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Am I Out Of Touch With Reality????

Shirley and Les

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OK, here is a bit of information as background. Today was my LXX'th birthday. I am putting it in Roman Numeral code to filter the replies. ;) Please do me a favor and avoid all the "Happy Birthday" comments. I've had enough of those over the years. :rolleyes:


Yesterday, I commented in a thread on the changes to the new =X= dinner menus. Where are the lobster tails, the lamb chops, the always available strip steak, the always available shrimp cocktail and Celebrity going cheap, cheap, cheap were the main points of my comments. Am I missing the change to the new fusion menus, the small plate restaurant trend and the casualness of the younger people?


When I read the dress code threads, I always side with the tuxedo and suit crowd. The only time I wear flipflops is when I am going to take a shower in the health center where I annoy people by hogging a treadmill for almost an hour to get my three mile walk. Is this showing my age?


I read threads about carrying luggage off a ship to be able to leave early. It takes three men and a boy to carry our stuff anywhere. I always wonder why someone is in a hurry to get off a ship? Why are they rushing? Is there something better than a cruise to make me hurry?


I'm not quite sure how to maintain a balance here. I don't want to be characterized as one of those old fharts (sp) who cuts in line at the buffet or dashes into an elevator as soon as the doors open. However, I have grown up with a lot of "do's" and "don'ts" that are now turning into "maybe's".


It really gets tough to distinguish between cultural changes and my feelings on acceptable behavior.




Les aka "The Curmudgeon"

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Why "flame away"? You have an opinion I don't agree with, but as long as you respect mine, I will respect yours.


I do think your post is pretty black and white though: you mention tuxes and flip flops as if there is nothing is between. You mention you don't like the new menus and "small" portions, but then go on to make statements that are simply not accurate (the lobster tails, lamb chops, shrimp cocktails, etc. are all still there). A review or any opinion in general typically is treated more seriously on Cruise Critic if it is not loaded with untrue or unbalanced statements...


Best Regards,


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Maybe you're a little out of touch, but that can be remedied.


The problem is today we are so rushed to do everything. We have to rush to work as most people have at least a 35 minute commute to work. I work with people who have 1-1/2 hour commute one way to work.


We rush out for lunch because we only have 1/2 hour to get something, eat and be back to work.


We rush home at the end of the day because we have to be at school functions for kids or grandkids.


We have to cram everything into a short time frame, and it always seems there's not enough hours in the day to do everything that has to be done.


Then when we finally get to go on vacation, we have to rush off the ship to catch the flight home to be at work in the morning. I booked a 3:00 pm flight which gets me to my final destination at 8:00 pm and I have a 45 minute drive home. Which means I get home around 10:00 pm, probably won't get to sleep until at least 11:00 pm and have to get up at 5:30 am.


Our lives are moving at a much faster pace to try to do everything. We have to go from work to play to dinner in the same outfit. That's why we prefer the more casual clothes that are becoming the norm.


Judy>----not young anymore, but middleaged

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I always wonder why someone is in a hurry to get off a ship? Why are they rushing? Is there something better than a cruise to make me hurry?



Les aka "The Curmudgeon"


I don't believe anyone would be in a rush to get off a cruise ship at sea with full services,but how many can be expected to enjoy sitting in a holding area,in port,with bars,casinos and entertainment all shut down as you anticipate the hassle of your connections to home.

Not my idea of fun.When it's over,it's over.Just get me back to my own bed,and start thinking about my next cruise.

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I don't believe anyone would be in a rush to get off a cruise ship at sea with full services,but how many can be expected to enjoy sitting in a holding area,in port,with bars,casinos and entertainment all shut down as you anticipate the hassle of your connections to home.

Not my idea of fun.When it's over,it's over.Just get me back to my own bed,and start thinking about my next cruise.


I agree with you about getting off the ship, why would anyone if they were given a seemless way to get off the ship. I have read that Disney has this down pat, that you just eat breakfast and walk off the ship. Love to know how they do it and why the other cruiselines don't.

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OP, I agree with you, and I'm nearly XXXXX. Can't remember the 50 symbol. Anyway, I pretty much agree with you.


A note here, though: my daughter and son-in-law just got off of a cruise ship from a five-day cruise. We had the awesome privilege of babysitting our grandson so they could celebrate their five year anniversary. They drove from Tennessee to Jacksonville, FL.


When it came time to get off of the ship, my daughter wanted to be home so badly to see Temple that they did the self disembark thing. It was a mess, but she just wanted to get on the road and get home before he went to sleep. And they made it. But they usually hang around on the ship for as long as possible and leave at the last possible second. Circumstances changed their normal cruising habits this time.


So it's not always black and white, but I still agree with you.



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We feel rushed out of our cabin on cruises. It is a hurry up and wait. Now we book an early flight (cruising from a different port) and it is hurry up and get to the airport.


The last thing we want is to miss a flight after a great trip!:D

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My Dearest Shirley,

To put things in perspective, I am L. And let me say I LOVE your roman numeral representation of your age. It totally rules. Of course, I had 5 years of Latin. You know, back in the day they actually taught latin as an elective and I took full advantage.


My gut reaction to your post is respect. I love that you know exactly who you are, what you are about, what makes you happy, what distresses you, and furthermore: you aren't afraid to express yourself. That I think is the most fabulous thing about your post. And as I put in my Title Line, one of the great benefits of being LXX is that a person is generally tuned in to who they are. Of course I am only L (Fifty for those of you unfamiliar with the symbol), but I am wiser with each day. Or at least, I think I am. :confused:


I am much more comfortable with myself in the past ten years. Gone are the days when I am trying to be something I am not.


I also am on the side of the tux and suit and evening gown crowd...however I also applaud the casual crowd who may have a different perspective when it comes to feeling great and enjoying their vacations in the style(s) they choose.


I would prefer if everyone would join the party and wear formal attire on nights that have been set aside for a dressy evening, but I'm ok if they want to go another direction with their outfits, or choose an alternate dining location on formal nights.


Just be yourself and revel in your LXXth.


I wish you weren't so down on the HB comments. Rejoice on this day. This day is a celebration of your life. Imagine all the people whose lives you've touched and who have touched yours. Every human being is important and taking one day a year to say - wow, imagine what the world would if I hadn't been born - can give all of us a moment to reflect. I celebrate birthdays with abandon because they mark a celebration of a very important milestone. Life continuing. And that's a good thing.


As Zig Ziglar says, every day is a good day. And if you don't agree, just try skipping one.



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I just turned "L" in May and I also side with the tuxedo and evening gown crowd. It's the only time in my husband and mine's life that we get to dress up like that - by the way he just turned "LV" this month.


As for the new menus, I am going to reserve any judgments until I actually taste the food. As I will be boarding Constellation in 3 weeks I will get back to everyone with my opinion.


As for getting off the ship, right from my very first cruise - which was on the Big Red Boat II - they've had have to pry me to get me off. I usually hang on begging them not to make me get off.


My son will be "XIX" in December and he loves the "traditional" style of cruising too, maybe because he's been cruising since he was "X". Gee I wish someone had taken me on a cruise when I was "X".


Okay, that's the most I've used Roman Numerals I think since I was in 5th Grade.


Anne Maria

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...but then go on to make statements that are simply not accurate (the lobster tails, lamb chops, shrimp cocktails, etc. are all still there)...

Maybe my eyesight is going also. ;)

I based my comments about lobster tails and lamb chops based on the 7-day menu listed in this thread.


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All seems quite nice and hospitable on this thread - mainly because the responses are pretty much recognizing each of us have our own 'reality' when it comes to opinions on menus, dress and departure stress. I'll wait for January to talk about the new menu - no matter how it reads, its all personal taste. I don' make a habit of even looking at the posted menu while on cruise. I like to start thinking about it at the table and see what strikes me.



As for dress, I've always taken a tux along, but on the upcoming cruises, I plan to wear a dark suit. I'm going to try it out for flexibility. I've read that over 80% of Celebrity diners dressed to the code on formal night. Not bad at all. I think the main issue is, does someone not wearing what you think is the rule bother you. The extreme is what we focus on, forgetting that person is wearing whatever just to attract comments and stares. I'll probably bring a sports jacket to wear on other nights just because I like a jacket but will go with a sweater or regular shirt and no tie. I personally like Celebrity moved to two dress codes.



My opinion on getting off – I don't find the departure day a time to try and relax aboard ship. We are packed, we eat and we depart when called. I'd love to stay aboard, but only if the cruise was continuing. I'm afraid my mind is now focused on the departure, flying or driving home. Kind of like sail day – I'm focused on getting on the ship and once there, I relax and enjoy.



Latin! Took it in HS. and I wish I'd taken a 'living' language – but its kind of neat I can read headstones and monuments!




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I am an X and change shy of L. I ADORE formal nights on the ship and love "feeling famous" with my Dh in his tux those nights. Jeans will never enter the dining room on my body, and I love to come to dinner elegantly dressed. I wear flip flops poolside, but otherwise the ship is so A/C'd my feet are cold! We do boogie off the ship as early as we can: we have a city to explore and want to be underway, we don't generally fly home same day as debarcation. That said, we exit at the time we are called and run no one over, ahem.


I've enjoyed the new menus and look forward to it again in three weeks. I always eat well on an X ship, lucky me.


I also grew up with an emphasis on the importance of good manners, which NEVER goes out of style! I don't think the OP is out of touch nor curmudgeonly- I too mourn bad behavior and suspect changes. I feel lucky to be able to enjoy "classic cruising" and will enjoy it is long as I can!

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No flames here--I do not get the new menus at all & have posted about that--some of the dishes remind me of when I was a kid & we played chef--putting all sorts of wierd combos together


dress is eroding rapidly to a point where any old ripped t shirt will do


behavior on board is often puzzling by what should be adults...


and the constant perceived need to entertain us is also a mystery-- they have hot glass, grass, climbing wall, surfing, billiards,bowling --all of which limit space for the plain enjoyment of a nice lounge chair enjoying the sea, sun & breezes & stars at night on deck.. Many ships are floating malls or poor copies of land based resorts...the best ships are the ones that still resemble vessels & offer a nice cruising atmosphere.. thankfully there are still some of those remaining..



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I have no problem with the tux crowd..as long as they keep the volume down and leave the cigars at home....AND (and this is the important part)...they don't look down on those who don't share their views....manners are making other people feel comfortable..not arcane rules ....


hope you enjoyed your big 70 ..I am not that old...I just feel it

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Who knows if you are out of touch with Reality? Almost everyone's reality is different that's why folks like different things. Where everyone gets confused is thinking one reality is right and the other is wrong.


For example, young working couples currently tend to have little time and tend to spend their money on the things that they like. Many do not spend on formal attire or business attire. I used to do lots of interviews for positions making over 100k a year, most interviewees never wore a suit and did not own a suit. Children today can go to school dressed very casually. In warmer climates, they may never wear long pants in the entire school year. Church attire is casual too. That is one reality. Are all those folks wrong? Nope, just different.


Can you tell I struggled with some of the same issues as the OP? And I did finally come to terms with the different realities. And I am much happier practicing tolerance. Cheers.

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As in having the longer view and insight to appreciate the absurdity of things.


Yes - food and the rest is getting cheaper on all lines. Do you want them to re-price to 1985-1990 fares adjusted for inflation (I didn't think so).


Formal nights and the hussle bussle... I'm with you 100%. Personally, I consider electronic multi-tasking to be a socio-spiritual cancer; but that's just me!


As a father of a couple of teens, I can say without doubt, "Youth is wasted on the young!". Always has been, always will be - that's the plan.

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Who justifies complaining and what not?

I love to cruise for the fresh air, and being at sea.

Being a land locked person the sea and ocean hold a incredible mystery to me and always will. I don't like to scuba dive but I could spend the rest of my life snorkeling in clear blue waters.

I hate to hear when people say that other people dressing in the dining room ruined their cruise, or that the whatever was not done to their taste.

How can you be cranky with all that beautiful ocean and fresh air?

I have been on approximately 12 cruises now, nowhere near the super experience cruisers, but I have never experienced excellent food on any cruise line, and I don't care. Give me that balcony and fresh air, and the feeling of timelessness.

Take me on a cruise!!

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No flames here--I do not get the new menus at all & have posted about that--some of the dishes remind me of when I was a kid & we played chef--putting all sorts of wierd combos together


dress is eroding rapidly to a point where any old ripped t shirt will do


behavior on board is often puzzling by what should be adults...


and the constant perceived need to entertain us is also a mystery-- they have hot glass, grass, climbing wall, surfing, billiards,bowling --all of which limit space for the plain enjoyment of a nice lounge chair enjoying the sea, sun & breezes & stars at night on deck.. Many ships are floating malls or poor copies of land based resorts...the best ships are the ones that still resemble vessels & offer a nice cruising atmosphere.. thankfully there are still some of those remaining..




Hi hcat :)


The concept of having extensive sports facilities on a ship might be new, but keeping passengers "entertained" is a very traditional part of cruising.


When my husband and I took our first cruise, during the middle seventies, we were a little concerned that we might get bored because there were only two ports, St Thomas and St Martin, during our nine day round trip cruise from New York.


However, we were very pleasantly surprised to discover that there were so many interesting things to do during the day that we had trouble deciding on just one for each time slot. The only difference is that they were geared toward a very different demographic than today's mass market cruises because the majority of these activities were competitive bridge games, various types of lessons, or intellectually stimulating lectures.


There were also new movies each day that people on land were still paying to see, while night time entertainment was usually a ballet dancer, classical music, or an aria.

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What a delightful post. I'm going to ignore one of your desires and extend a Happy Birthday to you.


I am only XLV and so it is a bit presumptious of me to offer any advice to you but I'm going to anyway. Go ahead, continue to pack those tuxes and cocktail dresses. Hire those porters. Do what you want. It is your cruise. Please don't let what others do affect your enjoyment of the cruise.


Regarding the food, we were on the Infinity in August with the new menus. There is still Lobster. It was on the second formal night and was listed in the menu that you attached. It's on the same night as Beef Wellington (which was better) and Baked Alaska. Frankly, the entree, which also included scallops, shrimp, and risotto, wasn't great. I've never found cruise ship lobster tail (or any lobster tail) to be all that great. If it's not a whole Maine lobster, it's just not as good as it can be. Overall, the food was pretty good. Perhaps it wasn't as good as Celebrity had been in the past but it was as good or better than you would get in the banquet facilities of a fine hotel.


Continue to enjoy your cruises.

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