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Pet peeve-Cell phone etiquette!


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This whole cellphone thing especially here in the US has become completely tongue in cheek, cellphones have become nothing more than a crutch it's all everybody's talking about. Im not sure anybody would ever believe the US has come to this and it's not going to get any better. What a shame.

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When I was in the showband on the Star I brought in a cordless UHF microphone that clamped onto the bell of my saxophone, and carefully cleared it with the sound guy in the Princess Theatre and the various people who handle onboard communication so I wouldn't louse anything up by using the mic. What I didn't count on (and neither did anyone else) was that someone was using UHF walkie-talkies onboard to communicate among a large group of passengers. Sure enough, up comes the curtain and we're welcoming the entertainer when through the speakers for all to hear, "We're up in Horizon Court. Better get up here, because there aren't any lines." I pulled off the cordless sax mic, pulled my flute mic forward, and that was the last time I used my cordless on the ship.



Should of let it play it might have been an interesting conversation:cool:

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what i am saying is when others think people are screaming , they might be hard of hearing , and being on thier balancy is thier area to do what they please , even if its talking on the cell phone as far as dinners in dinning room no. in a movie theater no. going ashore why not its thier time. the main thing is dont always think because some one is screaming they are doing it on purpose they might have a hearing problem..

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what i am saying is when others think people are screaming , they might be hard of hearing , and being on thier balancy is thier area to do what they please , even if its talking on the cell phone as far as dinners in dinning room no. in a movie theater no. going ashore why not its thier time. the main thing is dont always think because some one is screaming they are doing it on purpose they might have a hearing problem..
I understand what you're saying and what you're trying to express. Unfortunately, that's not the usual reason why people shout into their phones or talk loudly. Being captive on a bus for hours while some jerko does business on his satellite phone for hours on end isn't a pleasant experience. I have no doubt that he was talking loudly so he could impress the other passengers that, a) he could talk on his satellite phone in the desert, and, b) he was "important."


I was once boarding a plane and a young woman was talking on her cell while handing the agent her ticket. He wanted to see her passport but she was so engrossed in her conversation she didn't pay any attention, holding up the line until the agent tapped her on the shoulder. That's just plain rude.


Yes, I'm guilty of talking on my cell phone louder than I need to but I don't use my cell phone where it will disturb others. If I'm on a ship, I use it in my cabin (not the balcony and not on deck.) It's not so much how you do it but where you do it.

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Hasn't happened to me on a cruise yet (I'm sure it will) but in the last couple of weeks it has happened twice that I've been in a rest room in a store and someone was talking on their phone as they came in--while in the stall--and after getting out, gabbing away about nothing while 'doing their business', washing hands, drying (phone propped on chin), etc.


Outside of the rare emergency (and even then it boggles the mind that you'd be using the facilities while, for instance, your house burns down) why would anyone even think of talking on the phone while in the rest room? Ewww.

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what i am saying is when others think people are screaming , they might be hard of hearing , and being on thier balancy is thier area to do what they please , even if its talking on the cell phone as far as dinners in dinning room no. in a movie theater no. going ashore why not its thier time. the main thing is dont always think because some one is screaming they are doing it on purpose they might have a hearing problem..


There can't possibly be that many hearing impaired people on any given ship!

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:mad: Just back from the Golden 14 day Hawaii cruise and for some reason, the cell phone etiquette fairy did NOT sprinkle her dust over many many MANY of the passengers on board.


The second we docked at Hilo after four sea days, the masses flipped open their phones with the same hunger as a man crossing the desert with no water!! People spoke loudly on their balconies, by the poolside, in the common areas with such inane reports to land as 'Hi it's Nana and there's sure a lot of water here' or how about the lady who put her call on speaker phone so we got to hear BOTH sides of the conversation as she instructed someone on how to transfer $500 via email!


I contacted Passenger Services and the CD who both agreed that cell phone etiquette needed to be put in the Patter as a reminder that 'in consideration of others', etc. The CD said that there used to be such a pamphlet left in each stateroom but in all my cruises, I've never seen one.


Have others found cell phone use/abuse to have increased to the annoying level or was it just THIS cruise???


We (Roger & myself) are leaving on the "Dawn Princess" this Sunday for 12 nights. I've told ALL family and friends the phones will be off and will NOT work on board!! I've said email if you want us URGENTLY!! Ooooooooops the internet is NOT always accessible is it? LOL Such a shame!! 12 nights of peace coming up (I hope)

Roger answers a mobile/cell phone 10 hours a day he is soooooooooo looking forward to NOT being able to be contacted :)

Etiqutte should be used indeed and people SHOULD have an awareness of others and their volume levels.

A Great Idea to have it in the Pamphlets. I hope they do it for my cruise!!

CHEERS Carolyn..................AKA Gerbera :)

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I am happy to report that I have never been bothered by anyone else's cell phone conversation on land or at sea. Not sure if I have been extremely lucky or extremely tolerant...


I LOVE cell phone service on ships. Why? Because I can use my phone in my cabin - my inside cabin- and know that I can't possibly be giving anyone reason to get upset. The problem with cell phone usage on balconies is the problem inherent with all balconies. They are hardly private and even less quiet.

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The cell phone is a sign of the times.


I work at a University and you would not believe the conversations that you can't help overhear during class breaks or in the common areas.


If you want to know where the parties are this weekend and who is sleeping with who (in detail) you only need to be within 25 feet of someone with a cell, until dead week (the week before finals) and then the conversation changes to OMG I have to study this week.


Sometimes I can swear that the two people walking next to each other as they leave a building are talking to each other on their cells.


It is truly amazing. It can't be any worse than that on a ship.

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I have to agree with the OP. Cell phones can be very annoying. I have been guilty of talking too loud on my cell phone (DW will give me the "look").


On our cruise this past June, I left my phone in SC for 11 days. Guess what, the company survived! First time in 18 years I have been without my cell phone. Never missed it once!


My DW had her Blackberry and we only used it to talk with our kids and parents. Oh, and our travel agent back in EWR when our flights were canceled.


Could I really do without a cell phone? Yes, but it would be weird. Just remember, your conversation is not interesting to the rest of the world or anyone within 20 feet of your table.:rolleyes:

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some time s a person who has diffulicty hearing speaks louder then those who dont have hearing problems... to us they are screaming , even hearing aides dont work well with cell phones or house phones ,

as far as using cell phones i do call home once in port to check on my rescue to make sure all animals are in good health and no problems,,, and to check on my aging mother , i also know about loud speaking because my husband is deaf , hearing aides wont repair the damage vetiam did to his hearing .. some times calls have to be made.,, just like now those that are on a cruise and the fire again in los angles i dont blame them for wanting to make sure they have a home to go back too/.... so give the people a break ...


what i am saying is when others think people are screaming , they might be hard of hearing , and being on thier balancy is thier area to do what they please , even if its talking on the cell phone as far as dinners in dinning room no. in a movie theater no. going ashore why not its thier time. the main thing is dont always think because some one is screaming they are doing it on purpose they might have a hearing problem..

Oh, please, this is just crap. Not everyone on a cell phone is a deaf Vietnam veteran and you're just making excuses for your own rude behaviour -- talking loudly on your cellphone on your balcony is disrupting everyone else's enjoyment, and it's unbelievable to me that you would think otherwise -- you'd probably be the first to complain if some neighbour was out there playing a loud radio. No different. And frankly there just aren't that many emergencies unless you live the drama queen life of a soap star. What exactly can you do about the health of your animals or your elderly parents when you're thousands of miles away, anyway? If things are that precarious, stay home.

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I admit that sometimes, I am guilty of talking on my cell phone a trite loud sometimes. However,when i was on the CBin may, i sent an email to my family, that although I would have my cell phone, it most likely would not work on board ,and that i would drop an email just to let them know everything was fine, equally i gave them the contact info for the ship.


Sadly, decorum and common courtesy has gone by the wayside in todays society. I see it all the time, people cannot stop chatting on their cellphones, wether they are on line in a supermarket, bank, post office,or restaraunt. Today, someone was texting during Mass, i didnt realize there was such a thing as prayer by text.


Seriously, i believe that cellphones are necessary, but we need to be more considerate of others,especially when we are trying to relax on well deserved vacation

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I agree.:(

I used to work in a shop. My pet hate was a customer coming in, you stepped forward to serve them then found they were either on their phone or it then rang and they answered it. Instead of cutting it short they would ramble on while you stood there.

I would disappear round the backshop and pretend to be busy when they finally remembered why they were there.

It is so rude expecting others to listen to your call.

I have one which I take on my cruises but I phone from my cabin or in port.


At least they aren't "behind the wheel" while on a cruise.


I understand what you're saying and what you're trying to express. Unfortunately, that's not the usual reason why people shout into their phones or talk loudly. Being captive on a bus for hours while some jerko does business on his satellite phone for hours on end isn't a pleasant experience. I have no doubt that he was talking loudly so he could impress the other passengers that, a) he could talk on his satellite phone in the desert, and, b) he was "important."


I was once boarding a plane and a young woman was talking on her cell while handing the agent her ticket. He wanted to see her passport but she was so engrossed in her conversation she didn't pay any attention, holding up the line until the agent tapped her on the shoulder. That's just plain rude.


Yes, I'm guilty of talking on my cell phone louder than I need to but I don't use my cell phone where it will disturb others. If I'm on a ship, I use it in my cabin (not the balcony and not on deck.) It's not so much how you do it but where you do it.


Some years ago, I was explaining our products to a prospective customer who had called in. Suddenly, he said, hold on, I'm making an U-turn. I was thinking that any moment I was going to hear the sound of metal on metal. Had to restrain myself from asking this guy why he didn't wait to call when he was at his office or at home.


I'm not a phone person. I was that rare teenaged girl who was bugging my parents for my own phone. I hate having to call people...would rather send email. Only got a cell phone four years ago before a cruise to make things easier on us as we had hotels, trains, rental car agencies, etc. to deal ith. Plus my f-i-l's health was deterioting (he passed away a week after we returned; hubby's mother had insisted we go anyway as he was totally out of it and didn't recognize us). I got one of those pre-paid phones and am always rolling over the amount...never used it up as I only use it for emergencies.


We have a new law in California that forbids talking on your phone while driving, unless you're using a hands-free device. I've seen so many people each week breaking this law. I don't think many of these calls are so urgent that they can't wait until someone's off the road (you look at their faces and these people are totally into the call). Maybe they should make these violations cost more than violating the HOV lane law. Considering this is a safety issue.


And it's amazing to me the people who walk around obliviously while gabbing away. We call them "phone zombies." So if you're driving in a parking lot, you have to watch out for these people who suddenly walk in front of your car.


Can you tell I hate cell phones?:rolleyes:

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This whole cellphone thing especially here in the US has become completely tongue in cheek, cellphones have become nothing more than a crutch it's all everybody's talking about. Im not sure anybody would ever believe the US has come to this and it's not going to get any better. What a shame.


Try Italy, it's even worse. Everyone has their "telefonino" and some have more than one phone/conversation ongoing at once. :eek:

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Oh, please, this is just crap. Not everyone on a cell phone is a deaf Vietnam veteran and you're just making excuses for your own rude behaviour -- talking loudly on your cellphone on your balcony is disrupting everyone else's enjoyment, and it's unbelievable to me that you would think otherwise -- you'd probably be the first to complain if some neighbour was out there playing a loud radio. No different. And frankly there just aren't that many emergencies unless you live the drama queen life of a soap star. What exactly can you do about the health of your animals or your elderly parents when you're thousands of miles away, anyway? If things are that precarious, stay home.

you dont know me and im glad because im not even like that how ever i seen so much of people on this board complain over the sillest things , from smoking to cellphones to chair hogs my god its thier vacations too. leave them alone and let them have thier fun, im glad im not a complainer nor worry about what morons say , because its my vacation and im enjoying my self... however one should always think before speaking maybe there is a problem at home or something that does need imedate attention , second cant you just walk away and not listen.

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I have been fortunate haven't seen much of this on cruises.


Do deal with daily on public transportation. When folks go on and on, I tell them to keep down. Figure if they don't have enough brains to realize those around them don't want to listen, then someone needs to remind them. Generally it works. Would do the same on a cruise ship, if I had someone going on and on.... :eek:

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you dont know me and im glad because im not even like that how ever i seen so much of people on this board complain over the sillest things , from smoking to cellphones to chair hogs my god its thier vacations too. leave them alone and let them have thier fun, im glad im not a complainer nor worry about what morons say , because its my vacation and im enjoying my self... however one should always think before speaking maybe there is a problem at home or something that does need imedate attention , second cant you just walk away and not listen.


rdsqrl is right. You are a rude person, and your postings clearly reveal this.:mad:

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rdsqrl is right. You are a rude person, and your postings clearly reveal this.:mad:

how can that say that i made a point about not all people who speaks loud is being rude. some do have hearing difficult and not realizing that they are speaking loudly. and because they choose to sit on thier balancies and talk is wrong .. again ive been lurking and seen people get remed because they smoke . or smuggle booze or ask a silly question.. im sorry if you feel like im being rude , but its not just youre cruise its thiers too. i also said dinner and movies and things no they shouldnt be talking take it out side ,, or to thier rooms , however why is it that no one can be happy , not every one is going to pleased with the cruise or certain things ,, how ever i will now close because to me this board and the people on it can be very very rude to newbies ,, dont worry its the last you hear from me , as for me cruising i hope one of you will be my neighbors because you would find it totally oppsite then what youre describing about me. as for this board i dont like rude people that complain over every little thing its stupid childish and dumb

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I think the whole "Cellphone Saga" as am going to refer to it is a little ridiculous. Not in a manner of it bothers me, because ya know what, it really does not, at least tot he extent that it does everyone else i guess. Certain situations do, for instance, Nextel's (the annoying phones that can be used as a 2 way radio), can't stand em, unless your a construction worker, you have no right owning a Nextel! If your keeping to yourself, even if you are in a public setting, but you are not interacting with someone (sitting on a train, bus, park bench, balcony on a cruise ship), i see it perfectly fine to talk on a cellphone at a normal tone. If you are in a public place where you will be interacting with someone (in a store about to checkout etc...) no it is not acceptable to talk on a cellphone. And of course, unless you are in your own confined space, turn the SPEAKERPHONE OFF!!!! Im able to tune one party of a conversation out perfectly fine, when i am hearing both sides, well, i feel as if i should join in and talk.


I just don't see why everyone gets worked up to the point that they do about this, i think you guys are going a bit overboard (no pun intended). I for one will say i am apart of the "Cellphone Generation" as another poster has dubbed, maybe thats why i feel the way i do about it. But, all in all, its JMHO.


Happy Crusing!

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you dont know me and im glad because im not even like that how ever i seen so much of people on this board complain over the sillest things , from smoking to cellphones to chair hogs my god its thier vacations too. leave them alone and let them have thier fun, im glad im not a complainer nor worry about what morons say , because its my vacation and im enjoying my self... however one should always think before speaking maybe there is a problem at home or something that does need imedate attention , second cant you just walk away and not listen.



Sorry, Thrusday, but I am afraid I agree with rdsgrl. This is not a bunch of people complaining about "the silliest thing" as you put it. It's horribly rude to talk loud on a phone in public. And on a cruise you might easily be ruining other people's vacations, and that's unthinkable.

But I am considering your situation and I still think you could get around talking LOUD in front of others.

If I was on a ship and had a cell phone with me while walking around in a public area (first of all, that would never happen...my phone would be back in the cabin) and if that phone rang and it was a hard of hearing person on the other end - I would say quickly and with as little volume as possible, but as much as necessary, "I WILL CALL YOU RIGHT BACK" and hang up...then I'd rush back to the privacy of my own cabin to have that high volume conversation. How hard is that? That's not rocket science, just good sense and common courtesy.

I have a hard of hearing person in my family, and there have been many times when I have gotten a call from him while I am in a public place. Many times I have had to say "hey, you can't hear me very well and I can't talk loud right now because of where I am...let me call you back in a few minutes". And you know, what? He's never surprised or offended, and he understands. You know why? Because...now read this carefully...He knows he's hard of hearing!!

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I feel the same way about loud cell phone conversations as I do about people playing loud music in their cars.

I play loud music in my car. Sometimes really loud. I drive long distances, and it helps the time pass. But whenever I drive up next to another person at a redlight or stop sign, or if I am in any place where I think people could hear my music (in a suburban area, near pedestrians, next to an outdoor restaurant...etc...you get the picture) I always reach over and turn the volume down.


I have a feeling that the people who talk loud on their cell phones in public are the same people who don't turn their music down for the sake of others.

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I feel the same way about loud cell phone conversations as I do about people playing loud music in their cars.

I play loud music in my car. Sometimes really loud. I drive long distances, and it helps the time pass. But whenever I drive up next to another person at a redlight or stop sign, or if I am in any place where I think people could hear my music (in a suburban area, near pedestrians, next to an outdoor restaurant...etc...you get the picture) I always reach over and turn the volume down.


I have a feeling that the people who talk loud on their cell phones in public are the same people who don't turn their music down for the sake of others.


Thursday, I'm sorry if you were offended. But I think you lost some sympathy when you used the argument "It's their vacation, they can do what they want." The problem is that on a cruise ship, so many people are close together that a little consideration for others will go a long way. Chair hogging, ignoring the dress code, smoking everywhere and now loud cell phone use-- all of these behaviors are justified by "It's MY vacation, I can do what I want, too bad if it bothers someone else." What a sad commentary.......

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