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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday March 6th, 2024


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Good morning. I am going to try the first recipe today or tomorrow, thank you Debbie @dfish. We were in Hilo on the all time best cruise to Hawaii on the Veendam . We went to see the mud pots and volcanoes in the park. 
My legal name of Theresa is never used if I can help it but it means to harvest and restore. Hmmm…

I was always fascinated by the periodic table . Yes, there is a nerd factor here. 
I salute all veterans including my DB  and nephew. 
Thank you to Jacqui @kazu and Karen @luvteaching for your perspectives. I have many teary days for no apparent “reason” and find myself going over various situations in my head. I hope I did all I could at the time and so appreciate your strong support. It is a process I guess.

I am glad to see that Sam rebounded. 
Sorry about the sore thumb, Debbie. 
I hope @catmando and @marshhawk are feeling ok today.

Take care everyone 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Remember the Alamo, and I've always had great respect for veterans.  The male version of my original name (Gerald for Geraldine) means "ruler with a spear".  I prefer the name Gerry which means "ruler with a glass of wine".


Well it's warmed up considerably overnight, as currently we're looking at a temperature of only -20C (-4F) and according to the radio, we could be having a high of +4 on Saturday which will certainly take down some of the snow out there.  Yesterday, after climbing through the mountains of snow to the neighbours for coffee, we saw a fellow out front with a bobcat who was clearing the snow all up and down our street.  It wasn't one of the city vehicles, so I figured one of our neighbours had hired this guy to take care of our street, but after calling around to a number of them, they had no idea who he was.  I guess just a random snow angel, for which we're so grateful!


@dfish yikes on getting your glove stuck in your drain snake - that could have been much worse!  Hopefully it's a mild sprain and you'll get all feeling back very soon.  

@HeartgroveI'm happy to hear Sam has rallied again; even if it's just for a short while, it gives you a chance to give him more love and he's able to give you happy memories.


I've got a dental appointment this morning for a routine cleaning - it'll be much easier to get there now that the street has been cleared, as the dental office is on a main street which will have been plowed.  DH would normally have had coffee with his band mates, but a couple of them are socked into their streets, so that's off the agenda for this week.


I've had a Hurricane - trust me, you really only need one!  While I don't really enjoy white wine, I do like a sparkly cava.  I'm going to look seriously at the recipes for today, as I do enjoy beef barley soup, but have never made it.  I like the idea of putting everything in the slow cooker and letting it go - easy, peasy.  DH has asked for spaghetti with meat sauce for tonight, so on my way home I'll pick up some parmesan cheese and make it a baked dish for us to enjoy with a simple tossed salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in a blue mood.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Jacqui, thank you Eva, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!


It appears that I jumped the gun yesterday! But, we are probably just kicking the can down the road. I really appreciated all the kind words that were said yesterday. 


Sam, has had a complete turnaround from the weekend! Saturday he was in pain almost unable to stand without great difficulty. A couple of times I used a towel as a sling to move his rear legs. Yesterday, after I wrote my contribution to the Daily yesterday - Sam barked to go on his walk, was anxious to have his afternoon dinner, and was back to his current normal! He still is an old dog so moves slow, but he can move. Reflexes are still good as I toss him treats that he catches midair. I just was having trouble yesterday on maybe cancelling Friday. My younger daughter came over with Lily to say goodbye. Her feelings were to delay.  She said it might be next week, maybe two weeks - but just not now.


I have decided to call the vet late today to cancel Friday.



Jack, that’s good news but if you don‘t mind me speaking up and if you haven’t called already, please WAIT.  It’s not that I don’t want Sam to recover, I do 🙏 but, dogs will often seem to bounce back right before it is their time.  I discovered that people do that too (the hard way). 💔 


I had the vet here for Marley and bam, he was great so she said no need and what to watch for.  The next day, he was doing exactly what she said to watch for and was obviously in huge pain.  I had to round up 3 neighbours to help me lift him in the SUV and get him to a vet clinic to relieve him of his pain 😢 

I hope with all my heart that Sam is not like Marley but I just want to give you fair warning.  I would wait until tomorrow and if he is still improving, then cancel.


Forgive me for sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong.  It is with the best intentions, believe me.


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Good Morning from Grand Cayman!  It’s going to be a busy day in port, 5 ships.  The Rotterdam is here with us.IMG_0135.thumb.jpeg.464729284bc9a4c7bd231b536ce70d7b.jpeg@Vict0riannMichelle is the Cellar Master.  Ceasar is not on the NS but is well known and loved by all.


Sending you peace, health and all good wishes.

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Important days today; Veterans should be respected every day. Agree w/the quote, pass on the meal, maybe the drink & wine, was in Hilo Dec 2023 when NS overnighted there.

Big days in history  - the Alamo is a huge part of TX history (a tiny building but a "big deal") where some important lives were lost. Thank goodness for Mr Hoffmann's aspirin- I've had 2 already today.

No idea what the temp or forecast is - weather doesn't want to load this morning. I'm including the full screenshot so you can enjoy the picture of my "friend" from So Africa.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all.🙏


Hilo was an overnight port Dec 28-29 2023 due to a cancelation of an original port. I didn't get many pictures. 






The shuttles weren't running the first day since they weren't expecting us. They should only put signs out when shuttles are active - it's confusing and a big time waste.




The 2nd day started a little dreary & rainy but cleared up.


Definitely need photo ID


I did not do an excursion; I went to the Farmers Market (everything looked so good) and walked around town.




I did not cross the street to the beach - too many tents for my comfort. I got about half way across the 2nd street then turned around.




Christmas 🎄 in one of the downtown shops.


View from the Thermal Spa


This is the map we were given on the ship


This lists some of the places to go & the bus schedule - not enough copies to go around, so we took pictures


Info table across from the Farmers Market shuttle bench just before you go outside


Bow Cam Dec 28 2023


Aft Cam Dec 28 2023


Hilo Day 1 was a really bad dog day on the ship - this is the tail end of the one that ran in my cabin, ugh


Murals from Wal-Mart 




Bow Cam Dec 29 2023


Aft Cam Dec 29 2023


No weather today


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@smitty34877 Terrie it is hard to beat the second guessing.  After 9 years I still have it.  Know you did your very best with what you had and what you knew and it may help.  

A photo a friend in the UP from our little town took this photo of a cow moose sipping the salt water from the grooves in the road.  What is so remarkable it the complete lack of snow.  

Mike's Moose.jpg

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Good morning Dailyites. Looks like a beautiful morning. Oliver and I just filled the bird feeders,  now there's a billion dove smacking away.


Yesterday Allen had a Nephrology appt. Blood work today. Doctor thinks it's diabetes related, so back to watching what my sweet husband eats. He's sneaky..


Then we went back to Fish City and I ate all the snow crab on the platter and took the dozen shrimp to our neighbor who loves them. 


Today I'm working on getting the rest of the planters filled with dirt. 


Tonight I'm making halibut and salad, not much thinking there.. lol


Joy is a girl's name of Latin origin, meaning “great pleasure, happiness.” This delightful title stems from the Latin guadia, which eventually led to the modern French “joie.” In the late 19th century, Joy soared into popularity and is still adored today.


I honor all of our veterans and I pray for them each day. My prayers are lifted to all on our Vanessa's care list and mine.


I'd better get my day started. Have a great day!

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@kazu  Jacqui, your Marley story was the same for my 19 year old Maine Coon.  I had the home visit vet scheduled to come to my house to euthanize her two days later.  The next day she was at her food bowl chowing down.  I called the vet and said bring the stuff for blood work as she had rallied.  The next day when the vet was coming Lydia hadn't slept with me and I found her hiding in the basement.  Needless to way there was no blood work done.  19 years was a very long life for a Maine Coon. 

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10 minutes ago, kazu said:



Jack, that’s good news but if you don‘t mind me speaking up and if you haven’t called already, please WAIT.  It’s not that I don’t want Sam to recover, I do 🙏 but, dogs will often seem to bounce back right before it is their time.  I discovered that people do that too (the hard way). 💔 


I had the vet here for Marley and bam, he was great so she said no need and what to watch for.  The next day, he was doing exactly what she said to watch for and was obviously in huge pain.  I had to round up 3 neighbours to help me lift him in the SUV and get him to a vet clinic to relieve him of his pain 😢 

I hope with all my heart that Sam is not like Marley but I just want to give you fair warning.  I would wait until tomorrow and if he is still improving, then cancel.


Forgive me for sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong.  It is with the best intentions, believe me.



@Heartgrove I'm sorry to hear Sam is failing. Jacqui the same happened to our Mackenzie. We thought it was time to cross the rainbow Bridge,  so we took her to Dairy Queen for her baby cone, and she lit up like a firecracker with a big smile. We had her 2 more glorious weeks til she told us it was time. Back to DQ and a sedative, then to the vet. We love our babies dearly don't we? 

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Good morning.  Thanks to Roy, Rich, Ann, Debbie, Dixie & Vanessa’s for their dedication.


Great collection of days!  I especially like the reminder of memorial and respecting our veterans.  My real name means “may God protect” while my nickname which I’m known by means “supplanter”.  I’m not sure how to take the latter 😂 Great quote and yum on the Cava 👍. We were in Hilo and enjoyed it  - will check it I have pics handy.





Early morning with X-Rays on my back and hips.  Big ouch.  That table is HARD and when you don’t have much fat on your bones, some of those positions can hurt.  Oh well, it’s over, thankfully.  Just hope they reveal something helpful and not bad 🤞 Hopefully the pain subsides - otherwise poor, deprived Ivan may have to be content with his games of fetch LOL.





Ivan is turning into a hazardous dog.  He refuses to leave his toys in his box. Put them away and they are out 5 minutes later and all over the place and, of course, at least one or two come on the couch with him when he’s there.  I guess it’s my fault.  He likes variety so he has a number of them.  I’ve never seen a dog so enchanted with toys.





Everyone is battening down the hatches for tomorrow.  Freezing rain, ice pellets, snow.  High wind gusts but as the weather person said - those gusts are nothing for Atlantic Canada 😂 





Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, grieving, pain, health issues, worries and those that need them. 🙏. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂 




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Good morning from a very cloudy Quartzsite.  After yesterday's perfect afternoon with not a cloud in sight, it was a shock to see the heavy overcast.  It was 53F when I got up this morning, and we should reach 74F this afternoon.  We might see the sun for a few hours this afternoon, but the clouds will return over night and hang around all day tomorrow.  At least, that's the latest guess as far as the forecast goes.  Today, I'll try to catch up on a few chores, including making more food for the hummingbirds.


While the siege and battle of the Alamo did not go well for the Texans, there were 15 survivors.  It was a victory for General Santa Anna and the Mexicans, they had betwen 600 and 1600 killed or wounded.  Instead of giving up, the fall of the Alamo inspired the Texans for fight harder for their independence, and "Remember the Alamo" became their battle cry.  I respect our Veterans.  I always thought my name Lenda was unique and was spelled with an e to honor my grandfathers.  However, Lenda is of old German origin and means "lion's strength".  It is thought to have been an offshoot of Leonard or Leonarda, and one grandfather was named Leonard while the other went by the initials DA.


An interesting quote today.


We'll pass on the meal and the wine.  I might try a hurricane, but one would probably be enough.


We have been to Hilo many times including a stop there last month.


Three interesting days in history.  March 6 is an important day in Texas history.  The periodic table helped chemists.  The patenting of aspirin was was a milestone in pain relief.


@Nickelpenny  Pennie, thanks for the pictures, especially the sunrise and the rainbow.

@Heartgrove  Jack, I'm glad Sam rallied.  I also second Jacqui's @kazu suggestion to wait on canceling the appointment on Friday.  We had a cat who rallied, and we almost canceled the appointment, but sadly his rally was only for a few hours.  I know you will do what is best for Sam no matter how difficult it is on his humans.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm sorry your thumb is swollen and the hand is stiff.  I hope it improves quickly, but thankfully, it is not interfering with coffee or wine drinking.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad your arm is doing well.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep.  I hope your DH is recovering nicely.

@cat shepard  Ann, that is good news about your sister's recovery, but I hope they can get the Afib and O2 numbers under control soon.  If your sister has a case manager, talk to them and give them suggestions on where you think is best for both your sister and her family.

@rafinmd  Roy, the alternative maps look good.  Thanks for doing the extra work.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope all goes well at the dentist today.  How nice of the person with the bobcat to clear your street.














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1 hour ago, dfish said:

I can still use it for everything, but it is stiff from yesterday's injury.  The thumb is definitely swollen a bit and still feels funny.  But, I have good mobility with it, so not too worried.  I can pick up my coffee cup with no problem, so the important function is still there.


Whew!  Yes as long as you can pick up your coffee, wine, drink, etc. it’s working properly 😆 




1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Thank you to Jacqui @kazu and Karen @luvteaching for your perspectives. I have many teary days for no apparent “reason” and find myself going over various situations in my head. I hope I did all I could at the time and so appreciate your strong support. It is a process I guess.


It is indeed a process Terry and sadly, it can go on (and off) for a long, long time as @ottahand7 has attested to.

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We have been to Hilo many times, several in pre-digital days.  The most memorable was in 1996 on the old Star Princess (hadn't discovered HAL yet) the captain spent a long time off the coast about midnight so we could watch the lava flowing into the Pacific.  My pictures are a combination from different cruises beginning in 2007.


Here are three pictures of Rainbow Falls taken different years with different water flows.





Only once have we not rented a car in Hilo.  In 2007, we did a tour to Mauna Kea and the observatories on the mountain top.  This was taken from the ship on one visit.  There is snow on Mauna Kea, and you can see the observatory above the snow.



Some of the telescopes.  The one that is open is a solar telescope.




On another visit we drove north along the coast and stopped at the Waipo Lookout.  There is a view of the valley where the residents farm.  The road into the valley is very steep and we did not want to attempt it.




The coast north of Hilo



Thurston Lava Tube with one of the entrances





The Volcano Observatory and Jagger Museum which were closed in 2018 and will probably be permanently closed due to the instability of the caldera rim.  Both were damaged by a series of earthquakes just before the caldera collapsed,



Before the last big eruption of Kilauea, we were there on February 25. 2017, and lava was erupting in the caldera.  This is a little fuzzy as I had to zoom a long way.



We also drove to the end of the road where lava had gone into the Pacific over the years.






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I have a few more pictures from Hilo.


We had tried several times to visit the Imiloa Astronomy Center, but by the time we got there it was closed.  In 2018, we finally made it on a day they were having an open house and food fair.  Here are just a few pictures from the center.







In 2017, after visiting the Volcanoes National Park, we turned off the main highway to town and headed to a road and neighborhood that had been covered in lava during one of the eruptions.  This is what we saw from the end of the road, but decided we did not have time to hike out there.



From the end of the road, we turned toward the coast and found this local place.




We followed the coast toward Hilo until we realized we needed to turn around and retrace our route since the coast road did not go all the way to Hilo.  A couple of scenes along the coast.




Two pictures of downtown Hilo that were taken on February 10.





Finally, some pictures from various sailaways.






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@Heartgrove We thought our now 14+ year old Eskipoo was getting near the end in January, 2023.  We obtained a list of vets who would euthanize him here at home.  Fast forward a year, he's slower than he was & can't jump up on the couch but he's still alive & kicking - loves his daily .7 mile walk at the park, sometimes acts like he got new batteries put in. You just never know....

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I am now off to my dermatologist appointment that has been changed by both myself and the doc.  It's been at least since the first week of Covid I have seen a dermatologist.  I am curious about my right arm which has a rather scaly, hard and sometimes bleeds patch on my arm.  A place of a nervous scritching place when I was in boarding school years ago.

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Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

Remember the Alamo. Every day should be a day of memorial and respect for Veterans. My name is British and means butterfly. Interesting quote. I like the meal and drink. I have a hurricane glass from Pat O'Brien's in NOLA. Pass on the wine. I have been to Hilo. 3 important days in history.


It's been raining here since last evening, but still in the 50's. Sleep was only about 4 hours. I had some discomfort and leg tingling on awakening. I'd say it's about 75% better since the injections. I see the Neurosurgeon again in about 2 weeks. I'm doing more paper sorting (old medical records) this AM, and will have lots to shred soon. BFF is coming over later to help with some house stuff, and later we'll go to the airport to pick up our UK friends. I haven't heard from the contractor lately and am still holding off on moving stuff back into the rooms. Instead I'm organizing drawers in the furniture and built-ins. I have some stuffiness and drainage, probably allergies, but I'll do a test before meeting my friends.


@Nickelpenny Great rainbow shot. I was shaking my head at your missing the bugs.

@rafinmd Thanks for today's maps. 

@Heartgrove Good to hear that Sam has rallied, so you have more time with him. 

@dfish I hope the thumb feels better soon. Thanks for the recipes.

@ottahand7 I'm glad your arm is doing well.

@cat shepard I hope they can improve DSis's O2 and heart rhythm with meds. Hopefully she will continue to gain strength.

@marshhawk Good for you on getting more sleep. I hope Chuck is feeling ok today. Good luck with the dermatologist.

@smitty34877 Even with some medical background, it can be difficult to know if you've done the best things. Be gentle with yourself.

@Haljo1935 @GTVCRUISER Nice photos.

@Seasick Sailor Prayers that Allen's kidney issues improve or stabilize. 

@kazu I hope you can get some relief from your pain (and I agree about the x-ray tables, even though I have lots of padding!). Cute photos of Ivan. Ugh on your weather forecast.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the lovely photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


A few pics from Hilo in 1992, converted from slides

Black Sand Beach



Kilauea Caldera



Sign marking lava flow



Rainbow Falls





Approaching Hilo 2012



Trees planted after 1946 Tsunami in Hilo



Statue of King Kamehameha



Entering Kileauea Volcano National Park






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It’s been a very foggy morning!  Lots of rain expected today, maybe flooding tonight in lower areas. Hoping it won’t interfere with our drive to the eye doctor tomorrow which is to our east, across some rivers and lowlands. 🤞

I salute our veterans, especially the stepsons I raised - one was army for a short time after 9/11, the other retired as a navy commander, 27 years. Thank you to all who served!  

On one of my first visits to Texas I bought a souvenir - a lined notepad with the heading “Things to Remember”…. top line was filled in: “The Alamo!”  History is brutal. They bought time with their lives and Sam Houston did come. 

I still have a Periodic Table of the Elements in my kitchen, always have had. I refer to it more often than one might imagine…. mine is 2-sided with different data on each side including valance states, isotopes, crystal structure and much more. I’m a data person!  Geology, chemistry, physics, yup, all of it!  

Yay for Aspirin!  Still the best first option in a heart attack - makes the platelets slippery to keep a clot from growing. Chew up 2-4 baby aspirin and let it absorb through the mouth tissue, faster into the bloodstream than through the stomach… if you’re not allergic to it and have no bleeding disorders.  

I think I’d like a Hurricane, I enjoy rum and passion fruit juice!  Tonight, the soup of the day is listed as beef barley, should be good!  The soups in our 3 dining rooms usually are a treat for me. 

I’ve been told that my name is Gaelic for “little Mary”;  Maura= Mary and -een is the diminutive, similarly for Kathleen and Coleen (little girl).  

I’ve enjoyed many visits to Hilo and the Big Island, both extended land visits and by ships. Rented cars nearly every visit. Loved seeing Lenda’s pictures of the Wiapio Valley! Got a local to take us down into it in his Land Rover in about 1985.  He told us there were no trees there until the 1946 tsunami brought in seeds; hard to imagine, it’s so overgrown. His family had a taro farm there where we stopped for him to pull up a “potato” to show us. 
Of course, as a geologist I can’t say enough about how thrilling it was to see the volcanoes up close! Lava, steam at the water’s edge, sulphuric vents, lave tree-molds, lava-tubes…. black sand and green (olivine/peridot sand beaches!  Pete’s hair strands!  First time was when I was still in college, between my BS graduation and starting my MS work…. seems 100 yrs ago but it’s almost 50🤣
And more recently, the botanical gardens not far from the port are stunning!  


@dfish maybe ice will help reduce the swelling in your injured thumb. 👍 


@Heartgrove difficult days and decisions, so much love 💔 


@Nickelpenny Thank you for the Amazon experience!  


My DSIL had a scan yesterday, another is scheduled for Friday, treatments should begin next week. Thank you all for your caring support. Thinking of all in our Daily family dealing with their own and their family’s health needs. 🙏 for better days soon. 

Blessings sent too early while I couldn’t sleep. May everyone stay well and safe!  Especially through their storms… those from outside and those from within!  😢

Cheers to all celebrating and cruising, Life is Good🌈



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I have a few more pictures from Hilo.


We had tried several times to visit the Imiloa Astronomy Center, but by the time we got there it was closed.  In 2018, we finally made it on a day they were having an open house and food fair.  Here are just a few pictures from the center.







In 2017, after visiting the Volcanoes National Park, we turned off the main highway to town and headed to a road and neighborhood that had been covered in lava during one of the eruptions.  This is what we saw from the end of the road, but decided we did not have time to hike out there.



From the end of the road, we turned toward the coast and found this local place.




We followed the coast toward Hilo until we realized we needed to turn around and retrace our route since the coast road did not go all the way to Hilo.  A couple of scenes along the coast.




Two pictures of downtown Hilo that were taken on February 10.





Finally, some pictures from various sailaways.






Very interesting photos Lenda.

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Good morning, Dailyites.  I'm happy to hear that Sam may have a reprieve,  But it's true what Jacqui says, we've had that happen, too.  It may be the adrenaline from the vet's visit!


We have been to Hilo, but my pictures are similar to those posted, to I thought I would answer @0106.  Thanks for your message - I think we have had Michelle before, Pat said she was "unobtrusive"...  I'm sorry you don't have Cesare on board, he is a lot of fun. When we had Niko as CM and Cesare as Italian chef on NS, we had an amazing Italian Cellar Master's dinner in Canaletto, I just have to show you my pictures.  The desert was to die for!  But we started with special drinks and tasty morsels by the Lido pool and then progressed into the Canaletto.  Even the Hotel Manager joined us and a jolly time was had by all.  I was hoping for something similar  next cruise...


















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Good morning /afternoon to all and Thank You to all the Daily contributors .
From our San Diego Circle Hawaii cruise on the Veendam in 2014 , yes 10 years ago already , a few pictures of a great tour we had together including DMIL  (than 87 ) and her cousin. 
How beautiful is nature to see and listen to .
A fairly new lava stream we were allowed to explore 
New growth coming up in the lava stream 
One of the craters of Mauna Lua 
Look at mom getting excited being near a volcano for the very first time …..
Visiting some lovely Orchid gardens 
Liked that companies slogan ! 
Best Wishes to all and please Take Care !
Tony 😄😄
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