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Dawn 6/21 Lost Luggage Nightmare


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I was on that cruise and assure you that notices were left outside of passenger cabins seeking your bag. I thought that we received it on night 2.



I was on that cruise, and received the notice at my cabin the second day of the cruise. I even commented to my companions that if it hadn't shown up yet, it was probably sitting on the dock back in NYC--and how much that really stunk.:(


I was on that cruise on deck 11, and we DID NOT receive any notice about missing luggage. We did, however received and endless barrage of spa "specials".


Well, as you can see, by the quotes of two other posters on that sailing, they did indeed recieve a notice. Perhaps they missed your cabin, or you just didn't notice it amongst the "barrage of spa specials".



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I totally understand your attitude.... here's my story:


About 16 years ago, my DH and I were taking our 14 month old on our first family vacation to Mexico to an all inclusive Family Club Med. We planned for a long time and this vacation was really, really important. We had spent 11 years in infertility treatments, surgeries etc. to have our baby. When she finally arrived via adoption, well our dream of doing a family vacation, strolling on the beach, watching her play in the sand and all those fun things were going to finally happen. It was a dream come true. However, that dream was drastically put to the test when none of our luggage arrived. Keep in mind this is Mexico where time does not matter, nor does some American's lost luggage matter to anyone either. We were in a remote part of Mexico (at that time), phone lines were only open a couple of hours a day and it was incredibly expensive to use them. We traveled in our cute, specifically chosen travel clothes but coming from MN, we were in pants and short sleaves. We had a carry on with some baby essentials but that was it. All of my other carefully planned outfits for baby, me and DH were somewhere else.


Next day still no luggage so I contacted relatives at home to start looking for it from their direction and after all I had very little resources available on our end to try to find it. Needless to say, I was really upset and feeling like our vacation was ruined. When I finally broke down in tears my DH said, we will make the most of this. We headed to the gift store and by the way, Club Med told us they would give us $200 (we booked air and land thru them). We get to the gift store and a tiny tube of toothpaste was $9, 12 diapers were $17 and bathing suits were $100-$150. Easily we were going to go over the $200. DH told me to buy what I wanted including a tiny little skirt to go over my bathing suit which cost $90. I resisted, he insisted because he said I looked good in it; literally it was a triangle of fabric. We ended up buying one outfit each, essentials for our DD and a bathing suit for each, minus baby. Luggage finally arrived four days later. Our bill in the gift shop was just over $900. Club Med got the word out to other guests and families chipped in diapers, bibs etc. In the end, Club Med paid our entire bill in the gift shop for those days.


We had added costs of taxi's to and from the airport when DH was told by Mexicana Air twice that the luggage would arrive when it didn't. We also had tips for the same taxi driver who drove him back and forth. Plus what we didn't know is that this guy who didn't speak english but was told by a spanish speaking Club Med employee what our problem was ended up bribing customs officials to have the luggage sent thru. At that time, luggage could not go thru without the specific traveler coming with it. That bribe was a simple cold beer... that's all the guy wanted. So, he and my husband stopped on the way back to Club Med. We also had some $250 in long distance charges. We tried to recover those costs but it was a long road to no where which we finally gave up.


In the end, it was a great vacation, with great memories. We met a lot of nice people who shared their extra's with us so that we didn't need to keep buying diapers. My DH still talks about that Mexican Taxi Cab driver that didn't speak english and both of them enjoying an icy cold beer, at a stand along a dirt road, just looking at each other and smiling.


Where was the luggage for 4 days... in Chicago at a Mexicana employee's desk. My dad eventually found it and got it sent thru. In the end, I learned that I can survive several days in one pair of shorts, one shirt, and a bathing suit. We used our travel clothes for evening wear when the temp. became a bit cooler. We met great people who graciously gave to us. We loved Club Med and appreciated their "gift" to us of covering all the costs and we went back the next year to have yet another great vacation. Oh, and what else did we learn.... cross packing and carrying a carryon with more essentials than what we had. Eventually, we learned to pack simple and now we always do carryon. Just did 11 days in Europe with carryon!


What a fantastic and inspiring story!! Thank you so much for sharing it!! We also had to jump through hoops to become parents, but fortunately for us science came through once and we have a wonderful daughter. My mom wasn't so lucky, so I'm one of the 'chosen' like your daughter. My love of family vacations began with my mom and continues to this day - especially when she can join us, and she's also the one that taught me that even when things go awry, you can still find a way to make things as good as possible. Congratulations on having such a good husband, too. $90 is a lot for a small triangle of fabric, but I'll bet it did look good on you - especially when he got to see you wearing it on the beach with your beautiful baby. :)

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You know - just thinking back - NCL has been absolutely attentive anytime we've had a situation that "required" a letter to the head office. I think as long as you describe the situation - and the after effects - without heated comments or emotions - they're very quick to respond & "do the right thing".


I remember one cruise - ages ago - when the ship was called the Windward (I believe) and there was that water-born illness going around - passengers and cruise members were droppin' like flies - and the CDC greeted us upon our return - NOT a great welcoming home! *LOL* - and it really DID affect the enjoyment of the cruise - we got some sort of a coupon for our next cruise.


I've always found NCL to be extremely understanding of "issues" and from my perspective - have gone out of their way to make things right.


"Canadian Twosome" has a great line in her/his signature - "No such thing as a bad cruise!" - that's so true - there are GOOD cruises and then there are GREAT cruises. As I said in my "My husband left my makeup bag in the car" post - It truly is what you make of it - and it IS a memory you look back on and laugh about years later.

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Fxcarden.. TOOO FUNNY..



For those saying the OP should have sued, I would think one of the first things any judge or jury would ask is where is the proof that the OP handed over any luggage to begin with. Anyone could take a cruise, claim that NCL lost their luggage when they never had the lost piece of luggage to begin with and then sue? We have never once been given any proof at all that we turned in any luggae at the terminal, unlike you get when you fly and get a print out of the tracking number for the luggage you checked. Secondly I am sure the travel contract says some where on it that NCL is not responsible for lost luggage. That is a contract that is agreed upon when you purchase the ticket. The OP is in NY and the cruiselines headquarters is in Miami, so I would love to meet the lawyer who would advise a client in NY to sue a corporation in Miami for a lost piece of luggage. The expense of that lawsuit alone would be stupid. As much as I understand the horror of having your luggage lost, as a fair member of a jury I would be hard pressed to award any compensation without proof that NCL ever had the luggage in their possession to begin with or give any award if it was in the agreed upon contract that NCL had limited or no liability for lost luggage. I'm not a lawyer of course, but that is just my opinion.

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This really sucks. I would be so pissed off at the way they handled this I would consider suing them.

Consult the advice of an attorney.

Also, if you have cruise insurance doesn't it cover lost or delayed luggage?

I won't accept that it wasn't lost. Of course it was lost. It was misplaced by members of the cruise staff which makes them libel, I would think.

Also, how did you pay for the cruise? Your credit card might offer some travel insurance that might cover some of the costs.

I really feel bad for you, and I hope you find justice.

I myself am working on a problem I had with another cruise line and know exactly how they like to give the run around. (read my post)

Good luck and keep us posted.



Now I know why cruise prices are high..:eek::rolleyes: This post is a joke in

my book....I dont think you read this whole thread.....Might I offer u a

bumper sticker that says "**** happens"

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Now I know why cruise prices are high..:eek::rolleyes: This post is a joke in

my book....I dont think you read this whole thread.....Might I offer u a

bumper sticker that says "**** happens"



The cruise line has an obligation to provide services to their paying customers. Part of the service is getting their luggage to their rooms in a timely manner.

The cruise line obviously failed this paying customer by delivering their luggage to the wrong cabin.

The customer has the right to be compensated. Period. There is nothing more to say here.


As far as your intelligent statement "****happens."


Maybe you should re-read the thread.

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The cruise line has an obligation to provide services to their paying customers. Part of the service is getting their luggage to their rooms in a timely manner.

The cruise line obviously failed this paying customer by delivering their luggage to the wrong cabin.

The customer has the right to be compensated. Period. There is nothing more to say here.


As far as your intelligent statement "****happens."


Maybe you should re-read the thread.


Compensation suggests that someone is being paid for a loss of some kind. OP didn't suffer any loss....there was nothing to repair.


Misdirected or lost luggage can be a pain in the behind, no doubt. However, being grown ups, instead of whining and demanding compensation or favors of some kind, OP could have just as easily purchased what was necessary and been reimbursed by baggage insurance.....if he purchased it. If he didn't, then, he would be out the money....his problem, for sure. The cruise line is only liable for the "lost" bag up to the amount shown in the passenger ticket contract.....which, for NCL, is $100.00. In this case, the bag was returned intact.....


Honestly, it's amazing how when things go awry, everyone wants to sue or wants money or some kind of compensation. The "gimmee, gimmee" attitude of many is annoying. Just try that with an airline who REALLY loses bags.......with them, you get what you get period.


In this case, the bag wasn't lost....he got it back. It's time to stop whining, take a grown up pill and move on.

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Compensation suggests that someone is being paid for a loss of some kind. OP didn't suffer any loss....there was nothing to repair.


Misdirected or lost luggage can be a pain in the behind' date=' no doubt. However, being grown ups, instead of whining and demanding compensation or favors of some kind, OP could have just as easily purchased what was necessary and been reimbursed by baggage insurance.....if he purchased it. If he didn't, then, he would be out the money....his problem, for sure. The cruise line is only liable for the "lost" bag up to the amount shown in the passenger ticket contract.....which, for NCL, is $100.00. In this case, the bag was returned intact.....


Honestly, it's amazing how when things go awry, everyone wants to sue or wants money or some kind of compensation. The "gimmee, gimmee" attitude of many is annoying. Just try that with an airline who REALLY loses bags.......with them, you get what you get period.


In this case, the bag wasn't lost....he got it back. It's time to stop whining, take a grown up pill and move on.[/quote']


Didn't the OP state that his luggage was found in sombody's cabin on the last day of the cruise?

I think that would constitute lost.


His vacation was ruined.



Didn't the OP state that he was on his honeymoon?


How would you react if this happened to you, and the cruise line wouldn't take responsibility?


Unless you have been in the OP's shoes this "take a grown up pill and move on" is a bad response.


He probably paid thousands of dollars for the cruise and this is what he gets from the cruise line and from the people posting on here that are so non-sympathetic .


I for one would react the same as the OP.


I think the cruise line should compensate him with a free cruise.

Not only is it the right thing to do, it would show that they have a heart.

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OK, this has gone on long enough, but I will add my $2 worth (I'll go beyond $0.02)




NCL mishandled the baggage. It ended up in another cabin, period. NCL is obligated to handle baggage correctly. There is no legal liability, but as a business, there is tons of social liability.


The alleged stowage in the closet: May or may not have actually happened. There can be no proof, in any event, and it is immaterial. If the person who found it was that inept they they did not notice it immediately, well, a pox on them, but again they are under no legal liability.


If the OP can get things on-board, get all you can and sort if out later. In my case, when my bag was misdirected (by the airline) I was more limited, since I weigh in at 330 lbs, but I would have cleaned out the gift shop if I could have. After the lost bag was found I would have negotiated with the desk to give me a credit of 25% or so to cover the mark up. Might have not worked out, but worth a try.


Now to the resolution phase:


NCL was negligent in their duty. There should be no doubt in this. Let's say the cruise was $3000 for this trip. I would contact the HQ and negotiate a future cruise credit on the order of $1500 or so. I think NCL would jump on this and I would be surprised if they would not.


The handling on board and any complaints of rudeness, as far as I am concerned, just goes with the territory. NCL wants your business, and if they can get you back for a measly $1500 credit, they come out ahead.

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I do indeed have sympathy for the OP and said as much in an earlier post. However:


Didn't the OP state that his luggage was found in sombody's cabin on the last day of the cruise?

I think that would constitute lost.


No, lost is being gone. Forever. Or at least for the entire duration of the trip.


His vacation was ruined.


How can a lost bag make a ruined vacation? A frustrating inconvenience for sure, but ruined? The OP still enjoyed all the amenities of the ship. Still enjoyed the food, the ports, etc. And what constitutes "ruined"? Rough seas so you are sick all week? Bad weather? On our cruise just recently, the seas became very rough within 8 hours of leaving port and 1/3 of the passengers were very very seasick. We arrived at our destination 1 day late due to bad weather so one day of our port was lost. It poured rain almost the entire time we were there. Sun came out on the final morning but our ship left at 11 am. Was our vacation ruined? No it was not. Disappointing for sure, but not ruined. For what it's worth, I'd have traded my suitcase full of clothes for sunshine on that cruise.


Didn't the OP state that he was on his honeymoon?


Yes, but what does being on a honeymoon have to do with anything?


How would you react if this happened to you, and the cruise line wouldn't take responsibility?


Responsibility was taken by the cruiseline. They assisted all week in trying to locate the bag and did finally give an OBC to help purchase some clothing. Not ideal nor done properly in my opinion from what the OP says, however, certainly nothing to file a lawsuit over or demand unreasonable compensation.


Unless you have been in the OP's shoes this "take a grown up pill and move on" is a bad response.


Perhaps, but while the person you responded to may be trivializing the situation, you are blowing it way out of proportion IMO.


He probably paid thousands of dollars for the cruise and this is what he gets from the cruise line and from the people posting on here that are so non-sympathetic .


No one is non-sympathetic. What happened to him stinks. But it is a risk when you travel, by plane, ship, train, etc.

I for one would react the same as the OP.


Not surprised one bit by that statement. I'm sure you would. :rolleyes:


I think the cruise line should compensate him with a free cruise.

Not only is it the right thing to do, it would show that they have a heart.


A free cruise? For some missing clothes? Wow...just wow.



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My sympathies rest with the OP who did not get his luggage properly delivered. The issue is now between him and Miami office. I have faith a determined yet respectful communication will get a proper response satisfactory to the OP.



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OK, this has gone on long enough, but I will add my $2 worth (I'll go beyond $0.02)




NCL mishandled the baggage. It ended up in another cabin, period. NCL is obligated to handle baggage correctly. There is no legal liability, but as a business, there is tons of social liability.


The alleged stowage in the closet: May or may not have actually happened. There can be no proof, in any event, and it is immaterial. If the person who found it was that inept they they did not notice it immediately, well, a pox on them, but again they are under no legal liability.


If the OP can get things on-board, get all you can and sort if out later. In my case, when my bag was misdirected (by the airline) I was more limited, since I weigh in at 330 lbs, but I would have cleaned out the gift shop if I could have. After the lost bag was found I would have negotiated with the desk to give me a credit of 25% or so to cover the mark up. Might have not worked out, but worth a try.


Now to the resolution phase:


NCL was negligent in their duty. There should be no doubt in this. Let's say the cruise was $3000 for this trip. I would contact the HQ and negotiate a future cruise credit on the order of $1500 or so. I think NCL would jump on this and I would be surprised if they would not.


The handling on board and any complaints of rudeness, as far as I am concerned, just goes with the territory. NCL wants your business, and if they can get you back for a measly $1500 credit, they come out ahead.


$1500? A free cruise? I have sympathy for the OP but he did get his belongings back. I believe someone has all ready pointed out what the contract of passage consists of as far as lost or misplaced luggage goes. If an airline had lost his bag what would he be entitled to? It's not much, I know that and no where near $1500 or a free cruise.

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Maybe someone mentioned it and I missed it but - wouldn't your first reaction be to contact the person who had your luggage for the whole week in his closet "

Once it was found at the end of the cruise, most probably they noticed the extra piece when they got out their bags to start packing.

What always worried me is leaving the bags out by 11 pm on the last day. I always have visions of not finding my bag after I disembark.

It seems there are cameras in the corridors but if someone takes a case and rummages through it or changes the tags, it would be very difficult to trace them once the cruise is over.

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Didn't the OP state that his luggage was found in sombody's cabin on the last day of the cruise?

I think that would constitute lost.


Legally, found is found. You're suggesting that the OP sue for a 'lost bag' that he is currently in possession of. That makes it no longer lost.


His vacation was ruined.


It didn't have to be. Did you read Why Knot Me's post? THAT is how a situation like this should be handled. They CHOSE to enjoy themselves to the best of their ability and sort out the negative stuff later, and as a result they DID enjoy themselves to the best of their ability, rather than walking around in dirty clothes being miserable.



Didn't the OP state that he was on his honeymoon?


Does this mean that the situation was somehow 'worse' than it would have been if he had just been 'on vacation'? It still cost the same amount of money. As I noted in an earlier post, my honeymoon was FULL of bizarre events, and we laughed about all of them. One of the issues kept me on the phone for hours when I got home in order to get things resolved, but you can bet I didn't worry about it at all while I was enjoying my time on my honeymoon.


How would you react if this happened to you, and the cruise line wouldn't take responsibility?


I'm sorry... where does the idea that the cruise line wouldn't take responsibility come up? They searched the ship, they notified other passengers to look for the bag, and they gave the OP an OBC in the amount specified in their contract regarding the matter. Since he hasn't contacted corporate and reported back regarding their reaction, we have no reason to believe they won't respond in a positive way. As for if it happened to me, I've never lost a bag for this long, but I have lost bags and had to deal with it; I did. Again, check Why Knot Me's post for the proactive response I know I would emulate.


Unless you have been in the OP's shoes this "take a grown up pill and move on" is a bad response.


I believe the 'take a grown up pill' reference was for you, not the OP.


He probably paid thousands of dollars for the cruise and this is what he gets from the cruise line and from the people posting on here that are so non-sympathetic .


Nobody is non-sympathetic, and in fact, everyone I've seen post is in full agreement that the situation sucked. Again, we do not know what he may or may not get from the cruise line as a result of post-cruise correspondence. What he got was five days of crew members searching high and low for his bag, the contracted amount of OBC for the inconvenience, and eventually his bag back.


I for one would react the same as the OP.


I doubt that highly. I think you would react much, much worse.


I think the cruise line should compensate him with a free cruise.

Not only is it the right thing to do, it would show that they have a heart.


I'm with Gram on the free cruise thing... wow. Just wow.

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We all agree..........


It's best to cross pack.....

It's best to carry your own luggage....



But things happen....and a cruise ship should be prepared for these emergencies....


Would it be hard for a ship to keep an inventory of underwear, shorts, shirts and other "basics" to loan people when luggage gets misplaced? Put a service fee on the credit card, and then reverse it when the items are returned.


I'm not talking about shoes, evening wear or an entire wardrobe.......but just clothing that would make one more comfortable emotionally as well as hygienically.

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[quote name=.I for one would react the same as the OP.


I doubt that highly. I think you would react much, much worse.




Yes, you are very very very correct with that statement. Much, much, much worse.

37 cruises in, I know what's right, what's not, and what to expect.

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If the cruiseline are going to start compensating passengers with free cruises and 1500 credit then I am going to hide my luggage for a few days.


At the first port the op was able to go and purchase additional clothes and I am sure that if he had travel insurance it would be reimbursed. At least look on the bright side, after returning home there would not be a lot of laundry to do.

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We had our luggage go astray two years ago as we were leaving on a cruise to the Baltics on Celebrity. We arrived into Copenhagen two days early and even scheduled a nearly 5 hour layover in London Heathrow to make sure there was enough transit time for the bags. You guessed it - British Airways had their luggage meltdown and our bags got stuck in London. We didn't see them until the last day of our cruise while we were docked in Helsinki! Celebrity was totally amazing - it wasn't their issue but they took ownership and did everything they could to help. While we shopped for some basics in Copenhagen (talk about expensive!), Celebrity gave us a couple of t-shirts (yes, I still wear thems so free advertising!), toiletries and complimentary laundry service every day for what few items we had. We did a bit more shopping in Warnemunde (sp?) - thank god this was an Atlantis Charter so there were no formal evenings - every night is casual. The purser's office kept us in the loop every day with who they spoke to and where the bags were. They said that they had been identified in London but they would be able to send them to us in St. Peterburg so they were dispatched to Helsinki instead.


I had one mini-meltdown the 2nd night and my partner put it on the line - we were there for the experience and to enjoy traveling with friends. If a few missing clothes were going to dominate every conversation and I was going to pout, we should have just burned the cash we spent on the vacation. After that, the pitty party was over and we had one of the best vacations ever. Our friends laughed on the last night when we said we were going to do costume changes every 15 minutes to show off all stuff we had bought before the cruise!


Long story short - you either have to deal with it and move on or it will just drag you down!

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Some have poo-poo'ed the idea of a monetary compensation. You underestimate how important repeat cruisers are to NCL, and repeat business in general. To give another example, recently at Lowe's I purchased a light fixture for $70 and got it home to find it was defective. When I returned it to Lowe's after complaining about the inconvenience, I got another $70 light and $60 worth of other merchandise, gratis. They think nothing of eating $130 to keep a customer returning... NCL can make $1500 back with a couple of spa visits...

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Some have poo-poo'ed the idea of a monetary compensation. You underestimate how important repeat cruisers are to NCL, and repeat business in general. To give another example, recently at Lowe's I purchased a light fixture for $70 and got it home to find it was defective. When I returned it to Lowe's after complaining about the inconvenience, I got another $70 light and $60 worth of other merchandise, gratis. They think nothing of eating $130 to keep a customer returning... NCL can make $1500 back with a couple of spa visits...


That $130 of merchandise probably cost Lowe's less than half that amount, and NCL's spa services may be overpriced, but they are not so overpriced that a couple of spa visits cost $1500.

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That $130 of merchandise probably cost Lowe's less than half that amount, and NCL's spa services may be overpriced, but they are not so overpriced that a couple of spa visits cost $1500.

Yep, I find the spa prices, on average, to be on par with a decent land spa. Now, if you are sucked in and purchase all the "necessary" products, you might come closer to the $1,500.:D

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I have to agree with Cruisingram here.

I am very sorry for the OP who was on his honeymoon but enough already.

I have found NCL to be very responsible and while unfortunate it may be true that not all are honest. In other words, it is completely possible that one could claim they were missing a bag when they were not. For that reason it is important to exhaust other possibilities.

As previously stated, I was on this this cruise and do know that we received a notice searching for missing luggage.

He could have purchased whatever he needed in order to feel comfortable and dealt with the insurance later.


I would hate to be missing any of my belongings but I would still be on a cruise and would simply not allow myself to not have a wonderful time.

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I find something very odd and suspicious about this bag being in another cabin for almost a week. Did you actually speak face to face with the other passenger, or did you just take NCL's word for it ?.


As far as the response / help (or lack thereof) from NCL staff during your emergency, I think I would have gone to my cabin, sent my one set of clothes out for dry cleaning, and then ordered room service. I would have then made sure the room service person saw me and called their manager, who would have then called the hotel manager and so on.....bottom line....nobody wants a naked passenger roaming the ship, so I am sure I would have had a steady parade of officers at my cabin door, and the gift shop credit would have been forthcoming then.


The other choice would have been to wear my wife's clothes to dinner, but you said you are a 230 lb man, so maybe that would have been a stretch (pun intended).


Anyway, happy everything worked out in the end.


He should have wrapped a towel around himself and went about his normal business -- dinner, shows, the casino, a formal picture -- that certainly would have had NCL scrambling to find his bag!!!

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