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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. Don't ask me why, but reading this reminded me of the old kids' rhyme: Milk. milk. lemonade. Around the corner...(if you know the rest, you can fill in the rest).
  2. And, similarly...if you get a drink you like, you can also get another one. And another one. And...
  3. Only if you're a Veteran of any age (like me)...and now recently teachers of any age (unlike me).
  4. @clydeozzy Sorry for hijacking your thread. We now return you to your regularly scheduled trip report.
  5. That "roast beef" on the Reuben looks beyond nauseating. Where's the vomit emoji when I need it?
  6. I was serious...and don't call me Shirley. Oh wait, you didn't. Actually, your answer was helpful. Although having to wait five days...plus another day or two to get clean stuff back...could be an issue. And since we're both Platinum, we may have a hard time doing laundry twice in 10 days.
  7. I asked this on another thread, but will probably get less views/responses. I've never really paid attention to the laundry on the ship, since we usually bring over-stuffed suitcases and have never needed laundry. However, on our upcoming 10-day cruise we will be doing carry-ons only, following three days in Rome...so laundry will be an issue. Is it typical to have to wait until the fifth day to send laundry out? By the way, this will be our first Platinum cruise, if that makes a difference, since the laundry will be free. I figure if anyone would know, @BirdTravelswould.
  8. So...I've never really paid attention to the laundry on the ship, since we usually bring over-stuffed suitcases and have never needed laundry. However, on our upcoming 10-day cruise we will be doing carry-ons only, following three days in Rome...so laundry will be an issue. Is it typical to have to wait until the fifth day to send laundry out? By the way, this will be our first Platinum cruise, if that makes a difference, since the laundry will be free. Perhaps @cruiseny4life or @UKstagescould weigh in...since they commented earlier on this thread.
  9. Thanks for asking. It now (miraculously) shows a zero balance...and it even has the added bonus of saying "Payment Complete". You must be psychic...😁 Our long national nightmare has come to an end.
  10. We wouldn't cruise without a drink package. That's how we roll...er, cruise.
  11. As I've mentioned to you in your threads, the Jade is now our favorite ship. Virtually everything was perfect (except the casino smoke). The food, service, cleanliness, etc., were all top notch. Don't believe everything you read in the papers...I mean on the internet.
  12. How the heck are you supposed to plug a shaver into that thing? EDIT: Oh wait, I think I see a couple of vertical slots hidden among the odd shaped things. Never mind...
  13. We have never paid for a soda. Granted, we pretty much only drink actual drinks, but on the rare occasion Mrs. Schmoopie demands a Diet Coke, they're always free.
  14. Exclusive?? Isn't practically everyone Silver or above? Could be a massive turnout. What's below Silver...Plastic?
  15. That's good, but just a reminder that there are no formal nights on NCL
  16. That's not it. We only booked one NCL excursion and everything came out correctly when we confirmed the reservation. Again, the app shows the correct total, with a ZERO balance...but the website shows the total as $75 more...with the $75 due yesterday before midnight. Both the PCC and the "chat" person say there is no balance due.
  17. I get that, but that doesn't explain why we have two different statements...the website vs. the app. Speaking of statements, I fully agree with your last statement. 😁
  18. Glad to see Jack's back. He was gone for a while (I believe an extended vacation). He's our second-favorite CD, after Simon when he was on the Prima. (Or was it Alvin? Theodore? I get my Chipmunks confused.)
  19. We're already past final payment, and our "Balance Due" is still showing up.
  20. UPDATE ON MY ORIGINAL POST: So, my account on the NCL website this morning still shows a balance due of $75. It also shows a deadline to make the payment of 11:59 pm on May 17...AKA our final payment date. Since it is now May 18 and the cruise still appears under my account, I'm assuming they haven't canceled it. Now here's where it gets even goofier. On the NCL app it shows ZERO balance due. Although, for some reason the total cost of the cruise on the website is $75 more than the total amount on the app. That's just nuts.
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