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CONFIRMED Infant Pool on Enchantment allows swim diapers

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Oh, that changes everything, every night you say?......:rolleyes:


Thanks, im still gonna stick to my guns.


Shouldn't be allowed.


They drain and clean kiddie pools every night where they knowingly allow non potty trained infants/toddlers to swim.




What about pre designating a swim area for non potty trained children don't you like? If you don't like it then don't swim in those pre designated pools. Swim in the big kid pools....

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They drain and clean kiddie pools every night where they knowingly allow non potty trained infants/toddlers to swim.




What about pre designating a swim area for non potty trained children don't you like? If you don't like it then don't swim in those pre designated pools. Swim in the big kid pools....


My son was hospitalized for 5 days with IV tubes coming out of his head because he was so sick and had no other veins anywhere else to hold an IV. Guess where he got sick from? A kiddie pool in the town we lived in. That kiddie pool was also cleaned and drained everyday but once someone pees or poops and the liquid mixes with the water and it comes into contact with another child its too late. When I think about it now I think how stupid I was to not see how dangerous and disgusting it was to let my son swim in a virtual toilet.

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They drain and clean kiddie pools every night where they knowingly allow non potty trained infants/toddlers to swim.


They shouldn't knowingly allow it is my point, no matter how much you say you clean it, it still gets to the point of being contaminated, so always runs the risk of getting someone sick. By the way, a small childs immune system is not nearly as strong as an adults.


What about pre designating a swim area for non potty trained children don't you like?


See the previous post.....

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My son was hospitalized for 5 days with IV tubes coming out of his head because he was so sick and had no other veins anywhere else to hold an IV. Guess where he got sick from? A kiddie pool in the town we lived in. That kiddie pool was also cleaned and drained everyday but once someone pees or poops and the liquid mixes with the water and it comes into contact with another child its too late. When I think about it now I think how stupid I was to not see how dangerous and disgusting it was to let my son swim in a virtual toilet.


How awful.:( :( :(


You weren't stupid; kids have been going in kiddie pools for eons, it's only been recently that most of us have been made aware of the dangers of contamination.

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My son was hospitalized for 5 days with IV tubes coming out of his head because he was so sick and had no other veins anywhere else to hold an IV. Guess where he got sick from? A kiddie pool in the town we lived in. That kiddie pool was also cleaned and drained everyday but once someone pees or poops and the liquid mixes with the water and it comes into contact with another child its too late. When I think about it now I think how stupid I was to not see how dangerous and disgusting it was to let my son swim in a virtual toilet.


It's definitely a chance you take when you knowingly let your child swim in a pool where non toilet trained children are allowed.


I'm glad to hear that your son made it thru okay :)

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My son was hospitalized for 5 days with IV tubes coming out of his head because he was so sick and had no other veins anywhere else to hold an IV. Guess where he got sick from? A kiddie pool in the town we lived in. That kiddie pool was also cleaned and drained everyday but once someone pees or poops and the liquid mixes with the water and it comes into contact with another child its too late. When I think about it now I think how stupid I was to not see how dangerous and disgusting it was to let my son swim in a virtual toilet.


E-coli can make a healthy adult mildly ill - it can easily kill a small child or an adult with a compromised immune system. Something these self-centered idiots who see nothing wrong with sneaking their non-potty trained kids into the pools because, after all, they paid for their vacation, fail to realize. Or, maybe they do and just don't care. Some ships now have "splash zones" for the non-potty trained set which do not actually have standing water.

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E-coli can make a healthy adult mildly ill - it can easily kill a small child or an adult with a compromised immune system. Something these self-centered idiots who see nothing wrong with sneaking their non-potty trained kids into the pools because, after all, they paid for their vacation, fail to realize. Or, maybe they do and just don't care. Some ships now have "splash zones" for the non-potty trained set which do not actually have standing water.


I believe that is exactly what the OP is referring to in this thread. Reference posts 15 and 24.

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My son was hospitalized for 5 days with IV tubes coming out of his head because he was so sick and had no other veins anywhere else to hold an IV. Guess where he got sick from? A kiddie pool in the town we lived in. That kiddie pool was also cleaned and drained everyday but once someone pees or poops and the liquid mixes with the water and it comes into contact with another child its too late. When I think about it now I think how stupid I was to not see how dangerous and disgusting it was to let my son swim in a virtual toilet.


I'm glad your son is OK. My son was hospitalized with an IV for a day - he caught coxsackie from a playground. These diseases can be anywhere, not just pools. Playgrounds are just as dangerous and disgusting. (And even more dangerous, since we've had stitches from a playground incident, too. :p) He's been swimming in a pool with other babies since he was 4 months old, and never caught anything from the water.

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more trouble.. babies in swimmers/diapers/panties do not

belong in ANY public pools... that is stated for SAFETY REASONS


It's not a pool, it's a wet play area. The CDC allows a variance to the normal rules for the RCI Baby Splash Zones:


Variance to allow children in diapers in the "Baby Splash Zone" based on an isolated water system, increased supervision & training, sensors for the water system, secondary UV disinfection, increased water turn-over rate, filter change schedule, and coliform testing.

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My son was hospitalized for 5 days with IV tubes coming out of his head because he was so sick and had no other veins anywhere else to hold an IV. Guess where he got sick from? A kiddie pool in the town we lived in. That kiddie pool was also cleaned and drained everyday but once someone pees or poops and the liquid mixes with the water and it comes into contact with another child its too late. When I think about it now I think how stupid I was to not see how dangerous and disgusting it was to let my son swim in a virtual toilet.


That's horrible. :( And you know you weren't stupid, just trusting that the safe guards they put in place would work.


The majority of land based pools allow swim diapers. Hundreds of thousands of kids swim in pools everyday on land....and hopefully, the facilities are keeping up on the chemicals that keep the pools clean.


We go to a water park (daily actually) and I have to trust that my kids are safe there.

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The doctor told us that probably some child had diarhea and the parents let him in the water which infected the pool. I know im paranoid about it...lol.. we got our own swimming pool after that and have had one in every house since then so we can monitor the chemicals. My son is 20 years old now and a Junior at the University of Texas, but I can still him with the IV in his head and the tubing taped on his back and a styrofoam cup taped on his head to keep him from pulling the IV out. He looked like an organ grinder monkey with the little hat on.

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  • 11 months later...

This is a question to the original poster. I just found this post and I hope you will see my question despite this being so old:


Do you have the pictures of the kiddie splash zone on the Enchantment of the Seas? I'd love to see them if so!!





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This is a question to the original poster. I just found this post and I hope you will see my question despite this being so old:


Do you have the pictures of the kiddie splash zone on the Enchantment of the Seas? I'd love to see them if so!!





The OP is on a cruise right now so might miss your post. I found the thread that has the pictures in it for you just in case she misses this question when she gets back.



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Oh thank you so much. I'm very confused now, I found what seems like this same post, WITH pictures also, so I have no idea what is going on with my computer. It did not have my response though, so who knows.


Anyway, I'm going to ask this question on both posts, so please forgive me if I duplicate this:


Can anyone tell me - I can see the pics of the small area of splash zone for diapered babies, but I'm confused about all the figurines standing throughout the area. Are the diapered babies allowed in that area too, or just the tiny pool area next to the 5-6 ft. depth pool? Does that even make sense? I'm having a hard time asking my question, I guess I just can't figure out what area is only for my 20 mo. old and what areas my 5 & 6 yr olds can go in. I read in another post what looked like someone said they walked around with their baby and let him/her touch the figurines, but only allowed the baby to get down in the tiny baby area next to the 6 ft. depth area. But then a poster directed me to a post that showed her little girl playing in an area that water was squirting up from the ground, and a big mushroom like thing squirting water out as well.


It may not seem like a big deal, but I've found that my 3rd child, a boy, is completely different from his 2 older sisters, he goes insane if he cannot participate in EVERYTHING EXACTLY the same way as everybody else. Its very frustrating, you can't do anything for him, he thinks he is 20 yrs old, not 20 months old! So, before I book a cruise, I don't want to get into a situation that he is banned from almost everything but one tiny little area as we won't even be able to go in that area if so. Its difficult to reason with a toddler! If he sees his sisters running around other areas and he is not allowed there, my life will be very un-fun at that time! I'm not talking about regular pools or large slides etc., he doesn't seem too interested in that. And I certainly have no problem telling my children what is appropriate and what is not, we are actually quite strict, so that isn't the problem with me being able to parent my child. I just hate to have him cry and feel left out b/c he thinks he is much older than he is.


I'm talking about the areas that are made to look very appealing for small children with the figurines etc, will be difficult to tell him he can't go there.


Does my question even make sense?


TIA in advance for reading my jumbled mess!

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Back to the point of people letting their non-toilet trained kids in the main pools when there is no other option...


We were on Freedom where there is a "Baby Zone" that allowers Swimmer diapers. However, there was a little girl in one of the whirlpools in the kids' area, along with my family. Her mother comes by, and starts playing around with the girl's bathing suit, and takes the girl out. About a minute (or less) later, I notice poop floating around the whirlpool. The mother had actually removed the poop from the girl's bathing suit and let it go into the whirlpool. Obviously, I got my kids out, told the pool guards ASAP, showered thoroughly with soap etc. And wouldn't you know it... the girl was now in the other whirlpool!! :eek: I told the pool guards and pointed her out, but I guess the mother saw and quickly took her out of the whirlpool and walked away. Even though the whirlpool was cleaned, my kids refused to go in for the rest of the trip (can you blame them?).

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I don't know know where people get the idea that ships don't use chlorine in the pools. I e-mailed RCI about their pools, and I received a response that all pools use sea water and are kept to a specific pH ( I forget what it is) by using chlorine/bromine.


BUT, you are still talking a very small pool, so even a little contamination is too much if we are talking fecal matter.


PH and free chlorine are two different things.


And chlorine and bromine pools are two different animals. Sounds like the person you spoke to didn't know what they are talking about.

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Back to the point of people letting their non-toilet trained kids in the main pools when there is no other option...


We were on Freedom where there is a "Baby Zone" that allowers Swimmer diapers. However, there was a little girl in one of the whirlpools in the kids' area, along with my family. Her mother comes by, and starts playing around with the girl's bathing suit, and takes the girl out. About a minute (or less) later, I notice poop floating around the whirlpool. The mother had actually removed the poop from the girl's bathing suit and let it go into the whirlpool. Obviously, I got my kids out, told the pool guards ASAP, showered thoroughly with soap etc. And wouldn't you know it... the girl was now in the other whirlpool!! :eek: I told the pool guards and pointed her out, but I guess the mother saw and quickly took her out of the whirlpool and walked away. Even though the whirlpool was cleaned, my kids refused to go in for the rest of the trip (can you blame them?).


:eek: URGH Discusting!


General query though, do none of you actually think that toilet trained kids don't pee in the pools and can also have poop accident in them, whats the next step, no kids under 8 in the pool or untill you have been toilet trained for 6 years with a certificate of proof with no accidents??


I would rather swim next to a kid in a swim diaper than a newly toilet trained kid without who is having to much fun to remember to get out the pool!


Oh and the person on page one who said they don't hold wee.....I have to disagree, first hand experience when we used some as a normal diaper on a beach holiday after leaving the regular ones in the hotel, granted they don't hold as much but we changed them a bit more regular than usual ones (2 swim ones to one regular one) and we never had wee leaks.

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On the Fam board, we keep a list of ships that allow swim diapers in a small infant water area (no we aren't talking about the main pool ;) )


We knew that RCCL Freedom, Liberty, Independece of the Seas has these pools (Baby Zones)


Thanks to a parent at the Fam board, we got pictures of a Infant Pool on Enchanment of the Seas and I wanted RCCL to CONFIRM it.


At first they denied it existed :rolleyes: So I sent pictures and got this email...



Dear Ms. XXXXXX:


Thank you for your email. We apologize for the delay in our response.


We have contacted the Enchantment of the Seas who confirms the use of the baby splash zone for infants in diapers. Please keep in mind that this is subject to change.


Ms. XXXXXX, thank you for choosing Royal Caribbean International.




Customer Service Representative


Its a scary thing when the head office needs to "contact the ENchantment of the Seas" to find out if Enchantment has a "baby splash zone" ! Shouldn't that information be part of the deck plans for Enchantment? :eek: ANd what does this mean "please keep in mind that this is subject to change? Wouldn't the head office know if the ship going to change their deck plans? And to think these are the same people who are selling the cruises to you and me! Very scary stuff!!!!

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I understand that my son can't get in areas that are not for swim diapered children and I wasn't asking questions to find out if I can break the rules. I cant' understand why everybody feels the need to harp on that, not everybody is an irresponsible parent. I would never put him inside pools with adults knowing he is not allowed. I'm as horrified as you are that that woman did that with her baby, its nasty and completely selfish.


What I'm trying to find out is whether the other areas in the splash zone ARE for swim diapered children, or JUST that little tiny area. If not, I probably need to wait until he is potty trained to book a cruise, as they look really appealing to a small child and will be a nightmare to keep him out of.

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Thanks to a parent at the Fam board, we got pictures of a Infant Pool on Enchanment of the Seas and I wanted RCCL to CONFIRM it.


At first they denied it existed :rolleyes: So I sent pictures and got this email...



Dear Ms. XXXXXX:


Thank you for your email. We apologize for the delay in our response.


We have contacted the Enchantment of the Seas who confirms the use of the baby splash zone for infants in diapers. Please keep in mind that this is subject to change.


Ms. XXXXXX, thank you for choosing Royal Caribbean International.




Customer Service Representative


This is why I don't book directly with the cruise line. They don't even know their own product. No infant pool on the Enchantment (it must have been installed after denial). A Carnival representative told someone a blank area on the deck plans was public space. It was the area where the aft winches for the lines the ship ties up to the dock with. Another Carnival representative told someone a combination of two cruises would be okay. It is in fact a violation of the PVSA. This list goes on.

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I understand that my son can't get in areas that are not for swim diapered children and I wasn't asking questions to find out if I can break the rules. I cant' understand why everybody feels the need to harp on that, not everybody is an irresponsible parent. I would never put him inside pools with adults knowing he is not allowed. I'm as horrified as you are that that woman did that with her baby, its nasty and completely selfish.


What I'm trying to find out is whether the other areas in the splash zone ARE for swim diapered children, or JUST that little tiny area. If not, I probably need to wait until he is potty trained to book a cruise, as they look really appealing to a small child and will be a nightmare to keep him out of.


Actually, you are looking at this the wrong way.


You should be more concerned about what YOUR child could be exposed to if it were just "allowed". I NEVER put my child in a public pool until she was more than 5. Reading these boards, and seeing what people do on and off ships, just becuse THEY want little Jane to have a swim, made me ill.


I would not put my child in a toilet that was not used. And I certainly wouldn't if it was.


I still don't put MYSELF in any of the ships regular pools.

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I'm guessing you don't have small children, or you have forgotten the germs that are spread by them. My children would have to live in a bubble if I wanted to keep them from everything. I am an overly neurotic parent using wet wipes like crazy to keep them as germ-free as possible. THey don't ride in shopping carts without blankets covering the handles etc. I DO NOT allow them to go to school if they are sick or possibly contagious, but I am definitely in the minority with that thought process as most parents are more concerned about themselves than getting other families' sick.


But nowadays, all the outdoor parks are starting to have water features, the kind just like on the ship that has water spurting out. All public pools allow swim diapers. Parks carry all sorts of germs. Door knobs, ... the list can go on and on. Adults don't even wash their hands after using the restroom. If I tried to shelter my children, they would literally have to live in a bubble.


Are you suggesting my children not even be exposed to swimming until they are older? Do you really think you have never come into contact with nasty germs such as fecal contact when you are in public? Like I said, many adults don't even wash their hands let alone the children. And speaking of that, I have children and I know they are not able to "wipe" and be as clean as an adult. I still wipe my middle daughter as I can't handle the thought of her spreading that around, she is pretty clumsy. I can only imagine what is out there from all the other children such as her, that barely wipe when they go potty and spread it everywhere!


I have no problem with my kids swimming, it cannot be any worse than everything else out there. I change my son's diapers often and I definitely check him very often when swimming as I also don't want that crap possibly coming out.


Obviously it was a waste of time to ask my question though. I got answers, just nothing that related to my actual question and was nice in that I had to defend myself for something I've never even done!

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