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mom says

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Everything posted by mom says

  1. Bonine is a brand name for generic Meclizine. Same drug, but more expensive- you pay for the name. NOT illegal in Canada, just not available for sale. You can buy the generic stuff cheaply at any Walmart pharmacy in the US. Don't know why Costco would require a Rx for something that is allowed OTC, by the FDA.
  2. No idea, and I never book anything through a 3rd party site if I can help it. But (just a WAG) does the 3rd party offer include extras like OBC, drink/WIFI packages, transfers or pre/post cruise hotels? As the PP suggested, you need to dig deeper into exactly what each is including in the listed prices.
  3. You can stay out as long as you want. Just be back before the All Aboard time the next day.
  4. Obviously you thought wrong. Why would a ship wait for their excursion guests to be dropped off at a port entrance, and then leave before they reboarded? Every ship has a manned excursion department.They don't just send people off and then forget about them. Part of their job is to know when excursions have returned. What is late? Any time after the all aboard time which is published in the daily newsletter and is posted prominently at the gangway as you exit the ship. If a late return is likely to happen, they stay in contact with the provider, and provide the necessary information to the bridge. The ship will wait as long as possible,but depending on other circumstances, can and will leave a ship excursion behind if they can no longer extend their stay. In that case, the cruise line would be responsible for getting those guests to the next port to meet up with the ship. Guests who were left beh8nd, but were not on a ship excursion? They're on there own.
  5. Just turn around and face the opposite direction. You'll be fine.
  6. The trick is to take all the waste: shells, newspaper, etc, put them in a plastic bag. Tie it tightly. Then throw it in the deep freezer until trash day.
  7. Having lived on the east coast in the past, with easy availability of cold water lobster, I've never understood why people seem to lose their minds when it comes to the overcooked, rubbery, flavorless rock lobster tails served once a week in the MDRs. Maybe these people have never had a chance to taste a properly cooked cold water lobster. We usually only have it once a year. Although I will admit to using a lobster tail for lobster Mac n cheese.
  8. You are assuming a cruise line would be willing to foot the bill for installation, maintenance, and staff. For no profit to them. Isn't going to happen.
  9. Mary 229, do you think parents would have allowed their minor child to return, alone, to the ship as this teen did? Or if the mimor child had been left on board, and the parents missed the ship through the same arrogance and carelessness as these parents, perhaps a case would be made for child neglect or abandonment and the ship could have CPS waiting at disembarkation. It seems the parents were able to fly to the next port at their own expense and reboard the ship.
  10. Since this is about listening to the sea, and not about ambient temps or humidity, might I suggest that there's an app for that? Many white noise apps have an ocean or water sounds option. Just put your tablet or phone on your bedside table and turn it on when it's bedtime. Ét voilà.
  11. Yeah, looking at Cruisetimetables "cruises from" Aruba, it looks like your choices are either a single Oceania cruise to Barbados, or Windstar cruises to either Barbados or Panama. None to the US.
  12. There is bus service from the airport to Chioggia.
  13. Have you looked at the Florida Departures board? I'm sure there's lots of info about getting from MCO to Port Canaveral and back.
  14. Then let's make this as simple as possible: their excursion= their rules. Don't like the rules= look for a different excursion company. As Jelayne mentioned, restrictions or exclusions are usually a matter of potential liability. Liability coverage would be a part of any contract between an operator and a cruiseline. But those contracts may vary from one line to another and from one operator (and their own insurers) to another. Practically speaking, where would you expect them to draw the line? It may have little to do with the actual weight, but much more with the ability to manoever on, off, and around the boat safely. You may be 6' 2"" and 300 lb in fine athletic form. But what about the 5' 6" 300 pounder who can barely walk down a hallway inassisted, let alone manage narrow, steep stairs or ladders on a rolling boat?
  15. Not sure what exactly it is that you want? Do you expect every ship on every cruiseline to have a full time Protestant minister, Catholic Priest, Rabbi, Imam (not to mention Buddhist or Shinto, or Orthodox priests) on board to provide for every type of service? Or only some of the above? If so, which ones, and why only those? If you are Catholic, you know that only a priest can say Mass. But anyone can have a prayer service. You may not be aware of this, but there is actually a shortage of priests and deacons in North America. I'm not sure too many diosces would be willing to hire their priests out to a cruise line while their churches go without. However, I know from speaking with our parish priest that many who take a vacation cruise will volunteer to say a Mass. But how HAL can guarantee a priest for every sailing, I don't know. I've never heard of that on any other line.
  16. As Sanger noted, all Celebrity ships use English as the primary onboard language. They use the fleet wide menus, with the addition of some Asian dishes. Entertainment was generally western oriented, with ( IMO) the welcome addition of some special Asian shows in the theatre. On our cruise from Singapore we found the majority of passengers to be Western or Aussies/Kiwis. Of course there were Asian passengers, but they were not the major demographic.
  17. Are you aware that if you don't prepay the grats, they are automatically added to your onboard account every day? No need to worry about finding each and every crew member who is entitled to them, and tipping appropriately. Of course if you wish to tip someone over and above this, then give as much as you like.
  18. One, or two pier runners; and hundreds of observers watching from the ship(s). So no surprise there.
  19. By all means, check the Celebrity board, where this thread belongs. In the mean time, sandals for ladies are certainly allowed in the MDR. Flip flops are not.
  20. A couple of years ago I was able to buy a few precut lengths of their fabrics. I think they were 1 1/2 yds, but don't quote me. I can't remember if they had bolts available for custom cut lengths. If you buy fabric, make sure you prewash it before cutting. You'll likely see some excess dye bleeding out the first time.
  21. All of the M and S class ships have regular balconies. Only E class ships have the dreaded pretend verandah. Infinity is an M class ship.
  22. Thanks BeasleysMom. I've always overlooked that Underline option. Will use that in future for sure.
  23. No shouting; but perhaps you would be so kind as to demonstrate how to add emphasis to a particular point without using caps. And I was quoting from the Celebrity FAQs. I don't usually recommend breaking the published policies when replying to a poster.
  24. Erm... it's right on the FAQs. If you want to bring it on board, you gave to hand carry it. You can't dump it with your checked luggage. 40 minutes in line -Next time bring a bungie cord.
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