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Everything posted by ORV

  1. A couple of things to consider. At the point you told your TA that you wanted to do the deviation you should have got an invoice showing the $175 per person charge. Your airfare should have been shown to you at the time you requested the deviation, as long as you booked less than 270 days before the cruise. Did you get an invoice at that time showing any of this? Your flights seem to be coming through at the standard 70-75 day window which is normal for non-deviated flights. I'm almost wondering if your TA might have dropped the ball and is blaming the air dept.
  2. One of the Cruise Critic editors went on the cruise, I think on the Marina where they rolled out a lot of this new information. She did a live from thread with a lot of information on this. I hope she got a Rare sticker for doing it. If you haven't seen the thread you might search for it.
  3. Well I would think it's because their clientele doesn't have germs.
  4. We have some of the tan ones, or did I mention that in a previous post on this thread. My wife prefers it, she likes things that are different, maybe why she's married to me.
  5. If they are having a shortage of the card holders maybe I'll take my box full of them on our next cruise and pass them out. Maybe I'll get some free drinks out of it. 🤣
  6. You keep putting things in that you somehow think I said that I never have in this thread. If you go back to the first time I quoted you I only pointed out one section. I don't know where you're getting half of the stuff you've come up with that you think I"ve said. If you need to be right so bad I'll say it, yeah, you're right. They never change anything or have special cases. For me personally I've always found value in listening to people that have been there done that. Life is simpler that way. I'm done with this.
  7. Yes, book a suite, comes with a Oceania cruises towel, in a nice terry cloth tote bag.
  8. I don't know why I do this, but I'll try, If you're referring to me, you couldn't be making more incorrect assumptions. I know exactly what each component of my cruise vacation costs are. You might say this is not my first rodeo with Oceania, unlike some other posters here. The only issue I've had is that you've posted a couple of things as normal policy that are not always the case, and when pointed out to you, you stubbornly seem to not accept that your conclusions might be wrong. If you stick around long enough, and book enough Oceania cruises, you'll find out that what's posted as policy, and what happens in real practice don't always align. There are many things, especially when it comes to Oceania Air becomes a "Let me find out" On the other hand yes, there are people that don't care and just want to know what the total is and when they're leaving.
  9. Most recently when we did an on board booking in Sept it is currently (or was then) $300 OBC to be used on the cruise you book it on, or for the future cruise you will be going on. Both positive additions in an industry where benefits are all too often being taken away.
  10. Not necessarily. A lot that music rocks, it may have been done that many years ago, and the musicians, if they're still alive, are in the 70's 80's & 90's, but it's still rock n roll. Perry Como, Andy Williams, String Quartets etc., more like nursing home music. There is definitely a difference. I won't argue that there are definitely some of us old fogeys out here that do like that music. I think Suemo's point is that most of that music is certainly more upbeat than what you will hear the bands on Oceania playing.
  11. Just as you've been on this subject in the past, you are still wrong. Yes, even if you go on just one cruise a year you're still better using an Oceania experienced agent than booking directly through Oceania. True that you are not going to get the same perks that a high-volume traveler is going to, but anything is better than nothing. It seems some of you guys want to figure every angle to save every dollar you can on a cruise price, yet won't do one of the simplest things you could to save money and time. Go figure.
  12. For the most part I agree with what you are saying there in your post, but keep in mind if you are on a cruise that departs on Apr 15th 2023, your air credit might be more on Nov 15th 2022 than it would be on Jan 15th 2023. Or it might be exactly the same. Just because it was a certain amount once doesn't mean that it will be the same in the future. But your formula for figuring it out shouldn't change.
  13. FWIW, you're not really telling those of us that have been cruising with Oceania for years anything we didn't already know. It's nice that you've discovered some the intricacies of the way their system works and hopefully it will help others that are new to Oceania. Just one caveat, keep in mind what I've already told you. Things can change, especially the air credit as cruises get closer to the sail date. You have to take each cruise on a case by case basis. PS, it's all pretty simple for anyone that cares to do the math. Also once you realize that a good Oceania experienced TA can do a whole lot more than decide things for you, then you'll really open up a new world. Lots of people never get that and continue to cut off their nose to spite their face.
  14. Have you met FF? There are some basic guidelines, then there are case by case situations. My main concern is whatever current cruise I'm looking at. I try to make the best choice for my situation. I just ask my TA whatever I need to know, like, what's the air credit? Can I do an add on from my non gateway? or whatever I need to know. That way I don't have to think, works for me.
  15. There is no upgraded wine package. Wines by the glass are the same on both packages.
  16. You were doing good up until #4, then it kind of went sideways. Some airports they simply won't fly you out of. They also have a list of secondary airports and if yours is not on it then it becomes a special case. You may or may not get it added, and it may or may not be $99 per person, per way. Another issue is that if you selected a PE promo, then you're going to have to get yourself to the Gateway airport. They will not add on the secondary airports with these. There is only one deviation fee, and it will cover front and back. It is $175 per person or $350 for a couple. There is one instance where it does get put on for front and back, but I can't remember exactly what. I've got free deviation for so long I don't remember all the rules, and I don't always use O air. Then there's the people that use Oceania's hotel. So, the biggest reason there shouldn't be a sticky for these things is that there is no one size fits all. There are some basic guidelines, but there are always exceptions. That is why many of us advocate for using a TA with Oceania experience.
  17. I don't know, you tell them the canapes are making you too full as it's too close to dinner and they bring you double. Seems like there is a problem....................
  18. Sounds like you got an inexperienced Butler and room steward. Not following simple requests is either communication issues or passive aggressive behavior. Either way it's unfortunate you had them. Were your tours on your Final Cruise summary? I always take that with me in print and email. Sounds like you didn't sweat the small stuff and had a good time.
  19. Up to the limit for a O Life tour. Which past history shows is $199, but could be more.
  20. Do you mean Oceania Club Platinum or Amex Platinum? Not sure I know what signature promo grats are?
  21. I can't remember the details but I think they started this(all charges bundled together) years ago due to certain Florida laws. Or I could be thinking of something else.
  22. Interesting thought on the music. I have heard all types of canned music on the pool deck, but they generally have it so low you can't hear it. The most common style seems to be 70's Singer Songwriter. As another poster mentioned, occasionally they'll get on the wrong channel as I've heard Led Zeppelin, Cream, Lynyrd Skynrd, etc, among others. One thing I've never heard is country, but you never know. I see their choices more about what they perceive their customers taste is as opposed to age, although at times it goes hand in hand. Lots of people love the string quartets, not my cup of tea.
  23. So here was a crazy thing the last time I flew from LAX. This was on AA, we were flying from LAX to DFW, no international component whatsoever. We checked in at the regular domestic AA counter and dropped our bags. The lady there told us we need to go outside past the construction and go to the international terminal for our departure flight. I was like "what"? My wife understood her better than me and followed the directions. I was skeptical. So, we went outside, walked about 1/4 mile, went in TBIT, through security in a breeze (it was early) and to our gate. I had checked the board and it did show our flight at the gate on our ticket. I looked this up online as I had not had this happen before. The best explanation I found was that the plane we were taking to DFW had come in from an international location, and they don't move them to the domestic gate.
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