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HAL & Celebrity Boards ... Very different playgrounds


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I have a unique problem. I "joined" CC back in 2003 getting ready for a Celebrity cruise. I could never quite get going on their boards though I did take part in the Roll Call for the cruise. It was a very unsuccessful Roll Call.


This year when we planned our Oosterdam cruise I started posting here and very quickly got to know so many of you. Some of you like me, some of you don't and that's okay with me and it's what I would expect. But I'm very comfortable here ... we may argue and disagree, but there's a good feel to it.


Now we have a cruise planned on the Summit next year so I felt I should try over there. Our Roll Call is just getting going, but the main Celebrity Boards are very strange. Everyone ignores me (with the exception of Lois who "visited" over here for awhile before her disappointing Zuiderdam cruise) . I haven't posted that much, but when I do it's as if I'm invisable. It's not fun.


So what to do??? I can't stay here when I'm going on a Celebrity cruise. I can't do a "doc dance", I can't count down and get excited and write a review when we come back.


You won't believe this but I tried really hard to find a HAL cruise that would be in the same price range at the same time with a similar itinerary and couldn't find one. Do any of you post to both boards? Can you compare your experience? Is it just me:o ?

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Heather, I am sure there will those that would complain but I would think it would be OK to occasionally mention your upcoming cruise on that other cruise line:D I for one would not mind and I am sure several others would like to help you celebrate when you get your Docs. This board is definitely "unique" we have a relatively small base of regulars compared to some of the other boards. I have never had reason to visit the Celebrity Board but have been on the RCL board. This board is active with lots and lots of posters. In the short time I posted over there I always got my questions answered quickly but could not get a feel of who the regulars were. Or maybe I just was not over there long enough.

This board has a lot of long time regulars who really love to cruise and because HAL is a very traditional cruise line it has a different group of posters those not looking for the floating resort, ice skating arenas and rock climbing walls.

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It's like family here and I, for one, would like to hear your ups & downs with your Celebrity cruise - help you celebrate with the doc dance - read your review - get excited with your countdown, although, no having cruised Celebrity, I wouldn't be able to answer any Celebrity questions....Our daughter cruised Celebrity for her honeymoon and loved it.

So, I vote for you posting on this board, where you feel comfortable and "know" the other posters, whether it's for a HAL cruise or an "X" cruise!! :D


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Hi Heather

I know I have never ignored you.

That's all right if you cruise on Celebrity - we have never cruised on them.

But come 2006 - we aren't certain what our plans will be.

So who knows - we may catch you on some other board in that year.

Enjoy your cruise.

And do come back here and post your comparison between the 2 cruise lines.

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Hi Heather (& other HALers)


I enjoy reading most of the boards. There is a wealth of information on all of CC.


We have cruised on 4 different lines (Celebrity, NCL, Princess and RCI) and haven't eliminated any from future consideration. If the "right" (for us) HAL cruise comes up we will be on it.


Sometimes it is easy to get a group thread going and active and other times not. I certainly wouldn't worry about posting information about a Celebrity cruise on the HAL board or any other. You have made friends on this board and I'm sure they are happy to share the joy of planning and taking your next cruise, even if it is not on HAL.


The great thing about the entire CC board is that you can make a lot of connections with other people from all over the world that share your love of cruising.


You mentioned Lois in your post. She, DW, and I have talked back and forth enough that she seems like a next door neighbor. We have never met. But, if we were considering two cruises and found out that she was on one it would certainly be a selling point for us. I hope our paths cross some day.


Keep posting and Happy Sails To You,



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Heather: If you have never sailed with Celebrity, you may very feel outside the loop. You can't very well answer any Celebrity related questions, obviously. Neither would it be appropriate to say "I really don't know, but HAL does it this way". However, you could very well answer questions about ports you have visited, excursions taken, Florida related, stuff like that.


I have cruised Celebrity and other lines, but with Celebrity & RCI having so many newer and really different ships, what exists on one may not be on anothers. Stuff like ice skating rinks, wall climbing, completely different type lounges, alternate restaurants, etc. HAL been making almost carbon copies of all their ships, and even with the new Vista, the changes are somewhat insignificant when compared to the other lines.


Can only suggest to keep visiting Celebrity Boards, answer any questions you can, and stay away from those perennial argumentive boards such as tippping, dress codes, kids, lounge chairs, smokers, etc....


Happy cruising.....

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Heather -


You're like family here!


Of course we'll celebrate w/ you on your impending desertion of HAL for Celebrity...:eek:


Seriously tho - I can't wait to read your impressions of your Celebrity cruise since that is the one of the few lines that I would consider sailing if not on HAL.


Just please be sure to have at least one dinner in the "United States" (I think that's what the grillroom is called on Summit...) so we know how it is compared to the Pinnacle.

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Each cruiseline board has their own unique personality. It can also vary depending on who's participating at any given moment. I wouldn't sweat it Heather if it felt strange on the Celebrity board. Give it some time and don't give up. People come and go on the boards. You have plenty of time before your sailing next year. As far as posting to the HAL board.. why not? I see lots of people jump from board to board (me included). There's no rules on where you can or can not post. Just the excitement of knowing you are going to be cruising in the future is enough to celebrate no matter where you choose to post and share your anticipation.

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I have seen your posts. You have personality..

Give the Celebrity board a chance. I was on the Summit.

It is a great ship. You will really enjoy it........

You can get excited on either board....

Everybody does the DOC dance....................

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I read the Celebrity board along with many others. Every board is different and has it's own clique. The Celebrity board is dominated by a group of males, this board has the "Iguanas" as lknick has dubbed them. Other boards have a mixed bag. Don't worry about it.


Why not just post and ask your questions? Join in the roll call thread and get to know the others that our on your cruise.

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Wow ... what magnificent answers! I think I misled you a bit, Krazy Kruizers, or wrote funny because I never said I was "ignored" on the HAL boards! I meant I was being ignored on the Celebrity boards.


Brian, you're terrific. And I don't know if you remember but back a ways you and I didn't always see eye to eye;) . Now you're the best! ... even if we don't.


Just so everyone knows I've cruised twice on Celebrity and twice on Hal. We were on the Millennium in December '03 and then the Oosterdam in November '04 so I found myself making many comparisons between those 2 ships. Since I came away leaning toward Celebrity in the service and food departments, we booked the Summit for our Panama Canal adventure.


There is a thread over on Celebrity called "Who'd you like to cruise most with...?" (meaning of the other CCers). I posted there explaining how "out of it" I felt on their boards. Lois was wonderfully welcoming while all the others just ignored the post. So I'm a bit gunshy now:o .


Thanks you all for your comments and ideas. I really appreciate it.

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I post on both boards, but lately, neither one, very regularly. My observation is that the Celebrity board is very friendly. I believe it has more posters than the HAL board, and perhaps that is why you are feeling lost.

I say post on both boards, but keep HAL your "home" board. I know the HAL posters are tired of hearing it, but I LOVE Celebrity. My experience from cruising this year is that Celebrity has better service. I soooooooo wish some of the longtime HAL cruisers would give Celebrity a try.



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Of course you should continue to post here. We don't want you desserting us. So what if you have a cruise planned on "X". That is your choice and your privilege but no reason to leave all of us. We'd miss you.

I am always happy to hear when a fellow cruiser has received their docs for whatever ship they next plan to cruise. Big deal it will be elsewhere. We'll get over it. ;)

We have cruised Princess about 5 times and the same for Celebrity. For SOME of those cruises on other lines, I continued to post here. Some of them were before I knew about Message Boards at all. I may have posted a few times on Princess or Celebrity Boards in the past but only a handful of times. I don't know anyone except Lois over there, I don't think. I have not even peeked in to read their messages in certainly more than a year.

I'd LOVE for you to post comments here about Summit when you return. I'll be very eager to hear what you think of that ship and that cruise line. We have not cruised them in about 4+ or more years. I don't remember the date of our last cruise with them.

Anyone who isn't friendly over there is missing out. Their loss......don't let 'em get you down. Come back here whenever they don't play nicely with you. You are home when you are here. :)


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Poor Molly is slamming her paw against the screen door as I take a moment to respond your posts.


Marie, I agree about Celebrity's service. I've said it many times here on the HAL boards and nobody has stoned me yet;) ! I noticed you hadn't posted much lately and I've missed you.

Sail, good to hear from you again and thank you so much for your thoughts ... you've been a bit quiet? And who knows what will happen with the "N" ship (I don't even dare say the word since both threads about that cruise have been moved to the "Roll Call" boards ... I'm in a tiff with Walt and Doug about it).

So if we all go on the "N" ship in 2006, then I'll feel fine here on the HAL boards talking about all sorts of cruiselines:D

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I have been a bit 'less active' lately, Heather.


Thanks for noticing.



But ....I cannot begin to think of any reason why anyone should not post here, there, and everywhere if they choose. Many people cruise one cruiseline after another but they still like to 'keep current' with those they think they may cruise again someday. Or like to visit a particular board because they've made friends there. What could be wrong with that?


As to the "N" word....... :) I noticed the thread was gone. I never go to Roll Call so I didn't know where they put it or if they simply pulled it. I didn't bother to ask. We were having some fun with it but that's okay.

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Sail, I noticed because I missed you. Always love your posts. I have an inkling of why you may have been "less active" and if that's it, I can say I understand.


The reason I felt that thread should remain on these boards is because we know so little about the "event" and it would have been a good way to keep up to date on the latest info. I've been emailing with Laffnvegas and Ekerr and we'll just give it a try from time to time and see what happens. Walt is away (Doug told me) so didn't respond when I asked him to reconsider.


I agree with everything else you said, but awhile back someone expressed excitement about getting her docs for another cruiseline and someone posted that she shouldn't be doing it here. I remembered that and I've really tried the Celebrity boards, but the truth is I know so many of you here, consider you my friends, and I'm just more comfortable over there. As you said, I'm "home" here:) .


I'll work it out and I appreciate your support as well as everyone elses.

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I read the Celebrity board along with many others. Every board is different and has it's own clique. The Celebrity board is dominated by a group of males, this board has the "Iguanas" as lknick has dubbed them. Other boards have a mixed bag. Don't worry about it.


Why not just post and ask your questions? Join in the roll call thread and get to know the others that our on your cruise.

What's an "iguana"? I don't mean a real iguana, but what does it mean here?

I did post ... no response to me. But I've joined the roll call thread and there's no problem there at all. But most of the roll call are not on the main Celebrity board.

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Hi Heather,


I'm in the "same boat," so to speak. :) My next cruise is on Princess and I don't have a HAL cruise planned at the moment, yet something keeps drawing me back to the HAL board. After reading this thread, I'm pretty sure it's the people. I learned so much from everyone before taking my first HAL cruise last summer. I do post on the Princess board as well as the roll call for my cruise, and everyone's been nice. But for some reason, the HAL board still feels like "home."


I shall gladly do a doc dance with you when you receive your Celebrity documents. In the meantime, please stick around.

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Just kidding.

Of course we want you to stay friends, even as you plan to cruise the competition. You have much to contribute on this board---both in the sense of information, and in good will.

I believe when you are new on a given board the folks there have to get used to you. It's a little like walking in to the Cheers bar---you either hear people call out "Norm!", or you're ignored until people feel comfortable with you. It takes time.

Patience, Little One. Patience.

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Like you, Heather, I've booked an upcoming cruise on brand "X", and visited the Celebrity board to garner info. I reacted much as you did, although I also drew more ire with my responses in a couple of "standard topic" threads (dress code, tipping).


There seems to be a number of clueless, classless individuals who attempt to dominate most conversations and resent would new people can bring to the discussion. I felt like a cruising novice and a posting newbie with the way I was treated.


So I'll hang out here with the civilized folks just as long as I can...

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Like you, Heather, I've booked an upcoming cruise on brand "X", and visited the Celebrity board to garner info. I reacted much as you did, although I also drew more ire with my responses in a couple of "standard topic" threads (dress code, tipping).


There seems to be a number of clueless, classless individuals who attempt to dominate most conversations and resent would new people can bring to the discussion. I felt like a cruising novice and a posting newbie with the way I was treated.


So I'll hang out here with the civilized folks just as long as I can...

I don't mind admitting that misery loves company and your post made me feel like it's not "just me". Thanks, Dave.

Ruth, I wish you were right but I just didn't get that sense. Still, one never knows.

Lisa, exactly. The HAL boards "draw you back":) . What can I say??? It is what it is.

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I know how you feel as I also feel very much at home here on the HAL Board but I do visit the Princess Board occasionally. We went on the Tahitian Princess in March and for a year I was on both Boards. I found the people at Princess very friendly and had a great group of C.C. buddies when we went on the cruise. I will be going back there again early next year as we have another Princess cruise planned but I still will keep coming back to HAL.



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I always read your posts, I don't respond if I can't improve on the silence or have nothing informative to offer, but please don't feel ignored!


I too, feel at home here, and although i read the X and Princess boards, I don't contribute because I'm not going, YET. I guess if we do book X or princess I'll participate.


it's nice to know we can stay here even if we try another line in the future.


We've sailed NCL and RCCI, and Premier in the past but have found a home on HAL.


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