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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. So that explains why I am in economy and down on deck 5. Oh to live the charmed life of @graphicguy
  2. Congrats on your upgrade! Can you throw some of those positive vibes my way so I win my upgrade bid from an inside solo to a balcony? Printed out my luggage tag last night so have accepted that I am where I am (and fine with it) but wouldn't complain if a little luck happens.
  3. Not true. I am solo and travel with a friend who is also solo. We both get 2 dinners for 2 with our Latitude perk so we share 4 dinners. The disclaimer means that a solo does not get 4 dinners with 2 coupons.
  4. There is a cord in the shower to dry wet clothes.
  5. Now this is interesting to me. My only issue with MSC has been that they didn't seem to want solos on their ships. I have tried to price them out several times just to compare...the rate would show for two but when I went back to change it to one passenger, I would get a message that stated no cabins were available. Maybe they are changing their ways.
  6. Best advice and something I do all the time. @graphicguy I don't know where my iron is either. True story: when my son was around 10, I pulled out the ironing board (didn't have a dryer back then). He looked at it and asked me what it was (since he had never seen it before). I told him it was a surf board with legs. Don't think it has been out since (and he is now 30).
  7. On my last 2 cruises they have actually had a card in the slot when entering the room. It's cardboard and I keep it in there the whole time. Just lift it up a little to deactivate the electricity when leaving, push it in when I come in.
  8. I told you I wasn't going to give up. @graphicguy and I will be crying in our beer at the Cavern Club bar on the Waterfront at 5:30pm (just in case you forgot the time and place) if you aren't there.
  9. Yes. There are no tables with just one chair.
  10. I didn't give money to NCL before I had to. Mine was the FAS gratuities that was paid at 120 days (and I don't pay that before it is due either). Due to circumstances beyond my control, I can no longer enjoy the drink package so no need to pay gratuities on something I can't use.
  11. You can get a refund on extras even after final payment. I just canceled my FAS drink package today and I cruise next Sunday. Refund for the gratuities is being credited back to the card I paid with.
  12. Wait...you were on the Prima TA in 2022?? How come I don't know you?
  13. @Sugar Magnolia I was just happy to see the 7 pairs of underwear. Otherwise we might have to change his name to CommandoGuy...
  14. I've never been @schmoopie17ed on a ship before...well, there was that one time when there was a late night knock on my cabin door but no one needs to know about that...
  15. You are so right about health, Dan. Moderation is going to be key this cruise but there is no way I will be on this ship without enjoying at least one Raspberry Guava mojito. And a slice of bacon (or two). Still plan on meeting up at the Cavern Club bar on the Waterfront at 5:30. Literally 7 days away as I post this! @mking8288 I know 3 people that have contracted covid in the past month. 2 while traveling, one from who knows where (she leads a bit of a wild lifestyle and has had covid at least 5 times). All relatively mild cases. No time for a booster (last one was September 2022, right before my Prima TA...where I caught covid for the first and only time...go figure) so I will probably mask on the plane and hope for the best. I do take a test with me onboard in case I feel something coming on (never had to use it yet). Not really something I worry about any more.
  16. OP has not been back and looks to be a 'one and done' pot stirrer. We had a few on this board last week that seem to have disappeared after they shared their agenda.
  17. Happy belated Birthday, @graphicguy. So excited...one week to go! I have been recovering from a gastic flare up (last one 12 years ago!) and was afraid I was going to have to cancel. Saw the doctor on Monday, 3 days bedrest and clear liquids only. Feeling pretty good today. I told her about the cruise and she gave the OK to go but said I needed to be 'sensible'. I don't go on cruises to be sensible, LOL. And I told her vodka and tequila are clear liquids (not the ones she had in mind). So I am canceling my drink package as not to be tempted...if I have to pay out of pocket, I will think twice before ordering. Will use moderation in my eating but still have a great time. I think this is the perfect cruise to recover on. Mani-pedi in an hour, then weeding out my packing list. I am taking about triple what you are but that's just me. As long as I can handle my luggage myself, I can bring what I want (that's my rule). I am leaving on Friday (making an overnight stop in Denver) so it will be here before I know it!
  18. Been in studio lounges on multiple ships and, like anything else, it is going to depend on the people sailing and the solo coordinator. For sure go to the solo meet-up on the first night (typically at 5 or 5:30pm). It is not in the solo lounge but in a bar, with an intro of everyone there, followed by a trip to the lounge. I had one solo coordinator who took us to the lounge and then just left. No mention of going to dinner as a group, signing up for shows or anything. We sat there and looked at each other and then I said 'who wants to go to dinner!?' About 8 of us went together, had no problem getting seated at the MDR and we hung out at various times for the rest of the cruise on our own. Another time (this was at the beginning of the start up) we had a solo coordinator who typically worked in the kid's area, but since there were no kids onboard, she became our leader. Our meetings tended to lean towards making crafts so that one was kind of a one and done too (especially for the men...they had no interest in making a tote bag, LOL). OTOH, I have had some great coordinators, who planned everything from speciality dinners, show reservations, group excursions, go-kart and laser tag times...really went above and beyond. You can do as little or as much as you want with the solo group and I have made some great friends over the years that I still cruise with. But the key is that first night. As far as the wine dispenser, it is NOT included with the beverage package. You will have to scan your card for it to work and be charged. Best thing is to grab a glass (or two) from the bar before heading back to your cabin for the night. Hope this helps and have a great cruise!
  19. Highly recommend Onda but it is so.much.food. Also had a good meal in Los Lobos (and I am from the Southwest where Mex is a dime a dozen). One of our group doesn't even like Mex and he was happy with the meal. Did not care for Los Lobos on the Encore but Prima was much better (and yes, different chef, different expereience), Don't forget the Churro tower!
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