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Packing list

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We are leaving in exactly 2 weeks for an 8 day cruise and I have started to pack ahead of time to avoid headache later on...It is myself, DH and our 6 year old DD. DH is really easy for the most part just have to have enough outfits for him for day and evening and then his 2 suits and cologne, deoderant, and toothbrush. DD is pretty much just as easy. For me it seems that it is so difficult because I pack all of the little things as well...I have for the first time EVER started a list and as of yet all I have packed is my day outfits, evening outfits, and flip flops. Here is my list, can anyone help me and let me know if there is anything I have missed??


2 formal dresses

1 black strappy sandal for formal

1 gold strappy sandal for formal

10 undies

4 socks

5 bathing suits

4 everyday outfits for ports

7 evening outfits (5 capri 8 tops)- i am indecisive



black clutch

gold clutch

black sandals for night

brown sandals for night



flat iron

beach bag



tanning lotion


band aids



2 hair clips


This list feels like it is so long and still things are missing...can anyone think of anything I missed?

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This is a partial list of what I take - many items are trial size - and most are kep packed at all times - and just replenished as needed.... I'm sure I have forgotten many items and the list will be different for all. Jan




Shampoo, Toothpaste

Hand cream, shaving cream

Electric razor, Regular razor

Floss, Toothbrushes

Band-Aids, Neosporin

Tums, Tylenol

Dramamine, Medicine-

Aloe Vera, Sewing kit

Sun Screen Alarm Clock

Nail polish/polish remover pads

Hair Gel, hair spray

Brush, Comb

Make-up mirror, Jewelry

Hand cleaner (small) , Clinique

Sun Glasses, Regular glasses

Reading Glasses, Water Proof Cameras

Regular Cameras, Drivers license

Passport, money

Cruise documents, Magazines

Craft work, books

Duct tape, Binoculars

Highlighter, post it notes

Glasses cord, Pens

Air fresheners, Watch

Clothes pins, business cards

Stain wipes, Cell phone

Airline tickets, watch

Beach bag, fanny pack

Hat, Cap

Zip Lock Bags, Coffee Mugs

Nail clippers, tweezers

Sewing kit, small scissors

Duffle bag for 4th bag, Snorkel equipment

Water shoes, fanny pack

Journal, notebook of “stuff”

medical insurance cards

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Wow, you are prepared for everything:)

I wish I could be so organized.

Just remember the TSA rules on carry-ons!

When I am on the ship I will always wear a light jacket or sweatshirt to keep warm. Because I don't like the heat or the sun and would never consider subjecting others to looking at me in a bathing suit, I prefer to stay inside the ship. I have yet to be on a ship where the air condidtioning wasn't set to freezing temperatures.


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Your list is pretty good, although I notice you don't have any daytime shoes on the list. If it were me, I'd probably cut out a few of the night time tops and wear at least one twice, perhaps on the first and last nights. I'd probably not take so many pair of underwear, choosing instead to wash a few pair mid-week on the cruise. Think about the socks, too, do you really think you'll wear that many pair?


I keep a small first aid kit packed in my carry on all the time, it seems the one thing that can take forever to organize. Although, I'll probably start packing it in my checked bag, the items will remain the same. I include a small amount of meds for pain, cold & cough, stomache and a sleep aid, a very few bandaids and antiseptic gel. Keep it small enough to pack in a small, clear makeup bag, or you can buy a small kit at the drugstore.


It might not sound like a big deal, but everything you are able to eliminate is one less thing to pack and organize. I go crazy trying to keep track of too many things and I've had plenty of trips where I repack to go home and find that I didn't wear half of what I brought along. You also have to be careful with storage space on the ship. When you have only 2 people, it's not so bad, but 3 can make a difference, drawer space is at a premium. If you have a suite, you have no worries at all, I could probably take my whole wardrobe then:)

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We are leaving in exactly 2 weeks for an 8 day cruise and I have started to pack ahead of time to avoid headache later on...It is myself, DH and our 6 year old DD. DH is really easy for the most part just have to have enough outfits for him for day and evening and then his 2 suits and cologne, deoderant, and toothbrush. DD is pretty much just as easy. For me it seems that it is so difficult because I pack all of the little things as well...I have for the first time EVER started a list and as of yet all I have packed is my day outfits, evening outfits, and flip flops. Here is my list, can anyone help me and let me know if there is anything I have missed??


2 formal dresses

1 black strappy sandal for formal

1 gold strappy sandal for formal

10 undies

4 socks

5 bathing suits

4 everyday outfits for ports

7 evening outfits (5 capri 8 tops)- i am indecisive



black clutch

gold clutch

black sandals for night

brown sandals for night



flat iron

beach bag



tanning lotion


band aids



2 hair clips


This list feels like it is so long and still things are missing...can anyone think of anything I missed?



Hi there,


OK, I've also attached my "standard" list so you may want to compare this to some of the others you've received. I know it's long but it'll sure help when you're in a hurry and don't want to miss those important items! PS - I don't think you need 5 bathing suits! Two should be plenty!


PACKING LIST – 9 Casual, 4 Informal, 3 Formal


Underwear-20 Plastic Bags

Socks-16 White, 7 Dress, 9 Casual Tickets

Belts Travelers’ Cheques

Suits/Jackets-3 Tylenol

Casual Pants-5 Advil/Benadryl

Jeans-4 Band Aids

T-Shirts Cotton Balls

Casual Shirts-9 Nail Clipper Set

Dress Shirts-4-5 Swabs

Ties-3 Cologne

Bow Ties-2 Make-Up

Cummerbund-2 Deodorant

Cufflinks Nylons

Shorts-8 Bras

Fancy Dresses-3 Slips

Shoes Earrings

Thongs Hair Clips

Snorkeling Stuff Water Bottle

Sand Shoes Empty Water Bottles-3

Gum Travel Iron

Mints Shoe Horn

Sunblock Video Games

Razor Cards

Toothbrush Batteries (AA’s & AAA’s)

Toothpaste Alarm Clock

Umbrella Watches

Bathing Suits-2 Passports-3

Radio Sunglasses

Chapstick Hand Wipes

Sewing Kit Hair Brush

Lint Brush Mousse

Sweat Pants Hair Gel

Sweat Shirt Hairspray

Light Jacket Soap/Shampoo

Cover-Up Floss

Nail Polish Sleep Shirts

Remover Blue Pool Bag

Hangers Cough Drops

Blow Dryer Curling Iron

Binoculars Visine

Rubbing Alcohol



Sorry, had to cut and paste. It wouldn't let me insert it as an attachment because it exceeded the # of KB's.


PS - Definitely bring extra wire hangers - you'll need them esp. with 3 people traveling - the ship never seems to have enough!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been on vacation twice where I needed dental help. Once in a little town on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, And it was a weekend, the other time it was on an Alaska cruise. The first time I chipped a tooth on a tic-tac. The other time I lost a piece of cap on some calamari. It this has ever happened to you, you know the ship doesn't carry a waxy "patch" for the rough spot. Luckily, Ketchikam has a drug store.........In Nova Scotia, I purchased a wax candy bottle with the sweet liquid inside for a quarter, and used that all week until I got home to my dentist to have the tooth repaired. For those interested w/o teens who wore braces......braces wax is what I now carry. bondings on front teeth are never permanent, and really rough to the tongue if not covered with wax when a piece breaks loose.

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  • 11 months later...
I've been on vacation twice where I needed dental help. Once in a little town on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, And it was a weekend, the other time it was on an Alaska cruise. The first time I chipped a tooth on a tic-tac. The other time I lost a piece of cap on some calamari. It this has ever happened to you, you know the ship doesn't carry a waxy "patch" for the rough spot. Luckily, Ketchikam has a drug store.........In Nova Scotia, I purchased a wax candy bottle with the sweet liquid inside for a quarter, and used that all week until I got home to my dentist to have the tooth repaired. For those interested w/o teens who wore braces......braces wax is what I now carry. bondings on front teeth are never permanent, and really rough to the tongue if not covered with wax when a piece breaks loose.





Try dental cement. You can get it in the toothpaste aisle of your pharmacy. It comes in a tiny container with a tiny applicator and will cement any cap back on...fill any cavity or broken tooth...and smooth out any rough spots. Unlike wax, it won't fall out as easily. You can eat or drink without a problem for the entire cruise.:)

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Thanks, fellow cc's for providing helpful packing lists.

I have been in the habit for several years now (for both cruise and land travel) to keep a personalized packing list on my computer. I find it helps me to remember all essentials and still keep my packing light:


Here's what to do:


Start with a list (from the many provided here or through links) and cut-and-paste it into your computer.


Add/delete items as you study these boards.


If something is a maybe, just put a ? next to it - You will eliminate the item or remove the ? later (If you decide you really need it).


Plan your outfits down to specific items (not just "3 T-shirts" or "2 pairs shorts", but "Red T-shirt", "White shorts", etc) SEE process below*)


Add toiletry. jewelry, and personal items (I keep packed at all times a small toiletry bag with travel sizes of necessities for use on all trips)


Be sure to bring enough underwear (Check the daily outfits to determine if they need special undergarments - I usually avoid those that do) and sleepwear (if you use it;)) I bring oversized T-shirts for sleeping that also double as swimsuit coverups.


Refine and cull this list over time (I am usually revising up to a day or two before the trip). Be ruthless; Don't pack any ? items. Choose light over heavy, small over large, less over more, easy care over high maintenance.


The evening before you leave (or even the morning of), put everything in suitcases. Print and bring with you a copy of the list (in case of lost luggage, this is invaluable)


Save the list to be used as the starter list for the next similar trip.


*For planning outfits, list each day of your cruise/vacation and any special activities that you anticipate (formal nights, excursions.etc). Plan the "special" outfits first, using coordinating colors and considering what will do double/triple duty (ex. only ONE pair of evening sandals; slacks or skirt that can be worn more than once, etc) Then list what you will wear for everything else; do not bring anything that will not coordinate with something else. I have found that it works to choose a few base pieces match in combinations (there are many good references on how to do this). Remember that you will probably be in your swimsuit and coverup for daytime on sea days. For disembarkation day and at least one of the other days, make up the outfit completely from pieces from other outfits. Choose outfits so you need only ONE pair of formal shoes, ONE for smart casual, and ONE for informal/daytime (comfortable for walking), and perhaps a specialty shoe (beach/water shoe. hiking boot. etc)


After my first cruise (when I packed WAY to much) I started this system, For subesquent cruises, I have gotten mine down to one 20"- 24" (depending on length and destinmation) and a carry-on.

DH packs himself, but uses a similar process - he brings 1 suit, 2 dress shirts and ties (for 2 formal nights), a couple of pairs of long Dockers and a couple of short ones, and variety of Hawaiian shirts, polo shirts, and T-shirts (all which coordinate with the pants/shorts), dress shoes, sneakers (which he wears on and off the ship) and sandals.


Hope this is helpful.

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Wow thank you for this list I added things I probably wouldn't have thought of like Q-tips and Advil.


I agree with SimpleLife when it comes to planning outfits. I write down exactly what I want to wear, try it on at home, if it looks fine I find the shoes and jewelry and done it's packed. This way you're not just throwing "maybe" clothes into your stuffed suitcase. (Although I usually do just that right before we leave :D)


Enjoy your cruise!



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On our last cruise, I actually made a spread sheet with all of the different outfits (mostly evening) that I would be wearing. What was so great about that was I packed a whole day together (undergarments, bottoms, top, and even jewelry and bag if it would be different), and then when it was time to get dressed each night, I knew exactly what I was wearing, and where it all was. Sure, I was flexible, but I have to tell you that I stuck to the list pretty closely. It made the evenings really easy...a bit over the top??? It worked, and when I'm on vacation, I want life to be as easy as possible. (it also cut down on overpacking). Have a GREAT time:)

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I also like to bring a powerstrip for extra plugins. There are not very many in a cabin. Also, I bring the shoe-caddy that hangs over the bathroom door. This holds all of the toiletries, sunglasses, etc. so they don't clutter the tables and sink.


I also bring a 3-ring binder, 3-hole puncher and highlighter to keep my daily newsletters organized. I highlight what I want to do/see and store them in the binder. Otherwise they end up being left all over the cabin.

The 3-hole puncher is a narrow, cheap model that takes no room. I usually have a folder to keep coupons, directions, miscellaneous paperwork in the folder.


Happy cruising! :)

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2 cocktail dresses

1 matte jersey "smart casual" dress

1 sundress

1 matte jersey skirt (goes with several of the tops)

1 reversible crinkle cotton skirt

1 pair black linen long pants (can dress up or down)

4 pairs bermuda shorts (1 black, 1 tan, 1 white, 1 denim)

5 tissue weight tees/matte jersey casual tops

3 different colored tank tops

1 short sleeve white shirt (worn alone or over the tank tops)

1 gym/water shorts

3 bathing suits

1 black chiffon pareo (can double as an evening wrap)


8 undies (black and flesh-tone) - can always hand wash these if needed

black bra

fleshtone "convertible" bra with clear removable straps

half slip

2 pr gym socks (can hand-wash if needed)



3/4 sleeve crochet sweater

1 or 2 dressy sandals (depending on color of dresses)

1 casual sandals

1 black soft ballet flats (these pack really flat)

rubber flip flops

water shoes


snorkel & mask

beach/tote bag (beach bag serves as extra bag for trip home if needed)


baseball cap

packable sun hat


beaded evening bag

small casual clutch purse (evening bag gets packed inside this one)

jewelry roll


Small makeup bag with 2 eyeshadow pencils, 1 matte lipstick, 1 shimmery lipstick, 1 sunscreen lip balm (doubles as lip gloss), 1 powder foundation, 1 powder blush, tweezers, emery board, purse sized mirror, hair comb.


In the "liquids" Ziploc: Travel sizes of shampoo/conditioner, perfume, hair spray, toothpaste, aloe lotion, 3 oz. tube of sunscreen, waterproof mascara, moisturizer, hand lotion.


small toiletry bag with feminine hygiene items, 2 disposable razors, bandaids (the ones with neosporin already on), travel sizes of stick deodorant, toothbrush, contact lens solution (counts as a "medicine" so you only have to declare it, not put it in the Ziplock with other liquids), breath strips; also medicines such as immodium, decongestant, vitamins, benadryl, advil, dramamine. I put the pills in tiny ziplock bags (extra buttons come in them when you buy clothes) and label them with marker. It saves a TON of space.


Hair straightening iron (for me, a MUST!) :p

Bobby pins, fancy hair clips, ponytail holders

extra pair contact lenses


waterproof camera/battery charger

roll-up space bags (for trip home - can put undies and unwrinklable things in on the go-to trip if needed )

Paperback books/magazines as space allows (leave them behind after they're read. You can buy them after getting off the plane and before boarding the ship to save weight and space.)


Wear/have with me while traveling: 1 pair undies (duh!), fleshtone shelf-bra cami, jeans, gym socks, sneakers, T-shirt, long sleeved button down shirt or lightweight windbreaker, watch. Fanny pack with wallet, reading glasses, passport, cruise documents, prescription meds, paperback book.


Seems like a ton written down like this, but it fits in one wheeled carry-on and a small gym bag. For boarding the plane, the fanny pack goes in the gym bag so I have only two carry-on items. :)

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I love packing threads. It's interesting how this one got resurrected from a year ago :)


I think with United, US Air and perhaps other airlines lowering the allowed one bag "free", many people will now have to become more creative with their clothing choices.

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Houndmom/ you are amazing if you only took a carry on and a gym bag for all that was on your list!

are all your clothes made from that coolmax type of fabric?

how did you do your cocktail dresses or are they also matte jersey?


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Houndmom/ you are amazing if you only took a carry on and a gym bag for all that was on your list!

are all your clothes made from that coolmax type of fabric?

how did you do your cocktail dresses or are they also matte jersey?



A lot of my stuff is indeed very squishable! Tissue-weight tees take up about one third the space of a regular cotton tee; matte jersey dresses, skirts and babydoll tops can be rolled up and put in space bags, as can undies and swimsuits; I take lightweight twill shorts that pack really flat. My formals are non-poofy silk chiffon-type fabrics -- except for one gorgeous satin one I bought this year... that one might have to sneak into hubby's luggage! ;) The one pair of long pants I take is linen and practically weightless. Of course, a lot of the stuff on that list is little tiny stuff like makeup pencils, so the length of the list is kinda deceiving.


Main Rule #1: If it ain't squishable, it don't go! :p

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Yes, I can attest to what houndmom said - I do a similar list and it does fit into a 22" and a tote/carryon.


I usually bring evening separates rather than cocktail dresses. One pair of black slinky slacks and two different tops, usually a fancy one and a plainer one with snazzy jewelry. One pair of evening sandals.


Someone suggested on these boards planning your shoes first and then planning your outfits around them. Otherwise, shoes just seem to multiply. I thought that was a great idea.

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Someone suggested on these boards planning your shoes first and then planning your outfits around them. Otherwise, shoes just seem to multiply. I thought that was a great idea.



AMEN to that! I swear the shoes conspire in my closet to see how many of them can wheedle their way into my luggage! :eek: Right now a pair of Classic Strappy Navy Satins are arguing with a pair of Crystal-Embellished Black Stilettos to see who gets left behind. :p


I forgot a few things I like to take (these REALLY don't take up much space): 1) a couple of dryer sheets to get rid of static on clothes and hair; 2) Stain-remover towelettes; 3) travel packet of Clorox Wipes; 4) travel size bottle of Germ-X gel

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Years ago I bought a pair of evening shoes that have a clear heel and plastic type tops with black velvet lines and small glitters on top. they go with everything for the evening and I only have to take one pair of dress shoes. They been on many cruises and my sister even borrowed them one year. This year they're going to Italy.

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I tried to attach a packing list I copied from a CC packing thread a couple of years ago. It's very comprehensive - a 4p. Word document!


I usually print it & then cross out what we don't need for that specific trip. No go - it was too big. I'll try to figure out something tomorrow. :(


So, for those of you travelling in pairs, do you each have your own separate bags, or do you cross-pack?


We cross-pack for a few reasons -


1. For just a weekend we can get away with only 1 bag.

2. I try to pack outfits together. If 1 bag goes astray, at least we both have some clothing & other personal items.

3. Love him, but can't trust him to get everything packed. That & I'm a little bit of a control freak. :o

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I'd probably not take so many pair of underwear, choosing instead to wash a few pair mid-week on the cruise.


Happy ks, I agree with all of your suggestion except for the underwear one. I am paranoid about running out of underwear and like to change a lot, especially when it is hot, so that's the one thing I don't scrimp on. Panties take up so little room - i just roll them and stuff them everwhere in the suitcase - inside shoes, in corners, etc.

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Houndmom that was amazing. i have copied and pasted your list and started to change it to suit my needs. Our next trip is actually for 16 days so we will need a little bit more. (Cruise for 7 and Venice/Rome and Dubai for the others)


Could you come and pack for me? I always tend to take the 'just in case' stuff. Rarely do I use it.


My husband on the other hand is a buy it on the island kind of guy, "if I don't take it and I need it, I will buy it on the island!!!!!" He still manages to take a lot though.:(


My concern was the formal nights and him taking a suit. we have now found that we can hire a tux so will be doing that. :D :D

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