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We had a strange disembarkation 3/28


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We had a strange disembarkation 3/28/09 on the Ruby Princess. We had a spectacular cruise and had a wonderful time but the disembarkation was upsetting. We were on Riviera Deck and had silver tags. The disembarkation instructions were to report to the Explorer's Lounge at 8:20 AM. However, as we were Platinum passengers, we read that Platinum/Elite passengers should report to Club Fusion. As we have gone to the Platinum/Elite meeting place in the past, we elected to go to Club Fusion. We had a Continental breakfast and waited with our carry-ons to hear our color called. The gentleman sitting across from us said that silver was next but the next color we heard called was yellow. The Captain's Circle Hostess said everyone with a yellow tag should disembark and then recapping, said everyone with red, pink, gold, green and silver 4, 5, and 6 should be gone. That was the first time we heard silver called. We grabbed our bags and off we went. When we got to baggage there were only 4 suitcases with silver tags left and two of them were ours. We went through immigration easily and left the ship. We saw a Southwest rep standing outside and she asked us if we had flights with Southwest and told us to get in line. They would check our luggage and we wouldn't see it until we arrived in Pittsburgh. We stood in line for about half an hour and when we got to the reps, they attempted to scan our boarding passes. After many attempts on both computers, they apologized and said they had never seen it happen before but our boarding passes were not being approved. We were given a piece of paper and told to take our luggage and go to the airport. The paper would allow us to go to the head of the line at the airport. We dragged 4 pieces of luggage up steps and to the taxi area. We then attempted to get a cab. Since we left the ship late and then were line with Southwest unsuccessfully at the pier for about 45 minutes, it was chaos in the taxi area. We were told that 5 ships were unloading. We finally found a van to take us to the airport. At the airport, we showed our slip of paper and were herded into a check-in line (not bumped to the front). When we reached the Southwest desk, we were issued a new boarding pass with no explanation and then attempted to find the end of the security line at FLL. We had a 12:40 flight and were very nervous about boarding on time. We did make our flight but were exhausted by the time we boarded. Did anyone else go through this?

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Glad that you didn't miss your flight. Sounds like disembarkation was not too well organized and I hate the pressure of having to do all of this running after a wonderful cruise. We've had similar experiences on other cruises.

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We had a strange disembarkation 3/28/09 on the Ruby Princess. We had a spectacular cruise and had a wonderful time but the disembarkation was upsetting. We were on Riviera Deck and had silver tags. The disembarkation instructions were to report to the Explorer's Lounge at 8:20 AM. However, as we were Platinum passengers, we read that Platinum/Elite passengers should report to Club Fusion. As we have gone to the Platinum/Elite meeting place in the past, we elected to go to Club Fusion. We had a Continental breakfast and waited with our carry-ons to hear our color called. The gentleman sitting across from us said that silver was next but the next color we heard called was yellow. The Captain's Circle Hostess said everyone with a yellow tag should disembark and then recapping, said everyone with red, pink, gold, green and silver 4, 5, and 6 should be gone. That was the first time we heard silver called. We grabbed our bags and off we went. When we got to baggage there were only 4 suitcases with silver tags left and two of them were ours. We went through immigration easily and left the ship. We saw a Southwest rep standing outside and she asked us if we had flights with Southwest and told us to get in line. They would check our luggage and we wouldn't see it until we arrived in Pittsburgh. We stood in line for about half an hour and when we got to the reps, they attempted to scan our boarding passes. After many attempts on both computers, they apologized and said they had never seen it happen before but our boarding passes were not being approved. We were given a piece of paper and told to take our luggage and go to the airport. The paper would allow us to go to the head of the line at the airport. We dragged 4 pieces of luggage up steps and to the taxi area. We then attempted to get a cab. Since we left the ship late and then were line with Southwest unsuccessfully at the pier for about 45 minutes, it was chaos in the taxi area. We were told that 5 ships were unloading. We finally found a van to take us to the airport. At the airport, we showed our slip of paper and were herded into a check-in line (not bumped to the front). When we reached the Southwest desk, we were issued a new boarding pass with no explanation and then attempted to find the end of the security line at FLL. We had a 12:40 flight and were very nervous about boarding on time. We did make our flight but were exhausted by the time we boarded. Did anyone else go through this?


We kind of ran into this same thing on our last cruise on the Crown. We are also platinum, but since we were sailing with other friends who were first timers, we did not go to the Platinum lounge. Our disembarkation point was the Wheelhouse Lounge. We arrived far before our color tag was to be called. We waited almost 40 minutes, when I asked a crew member about our color tag. She stated it was called 20 minutes prior. We never heard it. Luckily, we were able to disembark, but already had a shuttle waiting for us that we had prearranged. This is the first time we ever ran into this situation.


By the way, I see you are from Butler. I live in Saxonburg. Welcome neighbor!!

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Sorry your disembarkation wasn't as smooth as you would have wished. They often call colors out of order so that when I get to the Platinum/Elite waiting lounge, I ask if my color has been called. If I have the time, I actually like to leave after my color has been called since it's easier to find my luggage and wheel it away.


I'm a little confused by the Southwest Airlines luggage check-in. Had you pre-printed your boarding passes? Were they issued by Princess? Did you have Express Luggage handling? Did you have Princess transfers? If they weren't issued by Princess, you didn't have Princess transfers and you hadn't paid for the Express luggage handling, I'm not sure how that's Princess' fault. Once you leave the ship, unless you've paid for a transfer or Express luggage, you're on your own and at the mercy of the airline and the port authorities. You say you saw a SW Airlines Rep and the issues were with them. If I read your comment correctly, they're the ones who gave you incorrect information and steered you wrong. Could you clarify?

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Pam pretty much said what I was going to type. Although somehow your tag color in the lounge was either called earlier than expected, or you missed hearing it, other than that, it sounds like a Southwest Airlines mix up to me.

Waiting for more details! ;)

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Last year while sitting in the Platinum/Elite lounge waiting to disembark on the Diamond, I did not hear my color called. Finally I said something to the Princess Rep in the room and she told me I should have left 30 minutes ago.

Fortunately I did not run into the airport problems you had.

I am starting to think about going home the day after getting off a ship. The airports are a mess on the days that several ships are in port.


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Hi choochella, small world. Glad to know you're nearby. I work with a lot of people from Saxonburg.


to Pam in CA: We arrived at Club Fusion before any colors were called. If she called silver, we sure didn't hear it and I'm guessing that the owners of the remaining two suitcases with silver tags were in Club Fusion with us and didn't hear their color called either. You are right about it being easier to find our luggage since there were only 4 suitcases left with silver tags. LOL On Friday, we left Princess Cays early and came back to the ship to print our boarding passes. We had them in hand when we were stopped by the Southwest rep. She told us that if we had our boarding passes, we could get in line and check our luggage and then could go find a taxi. Unfortunately, the line was long and when we were finally waited on, something was wrong with the system that it wouldn't approve our pre-printed boarding passes. I guess my problem is more with Southwest than with Princess although I think the Captain Circle Hostess passed over our color. If the Southwest check-in had worked, it would have been simple. I'm going to guess that it was just a fluke and we were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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P.S. After experiencing that mess near the taxi's, I think I am going to purchase a Princess transfer to the airport when it's offered near the end of the cruise. It's more expensive, but it's simpler, especially when there are 5 ships in port.

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I guess my problem is more with Southwest than with Princess although I think the Captain Circle Hostess passed over our color. If the Southwest check-in had worked, it would have been simple. I'm going to guess that it was just a fluke and we were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
There are usually quite a few people in the Platinum/Elite lounge and usually quite a few for each color tag. Since yours were about the only pieces of luggage left, it's possible you just missed the call. :(:( They should probably announce it several times but if you're distracted for a minute, it's easy to miss something.


P.S. After experiencing that mess near the taxi's, I think I am going to purchase a Princess transfer to the airport when it's offered near the end of the cruise. It's more expensive, but it's simpler, especially when there are 5 ships in port.
This is very true and while it's a hassle sometimes to wait for the bus to fill, you don't have to fight for a taxi or have the stress of having people push ahead of you in line, which they do. I remember one time I was disembarking in FLL and it was pure chaos outside the terminal. Eleven ships were disembarking that day and taxis were few and far between. People were waving money at porters and taxi drivers, pushing and shoving each other around, and generally getting pretty stressed, particularly since we hadn't started disembarkation until 9:30AM and people had booked early flights. What a mess. I walked outside the terminal, past the chaos and to the bus; five minutes later, we pulled out as more people were pouring into the same wild mess. :(
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Last year while sitting in the Platinum/Elite lounge waiting to disembark on the Diamond, I did not hear my color called. Finally I said something to the Princess Rep in the room and she told me I should have left 30 minutes ago.

Fortunately I did not run into the airport problems you had.

I am starting to think about going home the day after getting off a ship. The airports are a mess on the days that several ships are in port.


Yes, I always stay in Ft. Lauderdale, or wherever, for a couple extra days to eliminate all the headaches of multiple ships unloading and everyone heading to the airport at the same time. Plus it helps to have a 6 a.m. flight; I don't think there's too many people who will get up at 3 in the morning just to catch a flight.

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Being in FLL with five ships in port doesn't seem like a lot to me. We were there one time when there were 15 ships--right before a Christmas cruise. Fortunately, we were staying over a night and were not desparate to get a cab to the airport. I'm sure it was chaos there as well.


When we disembarked from our HAL cruise last month and made it to the airport, the Southwest folks were not letting people with late afternoon flights check in yet. Once again, we were fortunate to have a 1:30 flight.

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Sorry about your bad disembarkation. On the 28th we had a 2:30 PM flight which we easily made with a bus transfer although it was really a zoo. After reading horror stories about getting a taxi we decided at the last minute to get the transfer. :eek:


Apparently the airline hadn't booked all of it's 1st class seats so we were able to upgrade for $100. As we were getting off the plane in Houston, where our daughter lives, I told my husband he should check the 1st class seats again, just in case. Then I said, or maybe they're overbooked and we can volunteer to be bumped and visit our daughter. ;)


Lo and behold, they were overbooked and we spent almost 24 hours with her, stayed in a hotel they provided, had vouchers for about $60 of food, flew home 1st class Sunday night and each got $250 vouchers for future flights. :cool:


Not a bad thing to do if you have the time to spare! The downside is our luggage was already in ABQ so we had to make do with what we had. :rolleyes:


Better luck next time! :)

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Not a fun disembarkation at all!!


I just want to say that when we used the "luggage express" we were told that the airlines sometimes randomly choose bags not to go straight through and we may end up being responsible for taking the luggage to the airport. This may be what occured but after missing your color call - it was a double whammy.

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Lo and behold, they were overbooked and we spent almost 24 hours with her, stayed in a hotel they provided, had vouchers for about $60 of food, flew home 1st class Sunday night and each got $250 vouchers for future flights. :cool:


Not a bad thing to do if you have the time to spare! The downside is our luggage was already in ABQ so we had to make do with what we had. :rolleyes:


Better luck next time! :)

Oh gee!!, wasn't that just too bad!! I'll bet you just suffered the whole weekend long!!!

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It is wise to forestall confusion...If you are waiting for a luggage call you should get up every 10 minutes & ask the Princess rep. if your color has been called.


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:o Yeah, I suffered wearing my daughter's pj's. :rolleyes:


Her roommates told me they always volunteer on spring break/Christmas flights. I guess they aren't worried about a missed day of classes. Oh well, you're only young once. It took me 56 years to try it. Pretty fun although if you have to get back to work I wouldn't recommend it! :cool:

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I'm a little confused by the Southwest Airlines luggage check-in. Had you pre-printed your boarding passes? Were they issued by Princess? Did you have Express Luggage handling? Did you have Princess transfers? If they weren't issued by Princess, you didn't have Princess transfers and you hadn't paid for the Express luggage handling.


At FLL only, Southwest has a program to check your luggage at the pier (for a fee, of course). This is not associated with any program that Princess offers.


However, they are supposed to be able to issue boarding passes when they take your baggage, so if the passes the poster had were not accepted, Southwest should have been able to issue new ones at the pier.


Read about what Southwest offers at http://www.southwest.com/cities/fll.html

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Here's what I do and it may be exteme overkill.


  1. I head to Club Fusion/Vista before any colors are called.
  2. I monitor on my hand held scanner the frequency used to call the Captains Circle lady in the lounge.
  3. I assume the colors will be called in exact order.
  4. The moment the I hear the order given to the Captains Circle lady on her radio for my color I'm ready to escape completely from the lounge and head for the gangway.
  5. It usually takes the Captain's Circle lady a minute or two to make her announcement.


BTW I always buy a Princess transfer from the ship to the airport.

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I have been in a couple of situations in FLL that when I disembark, there are no taxis to be found. This has usually been in December when there are tons of ships around holiday time. In these situations, I have also (thankfully) found a van but that was after many failed attempts in trying to get a taxi.


I used to discourage people from taking Princess shuttles but after that incident a few years ago - I am not sure what the best advice is.

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When we were waiting in Club Fusion on our recent cruise we could clearly hear the circle host calling out the colours. There was a couple sitting across from us reading the newspaper and chatting. At one point they asked us if their colour had been called....they were too busy talking and reading and not paying attention to the announcements.

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Here's what I do and it may be exteme overkill.


  1. I head to Club Fusion/Vista before any colors are called.
  2. I monitor on my hand held scanner the frequency used to call the Captains Circle lady in the lounge.
  3. I assume the colors will be called in exact order.
  4. The moment the I hear the order given to the Captains Circle lady on her radio for my color I'm ready to escape completely from the lounge and head for the gangway.
  5. It usually takes the Captain's Circle lady a minute or two to make her announcement.


BTW I always buy a Princess transfer from the ship to the airport.


Can you suggest a scanner that would pick up the ships frequencies?Thanks!

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We were on the Diamond in February and the same thing happend to us. The rep called a color but since we were a bit further back in the casino (only place to sit) we could not hear what she called. I suspected it was our color but had to ask someone up close. It all worked out since I was watching but definitely there is a problem with this method in larger rooms with no microphone. Some voices are just too soft.

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Hello Aquarian & choochella - We too are from Butler, PA and also experienced a similar platinum/elite Explorers Lounge disembarkation problem at FLL on Emerald Princess. Turned out our color was initially skipped but - then announced in a list of groups already called. Fortunately we were able to make our PIT flight on time despite the delay and crowds. However - I must say that we have usually found Princess embarkations/disembarkations well done. Hopefully things will go well for our upcoming Grand Princess 9-19-09 Rome/Venice cruise. In any event - we'll most certainly be prepared. SeaFish

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Hi choochella, small world. Glad to know you're nearby. I work with a lot of people from Saxonburg.


On Friday, we left Princess Cays early and came back to the ship to print our boarding passes. We had them in hand when we were stopped by the Southwest rep. She told us that if we had our boarding passes, we could get in line and check our luggage and then could go find a taxi. Unfortunately, the line was long and when we were finally waited on, something was wrong with the system that it wouldn't approve our pre-printed boarding passes. I guess my problem is more with Southwest than with Princess although I think the Captain Circle Hostess passed over our color. If the Southwest check-in had worked, it would have been simple. I'm going to guess that it was just a fluke and we were at the wrong place at the wrong time.


I still don't understand if you used the "Bags to Go" service, where you pay $10 per bag:


Cruising into Fort Lauderdale?

Enjoy the last day of your vacation, without toting your heavy bags. Send them straight to the airport with our Bags To Go service!

  • Bags are transferred from the cruise ship to the FLL airport in a secure vehicle, screened by the TSA, and loaded onto your Southwest Airlines flight.
  • Boarding passes are also issued by the Bags To Go Agent upon bag checkin.
  • Customers may check bags for a fee of $10 per bag. Additional fees apply for additional, excess, overweight, and oversized bags.
  • Bags must be presented three hours prior to your flight's departure and are only accepted on flights departing after 11:45 AM.
  • Reserve Bags To Go service online today!

Or was this some kind of on the spot impromptu thing Southwest did merely because they spotted your boarding passes?


We plan on using the Bag to Go service with Southwest later this month when we disembark from our cruise at FLL.



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