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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. I’ve not heard of this either. Glad Ricky is ok. How do cats become anaemic? Does your daughter have pet insurance?
  2. You certainly had a lovely day in Sydney today. Glad you such a gorgeous weather. We are expecting similar weather tomorrow. Interesting that you call our Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos “Greater”. We don’t use that term here. Enjoy your day in Manly tomorrow.
  3. We had a wet weather event in Sydney and the East Coast in the last 48hrs. Flights, airport trains and cruises were impacted. A pet dog that had just had abdominal surgery on managed to get out from his unlocked cage inside the vets, and walk out of the unmanned and unlocked vet premises (no idea how THIS happened!) in the early hours of the Friday morning. The community banded together to help the distraught owner doorknock homes & businesses and search in absolutely abysmal weather. Woke up to blue skies and sunshine this morning in Sydney this morning and the best news possible - at 2am - a local out searching heard whimpering and this big beautiful dog was found ❤️
  4. @DaniDanielle, @mets07, @lenquixote66, @HBE4 that would be a frightening experience. Glad you are ok (your homes & pets too).
  5. Sorry for all those who have been impacted. The rain has gone. It’s blue skies, sunshine and breezy in our part of Sydney now.
  6. Always knew you were a clever lady Dani! I sincerely wish that you get a chance to wear your jewellery again in normal circumstances sooner than you anticipate
  7. It’s wet, cool & miserable in Sydney. I’m happy though because it’s finally perfect weather for me to try on all my winter gear before packing ✈️
  8. The compensation overall is generous but they have cut the cruise short by 3 days and instead of going somewhere warm & tropical 🌴🍹🐠 and international, they are cruising just donestic to somewhere the weather could be potentially miserable. The 50% drinks offer is a last ditch effort to stop the majority from cancelling…if ever there was a market that half price drinks would be a good enticement - it’s certainly Australia. Cheers 🍻🥂
  9. Good news that the doctor gave you the green light. Nice to be able to get back to normal. Interesting that he gave you the comparison in detail after the op. @FromSea2ShiningSea + 1 from me too.
  10. Welcome to Sydney! Hope you’ve got some indoor plans for tomorrow (Friday) - there is a severe weather warning for Sydney/NSW coast tomorrow. Expecting very heavy rain & flooding.
  11. Any Tom Jones fans here? My friend and her husband saw him perform this week. At 83 he was in fine form and fine voice They were very impressed.
  12. Yep. Was just chatting to my Loyal to Royal work colleague about this. They weren’t booked on it but if they had been - she and her partner would have been delighted with the 50% off drinks offer (on top of their Diamond free drinks).
  13. @FromSea2ShiningSea your photos continue to be beautiful. Did you plan & organise this whole trip yourselves?
  14. Hope Virgin do another open night on this particular ship. It was good value on the Resilient Lady at the OPT.
  15. @Luckynana I think it was you who asked about my daughter. Her ankle is much improved and the x-rays show good healing. Thank you for asking.
  16. Be lovely for you to be able to take the grands on a RC cruise. Hope there is a big enough fan base in Europe so that The Wiggles & RCL make it happen My brother was telling me that his SIL and little nieces were at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney on Saturday. They were in the Showbag pavilion and noticed a queue form. It was the former yellow Emma Wiggle - now known as Emma Memma - doing a meet & greet. The parents were just as excited as the kids to meet her.
  17. Would love to be relaxing on one of her hammocks instead of being at work…
  18. An Australian exclusive on Quantum class, not only are we getting The Wiggles characters appearing on board during the 25/26 season, we are getting this… Yep, it’s April 1st here in Australia…
  19. Just woke up early from the weirdest nightmare about sailing on the oldest ship in the Princess fleet. It was boarding day and I was exploring from bottom to top this very very strangely designed ship. Weird where your mind takes you in your sleep… Then my friend texted me to tell me that her husband just woke her at 6.25am so they and another couple could hide Easter eggs when the sun rises for the 12 kids they are currently camping with. Not only an Easter tradition but a necessity with the beautiful weather we have had this weekend. It was a lovely warm 30C yesterday.
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