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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. Isn't that what I said??? Anyway, my question was legitimate, since I didn't know if I was missing something, with the title seemingly not matching the content. Cut me some slack...
  2. Not sure what the title of this thread has to do with the topic. Am I missing something? I'm thinking since was the poster's first post, she got confused. Or maybe I'm just confused (which is entirely possible). Wouldn't be the first time.
  3. No, it's not just you. I believe the Q stands for "Queasy"...which is how I felt the first (and last) time we ate there.
  4. We were looking at the POA for next year, but eventually decided on something else. However, when we were considering it, we figured that it wouldn't be worth it (at least to us) to get a balcony, since there are no sea days and the bulk of the traveling is done at night. Saving about $600 p/p, which could be applied to airfare, excursions, etc. But, as always...YMMV.
  5. We spent two weeks on the Escape for a TA in 2022. We loved it. We are going on the Escape for 10 days later this year. That should tell you something. Having said that, we haven't been on the Pearl, but we were on the Jade (Pearl's sister ship) for 14 days a couple of months ago and loved it. Everything was great, other than the smoke pouring out of the casino. The Escape is a bit bigger, so more space (but also more people). They also have a District on the Escape, if you're a beer aficionado. Either one would be a fine choice.
  6. I hate drinking out of those metal (beer) cans. Sharp cold metal on the lips is not a pleasant feeling. If I ever have a beer from a can like that, I always pour it into a glass. Having said that, if people don't like drinking directly out of the cans, they can always pour it into an NCL plastic cup. Kind of defeats the purpose of "sustainable"...
  7. I, for one, do not find Taylor to be too swift. If she ever wants to sit on my lap, I'll steer her in your direction.
  8. We've always had warm tap water on ships. Need to make sure your ice bucket is full.
  9. Funny how they mention the plastic bottles being replaced, but not the cardboard containers. It's almost like they never existed.
  10. We live in a very, very bad neighborhood. Gunfights and carjackings on an hourly basis. Drug deals going down every minute. Squatters everywhere you look. Mrs. Schmoopie wants to move, but I kinda dig the vibe. Speaking of bad, is it a bad idea to leave our doors unlocked and post a sign in the front yard when we're on a cruise that says, "We're out of town"? I also put up posters on all the trees and telephone polls listing our reservation number for our next cruise. I think it's fine, but Mrs. Schmoopie thinks it's not too wise. I think she needs to loosen up.
  11. Well, since we'll be coming from the port, we'll be doing passport control...unfortunately.
  12. You're in the camp that says BOGO stands for: Book Our Great Opportunities Others say BOGO stands for: Better Off Getting Own People either love it or hate it. If there is one thing that truly qualifies under the mantra of YMMV, it's BOGO.
  13. I am still confused about the Fast Track at FCO. There isn't much discussion of this online (at least not that I can find.) I'm not sure what it gets you, other than possibly skipping the line (if any) at security screening. Some people say security is not the worst line. Apparently, it doesn't have anything to do with passport control. I suppose it might be a case of it's better to "Have it but not need it"...as opposed to the worst case of "Needing it but not having it." It's only seven euro p/p...but still I struggle with getting it or not getting it. I'd really like input from someone who has actually used it. Maybe a new thread is in order...
  14. The Jade is now our favorite ship. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  15. Oh, Joy... We're booked on the Joy next year for 15 days/nights. Sounds like it may be rather ho-hum, entertainment-wise. Sounds like we'll have to make our own fun...although, at our age, fun ain't what it used to be. This has the potential to be our last NCL cruise. We're finally Platinum, but it's feeling more and more like we need to spread our wings and fly the NCL coop and try another cruise line. MSC maybe? We shall see...
  16. I speak jive. Okay, not really. But I do like gladiator movies.
  17. We're in the same boat (so to speak). Except we have an even tighter timeline, with our September flight leaving at 11:15. While it will be tight, it is do-able...assuming everything works out and the stars are aligned. I have read many accounts of people disembarking at the port at around 6:45 and having time to spare at FCO with flights leaving as early as 10:00. They get through security, etc., getting to the gate with time to kill. Those may be exceptions to the rule, but it shows it can be done. We will be doing carry-ons only, so no need to locate and pick up baggage when we disembark. We also have private transport set up with Rome In Limo...a very reputable company who we have used in the past for tours and transport. Since we have carry-ons, no need to check bags (which I've read can be one of the big sources of delays at FCO...along with security.) We are also considering getting the Fast Pass for seven euro...although I have read varying reports as to whether it's really needed. So, fingers crossed (which makes typing even more difficult). I'd be interested in seeing how things go for you in August. Good luck, @jennybenny.
  18. @euro cruiserThanks for the info. I should mention that while Stow Your Bag typically has lockers at other locations, the one in Campo de Fiori doesn't. It sounds like they just store them in a room...similar to how you described Bounce...which makes me wonder about the safety and why I posted this question. https://www.stowyourbags.com/en/shop/rome/luggage-storage-navona-campo-de-fiori-pantheon-rome/
  19. T-Mobile has free internet/texting/calls in most major foreign countries. That's one of the main reasons we switched to them. Works great and saves money at the same time.
  20. Wait a minute. That's not your real name? I always thought your parents should win an award for their creative naming of their kids. Call me disillusioned... (but that's not my real name, either).
  21. So...if I don't have any CH certs, my only option is to spend thousands on a cruise in the next few days, so I can buy some CN certs to get the double up offer. Hmmm...seems a bit counter-intuitive.
  22. Good luck with that. The only sports I've ever seen on an NCL ship (other then the Super Bowl) was soccer...er, sorry to my European friends...football (futbol?)
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