the inaugural Star cruise and loved all 29 days. Have sailed since, but not two hands worth! 
We loved our rivers experience. We met a couple on board that a few years later we traveled together on safari in Africa. Friends ever since. That said, I think that the one thing about rivers that I wish was available was smaller tables. I get that logistics likely prevents this, but sometimes it is just nice to have couple time over a meal….at least for us. The terrace outside offered this with a very limited selection of food offerings but there was a great burger available. I am not sure if that is still the case. There are a couple rivers itineraries that keep whispering to me, but oceans has its own special vibe. I would gladly sail either again. 

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2 hours ago, Peregrina651 said:

 I had sworn off ocean cruising and had done just a couple of river cruises when Viking announced its new Oceans venture. I was convinced that Viking could scale-up its river cruise model to an ocean-going one because what made Viking such an enjoyable experience was the way Viking treated people and the all-included, port intensive experience of the cruise. It was nice to be a guest, not a profit center. I was so convinced that in 2014 I booked and paid for a cruise on a cruise line that had not yet sailed its first season on a ship whose keel had yet to be laid.


We loved our first cruise so much that 6 months later we were on our second cruise -- the first time we had taken two long vacations in the same year -- and now I need two hands to count my Viking adventures. To me, Viking Oceans is Viking River writ large. Regardless of the size of the ship, you know what to expect.


That's helpful, thanks.

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15 hours ago, VistaRio said:

Thanks for all the feedback so far.


How large are the largest tables in the dining room?  I think there are 8 tops on a Longship in the middle.  

On our Viking Sky last year there were mostly 2, 4 and 6 tops but at the back of the ship there is a couple of 10s that could be 12s.

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2 hours ago, DrKoob said:

On our Viking Sky last year there were mostly 2, 4 and 6 tops but at the back of the ship there is a couple of 10s that could be 12s.


And I think I have a vague recollection of at least one 8 top in the seating section directly behind the podium -- or in the post-pandemic is that now history?


The 10-12 tops are great for groups of friends that travel together. On one of our cruises (pre-C) a group of 6 couples had a standing reservation for one of those tables.

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Viking ocean is nowhere near as good as river, and the customer demographic is different, there are now more people who are more interested in just being on a ship than where it is going. There is more unavoidable 'entertainment' and the ports don't seem to be as much of a priority. The food is also not as good. 

A shame, we thought ocean was a match for river when we first tried it on Sky way back, since then they have been going downhill, Orion just before covid was OK, but Venus in February was a distinctly downmarket experience. 


We would be happy to book another river cruise with Viking, but not another ocean unless a good discount was on offer.


I'd say river equivilent of a 4* hotel, ocean barely 3* 

Edited by KBs mum
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45 minutes ago, KBs mum said:

Viking ocean is nowhere near as good as river, and the customer demographic is different, there are now more people who are more interested in just being on a ship than where it is going. There is more unavoidable 'entertainment' and the ports don't seem to be as much of a priority. The food is also not as good. 

A shame, we thought ocean was a match for river when we first tried it on Sky way back, since then they have been going downhill, Orion just before covid was OK, but Venus in February was a distinctly downmarket experience. 


We would be happy to book another river cruise with Viking, but not another ocean unless a good discount was on offer.


I'd say river equivilent of a 4* hotel, ocean barely 3* 


To a certain limited extent, I agree with you. Things in the immediate post-pandemic were/are different.  I chalked it up to losses during the 18 months that the industry was shut down -- loss of Viking personnel (whose replacement is a slow process of training), loss of supplies and loss of suppliers and third-party contractors. What I did not find lacking on board was the Viking spirit -- even among the newest of recruits.


To my way of thinking, it was not that Viking no longer aspired to the standards that it previously operated under but that in the current environment, the standards could not be met. Given the choice of getting back to business before cash reserves ran dry or delaying until everything was perfect, I'm happy they chose getting back to business and making the best of what they could with what was available.


For now, I remain willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


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12 minutes ago, Peregrina651 said:


To a certain limited extent, I agree with you. Things in the immediate post-pandemic were/are different.  I chalked it up to losses during the 18 months that the industry was shut down -- loss of Viking personnel (whose replacement is a slow process of training), loss of supplies and loss of suppliers and third-party contractors. What I did not find lacking on board was the Viking spirit -- even among the newest of recruits.


To my way of thinking, it was not that Viking no longer aspired to the standards that it previously operated under but that in the current environment, the standards could not be met. Given the choice of getting back to business before cash reserves ran dry or delaying until everything was perfect, I'm happy they chose getting back to business and making the best of what they could with what was available.


For now, I remain willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


The problems we encountered were not due to a lack of staff, service had improved in some areas, there was definately a change in culture. 

Buisineses have been operating as usual for over a year now. My * comparisons were with other accommodation providers post covid. 

I am not prepared to make the best of things unless the business admits there are problems and offers suitable discounts or other incentives. 

I'd rather spend cash elsewhere or not at all than accept sub par

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As I suspect what has impacted Viking has also impacted all the  other companies in the same market, or even those that claim to be more up market, I wonder where exactly one plans to go to escape these current shortcomings? What cruise lines exactly? I suspect it is safe to say... XYZ cruise line isn't what it was before the Pandemic and one can only hope they are making every effort to restore their previous standards and quality of service. 

While it always appears so, the grass is seldom actually greener on the other side of the fence. 

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5 minutes ago, Haqdeluxe said:

As I suspect what has impacted Viking has also impacted all the  other companies in the same market, or even those that claim to be more up market, I wonder where exactly one plans to go to escape these current shortcomings? What cruise lines exactly? I suspect it is safe to say... XYZ cruise line isn't what it was before the Pandemic and one can only hope they are making every effort to restore their previous standards and quality of service. 

While it always appears so, the grass is seldom actually greener on the other side of the fence. 

Our plan is to research the options and in the meantime travel independently, hotels on land seem to have recovered well, as have the very small ship cruises and some specialists. 

Most of our holidays arent cruises, so while we enjoy cruising it is something we can happily do without 

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We did both Ocean and River in 2022 (and more pre-COVID).  We've decided, for us, that we prefer Ocean to River because:

  • The onboard lectures about history, culture, and nature are much more in depth than those on river cruises  which tend to be short segments included in the discussion about the next port
  • The excursions, for the most part, have much wider options for different interests and level of activity
  • There are more dining options including eating by yourself or sharing a table.  And you can choose when to eat.
  • The public spaces are more wide open with plenty of choices of where to curl up with a good book or socialize
  • The food was better on our 2 latest Ocean cruises than on our 2 latest River cruises (and it was good on both, but less so than pre-C)


We don't care one way or another about the entertainment.  It is easily avoided if desired.  We cruise to see and learn about new places, history, and other cultures


We greatly enjoyed our River cruises and would recommend them in a heartbeat.  But we are going to concentrate on Ocean for now.


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9 hours ago, Vineyard View said:

That said, I think that the one thing about rivers that I wish was available was smaller tables. I get that logistics likely prevents this, but sometimes it is just nice to have couple time over a meal….at least for us. The terrace outside offered this with a very limited selection of food offerings but there was a great burger available. 

First - we had good friends who did that first Viking Star cruise.  They were the ones who talked us back into trying an ocean cruise again (after giving up on the large lines and the Carnival style).

We have enjoyed Viking Ocean immensely.  We did take a wonderful Viking River cruise - not what we expected - likely due somewhat to the COVID testing and removal of passengers at dinner who tested positive.  (Very stressful to wait for the Roulette Wheel to stop, so to speak).

I too wish there were more small tables inside.  

For your information, we were glad that starting with Post-COVID, they began serving the full menu for lunch and dinner out on the Aquavit Terrace (tables for 4 and 2) - so it was not different that inside  We wound up eating nearly every meal out there.  It however, was so popular, that you pretty much had to get a table by 5:30 for the 7:15 meal - so we would turn it into happy hour(s).   We found the dining room inside very intimidating as everyone seemed to know so many people and it reminded me of school cafeterias where people were trying keep from sitting next to some people and reserving seats and tables for others.  Not our cup of tea.  Thankfully the Terrace was great.

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3 hours ago, CCWineLover said:

First - we had good friends who did that first Viking Star cruise.  They were the ones who talked us back into trying an ocean cruise again (after giving up on the large lines and the Carnival style).

We have enjoyed Viking Ocean immensely.  We did take a wonderful Viking River cruise - not what we expected - likely due somewhat to the COVID testing and removal of passengers at dinner who tested positive.  (Very stressful to wait for the Roulette Wheel to stop, so to speak).

I too wish there were more small tables inside.  

For your information, we were glad that starting with Post-COVID, they began serving the full menu for lunch and dinner out on the Aquavit Terrace (tables for 4 and 2) - so it was not different that inside  We wound up eating nearly every meal out there.  It however, was so popular, that you pretty much had to get a table by 5:30 for the 7:15 meal - so we would turn it into happy hour(s).   We found the dining room inside very intimidating as everyone seemed to know so many people and it reminded me of school cafeterias where people were trying keep from sitting next to some people and reserving seats and tables for others.  Not our cup of tea.  Thankfully the Terrace was great.

Thank you for that update CCWineLover on the Aquavit extension. I hope they continue that offering as I  believe it would greatly enhance the experience. We mostly felt the same way about indoors, but we did luck out in the couple that we met. I can easily picture having happy hour(s) out there. Thanks for the tip should we move forward with Rivers again. It will most certainly weigh in on the decision. I think that on Rivers if you have SSP you could get fairly good bottles of wine included,  and not just glasses. Not sure if that holds true. 
I also think that your experience on rivers regarding the C situation would have greatly impacted anyone. I know that energy and uncertainty would have us. The hope has to be that moving forward it is less stressful than the past due to that. 

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We've done several river and ocean cruises with Viking, and much prefer the oceans.  Main reason is the space - there is always somewhere peaceful to sit and relax.  We found the single lounge area on the river cruises got very crowded, especially for the pre-dinner briefings, and we didn't much care for having to share a table at every mealtime.  

Having said that, I would still do another Viking River cruise!  I love Viking!

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11 hours ago, Jammy Bun said:

We've done several river and ocean cruises with Viking, and much prefer the oceans.  Main reason is the space - there is always somewhere peaceful to sit and relax.  We found the single lounge area on the river cruises got very crowded, especially for the pre-dinner briefings, and we didn't much care for having to share a table at every mealtime.  

Having said that, I would still do another Viking River cruise!  I love Viking!

This was exactly our thoughts as well!  Space and not "having" to be "on" every dinner/lunch.

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My husband and I could dine alone most nights on the river cruise. In the center of the main dining room are long tables. There were several couples who also did this. The upstairs terrace was great, but you had to get there early to grab one.

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Our last River was FRANCE's FINEST pre-covid.  The first segment was shared with friends and the second we were by ourselves. We ate almost ALL of our meals on the Terrace...inside it was too chilly to open the doors...it was quieter.  On our first River Cruise there was a modified menu upstairs but not so anymore.


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