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Everything posted by lyndarra

  1. Maybe they do maybe they don't but if they have the time there's a lot more to Oz than capital cities. If I was in the US and had the time I'd do it. Why do 1000s drive Route 66, or what's left of it?
  2. From OP post #73 "Fortunately, we have lots of time and options."
  3. There's a lot to see on a road trip Cairns/Brisbane if you have the time https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Cairns,+Queensland/Brisbane,+Queensland/@-22.2029518,144.8995901,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x697862555ba22413:0x400eef17f207860!2m2!1d145.7709529!2d-16.9203476!1m5!1m1!1s0x6b91579aac93d233:0x402a35af3deaf40!2m2!1d153.0260341!2d-27.4704528!3e0 BTW. Cairns/Brisbane is almost the same distance, by road, as Brisbane/Melbourne 1700klms
  4. Not heard in that context. For me it's usually "bye" or, occasionally "hoo-roo" or "see ya". Maybe it it has not yet reached Belmont South where I am.
  5. Don't you mean we're a "Weird Mob". https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=we're+a+weird+mob#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:580a816a,vid:hUD9-RVHWig
  6. I've heard durry used. Not uncommon around here but mainly used by older coves.
  7. So far, we arrive Vancouver (via LAX) 23.00 on 2/6. The original flight booking was to arrive mid morning but it kept changing. We booked QANTAS but will be flying AA then WS. Cruise departs Vancouver 4/6 so 3/6 may be a write-off overcoming jet lag after 17hrs flying. I'll get back to you on our departure times.
  8. I would consider a soda package if there is a selection of sugar free sodas. Does anyone know if sugar there is a sugar free selection?
  9. On my Westerdam cruise in January all pax also had to do a RAT during several days into the cruise. I don't remember how many days.
  10. On HAL ships (and others) I drink the water from the tap. It's the same water as served with meals in dining rooms.
  11. Lamb is great if cooked properly. I have found that it is usually, no, mostly overcooked. The rack of lamd on Westerdam was not a "rack" but a couple of cutlets. Lamb has become expensive here in Oz - up there with lobster.
  12. Correct. Head injury is a hot topic with all codes ATM. Judiciary may get serious this season but remains to be seen how serious they are about getting serious.🤪
  13. You've got to be kidding.😱 It's hard enough teaching English which, BTW, is the most widely spoken language in the world so why try and bring in another? How long would it take to teach the teachers and how many would be qualified to teach them, by then English may be universal - problem solved.
  14. Gratuities are not included. I usually prepay them as I have been told staff will know this. It possibly may, or may not, make a difference in service.
  15. In some cases the line starts from both sides of a serving station where there are two servers. IIRC the salad station was one or it may have been omelette . There was a "Line starts here" at both ends however I did see people queueing on one side only. Confusing.
  16. I was also on the January cruise and did not experience anything like you have described. Tendering, IMO, worked ok albeit a little slow but I've experienced much worse pre-COVID for Indonesia (Lombok and Komodo). In Lido I saw "Line starts here" signs although they were often ignored, that's not the crew's fault. The biggest queue was on disembarking in Singapore which, to me, seemed to be caused by immigration after which there was a massive queue for taxis.
  17. Why not? Laundry or kitchen staff never have to put up with abuse from hard-to-please cruisers.
  18. We're into fall here and 40C/104F predicted for tomorrow. Same latitude south as San Diego is north.
  19. No more sommeliers on HAL that I could see on Westerdam. Perhaps they got a table waiter to wear the scoop as a stand in?
  20. If the couple were badly jet lagged getting there it will be worse when they go home. I've always found jet lag is worse flying west to east than east/west.
  21. I have just had my ESTA approved. Will be flying to LAX transiting to Vancouver Jun 2 for HAL cruise Jun 4. There was mention of another document fee on entry to US - an I-94. I've not come across this before and I can't figure out from DHS FAQs, if it is required. Anyone experienced this before?
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