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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. But try putting your luggage in the alcove and then shutting the door from the inside. Or opening the door with the luggage in front of it. Or putting your luggage there and then getting into the cabin.Yes, it can be done, but not easily.
  2. On a recent thread discussing putting luggage outside your cabin door on the last night, I mentioned that it was very difficult to do on our last cruise because our cabin door opened outward. People said things like, "There is no such thing as a cabin door that opens outward"..."I've never seen a cabin door open outward"...and "A cabin door that opens outward doesn't exist. It would be a safety hazard." Well, I'm here to tell you that cabin 11214 on the Escape has a door that opens outward. There is a small vestibule into which the door opens, so the door doesn't open into the hallway. People still didn't believe it. It got me to thinking (dangerous, I know)...how many others have had cabin doors that opened outward?
  3. So...I know this discussion is about SDP, but I assume you can still get more than one appetizer in the main dining rooms? (Which we did most every night in November)...
  4. We use a glue stick and put the tags on the bags right before turning them in at the port. Never had a problem with this method.
  5. The picture thing is a pain. We were just on an NCL cruise in November and we submitted our picture. (Which was a waste of time, since they took our pictures again at the port in Rome). You would think they would be able to store pictures of Latitudes mambers.
  6. Looks like you picked a bad day to give up...I mean, post on CC.
  7. Not to mention the Freestyle Dailies and the inserts. Couldn't they just put that info on the TV and be done with it? Of course, that would greatly reduce the number of people asking current cruisers to post copies on CC...
  8. Actually, church was one of the top things I had in mind when I wrote this but I somehow managed to leave it off the list. Old age strikes again...
  9. Places you can get COVID: Cruise ships Airplanes Airports Buses Subways Restaurants Grocery stores Department stores Theaters Sporting events Hospitals Doctors offices At home from guests or family Pretty much anyplace else Live your life and don't live it in fear. I will now crawl back under my rock...
  10. So, you stayed on the ship the entire time? No getting off in ports, shopping or excursions? You said you got it "on the cruise"...so just wondering if you ever got off of the cruise.
  11. NCL doesn't have formal nights. But you're correct in regard to lobster. Haven't seen lobster in the dining rooms for years.
  12. Always enjoyed your posts over on the NCL page. Glad I found this one. We did the Panama Canal from Miami to LA in 2019 on the NCL Bliss. Great cruise, but I just don't get the attraction with the canal. To me it was a few hours of creeping along without much to see. But that's just me, I guess. When we saw Cartagena on our itinerary, we were a bit wary...Columbia being one of the drug capitals back in the day. But we ended up loving it...our segway excursion through town was one of the highlights for us. Your pictures of flamingos, peacocks and the Old Town brings back some great memories.
  13. I had a similar question, since I will be dropping off three fellow passengers at the ship before going to park. How difficult is it to get close to the ship for drop-off on a weekend day with four ships in port?
  14. "Have a reasonably clear background". What??? That's about as vague as you can get. I guess NCL will ultimately decide if someone's background is "reasonably clear", but still pretty wishy-washy (not to be confused with washy-washy)...
  15. This from the company that implemented paper straws but kept plastic cups.
  16. It appears from other threads that check-in times aren't even being checked at the dock. So probably doesn't really matter. But I have a question. We checked in online for our November cruise. For our upcoming cruise next month will we have to do the picture thing again? Or is it "on file"?
  17. We got a $1200 FCC due to a price drop after final payment. Like you, the email came three days later. We've already used the FCC on our January Prima cruise, along with my 10% Veteran's discount and a $250 Cruise Next. It worked out great.
  18. We were on the Escape in November (Cabin 11214) and trust me, the door opened OUTWARD. There is a little nook or "vestibule" outside the cabin where the door opens up to, so there is no safety hazard by having the door open into the hallway. The challenge was getting the bags into the vestibule while shutting the door from the inside. Because the door opened OUTWARD, I had to try to maneuver them in place outside the door while opening the door a few inches and reaching through the small opening from the inside before shutting the door. The bags ended up sticking out into the hallway a bit, which I thought would be a safety hazard. We also couldn't easily open the door to get out of the cabin once the bags were there, without pushing hard and moving the bags...since the door opened OUTWARD.
  19. Putting your luggage outside your door never made sense. Security issues aside, the doors open OUT...which makes getting out of your cabin a chore. Heck, even getting INTO your cabin and shutting the door can be a chore with those bags there.
  20. A lot of places don't take $100 bills, either. Must be because they don't have a slot in the register. *sarc*
  21. Hospital Administrators focus on protecting patient privacy, which was a major aspect of HIPAA. Ever hear of a HIPAA violation? Sorry if that offends you. In any case, I'm done with this discussion and will not be reading or responding further. The rest of you can continue to beat this dead horse.
  22. I understand HIPAA better than the majority of people on this board. I was instrumental in writing our hospital's Policy and Procedures for HIPAA...among numerous other policies. I never said it provides protection for anonymous people. My point was patient privacy is just that...private. It's one of the major tenets of HIPAA, It's nobody's business why someone got into an ambulance, unless you are rendering care to that person, regardless which country. And I seriously doubt anyone on this board was giving care or has a need to know. Period.
  23. Hate to be snarky (actually, I love to be snarky)...It's nobody's business. It's why HIPAA became a thing.
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