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Everything posted by cwn

  1. We spent 72 days on the Mariner and we will be doing a WC on her. No vibration problems but You don’t want to be right under the pool deck area. As has been said noisy when chairs are being moved in evening and morning. Other than that pick some cabins and check the sticky for any comments on that cabin or even ones on either side.
  2. Go to first (top) topic on the Regent forum page, click page 1. You will see spread sheets listed for each ship, click the ship you want. Sheets are by deck so go to the deck number at top of page and click. Then you will see all cabins listed by cabin#. If someone has said anything about that cabin the columns will be filled in. Not every cabin will have comments… but every helpful
  3. I have used a pair of walking canes for years. But now I am also very slow and can’t walk for long distances. We still do most tours that are not classed as walking and/or with a lot of steps. The descriptions are good about telling the amount of walking and number of steps or that maybe be a problem for people with mobility issues.. My husband still can do walking and steps, so if we pick a tour that turns out to have stops with more walking/steps/standing than I can do I just wait in the bus. I take a book to read while my husband does that part of the tour. I usually am not the only one to stay on the bus. If you use the walker all the time be sure that the tour is open to wheelchair/walkers. It will say in the disclaimer section. If the tour is using a small bus or van there will be no room for the walker. Look for tours that have the the seated man or one walking man picture. Those are the easier tours.
  4. Definitely agree with you about tours. Seems like there is a lot of whining post Covid, laundry not back in less than 12 hours, less than perfect tours, spirits offered not to my liking on and on…. I think that something kind in your T and CS is in the US T and C also. At least I recall reading that before.
  5. Exactly!! If something needs attention be proactive and talk to a supervisor. There is no need to stew about something. Regent will do all in their power to try to please but the passenger has to speak up.
  6. Neither have I. Even when cruising a-la-cart with other lines there have always been limits on the number of people a tour can handle and the number of tours that were available in each port and there were some ports with no tours. There are several good cruise lines out there. So we all have choices if we don’t like the marketing approach of one line. We like Cunard’s Queens Grill for trans ocean cruises and Regent for long cruises with more ports. Regent is our favorite because of the small size of some of the ships, the general excellent service and food and the fact of a package deal if we want that. Nothing in life is perfect regardless how much one pays. To expect perfection when dealing with the human factor and big business just sets you up for disappointment! But over the years Regent has proved to be pretty much perfection over all. As far as Regent tours go both free or extra fee, they have been mostly good some excellent, a couple really bad. That is with -250 days on Regent with three cruises since Covid. We have had tours cancel at the last minute in the past. There was always one that had room last minute pre Covid. It happened once this past Dec, but all other tours were full. This is part of the problem recovering from Covid. Cruise tours are not the only thing in short supply right now. But many tours were offered on that cruise and we took a lot. Regent did what they said they would do….offer lots of tours included for the price. ( Yes the cost of that service is included in the price we pay) I do not expect an OBC or a bottle of wine for the canceled tour. Ship happens and we did other nice tours on the cruise all included in the price.
  7. There are free unlimited excursions at least on all cruises we have looked at or booked. It does not say there will be free unlimited excursions in each port of call on that cruise. That is something we are reading into the advertising.
  8. When we have only one booking number for two or more BroB for segments we can see all the shore excursions at one time and book them at one time. When we have two booking numbers for a BtoB like on the Splendor this past Dec we have to wait until the booking opens for each segment. It all depends on the way the BroBs are booked with Regent. as I remember there always has been at least one tour available on the turn around day. In Miami this past Dec there was one tour. It was a HOHO tour.
  9. The world has been though several very unsettled years. Things are not yet right side up.Things just aren’t what they used to be. We all have to adjust. We had a tour canceled on us the day before the port on the ship in Dec. Nothing was left that I could do as my walking is limited. So we just hired a cab for a little drive around and stopped for a bit to eat. You have to be flexible especially right now or you will be an unhappy camper.
  10. GoArmy, What fun. I do miss the little tripets! Those were the days. They were wonderful ships! Sailed through Gulf of Aden at the height of the pirate threat on the Pride. We sailed in convoy blacked out with a French and US escort. Exciting!!! Not all people are meant to cruise, at least I think so. It is not a perfect world out there.
  11. Totally agree. We have been to these two on Regent and before that on HAL. Also Fanning Island comes to mind. They are beautiful Pacific Islands and we have enjoyed walking along the beach and meeting the people. We have also been to a couple of other ports in Asia and Africa that did not have organized tours. Wouldn’t have missed the cultural experience for the world. If you are willing to cruise you need to be willing to expect the unexpected.
  12. If you feel that Regent owes you money if there is no available tour at a port then the Regent style may not be for you. They are not guaranteeing a tour in each port or call. Yes, for the most part Regent is all inclusive and you can book one of their cruises and not spend a dime more than the up front cruise cost and have a wonderful cruise. Flights, maybe an extra night at a hotel, Liquor, wine, soft drinks, laundry, crew tips and many choices of tours are included. Many people like that package deal. A few big ticket items have a small (in proportion to actual cost) credit if you don’t use (air and hotel) most don’t (laundry, liquor, tours, tips). As I said Regent does not guarantee you a tour in each port. If you are unhappy with this method of operation, sail with someone else.
  13. We have been to Kodiak on Seabourne. There were very few tours offered to book through the ship for a fee of course. We did it on our own. Hired a car in port that day and explored. There isn’t a lot to see but interesting non the less. Sort of like Dutch Harbor. Regent can’t create tours, only use what is a available in each port through a third party. We have been to many ports with Regent where there were very few if any tours offered. The ports were just too small. We research each port and figured out what to do with or without Regents tours. I wouldn’t have missed most any of those ports as we enjoyed each day. Regent offers many included tours on each sailing. But I don’t believe they guarantee a tour in each port for each passenger. Just like they don’t guarantee that they will actually make each port on the schedule. If you need that kind of guarantee Regent is probably not for you.
  14. Then you can get up to $400 cash per segment fee free. The amount will be charged to you credit card you registered when boarding. But the ship will not cash a check for you.
  15. We were on a HAL cruise to Alaska some years ago and there was a “service dog” aka pet relieving himself on the promenade deck with no attempt from owner to clean up after. Last time we sailed with HAL! Before Covid it was becoming a problem on airlines also. I would hate to get stuck for hours next to some random “comfort animal”. We have a friend that takes her lap sized dog on flights…. Rest of the time the dog stays in the back yard😖. That should not be allowed.
  16. We did Meteora on a very long day ship’s tour on Seabourne some years ago. The area is fascinating, well worth a visit! But then you can do the Acropolis own your own so…. Maybe someone will report on what Regent’s offering are like.
  17. Hooray! We much prefer the E drill that was in effect on the Splendor and Navigator this past Dec/Jan. We went to our muster station and met with a crew member for a short visit and then watched the video when we got to our suite.
  18. That was true for one day of our two tours a day this past Christmas…….we had to stand to stand on the hot dock under a small tent until everyone was there and tuned in they card ms and got the bus ticket then were lead to the bus parking lot. It is all a pain in the a$$, th Esther or dockside. Just give the bus ticket in The boarding materials and the time to meet the bus. Bus locations can be given on the day of tour in Passages. I guess this has to do with giving a chance to fill unclaimed seats on tour day.
  19. You have to go twice An and PM. The PM tour will have a different, later pick up time.
  20. Disagree with your comment. Found the stop interesting and enjoyed going ashore after several sea days in a rough Bering Sea. No way was the day wasted. Do not need a shore excursion in every port to enjoy the stop.
  21. Thanks for the pictures. We have been there twice on Different Regent cruises but stayed on the ship…. We no longer do walking tours in hot climates! You are right, we didn’t miss much! Thanks for sharing. Enjoying you report.
  22. This was one of our all time favorite cruises. Delightfully cool with one day of some snow furries. Those sea days were wonderful. It is also my favorite time to visit Alaska, a little damp but not so crowded! Wish we were joining you! Have fun!
  23. You said it very well. The tour allowance is $100 to $-120. Tours like the sub dives in Aruba and other places are Free on Regent but are $100 on Carnival where you have to get to the sub tender boat on your own. Regent transfers you and they are enjoyable tours. We also have have mostly good to great tours with Regent. Very few of them have been long bus rides except by choice like the 11 bus ride on the Great Ocean Road in Australia, priceless! Though there are tour that you spend all your time on the bus…. But the write up tells you that. As I have said we have done probably 100 Regent tours. On Seabourn and SS, they have the same tours, but we have to pay for them. In Dec we played with dolphins at a beautiful resort on Roatan, did photo tours on two Islands with well know professionals and finish both off at bar enjoying sone great Run Punch! Also did a great ATV island drive on another port and they were all free! The way the DS handles giving out bus assignments is awful, but one on one when asking for help finding tours suitable to my needs, they are helpful to the point of calling the company to check for me. Some ports Regent visits do not have tours period, sone offer tours but often they are not up to our standards, but that is what the country has. Its called adventure. Other more often highly visited counties have great buses and services, they also in high demand and Regent has to share. Regents choice of tours offered to us depends on what is out there for them to contract for.
  24. I didn’t mean to discourage you, I probably sat on the stool about half the time. We would watch the chef prepare the dish and I would sit on the stool then we would stand at our station and do the same thing she did. We made 4 or 5 things and ate the meal at the end. You would not have problems seeing the prep on TV as the TV is mounted up high. But you will have to stand in short burst. This was on the Splendor in Dec.
  25. On Dec there were stools in the back but you could not pull one up to your station. I can not stand for 2 hours at a time and it was sone what hard for my husband. So when the chef was demonstrating something I/we would sit in the back on a stool and watch the TV as everyone else gathered around her at the counter though he was mostly up at the counter. I could see everything OK and I would stand at my station when we were actually cooking. The class was fun. There were four choices geared to our cruise location and they were only offered on sea days… one 10 to 12 and the other 4 to 6. Plan for it to be lunch or dinner if you are doing a meat or fish dish.
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