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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. Well, I did say "most likely". Obviously not the case all the time...I think you got lucky. We booked our own flights round trip from Chicago to Rome for September. Booked the flights as soon as they came available many moons ago. We're now 120 days out and both flights are practically sold out. (Unless you want middle seats)...
  2. In keeping with the theme: Your trip reports 🛟🛟🛟🛟🛟🛟🛟🛟🛟🛟 If you start hanging out exclusively on the Princess board, it will be our loss and their gain. Don't be a stranger.
  3. That sounds good, but by the time NCL gets around to notifying you of the flights, the better seats will most likely be picked over or gone. People booking on their own can start booking and reserving seats over 300 days ahead of the flight.
  4. Marijuana is so prevalent, it looks like they put it in Pookie's drink.
  5. Our finance guy is also very good. He advised me to only get a balcony if Mrs. Schmoopie will actually use it.
  6. Thanks for adding your two cents' worth. 😁 Actually, this is helpful info.
  7. Happy to see the Matador making an appearance on the Escape. That drink can be as elusive as cookies on some ships. Now if I can find someone to make a Grass Clippings...
  8. My friend is a fine, upstanding young (?) man, who will appreciate this information. He does know that he can book Choir of Man at 26 days out (assuming NCL doesn't replace it with some lame version of yet another lame game show). My friend is eternally grateful.
  9. On the first entertainment thingy it shows Choir of Man on the 20th and 24th. On the second entertainment thingy, it doesn't show them at all. What gives? Suddenly sold out? Canceled? Asking for a friend who wants to see Choir of Man again in September.
  10. I read it, but we don't has FAS+, so that's not the issue. I'm almost tempted to pay the $75 and let them refund me later. Probably better than getting canceled. Talk about cancel culture. UPDATE: I just did an online chat with NCL and the rep also said there is no balance showing on their end. I saved a copy of the chat transcript, so at least I have something in writing to back me up, just in case.
  11. So far, the responses seem to center on the word "glitch". Maybe they should change their name to NGL(itch).
  12. NCL is finding new ways to irritate/confuse me. Granted, it doesn't take much to confuse me (or irritate me), but still... We made our final payment for our September cruise on Monday. I even called our PCC directly to make the payment to ensure the payment was applied correctly. Today, three days later, in checking my account, it shows a $75 balance due by final payment date, which happens to be tomorrow. I immediately called our PCC but his voicemail said he's out of the office until next week and to call his "back-up" for urgent issues. Since possibly having our cruise canceled is a pretty urgent issue, I called. He asked if there was something in my cart (there isn't). He then asked for my reservation number and after checking, he assured me that he sees no balance due on his end. Not sure how this can happen and not sure if I should be worried about it. I'd appreciate hearing from others who have been in this same boat.
  13. When I was in the Army they were called C-Rations. No telling what the "C" stood for...
  14. Been there...done that (and shouldn't have). We did a TA across the North Atlantic in November and Mrs. Schmoopie insisted on a balcony. During the entire 15 day cruise, I can count the number of times she sat out on the balcony on one hand. (Actually, on no hands, since she never sat out there once). Could have had more money for wine and food in Italy (and every other stop)...
  15. Seeing the word "barely" in the title, I was expecting to see some more "interesting" pictures 😁. Please do not leave a big mess on the Escape...we'll be taking a 10 day ride on her in a few months. Just think, I was THIS close to surprising you. Maybe next time...
  16. If Wheel of Fortune is as "popular" on other ships as it was on our recent Jade cruise, I don't see it lasting much longer. The theater was almost vacant and the production was so screwed up, they had to eventually cancel the game.
  17. We're in the same boat...so to speak. We're on a 10-day September Escape cruise, boarding in Civitavecchia that starts in Barcelona. We have our private transfer scheduled to pick us up in Rome up at 10:00. Figuring that will get us to the port around 11:00. From what I've heard, the majority of passengers boarded in Barcelona, so there shouldn't be a mad rush to board. Of course, I've been wrong before. But I anticipate getting on the ship 11:30-ish...
  18. Now you've gone and given the chair hogs at the pool an idea. 😁
  19. If people want a spooky clown, I'd be happy to show up for $10...
  20. I prefer boobies that are unmasked. But maybe that just me...
  21. @YVRteacher I found it amusing that they had a sign next to the cookies that said "cookies". I guess they felt the need to identify these rare things since people haven't seen them in a while and may not recognize what those things are.
  22. That is exactly our thought on the Jade (Gem's sister). While technically a "smaller" ship, it never felt small while roaming the hallways. In the words of one of the Three Bears, the size of the Jewel class ships could be described as "just right".
  23. Wheel of Fortune on a cruise ship is an enormous waste of time and theater space. And another way to cut costs and add more passenger money to the coffers. On our recent cruise there may have been 50 people (and that may be over-estimating) who decided to waste their time to attend. And then, after almost an hour of "technical difficulties", they decided to call off the game.
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