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Posts posted by hlsess

  1. It's a not a true reservation system. So, you'll only be able to select one time; 7:00p. When you board you will find out which dining requests have been honored and at what time.



    I am trying to find out b/c we have a group of 12 - so If you request 7 PM you may very well get 8 or 9?

  2. we are going on the Shadow in July and were just sent a list of previous excursions with prices... I am researching private operators also- $100 less for one excursion...

  3. Thanks. She has paid for cruise/flights. Some free with miles. . Now trying to give her the heads up on excursions. Yikes. Actually one family's kids have made a list of what they want to do... need to work on mine now. Not sure mom knew what she was getting into !!

  4. thanks- the train from ANC- Seward is included in cruise package- Grandma wants to do the White Pass so trying to make her happy too... the younger group has no clue how to search-Most are in college now trying to study....so it is all on me which I am good about doing ... just trying to get info from the pros... I realize about the dog sledding getting cancelled - thanks also talked to a great friend who went on same exact ship/cruise so she is filling me in on what they did...

  5. I've been researching for a few days.. and here is what I have come up with - Group of 12- 6 ages 18-24 and 6 ages 53-58 and My mom almost 80..Mom picked the cruise Silversea for the ship b/c she likes Small ships -7/29-7/6 Anchorage to Vancouver

    Train from ANC to Seward

    Sitka-otter/Wildlife tour

    Juneau- Whale watch tour/Mendenhall Glacier/ Dog sledding- some may only do one others may do all -in port 8 AM-11PM- is this too much -heard WW is best here

    Skagway- White pass train tour( is it better than train to Seward) or Dog sledding if we pass-cancels in Juneau- in port 7AM-3PM

    Ketchikan-Misty Fjords by floatpane or Zodiac tour

    group will split some I am sure....we have boys 20/22 that would probably like to fish


    any tips for this first timer who is researching for the group ??

  6. We did the summer musher's camp in Skagway through Alaska Excursions (but booked through the ship due to time constraints). It was myself, my DD10 and a friend. We had a fabulous time. Dog sledding was a bucket list item of mine, something I have wanted to do since I was my DD's age. I would have loved to do the glacier sledding, but it wasn't in the budget since I wanted to bring my DD along too, I wanted it to be a guaranteed thing, not canceled at the last minute and flying in a helicopter is definitely NOT on my bucket list!


    Our driver was fabulous, he's a musher who plans to be in the Iditarod in 2018, on the way out of town he stopped by his house and called his personal lead dogs out in his yard for us to see. The ride out to Dyea (30 mins) is gorgeous. We got to ride in the front seat of the mountain buggy (bathroom stop and ride up is about another 30 mins) up the hill which was neat and then the dogsledding itself was awesome. The dogs are so strong and so excited to run! You go around about 3 times on a loop lasting about 15-20 mins and then you get about 10 minutes after to pet and interact with the dogs. On the way back down the mountain they stop at an overlook they have built and you can see your ship from and then they do a presentation on the race gear (30 min ride down and then 10-15 min presentation.) Then you get to watch the older puppies play for a bit in the "shark tank" and run on a giant hamster wheel (5-10 mins). Finally is puppy playtime, we got to hold and pet 2 week old puppies for about 15 mins. They also have a store on site, they take lots of photos of you that are available to purchase along with t-shirts, stuffed animals, magnets, etc. Then a 30 min ride back to town.


    Was it expensive? Yes, but so is everything in Alaska. We also did whale watching in Juneau and these two things were the highlights of our trip.




    we are looking for a dog sledding tour thanks-which whale watching tour did you do in Juneau?

  7. Family of 12-ages 18,20,21,22,24 plus 6 adults- Grandmother's 80th b'day trip- we will be stopping in Sitka, Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan -starting in Seward and ending in Vancouver- week of July 4th on a small ship...Grandmother wants to do a train trip, and all want to go dog sledding... Boys I am sure would like to fish.. and we want to do a whale watching tip.. I am in charge of researching. We all

    received excursion list from the ship but I am looking for feedback...from those that have already gone... private operators who charge less than ship....TIA!!

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