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GeorgiaPeach Sails the Atlantic on Navigator

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Morning.  Well, remember the perfect night last night?  It had a definite downturn for sure.  When we went to bed a band cranked up outside….and because we are on the side docked against the downtown of Hamilton, it felt and sounded like the band was parked right on our balcony.  Bass and drums were apparently mainstays of their repertoire and we listened to the thump thump thump until I think around 1:30 a.m.   We flipped and flopped like two mackerel, both with earplugs that proved totally and disappointingly unequal to the task, even with pillows atop heads rather than under them.  Ugh.  Feeling my age plus at least an additional decade this morning.


As I struggled to find sleep I realized that we would be jarred awake at 5 a.m. or so by the much greater thump, thump, thump of the little Navigator as she shimmied away from the dock on the way to St. George’s.  But we woke to the same view this morning.  Hamilton rather than St. George’s.  Hmmm.  I was wondering if we were now in the cruise version of Groundhog Day, and we were going to stay till we got it right…but the Captain and Ray took turns announcing that we were here due to weather or channels or wind or waves…some maritime thing…I was in too much of a fog to get ears and brain to connect speedily enough to totally process the information.  I did hear Ray announce that all tours but one were still going, but that was disproven by the telephone call from the beleaguered Destination Services telling us that our walking tour of St. George’s was cancelled.  I assume that they had no way to get us over there since it was a walking tour and there was no transport but our own two feet.  I, for one, am happy to not have to walk to SG in order to walk about SG, so there we are!  Another ship day!  We have been here so many times we will not miss anything by remaining on the ship, but I’m sorry for those who are disappointed.  This is not a mysterious cancellation at least, and none of us will win an argument against Mother Nature or the importance of safety for us all.  Out of My Realm of Influence, so let’s commence to making lemonade.


That brings me to an important topic I have neglected.  Cronuts.  I never knew such culinary heaven existed prior to the first encounter on the Explorer.  Wow.  But I have to report that they are somewhat scarce on this ship.  Two appear, are quickly snapped up and then often not replaced.  My sweet husband has made a deal with staff in the coffee bar and she hides one away for me each morning.   But don’t tell.  Thing is, some days they are great but other days they are….greasy, a condition I did not know was possible for cronuts.  In my experience that is due to frying in oil that is not hot enough, but having never made a cronut I cannot swear to that assertion.  Anyway, the quality is hit and miss, to my disappointment. Here is this morning’s sample, which was greasy, I regret to report.  It does save calories though, since greasy Cronuts are not the best thing you could possibly eat.  

There is a nap in my future…




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@GeorgiaPeach51 I've been away from the boards for a little bit so I had to read through this entire thread and as usual, it did not disappoint.  Our next cruise isn't until April of next year, unfortunately, but it will be our longest to date (19 nights plus a few days pre-cruise) which is forever for those of us still saddled with those pesky job things - and an eternity for my faithful, furry, four-legged friend Argo who has a fit when I go out to get the mail.


But I just wanted to thank you for your posts, your positive attitude (which we try to share as well), and your humor.  Oh, and the pics...I've tried making cronuts at home and although they're good, they're not Regent good!


Thank your husband for his service for me (also retired USAF here) and I hope that our paths cross on a future sailing.  But if not, keep posting and taking me along vicariously on your travels...I'm way overdue for a cruise, and even more overdue to travel on our old friend Navigator.


C'mon, April...c'mon...

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16 hours ago, GeorgiaPeach51 said:


After eating we had after dinner drinks with friends then went to the Abba dance party, which thrilled our souls.  Once upon a time 46 years ago he was a young USAF officer and I was a DOD teacher and we met in Germany.  The dance in clubs at that time was a German three step.  He taught that dance to me and we fell in love dancing to Abba, so tonight my head was full of sweet memories of that young couple as we danced the same dance to the same music.  Sometimes in life you get little bits of perfection, and they are so rare that we instantly recognize them for what they are and treasure them. This was one of those nights for us.  Thank you, Regent.  ❤️

Thank you GP for your great reports and pictures. They are getting us even more excited for our 21 nights on Navigator this November. 
And an even bigger thank you for your personal reminiscences.
Memories do, indeed, make us rich!

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6 hours ago, GeorgiaPeach51 said:

Morning.  Well, remember the perfect night last night?  It had a definite downturn for sure.  When we went to bed a band cranked up outside….and because we are on the side docked against the downtown of Hamilton, it felt and sounded like the band was parked right on our balcony.  Bass and drums were apparently mainstays of their repertoire and we listened to the thump thump thump until I think around 1:30 a.m.   We flipped and flopped like two mackerel, both with earplugs that proved totally and disappointingly unequal to the task, even with pillows atop heads rather than under them.  Ugh.  Feeling my age plus at least an additional decade this morning.


As I struggled to find sleep I realized that we would be jarred awake at 5 a.m. or so by the much greater thump, thump, thump of the little Navigator as she shimmied away from the dock on the way to St. George’s.  But we woke to the same view this morning.  Hamilton rather than St. George’s.  Hmmm.  I was wondering if we were now in the cruise version of Groundhog Day, and we were going to stay till we got it right…but the Captain and Ray took turns announcing that we were here due to weather or channels or wind or waves…some maritime thing…I was in too much of a fog to get ears and brain to connect speedily enough to totally process the information.  I did hear Ray announce that all tours but one were still going, but that was disproven by the telephone call from the beleaguered Destination Services telling us that our walking tour of St. George’s was cancelled.  I assume that they had no way to get us over there since it was a walking tour and there was no transport but our own two feet.  I, for one, am happy to not have to walk to SG in order to walk about SG, so there we are!  Another ship day!  We have been here so many times we will not miss anything by remaining on the ship, but I’m sorry for those who are disappointed.  This is not a mysterious cancellation at least, and none of us will win an argument against Mother Nature or the importance of safety for us all.  Out of My Realm of Influence, so let’s commence to making lemonade.


That brings me to an important topic I have neglected.  Cronuts.  I never knew such culinary heaven existed prior to the first encounter on the Explorer.  Wow.  But I have to report that they are somewhat scarce on this ship.  Two appear, are quickly snapped up and then often not replaced.  My sweet husband has made a deal with staff in the coffee bar and she hides one away for me each morning.   But don’t tell.  Thing is, some days they are great but other days they are….greasy, a condition I did not know was possible for cronuts.  In my experience that is due to frying in oil that is not hot enough, but having never made a cronut I cannot swear to that assertion.  Anyway, the quality is hit and miss, to my disappointment. Here is this morning’s sample, which was greasy, I regret to report.  It does save calories though, since greasy Cronuts are not the best thing you could possibly eat.  

There is a nap in my future…




I hate hearing the thump of music when trying to sleep.  I feel for you.  Last summer we were on a cruise to Greenland that had incessant fog horns (yes, they were needed!).  After a couple nights I tried sleeping in the closet 😱.

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On 5/5/2023 at 1:54 PM, red1head said:

We love Navigator. Hope you have a lovely cruise. 

I haven’t sailed on Regent in years but fondly remember Navigator. Our first Regent cruise was on Paul Gauguin (when Regent operated it) and then an unplanned B2B on Navigator in the Med. we absolutely loved it and although we have often sailed on “nicer” ships since I still fondly remember the wooden ship touches throughout Navigator. 

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On 5/6/2023 at 10:21 AM, 1982CruzStart said:

Thanks GeorgiaPeach51. love your reports.

If you don't already do so use an app to re-size your photos to a smaller size and then they load much faster. Flossie009 kindly gave me this tip on the one cruise we were on at the same time and it has been a blessing. Even when posting in Antartica the pictures posted fairly quickly. The app is called Image size and i downloaded it when i was onboard Explorer so it must have been pretty small.  It is easy to use cuz even i can use it even after long periods ot time between cruises. 

Continue having a wonderful cruise. 

Thanks for the tip about Image Size

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On 5/6/2023 at 10:21 AM, 1982CruzStart said:

Thanks GeorgiaPeach51. love your reports.

If you don't already do so use an app to re-size your photos to a smaller size and then they load much faster. Flossie009 kindly gave me this tip on the one cruise we were on at the same time and it has been a blessing. Even when posting in Antartica the pictures posted fairly quickly. The app is called Image size and i downloaded it when i was onboard Explorer so it must have been pretty small.  It is easy to use cuz even i can use it even after long periods ot time between cruises. 

Continue having a wonderful cruise. 

Thanks for the tip about Image Size

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We got a call from Destination Services re our comments about the Fort Sumter tour.  They said they were passing it along to their manager.  Very prompt response.


a comment from another friend….he mentioned to…hmmm, someone in CR (the chef?  Can’t remember) that their cheese was being served cold rather than room temp, and they both agreed that this was egregious.   Next day in his suite was a lovely array of special cheeses as a surprise and apology.  Classy response!

Wine luncheon today.  Lovely.  Thoroughly enjoyed both the food and wine.  Emiliano did a nice job and the chef came out.  It was fun.  However, the ship is rolling and swaying a little and I am weaving a little, after all that wine.  Such a lightweight.  🙄 That sway and weave combo has my husband once more clutching at me as I ricochet off the walls.  He knows better than to let me out of his sight and out of his grasp,  having learned from experience that I will be found curled up on a couch somewhere if he turns me loose.  I fear for Trivia this afternoon,  2/3 of our team, or four out of six attended the wine luncheon.  I’ll let you know how it goes.  Capital of the USA?  No clue….  We are currently in the coffee bar having a cappuccino with an extra shot.

The weather is overcast and the temps have dropped.  When we hit Canada the high will be 55-ish, so shirts are gradually giving way to long pants for passengers and most of us are in long sleeved tees, sweaters or cardigans.  A few hardy souls are still trotting around in shorts and tees and if I ask they will be bound to be from the far North country somewhere and this weather is positively balmy for them.   I remember being in Iceland and the wind was just howling and we were all bundled up with every article of clothing brought in our suitcases and being frozen from the inside out.  Our tour guide,  named Bessie, a man, was in shorts.  There are some of those people on board.  They will be happy campers in Canada for sure.


During the wine lunch the Captain announced that we will not be going to Cornerbrook because of ice in the water….not sure he actually used the term icebergs.  They are substituting Charlotte Town, PEI instead.  The poor folks in Destination Services.  I feel for them.  My husband, being the CT boy he is, used to fish up in that area when he was a boy and he had previously wondered how a ship could go to Cornerbrook in May because it was known for ice floes in the water.  So, new excursions to peruse and try to get.  

Tonight is the Seven Seas Society cocktail function, which means miso sea bass in Compass Rose!  Yay!  My favorite!


here are the photos of the luncheon today.  










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Georgia peach…never been to cornerbrook but visited Charlottetown last year for the first time on a seabourn cruise.  You’re in for a real treat…charming town, great place for lunch and lovely port.


so enjoying your posts.



Edited by nancygp
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GP:  thank you so much for sharing your cruise with us. Your reporting is funny and interesting and you had me won over with the food porn pics.


Pass a thanks for your service to your husband. I’m also retired USAF and loved every minute of it and am grateful for having a strong wife to have put up with the lifestyle.  

We will be on the Splendor in 31 one days, so save us some lobster and champagne. Enjoy the rest of your cruise and we will be following along.


Z and TB

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Here is latest ice chart for Gulf of St Lawrence including Cornerbrook; make your own assessment regarding ice.




Here is the ice bulletin:




Here are the iceberg bulletins:





Edited by mrlevin
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4 hours ago, nancygp said:

Georgia peach…never been to cornerbrook but visited Charlottetown last year for the first time on a seabourn cruise.  You’re in for a real treat…charming town, great place for lunch and lovely port.


Likewise, we enjoyed Charlottetown last year. Most tours focus on the Anne of Green Gables allure, which is on the other side of the island. We stayed in town, which is very walkable, weather dependent, of course. Several old historic buildings, etc. Had our requisite mussels lunch at the Brickhouse restaurant. Can recommend. 

Edited by labonnevie
Misspelled word
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Good morning and Happy Mother’s Day!  

Chilly outside today but sunny.  Headed for Halifax, supposed to arrive around 1:30.  We are going to attend the church service at 9:15 this morning, led by the charming Ray.  

Last night was the Seven Seas Society get together.  Seemed well-attended.  Then dinner with new friends in CR…miso sea bass, to my delight.  Wonderful meal.


We had intended to go to the show but ran late and decided to donate to the casino once again.  To our surprise, we actually came out up $200 after investing $100.  Apparently the thing to get is three WILDS, and as a friend noted, “you’re not even touching it and it’s giving you money!”  

More later, after Halifax.

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Regarding your comments on Cronuts, we became addicted to them on Explorer a couple years ago.  Enjoyed them on Splendor several times but on our last 2 cruises we noticed they were extremely greasy.  Actually got sick after eating one,  the grease was oozing out of it when you cut into it.  As much as we loved them we couldn’t eating them on the Voyager because they were so greasy. Hope they correct the problem on cooking them before our next cruise.  I miss them. 

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Better picture of iceberg threat whilst approaching Cornerbrook:




Probably best to stay away.


And if you look at this picture, they are estimating one iceberg on the path to Cornerbrook:




That one iceberg could trap you in port.




PS Last year on Navigator Cornerbrook also was cancelled at least one time in May but we were able to make it there in June; I was able to hold up my sign "13" indicating I had now been to alll 13 Canadian Provinces and Territories.

Edited by mrlevin
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I am SO impressed.  I mentioned, I think, that on the mid cruise survey I noted that the table on our balcony was full of painted over rust spots and was not befitting a luxury cruise line.  I also said it would not affect our cruise in the least, but I thought they would want to know.


We got a note in our suite that they would be working on our balcony today and to be aware that there might be wet surfaces.  Sure enough, they came to fix the table.  First picture is before and the second one is after…table still wet.  

Gosh, that kind of responsive service just touches my heart.  It’s so, so, rare.  Most of the time, in the general world today, we are hoping for civil exchanges, perhaps no hostility, a modicum of polite interaction….and here we are where they ask for a mid cruise survey so they CAN fix things for passengers, read them within a day or less and respond within 48 hours.  I absolutely did not expect it to be fixed while we are on the ship.  Sheesh.  Can you have a crush on a cruise line? ❤️❤️



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Such a shame you are missing Cornerbrook. The scenery is beautiful. It is iceberg season and from the pictures i have seen, they are numerous and large this year around Newfoundland.  One year we made a visit there in part to see the icebergs. It was a great trip. 

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Thanks for the terrific reviews and pics of this cruise. Too bad you are not spending a little time in Montreal….had some suggestions for you in our home city. 

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2 hours ago, Gpilon said:



Thanks for the terrific reviews and pics of this cruise. Too bad you are not spending a little time in Montreal….had some suggestions for you in our home city. 

Regent notified us earlier this week that there will a 4 hour Montreal city tour available for those with flights departing after 4:00PM. That was a great addition for us as our plane to DFW just not leave until 4:30.

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8 hours ago, Steve Q said:

Regent notified us earlier this week that there will a 4 hour Montreal city tour available for those with flights departing after 4:00PM. That was a great addition for us as our plane to DFW just not leave until 4:30.


They are providing a similar ( same?) tour for those of us staying onboard for the next segment.  Never been to Montreal so we decided to sign up for it.

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