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Weird Question - about cameras

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Let me start by saying I happen to be very paranoid.


My husband just talked me into buying an expensive camera. The type with multiple lenses. He thinks we should bring it everywhere with us on our upcoming cruise - but I have some major concerns!


On the ship I feel fine. But travelling ashore I am worried about getting the camera wet as well as security.


We are planning on swiming on Labadee. Did I hear they have lockers there? That would make me feel better. Also - do they have cabanas to rent? I read that some of the other private islands associated with other lines do.


In Jamaica we are planning on doing the kayak/Dunn River Falls. How do I transport the camera with me safetly without getting it wet? Any advise would be much appreciated.


In Cozumel I am doing the ruins. If I carry the big bag that it came with - I feel like I would be wearing a sign: Steal me!


I know - a little silly. But I would like to take precautions. I have always had a really cheap camera, so if someone stole it - or if it got ruined - it wouldn't be the end of the world. Because I have issues parting with money - it would about ruin the vaca for me if something happened to the stupid camera.


Thanks all!

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We took SLRs with us on our last cruise with no problems. First, carry it on with you - don't check it with the rest of your stuff.


As far as Dunn's River Falls, I think there are lockers, but I'm not 100% sure. You won't be able to take it up the falls for sure - it will get wet. Another option is to purchase a water case for it, so that you can take it kayaking without worrying that it will get wet.

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As long as you don't become a "stupid tourist" and forget to exercise normal caution, you and your camera will be just fine!

On excursions where you may get the camera wet, I'd leave it on the ship and use a cheap, waterproof disposable.

But, the whole purpose of a nice camera is to USE IT!!!! So, use it--enjoy it! Take some great pictures and post them here for us to see!

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I think that there are lockers at Dunn's River Falls, although we've been there twice with tours and they were never offered to us. The first time, via bus from Montego Bay, we left our belongings on the bus. The second time, via RCI tour, all of our belongings were placed on a tarp next to the dock and covered with a tarp. Someone did stay and watch them, but in either case I wouldn't have left anything of great value. We left our "good" camera on the ship and just brought an older one on the tours.

I just didn't want to spend my day worrying about protecting a camera.

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Let me start by saying I happen to be very paranoid.


My husband just talked me into buying an expensive camera. The type with multiple lenses. He thinks we should bring it everywhere with us on our upcoming cruise - but I have some major concerns!


On the ship I feel fine. But travelling ashore I am worried about getting the camera wet as well as security.


We are planning on swiming on Labadee. Did I hear they have lockers there? That would make me feel better. Also - do they have cabanas to rent? I read that some of the other private islands associated with other lines do.


In Jamaica we are planning on doing the kayak/Dunn River Falls. How do I transport the camera with me safetly without getting it wet? Any advise would be much appreciated.


In Cozumel I am doing the ruins. If I carry the big bag that it came with - I feel like I would be wearing a sign: Steal me!


I know - a little silly. But I would like to take precautions. I have always had a really cheap camera, so if someone stole it - or if it got ruined - it wouldn't be the end of the world. Because I have issues parting with money - it would about ruin the vaca for me if something happened to the stupid camera.


Thanks all!


The way we deal with our expensive camera is to use it for everything on board the ship.


If you plan a water excursion, buy an underwater disposable camera that you can take with you. No one (I don't think) will want to steal a disposable camera if you left it on the beach. Or, it comes with a large rubber band to keep it secure on your wrist while in the water. And they take pretty good pictures in or out of the water.


When you are out running around on excursions that don't require water activity, and afraid it will rain.....bring a large ziplock bag with you and you can be assured that if it rains, your camera will be safe.


I've learned by experience. If it you get a sudden downpour and you get totally soaked, you'll be happy you had your ziplock. :):)

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I don't look at it as paranoid, just careful. hate to missi a great picture because your camera was ruined and has to be repaired or someone who wouldn't nomally steal is tempted by valuables lying around.


For waterproofing


High End @ REI.com






Low End



Both a real good at keeping the camera dry. The more expeensive one will actually let you take good pictures. The low end tends to add a blue tint to the picture, but great to carry it.


For security:






latch it to your lounge chair. If someone wants it they have three choices smash the chair there on the beach, carry the chair and bag off the beach or have a bolt cutter with them. Should make everyone stop and take notice.:D


As an alternative, there are waterproof disposables and film cameras that are cheap(under 20 bucks) or a waterproof digital point and shoot for $200-300(which would be about what the high end wataerproofing solution would cost for a dSLR.).

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I agree with most... leave the camera on the ship when you go to Dunn's River.


I do have a story about this however...


Several cruises ago at Dunn's River a lady was in our group with an awesome Canon high-end camera. The guides at bottom of DR were asking each person with a camera to let them carry their camera. So here we are... a local with ten or so cameras of various kinds and prices around his neck and he offers to carry this lady's EXPENSIVE camera. She freaks, as I would... all I could see is this guy running off with all of these cameras...


Well, she decides to carry it her self. You know where this is going.... At the second fall, she slips and goes head-first into one of the deeper pools of water with her Canon. As she got to her feet, the guide, simply stated, "I told you lady."


Buy a disposable, underwater camera and take it to the falls. No question.

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Yes, same for us, Dunns River, the guide we had taking us up the falls had a buddy who offered to carry the cameras up the backway. No problem we had our camera and then were able to get some great shots.


If you go on the cruise tour they usually have a photographer and you will be able to purchase some great photos of yourselves in the water. Great time was had by all. I have a bit afraid at first, my footing is not the best, but I am glad I did it, once in a lifetime adventure, not everyday you climb up a waterfall!!!

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We have a good SLR that we use for pictures on the ship and for shore excursions where there is no chance to get wet. We also have a pocket digital (7.1 megapixel) that takes great pictures. We take that with us most places off the ship. If we are doing an in the water activity (Snorkeling, swimming with dolphins) we buy a waterproof disposable.

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Great question. Good answers.


Don't forget aboard ship that it's still a public place with over 3,000 strangers. I.E. don't leave your camera unattended while you take a quick dip or while you check out the buffet.


I whole heartedly concur with those who suggest that you should leave your expensive camera on-board while doing Dunn's River Falls.


If you are going to be in a kayak, or any small boat for that matter, waterproofing is essential.


On Labadee I would expect that the issue isn't so much water as it may be sand. I can't recall if there are lockers. Even if there are, I doubt there would be enough to satisfy demand.


For me the questions to answer are

  1. Who is going to lug the beast and its attachments around?
  2. Is the prospect of really good pictures worth the work & worry to you?
  3. Would you be satisfied or even happy with the results that a good compact digital camera ($200 - $300) would provide? (And would you worry any less about the loss of such a camera?)

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Nada much to add on the security aspect other than don't let any/ask any locals to snap your picture with your camera - they might just run off with it!


Just a suggestion - take the first photo of your seapass - and of a sheet of paper with your home address on it. If you should happen to lose your camera and an honest person is trying to return it - they'll know what ship you are on - and what your home address is.



Let me start by saying I happen to be very paranoid.


My husband just talked me into buying an expensive camera. The type with multiple lenses. He thinks we should bring it everywhere with us on our upcoming cruise - but I have some major concerns!


On the ship I feel fine. But travelling ashore I am worried about getting the camera wet as well as security.


We are planning on swiming on Labadee. Did I hear they have lockers there? That would make me feel better. Also - do they have cabanas to rent? I read that some of the other private islands associated with other lines do.


In Jamaica we are planning on doing the kayak/Dunn River Falls. How do I transport the camera with me safetly without getting it wet? Any advise would be much appreciated.


In Cozumel I am doing the ruins. If I carry the big bag that it came with - I feel like I would be wearing a sign: Steal me!


I know - a little silly. But I would like to take precautions. I have always had a really cheap camera, so if someone stole it - or if it got ruined - it wouldn't be the end of the world. Because I have issues parting with money - it would about ruin the vaca for me if something happened to the stupid camera.


Thanks all!

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I have a Canon SLR that I took on my trip and a small digital. I packed them in a regular backpack with a couple of lenses that I put in ziplocks and a towel wrapped around for protection when we had excursions. Having several lenses I always end up taking, it is just easier to put them in the backpack I am already taking vs. carrying an extra camera bag. Ziplocks keep them dry and free from sand while towel protects them for bumps and knocks. However, with all of that, I ended up using my small digital much more than my SLR just for convenience. For most shots didn't need the zoom I would get from my SLR anyway. Don't know that I will fool with my SLR next time.


Knowing how much can be spent on an SLR and lenses, I would suggested spending the extra $150 on a good waterproof case that can be purchased at a camera shop vs. something cheap that may not be dependable.

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We use our really good (& heavier) camera on the ship & in places where we will never have to put it down-- not even for a second! We have a smaller Sony for other situations & if needed (fits in my purse).


For anything where there is water around or a need to leave the camera (like on a snorkel trip) --we get the digital throwaways or underwater cameras--those shots have come out surprisingly good--save alot of worry & fuss so you an enjoy the day & still have some photos..

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I have a mid-priced digital that I took to a water/amusement park recently. Brought several ziplocks just in case. Never needed them. Kept the camera with my bags. Worried constantly about someone taking it! UGH.


I'd use a disposable water camera for any water-related activities. Bring ziplocks no matter what (you just never know). I also bring extra memory cards and switch to a new one after a couple days so that if the camera is lost/stolen/ruined the entire trip's worth of pics won't be. Pictures are my souvenirs.


The idea of taking a pic of the seapass, etc., is good. Also put a label with your contact info on the bottom just in case. You know I take a picture of my suitcases/contents before I go, too, in case of the need to make a claim. I bet your travel/trip insurance would cover your camera if something happened. Might want to check and see. You might feel better about bringing it then.

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We took SLRs with us on our last cruise with no problems. First, carry it on with you - don't check it with the rest of your stuff.


As far as Dunn's River Falls, I think there are lockers, but I'm not 100% sure. You won't be able to take it up the falls for sure - it will get wet. Another option is to purchase a water case for it, so that you can take it kayaking without worrying that it will get wet.


There are lockers at Dunns River Falls, just before you start your walk down to the beach. They are for a fee, I can't remember how much though. They are big enough to fit a average size bag, shoes and towels.

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I cart along a Fuji A500 digital for my trips. I've gotten some very good pictures with it and it was a whopping $99 when I bought it last year.


Here's a good example:



You can get good underwater cases for the smaller digitals for around $60. The case I have for my A500 is a hardshell job that lets me use all of the camera functions while it's in the case. Now I just have to get clear water on the next trip!

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Nada much to add on the security aspect other than don't let any/ask any locals to snap your picture with your camera - they might just run off with it!


Just a suggestion - take the first photo of your seapass - and of a sheet of paper with your home address on it. If you should happen to lose your camera and an honest person is trying to return it - they'll know what ship you are on - and what your home address is.


WHAT A GREAT SUGGESTION for everyone with a camera, regardless of the cost. THANKS

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I cart along a Fuji A500 digital for my trips. I've gotten some very good pictures with it and it was a whopping $99 when I bought it last year.


Here's a good example:



You can get good underwater cases for the smaller digitals for around $60. The case I have for my A500 is a hardshell job that lets me use all of the camera functions while it's in the case. Now I just have to get clear water on the next trip!


QUESTION - How did you get a picture this large posted into CC. I can only get about half this size. Would appreciate the guideance.




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I use this sports camera bags when touring with my digital SLR. It straps to the front of your chest with cross straps across your back and has a extra security straps for both the bag and camera for very physical activity. It provides good rain protection but is not waterproof so I use a large zip lock bag if that is needed.


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QUESTION - How did you get a picture this large posted into CC. I can only get about half this size. Would appreciate the guideance.




You link it to a photo sharing web site like Photobucket as I have done with the above picture so the picure is not part of your post which can have only very small file size but it is downloaded from the photo sharing site whenever your post is opened.

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I have a Nikon D40 SLR that I use on the ship or where there will be NO sand or water. Sand is VERY bad on cameras.


I also have an Olympus Stylus 770SW. It is a waterproof digital camera and can go down 33 feet. It is shockproof to a 5 foot drop. This is the camera I take to the beach or when I'm going to be around water (or in the rain).


I also have a cheapo Nikon Coolpix that I take if I'm going to be in a "questionable" area where I fear I could get my good cameras lost or stolen.


Taken with Olympus Water Camera under water:



Also taken with Olympus Water Camera:


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QUESTION - How did you get a picture this large posted into CC. I can only get about half this size. Would appreciate the guideance.





I just pulled the static link from Flickr and threw it into the "Insert Image" button. :)

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what kind of price range was the Olympus digital underwater run??


I am looking for one, right now I have one on order thru Avon (weird I know)

but it is back ordered.

I just bought the Olympus 1030SW, its a 10.1 megapixel (good to a depth of 33' and a 6' drop onto pavement...shockproof) and I paid $359 Canadian. Takes great pictures but I haven't used it underwater yet. I own a few other Olympus cameras and they are all great performers.

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