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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday July 3rd, 2023


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3 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Thank you all for your good thoughts for our Bailey.  The vet changed some of her meds and we will check her again in a month.  So we get another month with her.  She still doesn't know she is sick, we just need to get her eating again.


Dixie, that is good news.  Maybe a change of food might entice her to eat.



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18 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a hot, cloudy and windy central Texas.  So far our predicted thunderstorms have not appeared.  The only other thing is the house is clean and the towels are drying.  



Jake, I'm sorry there have been more layoffs at your work place.  However, I like Jacqui's @kazu suggestion to wait until closer to final payment before canceling your cruise.  I liked your meme today.  In fact, I thought I'd saved it to used today, but I couldn't find it on the computer this morning, so I'm glad you had it to share.



Annie, I hope the PT helps with the pain and doesn't add to it.  I'm sending positive thoughts your way that the growth in your lung is stable and hasn't grown.  It would be great if it had shrunk instead.  I agree with your sentiment about idiots who fire guns into the air.  It is now illegal to do so in Arizona, since a descending bullet killed a young girl several years ago.  However, I'm not sure if it really stopped anyone from firing into the air.



Mary, enjoy the fireworks tonight.  We spent several July 4th holidays along the Oregon coast, particularly in Newport.  We always enjoyed their July 4 fireworks, but it's been more than 15 years since we were there.



Brenda, that must have been a monster tornado.  I'm sorry for the destruction of property and loss of life for livestock, but it's good that no human was killed.



I'm sorry your trip vet trip was postponed and that you how have to reschedule.



Dixie, I'm sorry about Bailey not eating or pooping.  I hope the vet can find a way to help Bailey so that you have more time together.  The hardest thing about having furry family members is saying good bye.



Jack, those are some ambitious travel plans.  My head was spinning trying to keep up with them while reading about them.  I know you will have a wonderful time.



That is so sad about your neighbor.  People who take their lives must really be desperate.



Debbie, good for you for changing the plug and light switch.  The has been DH's job, but I need to learn how to change them too.  I'm pretty sure I can figure it out as long as I remember which wires go where.



Jacqui, DH was prescribed Gabapentin on a couple of occasions, and he was supposed to take one a day for two weeks, two a day for two weeks and then three a day.  They made him so dizzy and sleepy that he could only tolerate one a day, and that was still not great.   After his surgeries, he was prescribed Tramadol which also made him very dizzy and out of it.  Hopefully, once Ivan is feeling better, the vet can prescribe something for the pain that does not have such strong side effects.  You might want to discuss this with the vet on Friday when she visits Ivan.


Thanks Lenda.  I love my vet that is coming on Friday.  I find them very thorough and caring.  The appointment was originally for his blood profile and a check on the pain from last time.  I will definitely be discussing with them.  He had everything under the sun when they were here before I formally gave up my “trial” period (including ultra sound and biopsy on his lumps) and he was given an excellent bill of health.  He normally does not act his age so hopefully she can help to get to the bottom of the mystery with better medication.  Metacam is not a solution right now as he has to have a full stomach and it can cause ulcers without it.



9 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:


Just for comparison, as Sam is about 56-58 kg (125 lb) and I'm sure bigger than Ivan,  he gets per day: Tramadol HCL 50mg x 3, Gabapentin 300mg x 3, and Vetprofen 100mg x 2. All of this due to his hip dysplasia/arthiritis. It is not very convenient as all of these are controlled substances with no refills. I have to call the vet's office monthly to get the Tramadol and Gabapentin refilled at CVS. But ... he is worth it!


I'll agree with weather being a factor. At least this year Sam is agreeable to staying inside with the heat and rain. For Ivan, the Tramadol should just be easing his pain. With the Gabapentin they get a bit addicted (what I would call it) as without it they may become restless. I use to give Sam Cosequin for the Glucosamine but his joints are beyond use of a supplement. He does get the 100% recommended dose in his food though. I hope he improves soon.


- Jack


Thanks a lot Jack. 👍. I am happy to say that Ivan is down to 27.4 kgs.  Getting his weight down was key to stop the lumps from growing and I can feel his ribs. I need to get it down a bit more, but right now, I’m not worried about that.

He has Gaba[pentin - 300 mg - twice a day if needed and Tramadol - 50 mg - 2 together up to 3x a day if needed.  It seems to me a higher dosage than what Marley got when he had bone cancer and he was over 100 pounds.


And yes,  if I need to fill it, I will.  That’s a non issue 😉 


You made up my mind to let the Gab wear off and if he’s in pain, I’ll give him some Tramdol.  It worked well with Marley and it’s fast acting, normally. 


I really appreciate your information and all the help.  Thanks.




Just now, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Jack, I was surprised you have to get the prescriptions renewed monthly for Sam.  I guess that's so people can't renew them and use them for themselves.  When DH was on Gabapentin and Tramadol, the prescriptions could be renewed. 





Dogs are a bit different Lenda as the prescriptions are for the dogs but in the owner’s name when you fill them at the pharmacy.  However, when it came to Marley - I had 6 refills if needed but that was a first for me.  I had been with the same vet clinic for over 30 years so I suspect they knew me well enough and wanted to save me grief - Jose was in the hospital at the time.



8 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

I had a dog who acted in pain , would not eat had GI upset and it was a bad tooth. Hopefully they checked his teeth. 


Oh believe me, he has been checked.  And he was when I got him.  Great gums, teeth, heart,  no fever and X-Ray is as clear as a bell.


The suddenness of both episodes have the vets baffled.  I had visions of DD DH where they couldn’t pin it down and…


I try not to go there.  He is such a sweet, good boy and was absolutely fine on Saturday.  I know the signs of pain and that’s why he went in fast on Sunday.

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11 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Thank you all for your good thoughts for our Bailey.  The vet changed some of her meds and we will check her again in a month.  So we get another month with her.  She still doesn't know she is sick, we just need to get her eating again.


Oh that is great news, Dixie 👍. Thank heavens.

If she doesn’t know she is sick, it sounds promising.  Does she like chicken & rice broth?  that’s kind of my “go to” with a sick dog.  Takes time but it’s worth it if they get some liquid and something easy going in their belly.

Best wishes for you both and Bailey 🙏🏻 

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8 minutes ago, kazu said:


Thanks Lenda.  I love my vet that is coming on Friday.  I find them very thorough and caring.  The appointment was originally for his blood profile and a check on the pain from last time.  I will definitely be discussing with them.  He had everything under the sun when they were here before I formally gave up my “trial” period (including ultra sound and biopsy on his lumps) and he was given an excellent bill of health.  He normally does not act his age so hopefully she can help to get to the bottom of the mystery with better medication.  Metacam is not a solution right now as he has to have a full stomach and it can cause ulcers without it.




Thanks a lot Jack. 👍. I am happy to say that Ivan is down to 27.4 kgs.  Getting his weight down was key to stop the lumps from growing and I can feel his ribs. I need to get it down a bit more, but right now, I’m not worried about that.

He has Gaba[pentin - 300 mg - twice a day if needed and Tramadol - 50 mg - 2 together up to 3x a day if needed.  It seems to me a higher dosage than what Marley got when he had bone cancer and he was over 100 pounds.


And yes,  if I need to fill it, I will.  That’s a non issue 😉 


You made up my mind to let the Gab wear off and if he’s in pain, I’ll give him some Tramdol.  It worked well with Marley and it’s fast acting, normally. 


I really appreciate your information and all the help.  Thanks.





Dogs are a bit different Lenda as the prescriptions are for the dogs but in the owner’s name when you fill them at the pharmacy.  However, when it came to Marley - I had 6 refills if needed but that was a first for me.  I had been with the same vet clinic for over 30 years so I suspect they knew me well enough and wanted to save me grief - Jose was in the hospital at the time.




Oh believe me, he has been checked.  And he was when I got him.  Great gums, teeth, heart,  no fever and X-Ray is as clear as a bell.


The suddenness of both episodes have the vets baffled.  I had visions of DD DH where they couldn’t pin it down and…


I try not to go there.  He is such a sweet, good boy and was absolutely fine on Saturday.  I know the signs of pain and that’s why he went in fast on Sunday.


Again, I hope your vet can get to the bottom of this.  It does seem puzzling.  Could he have gotten into something without your knowing it the day before?  I know you keep a close eye on him, but if he's anything like our dachshunds, they can be sneaky.  


BTW, the dosage for Ivan on the Gabapentin is the same as DH got, and I think it's the same for the Tramadol.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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8 minutes ago, kazu said:


Oh that is great news, Dixie 👍. Thank heavens.

If she doesn’t know she is sick, it sounds promising.  Does she like chicken & rice broth?  that’s kind of my “go to” with a sick dog.  Takes time but it’s worth it if they get some liquid and something easy going in their belly.

Best wishes for you both and Bailey 🙏🏻 

Thank you. And she takes Gabapentin too. 

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Finally, a chance to seat down and read through today's messages with some care. Glad to hear that Bailey has more time and hopefully Ivan will perk up. If they could just tell us......


I am feeling a bit more chipper since I got my hair cut this morning and in addition, a pedicure which was overdue. My feet are much happier. Unfortunately I started today badly. As I was moving my shredder which was pretty full of "confetti" I dropped it and the whole mess went all over the dining room floor. Took me a long time to get all those little bits corralled and into a bag for recycling. A  few strays are still stuck on the rug.


It is hot here and will be even more so tomorrow. I am just planning to stay in and continue the sort and toss (and shred). The town is really hopping with lots of tourists and it just is not worth trying to go anywhere. I can see the drone show tomorrow night from the hill behind the condo. All in all, hopefully a quiet day.


Take care all.



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59 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Again, I hope your vet can get to the bottom of this.  It does seem puzzling.  Could he have gotten into something without your knowing it the day before?  I know you keep a close eye on him, but if he's anything like our dachshunds, they can be sneaky.  


Thanks.  Me too.  The vet asked the same question - definitely not.  He doesn’t even rip apart his toys.  Nor chew shoes/socks.  He’s barred from the garden and doesn’t get into anything on walks or what little he could in the back yard.  When I say he is a good boy - I’m not joking.  Just one “uh uh” and he doesn’t repeat - ever.


He has the run of the downstairs (not crated just as my other dogs weren’t once trained) and there is really nothing to get into.  I might be a lousy housekeeper at times but the floor and downstairs are very safe for dogs.


59 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


BTW, the dosage for Ivan on the Gabapentin is the same as DH got, and I think it's the same for the Tramadol.




Interesting.  It’s amazing how some human meds can be used for our furry friends and how some are deadly.



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22 minutes ago, kazu said:


Thanks.  Me too.  The vet asked the same question - definitely not.  He doesn’t even rip apart his toys.  Nor chew shoes/socks.  He’s barred from the garden and doesn’t get into anything on walks or what little he could in the back yard.  When I say he is a good boy - I’m not joking.  Just one “uh uh” and he doesn’t repeat - ever.


He has the run of the downstairs (not crated just as my other dogs weren’t once trained) and there is really nothing to get into.  I might be a lousy housekeeper at times but the floor and downstairs are very safe for dogs.



Amazing how rescues recognize what has changed around them. No kennel but back into a home again. With Oke' and Juno, I crated them for about the first week after I adopted them. They needed to gain my trust but after about the fifth night, Juno just climbed in the crate by herself! Packed up the crate the next day. Sam just came in to the house (we had read to not bring them in the house immediately but to walk a rescue in the neighborhood first) and settled right in. When it came to nighttime, he climbed in to Juno's old bed in our bedroom - and that was it. But now as he has aged is more restless and is sleeping in our Front Room with a fan by himself. Another sign of about six - eight months to go.


It will be serious when we need to switch to chicken and rice for food. That is what Oke' ate the last month.

Edited by Heartgrove
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11 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:


Amazing how rescues recognize what has changed around them. No kennel but back into a home again. With Oke' and Juno, I crated them for about the first week after I adopted them. They needed to gain my trust but after about the fifth night, Juno just climbed in the crate by herself! Packed up the crate the next day. Sam just came in to the house (we had read to not bring them in the house immediately but to walk a rescue in the neighborhood first) and settled right in. When it came to nighttime, he climbed in to Juno's old bed in our bedroom - and that was it. But now as he has aged is more restless and is sleeping in our Front Room with a fan by himself. Another sign of about six - eight months to go.


It will be serious when we need to switch to chicken and rice for food. That is what Oke' ate the last month.


Oh, what a nice story ♥️ 

Chicken and rice broth has been my go to when my dogs get the “D”, and upset tummy, new meds or are sick.  They love it and it gives them lots of fluid.  and yes, I make the chicken broth from scratch with chicken.  

the tough thing can be switching them back to their regular food when they are better 😂 😜 

I’m using it for Ivan mainly to get him fluids, lure him to eat and for his tummy since he had no food for over 24 hours.

thank you again for your and everyone’s help and insight.  

I didn’t mean to monopolize things on Ivan - my apologies to all 😞 

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A look at what HAL's former Ryndam III, the 3rd of the former "S"-class, looks like nowadays, She has been renamed Celestyal Journey and is at the Palumbo Shipyard in Valletta, Malta for some TLC to the tune of 24 Million $$$$.


She was originally christened Ryndam (or as HAL's former Captain Frans Consen used to say in his noon speech "Rrrrrrrrrrrryndam") in 1994 by her godmother, Madeleine Arison, spouse of Micky Arison, former chairman and CEO of the Carnival Corporation.


In 2015, she became Pacific Aria for P&O Australia, and in 2020, Aegean Goddess for SeaJets which never really got off the ground (sea bottom). She was sold early this year to Celestyal Cruises  

Celestyal Cruises (Cyprus - subsidiary of Louis plc) - Celestyal Journey.jpg

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14 minutes ago, kazu said:


Oh, what a nice story ♥️ 

Chicken and rice broth has been my go to when my dogs get the “D”, and upset tummy, new meds or are sick.  They love it and it gives them lots of fluid.  and yes, I make the chicken broth from scratch with chicken.  

the tough thing can be switching them back to their regular food when they are better 😂 😜 

I’m using it for Ivan mainly to get him fluids, lure him to eat and for his tummy since he had no food for over 24 hours.

thank you again for your and everyone’s help and insight.  

I didn’t mean to monopolize things on Ivan - my apologies to all 😞 


Jacqui, no apologies needed.  We're all concerned about all the Dailyites, including the four legged ones.  It's nice and interesting to know what is going on, and it gives you a chance to vent, and to get ideas, no matter how wild or crazy they are, and  to get help.



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19 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:

A look at what HAL's former Ryndam III, the 3rd of the former "S"-class, looks like nowadays, She has been renamed Celestyal Journey and is at the Palumbo Shipyard in Valletta, Malta for some TLC to the tune of 24 Million $$$$.


She was originally christened Ryndam (or as HAL's former Captain Frans Consen used to say in his noon speech "Rrrrrrrrrrrryndam") in 1994 by her godmother, Madeleine Arison, spouse of Micky Arison, former chairman and CEO of the Carnival Corporation.


In 2015, she became Pacific Aria for P&O Australia, and in 2020, Aegean Goddess for SeaJets which never really got off the ground (sea bottom). She was sold early this year to Celestyal Cruises  

Celestyal Cruises (Cyprus - subsidiary of Louis plc) - Celestyal Journey.jpg

Not quite.  She has been in Malta but left at the end of June and is now at Elefsis apparently for some additional work.  It looks like she goes in service as Celestial Journey on September 2.


In the meantime, former Maasdam is now MS Renaissance, sailing for a French startup.  She had a major drydock in Brest, and was supposed to go into service June 29.  Not sure what the status is; she is circling the UK but the dates do not match that startup date.  May be doing an introductory cruise for travel agents or something.  @aliaschief grabbed a picture of her in her final days in Brest.



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Good evening Dailyites. 


Well,  Allen's appointments were canceled as we were driving toward Killeen. The doctor had an emergency and canceled all appointments for the day. We turned around and drove to Fish City for lunch. This is their 4th cancelation since May.  I called my advocate at VA and gave a piece of my mind. 


Prayers @kazu for sweet Ivan. Our border collie/heeler Mackenzie had many bouts of nausea as she was going thru thyroid cancer treatment. I hand fed her chicken and rice as she would not stand to eat. I had a turkey I made for Thanksgiving and made a huge batch of turkey and rice and placed them in dozens of baggies for her. The day we took her to "go to heaven with Gramma" she had 2 of her favorites: baby ice cream cones from Dairy Queen. 


My toe looks like an old gnarly chewed on cigar. We have couples pedicures on Wednesday so I'll keep my feet covered in socks til then.


A good thing to celebrate: Our PCC snagged a fully accessible cabin after a cancellation today for our extended cruise on Rotterdam! It's the cabin next door to the one we are staying in the first 30+ days. 


Prayers for Bailey and all on our prayer list and mine.

Have a safe and happy 4th!

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14 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Not quite.  She has been in Malta but left at the end of June and is now at Elefsis apparently for some additional work.  It looks like she goes in service as Celestial Journey on September 2.


In the meantime, former Maasdam is now MS Renaissance, sailing for a French startup.  She had a major drydock in Brest, and was supposed to go into service June 29.  Not sure what the status is; she is circling the UK but the dates do not match that startup date.  May be doing an introductory cruise for travel agents or something.  @aliaschief grabbed a picture of her in her final days in Brest.




Close but no cigar as they say, Roy! 😁 Hope you are doing well! Maria and I were talking about you over the weekend when the topic of the Queen Mary in Long Beach and the brunch you invited us to came up. Was tat 2019 already? 

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26 minutes ago, rafinmd said:



In the meantime, former Maasdam is now MS Renaissance, sailing for a French startup.  She had a major drydock in Brest, and was supposed to go into service June 29.  Not sure what the status is; she is circling the UK but the dates do not match that startup date.  May be doing an introductory cruise for travel agents or something.  @aliaschief grabbed a picture of her in her final days in Brest.




The 2nd "S"-class ship, the former Maasdam, in her new colors as Renaissance. Her new owners are Compagnie Francaise de Croisieres / the French Cruise Company.  They purchased her in Sep 2022 


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51 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:


Close but no cigar as they say, Roy! 😁 Hope you are doing well! Maria and I were talking about you over the weekend when the topic of the Queen Mary in Long Beach and the brunch you invited us to came up. Was tat 2019 already? 

That was January 2020.  I hear there is work on stabilizing  Queen Mary.



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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Oh, what a nice story ♥️ 

Chicken and rice broth has been my go to when my dogs get the “D”, and upset tummy, new meds or are sick.  They love it and it gives them lots of fluid.  and yes, I make the chicken broth from scratch with chicken.  

the tough thing can be switching them back to their regular food when they are better 😂 😜 

I’m using it for Ivan mainly to get him fluids, lure him to eat and for his tummy since he had no food for over 24 hours.

thank you again for your and everyone’s help and insight.  

I didn’t mean to monopolize things on Ivan - my apologies to all 😞 

That's why we're here, Jacqui.  Talk about Ivan all you want.  I used chicken and rice broth with my sister's dog when I was babysitting once.  He must have gotten into something because he was vomiting all over.  He was really dehydrated as well.  I fed him ice cubes as he normally would come running when he heard the freezer opening.  He was too sick to do that, so I took the ice cubes to him.  

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7 hours ago, summer slope said:

Taking our Bailey into the vet this afternoon. She has stopped eating and pooping. I think the tumor has grown. It may be time. 😢



Very sorry to hear! All the best to you and Bailey!

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Thank you @grapau27 Graham and @Heartgrove Jack for the P&O insights. And your good wishes we stay well!  I got a text from my close, long-time girlfriend who lives in my complex; she’s in Scotland with her sons and their families… and just tested +for COVID. It’s still very common!  I’m hoping the rest of the family doesn’t get it 😷.  I feel like crawling under a rock for a month!  Thanks for the good thoughts!  

@Copper10-8 and @rafinmd thanks for the pictures and updates. Good memories!  Maasdam, our first HAL; Ryndam, our first big upgrade, surprise, a window!!; and Queen Mary, a grand anniversary dinner on our way home from the Rose Parade, 2002. I’m sure they are continuing to help people make memories!  m—

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58 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

That was January 2020.  I hear there is work on stabilizing  Queen Mary.




Just an FYI, that former Soviet Foxtrot-class sub in front of her, B-427 Skorpion, is not doing too hot either! Been closed since 2015, has raccoons living inside , and is up for disposal 


CDN media


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9 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Haugesund port is less than a mile from the open sea.

We were there on June 7th.

The port had their own shuttle service which was 14krone for all day and you can pay the driver with a card.

It takes less than 10 minutes and it drops you off near the church and the longest pedestrian shopping street in Norway.




Thank you for your help Graham.  We were just going to get off and wing it.  I can see the church from my stateroom right now.  Our information for the day does not mention a shuttle service but I will find out about it.  I love to shop.


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